Vamoose is in da hoose! Ep 18 of the AusComX Show

A small portion of the Vamoose crew join us this Wednesday night to discuss.... well who knows, it's the Vamoose crew, anythings possible!!!! 7pm AEST (8pm for you crazy daylight saving types - won't anyone think of the cows) oh and multiple other times for the many times zones around the place. We've got Spedsy…


(there will be errors in the following text)

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:13):
Hey, this is Sizzle and Morgan. And today we the guys from Ver Moose, we’ve got Nick May, we’ve got Hayden Spiel and we’ve got Spie slash Rob Lyle, or Lily as I like to call him Ponsy. Yeah, sorry. Let’s get on with the show, shall we?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (00:36):
Let’s do, it

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01):
Goes too long. Hello guys. Good everyone.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:10):
How is

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11):
Everyone? Hayden, Nick. Hello, hello, hello,

Haydn Spurrell (01:14):
Hello. I didn’t know that Rob’s other nickname was Liley. I’ve never heard that one before. Did you just make that up there, chase?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:21):
No, that was typo. That was a typo that I think it’ll stick.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:28):
Yeah, with any luck.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:34):
What was it? Lilo? Lily

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:36):
What? Li Li

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:38):
Blow me up from fresh Milo.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:43):
I’ve forgotten that already. Alright, are we doing it? Are we doing it?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:47):
We’re doing it. We’re doing it.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:48):
Doing Ready?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:49):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:51):
Mark, what’s up?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:53):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:53):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:55):
Hey Dave,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (02:00):
All team. Awesome. All right, so let’s begin. So ver moth, what is it? Where did it begin and why should we indeed, why should we be interested? So who would like to start with? Where does any hopefully one of you guys know? Where did it start from? Where did the idea of the moose, not the moose that was a drinking joke,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (02:32):
Rob? Well, the idea and the what it is, it’s an anthology. It’s an anthology based around a theme or concept that myself or Nick comes up with. Its kind of, I have likened it to comic book improv where you get a line from the audience and you go wild. So issue one, it was too many chooks, which was thrown in the hat by me and chosen by Nick from a list of 10. And then we invited various artists and writers to jump in with a story or art or whatever using the concept of too many chooks. And then number two was Nick gave me a list of things and on that list was not on my watch, not on my watch, my watch. And that’s what I chose and that’s what we ran with in terms of the origin of the idea. Well, so there’s a gentleman by the name of Josh Ner who runs a book called Heaps, and I had just dropped the Devil’s Toilet two and wanted to do something else, but Devil’s Toilet Two took me about 10 hours a page to draw.

And so 10 hours times 22, I’m not good at maths. It seems like a lot. Lot. Yeah, lots. Yeah. So I wanted to put something out sooner than that, and I joined Heaps for an issue. I did a little four pager thing called Mule, about a mule that gets depressed and then finds joy in the simple things. And it was a Ben, Hey Ben Vamoose alumni. And so Mule was a two colour four panel, a page, extreme closeups, quick to draw, half an hour to an hour a page, simple sort of thing. And so I said to Josh, Chad, Zeer of heaps, I said, I’m in forever issue. And he said, no, you’re not. This is just a guess.

And at the same time, an old friend slash mentor of mine appeared on Instagram who I hadn’t spoken to for a while. And there was this guy called Cherno Bill, and I recognised the artwork and I’m called at sped Z on Instagram. And this Cherno Bill was talking to me using my government name of Rob and was being overly friendly for a person who I had no idea who it was. And so I went onto the page and I was scrolling through and I was like, this artwork looks familiar. Why does this person talk? They know me. And then I saw May down in the bottom corner of one of the drawings, and I was, that’s Nick May. And I reached out as a gentleman I grew up with, and I said, funnily enough, I’ve got this idea for a comic where we spend an hour a page, it’s bare bones, it’s just scribble down ideas. You draw half of it, I draw half of it, let’s go. And then he sent me a page and it was beautiful. And I was like, screw that simple artwork stuff. And we went from there. At the same time I had been speaking to Hayden, we both write for Reverie publications and we were sort of each other’s sounding boards. And it sort of felt weird to be starting a project that didn’t have Hayden on it because we were so in each other’s pockets at the time and still are. I like to think. And so we tried to make a thing work and Hayden’s become invaluable to the book and I’ll shush and let other people tell about it.

Haydn Spurrell (06:35):
I mean, that’s a really nice way of saying that. I pretty much just kicked down the door and pushed my way into this project. I mean, the origins that you just described sounds a bit like a tragedy, Rob, because here’s Nick flirting with you on Instagram and all you want to do is make a comic.

Nick May (06:55):
It was a tough period of my life.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (06:59):
And then you are the crazy brother that the mom and dad are like, oh, can you bring your brother along? And I’m like, all right. So Hayden was writing a bunch of books at the time, and so I think the original idea was to write some prose stuff and find an illustrator for him to team up with. And I had just met an illustrator the day before by the name of Emily Grace. And so Hayden and Emily joined forces, but in the meantime, Hayden and Ben Sullivan had been a budgeting, burgeoning relationship.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (07:39):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:40):
I’m sure budgeting,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (07:41):
Yeah, budgeting, burgeoning all of it, detective budgeting. And so they came up for book two. Yeah.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (07:50):
Very good. Very good. Thank you. That’s 10 minutes on the first question. So we’re going to be three questions.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:58):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (07:58):
This, I’m just glad. It was great.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (08:01):
So Nick, to you yourself, would you like to say a little bit about, let’s go issue one, your work in issue one, the story, the characters, and what was the inspiration or the main thought that sort of kicked them off? And I’ll show a little bit if you like while you’re doing that.

Nick May (08:23):
Yeah, sure. So one of my favourite comics of all time, well, no, it’s a series, is the Tintin book. So really love Tintin and Captain Haddock and really wanted to have that dynamic between two disparate characters. And so I came up with Sputnik and Thunder Guts, and my original idea was that Sputnik was going to be like Craven the Hunter. He was going to have sort of a Russian accent and whatever. And I thought, yeah, I’m not sure if that’s racist or not. And it is, I think I decided it was so I took away the accent. But having spoken to Rob, I wanted to have something simple but a little bit silly. And with the whole theme of chooks and whatever, a story came to me pretty quickly. But as Rob will tell you, I think I came up with about 20 pages and had to pair that back.

And I had them riding goats and visiting farms and too many chooks were creating their own weather cycles and all of that sort of stuff. And I thought, I can’t draw any of that sort of rubbish. So I went much more simple than that, kept some of my original ideas, brought on some new stuff, but basically, and I’ve said it before, I sort of write and draw for myself. So anything that I find funny or silly, I’m pretty keen to put in there. But having said that, when I looked at my issue one stuff, I thought, well, I was a bit heavy with the lines there and the lettering was a little bit big and all of that sort of stuff. So I like to think that between the first and second issues, I’ve sort of evolved a little bit. And for the third I’ve evolved a little bit more and hopefully I’ll keep doing that. So yeah. Did I answer any question? I’m not sure you

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (10:49):
Did. You answered all one of them. You answered very well. No, no, it’s good. That was very, very good. Thank you. Thank you very much. So young Hayden, I think I can say young, I presume younger than I am. I’m 80, so young Hayden. So writing, why don’t you tell us a little bit about your stories, your involvement and what it’s like as a writer in this enterprise rather than being one of those illustrators. Maybe a little bit about the process that you went through with.

Haydn Spurrell (11:24):
Yeah, I’m really lucky. I mean, firstly that Rob invited me onto it early on, he was, as he spoke to, he was brainstorming a lot and we spoke about things like the title and what he wanted to achieve with the book. And I was having a really good time just being that sounding board for him and offering something if I could. But then he got thinking, how can Hayden get involved in, so I didn’t really know. And then he had this idea that we could include a prose element, get an illustrator on, and it was sort of this really amazing experience because it sort of proved what Rob was trying to do with this book and that he was trying to create this little community of just creators making comics based on a theme. But they’re just sort of, we’re all having fun and we’re experimenting and we’re playing around with it. And so that’s kind of my approach to the writing that I’m doing on the book. I think I’m the only solo writer in there at this stage. No, I think or Peter Wilson might have a, I don’t know. Anyway,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (12:39):
Peter Wilson. Yeah.

Haydn Spurrell (12:40):
Yeah. So it’s been sort of a chance to just challenge myself as a writer. I don’t, some of these stories that I’m writing, what did we do? We had to get a 500 word story down to 250 or something at one point. That’s tough. That’s real tough. But it’s been so much fun. And Emily Grace is an incredible illustrator, so I am finding that the less I can write, the more we can just bathe in the glory of her art. Yeah, it’s gorgeous stuff. And she’s another one who’s just like, each new issue is just better than the last. It’s crazy. I can’t wait for people to see issues to read. It’s really cool. And then I’m working with Ben as well, so Ben Sullivan and I, we work together a fair bit. Yeah, that’s more of Emily’s.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (13:34):
Yeah, you can see there. So we sort of learned from the first one that two full pages of text can be a little bit daunting in a comic book. And so yeah, we sort of work to get it. That story’s a little bit more, I don’t know, succinct and snappier and give Emily more room to play. Yeah, sorry, Hayden.

Haydn Spurrell (13:53):
No, she’s also taken on the type setting there. So I laid the text for the first issue, and I think you can kind of tell that hers was a little bit better. And then me and Ben, or Ben and I we’re doing, it’s sort of a whole other different challenge for me as a writer, is that we’re telling nine panel one page stories. So again, it’s that just pairing it right back and telling something weird and very conceptual, and sorry, Rob and Nick, but we have said to each other, if we fail every now and then we fail, the story doesn’t work, then we’ve learn something

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (14:35):

Haydn Spurrell (14:35):
By the book.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (14:39):
It makes the book a song can be boring if it’s just the same tone played the whole way through. If you read verus me and Nick are sort of whimsical, a little bit nutty, and then Hayden and Ben come in, it’s like, whoa, this is like a think piece.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (15:01):
The artwork’s quite different as well, which adds to that same sort of slightly different texture. It’s a palette cleanser, too much zaniness and it’s a little bit too much. So a little bit of dark chocolate to help even things out a bit. I don’t know, dark chocolate. I’m not a chef. Not chef.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (15:19):
Yeah. We’ve got the two widest guys we could find to bring the dark chocolate to Ouse,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (15:25):
Bring the goods. So Mr. Rob, now I’ve got to ask you about this fellow here.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (15:32):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (15:34):
So tell us a little bit about that young fellow. I’m not saying he’s modelled after me or anything when I didn’t have a beard, but why I

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (15:45):
Grew a beard.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (15:47):
And let me just say I love, love, love, love, loved this piece, and I love the just the nice little twist in there right down my alley, that sort of stuff. But anyway, why don’t you tell us a little bit where the idea came from? Yeah.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (16:04):
Well yeah, if Dave Dye plays him in the movie, you can play him in the flashbacks where it’s like as a younger man. Nice. That would be awesome. So Old Man Biscuit is a character that I’ve had, I can’t even remember how long since my late teens is basically started as an old guy who his catchphrase or the tagline to all his stories was more swords than sense. So he basically had to solved all these problems with violence, with a copious amount of swords. And then, yeah, so when it came time to Gary Della actually said there was an opportunity in one of his books to put a little two page Devil’s toilet teas thing in there. And I couldn’t think of what to do that wouldn’t upset the devil’s toilet continuity. So I reached back and grabbed an old character at which was Old Man Biscuit, and I did this little two page thing of him chasing the demons that are let loose in Devil’s Toilet two, I have him chasing some through the city, sort of teasing that this character will eventually join the Devil’s Toilet sy verse of it all. And then when it came time to do this book, I was on an old man kick, this sounds weird, but I’d been downloading lots of photos of old dudes.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (17:30):
That does sound weird.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (17:32):
We all go through that phase and

Just using them as a drawing exercise to draw their faces, all the wrinkles and just using more lines. My stuff is really bare bones with lines E, there’s this old man himself. So when it came time to put this book together, I had sort of already wedged this guy into the SP verse, so it seemed like the one to pick and expand on his story a little bit. And there’s a Faith No More song from the Angel Dust record, I think it’s track four. And it’s a song that pretty much the whole part of it’s narrated and it’s about this drop kick of a father who

Nick May (18:25):
He’s never going to mount to nothing.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (18:28):
You know the song. And that’s sort of the song in my head when I am writing slash drawing Old Man biscuit. You can see in that stuff you just held up, it’s four panels per page at the start, extreme closeups very little colour, what we were aiming for originally. And then as it goes on, you can tell where I see Nick’s stuff because suddenly I go more panels, more panels, more stuff going on, more colour, got to keep up with Nick. But yeah, so I’ve become locally obsessed with Old Man Biscuit. You spoiler alert, the end of issue two, death comes for Old Man biscuit issue three, let’s just say John Snow’s resurrection ain’t got nothing on Issue three of a moose because old Man biscuit’s back a vengeance. This may or may not be his last issue of moose. He might be heading to the main book in the SP verse, the Devil’s Toilet. That’s all I can say.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (19:34):
Wow, you had it here first, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, no, that’s an exclusive. Do we have a thing? No, we don’t have a thing. No, we don’t have a thing. We’ll have to make a thing. I’ll make a thing.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (19:46):
There’s three people out there that probably care about that and all three of ’em are in this room. So

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (19:52):
I was going to say, and now all those three people know about it,

Nick May (19:57):
I’ve got to change my story.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (20:01):
Alright, so let’s take a little bit of a left turn if we shall. So I’ll throw to you, Nick, but tell me if you need a bit more time. So this one’s a little bit weird. What is an idea that you have come up with or you thought about that you played with that is just too insane to draw or write something that you really would like to, but you’re just kind of holding off on it if you’re willing to share it. Obviously some dude will steal it and then you’re done. So just be aware of that.

Nick May (20:32):
So I drew a rough draught of the Moose three that included lots of nuns and an Abby was called Blandon Abby after the great Neil Blandon. And it was about these women who had discovered a robot in let’s say 1829, no, let’s not say that. And the robot injected them with Nannis or something. And then by the end of the issue they were going to merge together to become this tanklike thing called Motor Superior. And nice, I just thought, I don’t know, I’m pretty sure that other people in this panel have told us to steer away from religion and that sort of stuff, so, so I scrapped that entire idea.

But yeah, I don’t know. I’m aware Morgan of my limitations. So the sorts of things that I like to steer away from background and drawing a character in more than one pose, I try to steer away from that. So basically all of my stories are just a cut and paste of a threequarter view of my characters. But as far as the secrets, yeah, well I don’t know if they’re secrets actually for anybody who’s looked at issues one and two and anything else that I’ve done. But yeah, there’s more stuff that I’d like to do. I don’t know if the moose lends itself to superheroes in my style, but eventually when we get to issue four, I’ve sort of got an homage to an old superhero in there and I’ll see how that goes. He says as if he’s drawn it, but I would like to experiment with stuff at the moment, anybody who’s seen my Instagram page will know that I’m a tiny little bit obsessed with parodies of Pulpy heroes at the moment.

So I drew a Dick Tracy parody, it’s not an homage. And I’ve also been sort of obsessed with Doc Savage and the Shadow and I’m sort of thinking that I would like to draw something like that. So again, I’m not necessarily scared of anything but backgrounds, but, and as my style evolves, stories come to me and that sort of stuff. So I guess I will go where the winds take me and if anybody wants to steal ideas, please do because I’m much more interested I’ve found in reading other people’s comics than I am in creating my own. So make NFTs out of my stuff.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (24:02):
There you go. Very good. Okay, I’m going to be thinking about Invitation Superior for a while there. Okay. Hayden, an idea that you’ve thought of that you just thought, I really want to do this, but for some reason it’s too weird or you haven’t gone ahead with it or Yeah,

Haydn Spurrell (24:20):
It’s a hard one.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (24:21):
Just lemme get a pen. Alright.

Haydn Spurrell (24:26):
Yeah, no, be my guest. So I think that a lot of the stories that I get really excited about initially and then I sort of get almost, I paralysed by or I get a little bit overwhelmed by where it could go and once that happens it tends to just, I hit a wall as soon as it gets too big in that initial stage. And I guess conversely, a lot of the stories I like to read, a lot of the comics are very mythologically driven, like the Sandman I guess, stories that have just these immense scopes. So it’s really easy to start going down this path of wanting to tell stories that are huge and momentous and epic and whatever, all these big words. But I often find that I tend to shy away from ’em after that initial sort of brainstorming period. So there was one story that was kind of, I think I might’ve spoken to Rob about this actually quite recently, dunno if I remember, but it was sort of this idea of parallel dimensions, but for each sort of stage of life, death before life, all this sort of weird stuff.

And all of a sudden you go down this path of, okay, what are the rules of this university trying to create? And it just becomes this fog and it’s just horrifying. And so I just kind of shelve it for a while and I’ll let it simmer in the back of my mind and maybe I’ll come back to it or maybe I’ll just let it die. But yeah, sometimes it’s like that. I think that particularly for me and particularly lately, I find it’s quite comforting to try and reign it in and sort of narrow my field of vision, focus on one issue or focus on a shorter story. That’s my cat. Yeah, so I guess that’s a long-winded way of saying that I don’t do any of my wild ideas.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (26:42):
So the follow up question, are there anything that you write that you have a spreadsheet for to keep track of?

Haydn Spurrell (26:53):
I did use to

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (26:54):
Do stuff like that

Haydn Spurrell (26:55):
Guide. That’s such a rabbit hole though. I found that I was planning too much at one point. I think it’s a real balancing act. So I’ve done that in the past, but I try not to do it. I try and limit, obviously you have to have a plan and you have to have an idea of what your structure is and blah blah blah, but I have to have an idea. But you can end up in the weeds and get nothing done because you’re too busy overthinking every step of the way.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (27:30):
So speaking of overthinking every step of the way, so you’ve had plenty of time to think what’s your genius? Weird. And I am hesitant to ask what’s the weirdest thing that you’ve thought of that you haven’t quite gone with?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (27:51):
I’m sure you guys are well aware of my story, but I’ll say it all again Anyway. Yeah, so I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember and Nick May’s brother is my best friend, Dan May. And I grew up either Dan living at my house or me living at Dan’s house and Dan shared a room with Nick and he had a drawing board and it was full of Nick’s comics, Nick’s drawings, and his own creator own comics. So I would spend the whole time pouring over these drawings and it’s like I’ve got a lot of my style from that. So it’s hard for me in a way to actually work out where my ideas start and how much I’ve stolen because a lot of my characters, particularly my early ones, solve their problems with violence. A lot of Nick’s May’s characters solve their problems with violence. And so I want pain source sauce. And so I wonder was I drawn to Nick’s stuff because that’s how I thought as well. Or was I a young boy easily impressionable, saw this stuff and was like, oh, that’s what you do. Why let my lawyers decide

Either way so my art could be considered cute or a Simpsons type sort of style. And so what I did then was to juxtapose that I would have them doing horrible things, cutting each other’s heads off and all that sort of stuff to offset the cuteness. And so I have a lot of characters and Devil’s Toilet was one of them who would pull out guns and if you looked at in the wrong way, he would shoot your head off and there’d be blood everywhere and whatever. So

Haydn Spurrell (29:51):
It sounds like you like rebelling against your own style, Rob.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (29:55):
Well yes, weirdly, all the people that they used to shoot looked a lot like me. My toilet character shot generic guy with brown hair. But yeah, so years ago I did this, I don’t think I can even mention it because it’s so wrong, but it was a dog that had a penis for a nose, three boobs and a penis for a tail.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:21):
Now I dunno what his story was,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (30:24):
But every time he barked, well,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:31):
I just want to say that story wasn’t based on any of my,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (30:39):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:39):
Used to putting that out there, Nick, just put that out there.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (30:42):
I’ve got a thing right here, I’ll see if I can grab it.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (30:46):
Oh, you don’t have to show it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:48):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (30:51):
This is is a thing I was commissioned for back in the day, can you do a three panel comic strip on the back of our heavy metal things? So this took everything that Devil’s Toilet used to do and all the other characters and it’s basically just meet a person, the person says the wrong thing, shoot his head off, and I did three of these cards. And so that’s the sort of thing I guess I think is too much for me to be doing these days anyway. Let’s try and forget Penis Dog moving on.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:30):
Let’s try to, but it might not happen.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (31:34):
So question for SPS or Nick around the art style. So given your styles that are distinct but have similarities, have you ever considered, it seems barbaric but doing a larger piece, like a graphic novel sort of size thing, but deadly serious, like dramatic or intense or whatever, but just in your own art style, I know that that would be a huge bit of work just for a funny like, hey, let’s do this, but if any of you considered that sort of thing.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (32:12):
Yes, I have and I’m, I have a book coming out called Sluggish, which is will be on Kickstarter, the Notify Me now thingy is up if you go to psycho It has jokes but it’s catchphrase, if I can remember off the top of my head is something like who needs action adventure and thrilling heroics when you can depression, anxiety and a bunch of slugs. So it’s a slug type character and it’s a fault of a few people. Nick May, Nick Cleary, yourself Sizzle, just different people being speaking to. But a big one is Steve Saul who does reviews for Comics net au. He is a fan of my stuff. I think he always reviews it very, very nicely. He’s reviewed the Moose one and two Devil’s Toilet one and two, his reviews always end with the same line variations on the same line. It’s sort of like if you come looking for the answer to human existence, don’t come here. These books are silly and fun or something like that. And I said, right, no more silly and fun, I’m bringing it. So there are real stakes and stuff in the Devil’s Toilet, but it’s meant to be a good time. Sluggish does have some jokes, but it’s a look at depression and social anxiety and stuff like that. It’s part one of what I hope will be three or four issues that I then want to collect into one big thing and see how I’m almost tempted to bring it up. I don’t know if the world could deal with it. I do have one image

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:06):
Of draw sometime, Rob, that’ll be a late night one, A late night drink and draw.

Nick May (34:16):
I have a short answer, Morgan. No, I always think that there are people like Rob and people like Hayden and other people as well who do serious stuff really well and

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (34:35):
Thanks Duncan,

Nick May (34:37):
Why add to it? So I’m content to noodle around and live in the past and have stupid homage jokes to eighties and nineties music and that sort of stuff. And that satisfies me sometimes when I am thinking about stories and I’m like, oh yeah, yeah, that’s good, that’s good. And I think, well, where am I going to fit the jokes? Where am I going to put the stupid stuff in? No, I’m not doing that story. So good day, Zach. Yeah. So again, no, I’m not necessarily tempted to do anything serious.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (35:18):
Funnily enough though I did hit Nick with an idea late last year, which will be if and when we do it, it would be me writing and Nick drawing. The majority of it will be comedic, but it will be serious. I will love to make it be M’s

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:41):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (35:42):
Serious work and put some challenging, I need this person to be crying and I need you to be crying while you draw it. That sort.

Haydn Spurrell (35:52):
And that person is looking at Wang dog and that’s why

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:57):
Wang dog gets divorced. Land dog loses his job,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (36:05):
Can’t keep his nose straight. Now

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:10):
You have to go there, didn’t you, I’m just going to throw this question up because people probably want to know this one as well. Where did Vermes come from?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (36:18):
I actually like this story. So my name is Rob and Nick May’s name is Nick. What? Both of them. When you think about it, you can rub a bank and you can nick stuff. So we tried to do a combining of those two things. We did a, it’s called pillage, it’s called tails stolen from the something we were trying to do a stealing thieving something, whatever. And it was actually going back and forth with Hayden. What did we land on, Nick? We landed on something before. Yeah,

Nick May (36:56):
It was tails to enlighten, pillage. No, I don’t know. It was something about stealing stuff. Yeah, mainly the ideas that I was going to use. Yeah,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (37:08):
Yeah. And then running past Hayden, I was just like, while I was chatting with Nick about it, I was talking to Hayden, I was like, this is what we’ve got. We’re doing a Rob, Nick, Phoebe type thing. And Hayden said, well what about after you’ve robbed a nick, what do you do? You flee. And I was like, oh, you’ve a moose. And I didn’t even give Nick a choice. I was like, I’ve just Googled it. There’s nothing we can do. It’s called ver moose

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:33):
And here’s the title one he like, alright,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (37:37):
Nice. So once you rob people or nick stuff, what do you do? You have a moose, there you go. So

Nick May (37:42):
It was plunder or something, wasn’t it that right.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (37:45):

Nick May (37:45):
Plunder. And I think there was already something that existed, which made it slightly problematic, but verus it was. And I believe that Hayden might downplay his role in it, but it’s my understanding that Hayden was super instrumental, at the very least Rob coming up with that title. So yeah, I mean

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (38:12):
The whole book really,

Haydn Spurrell (38:13):
I was just being a total killjoy when Rob was telling me all these ideas. I’m thinking, I was saying stuff like plunder that kind of sounds like a little bit depressing. I think the title in the end, it sort of speaks to this anthology, is it’s about escapism and it’s about getting away and having a good time and just throwing yourself into these weird and wacky stories. So moose seemed to fit.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:41):
It does. It does. Very much so.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (38:44):
And the good thing when you have Hayden on a book, not only do you have a really good creative mind, but then you’ve also brought in an editor, a type setter, a graphic designer you backed all yourself into. You’re like, oh, you’ve got a member of the team who can basically do all of it. And what do you look for in a story?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (39:06):
Sorry, even ver,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (39:09):
I don’t know. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (39:11):
I was wondering as well.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (39:14):
So it’s tricky. So for the most part we’ve invited people and we’ve invited people that we know and trust I guess. And so we don’t even look at scripts or anything, it just rocks up and it’s one of, that’s the royal we, by the way, that’s Rob. No, I know that.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (39:36):
We will.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (39:38):
It comes to the psycho janitor offices and I knock on Nick’s office door and I say, Hey, you got a minute, come and have a look. And he puts down what he’s working on and we go and have a look knock on Hayden’s door and we all meet in the lunch room. True. Yeah. So it’s been just people we trust and then it just rocks up fully done, complete. Awesome. Not that there are people that I don’t trust, but it would just be scary to just say everyone. Yeah, just go for it and then get some pages and go, oh no, what’s this? Dave Di showed us say little bits of his and I was like, is that a condom in that panel? Oh no. Oh no. What is this going to be? Came through And it’s so delightfully awesome. So there was nothing to worry about, but it just did make me think, oh, maybe I should have my eyes on these things before they’re all finished and done. Speaking of which, can I show you just a few little teasers?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:38):
Yeah, go for life, please. I’ll let you drive.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (40:41):
Yeah, so this is just little samples. Dave Dye is in the book. He does a four page story that’s absolutely awesome. These are just little snapshots of little panels. Dana Lawson joins us for a little four page story that I wrote and she drew, we have Robbie Donaldson and Peter Wilson. They’re doing this. Yeah, I don’t, you know how I always say, well you should spoil it a little bit so that people want to read it, but this has got a little twist in it. There’s so much fun, it sort of deals with that sort of, what do you call that, Nick? The ferryman? Is that like a take on the Ferryman, the guy that takes you? Yeah,

Nick May (41:34):
Over the river sticks. I think his name’s Krista Berg. And you shouldn’t pay him until he gets you to the other side,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (41:42):
Right? Ah,

Nick May (41:43):
Okay. No, no, it’s the song Don’t Pay the Ferryman. Come on. Oh, okay. That’s a good point. Let me write that down. Don’t pay. Excellent.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (41:56):
This is a little look at Emily Grace’s illustration for a story called Rusty by her and Hayden. Nice Chris Pecan and Nicole Kane doing a story. This is just little sample panel. Oh, very cool. Like a bit of a space adventure. Oh, so for those who don’t know this, the concept for issue three is robots and robots.

Nick May (42:21):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (42:21):
You can take that as seriously as you want. There are people who have done like Pete and Robbie, literal robots in literal robots, and then other people like Alex Major brings the delightfulness with an awesome little twist at the end. It’s basically three Indian miner birds that fall in love and then fight about it for three pages. That’s just a little temple. There’s a bunch of other cool stuff from other cool people that’s just,

Nick May (42:57):
Yeah, there’s some cool stuff from me. I’m sort of exploring what it means to be a man in the 21st century and well that’s what happens on the first page. So Thunder Guts is wondering about what does he have to do to be a man? And the suggestion is to get a tattoo and then polar polarity in including robots and robots.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (43:28):
Nice. My story deals with the consequences of issue two, where old men biscuit suffocates in space and you see in the last panel here, is saved by a crew from a spaceship. That crew is for the long time people, I just suddenly just thought of this. So I had a podcast years and years ago called Toothbrush Love, we had a radio play on there called space cheese, which actually now that I think about, it goes back even further. There’s a local radio station called Knox fm and I had a radio show on that in my early twenties with two mates and we did a radio play called Space Cheese, which is about these, this little gang that fly around in the spaceship and basically the galaxy is ruled by space cheese. There’s only a fine amount of this cheese. It’s real serious stuff you guys. And this cheese powers spaceships and all this sort of stuff. And so the whole galaxy fights over space cheese then was, I’ve not seen it in June,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:48):
They mine the cheese and the whole thing.

Nick May (44:52):
Cheeses and all sorts of stuff. Yeah,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (44:55):
You’re breaking my heart. You guys in Badly Beaten Boy. There was this brief, brief moment where I was going to start my comic book career 10 years ago and in the back

Was going to draw the Space Cheese Chronicles, but we just never got around to it, which were his take on the characters from the radio play. And then so I bring them into verus two and then they take the starring role in verus three and maybe onwards, dunno, I was saying this I think to either Hayden or Nick that I, old man biscuits going to be, he’s going to move on and the space cheese guys are going to take over. And then I was like, they’re actually a bit of a bitch to draw the space cheese guys. I think I want old man biscuit back. So they must be last minute rewrite where they all die and he survives. I don’t know,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (45:51):
Very. Here they come. Get ready for the cheese buns. Okay, so first thing before we get to the, so this is the penultimate question. Where do people go? Where do they find issue number three, sales pitch? Now’s your chance.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (46:10):
Well, you can get issues one and two of verus from Comex Shop. You can also get it from psycho That’s psycho janitor spelt si co janet do com.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (46:26):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (46:30):
There, you can buy all the previous issues in the shop. On the front page is a link to the Kickstarter, which will be launching hopefully late February, may, June, sometimes June. That’s June with a D

Nick May (46:44):
When I finish

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (46:48):
Everyone’s art and story is in except for me and Nick. So we’ve just got to do our piece that will be for Devil’s Toilet three, ver Moose three and sluggish number one. So, that’s where you can find it all.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (47:03):
Fantastic, fantastic. Okay, thank you very much. So now we are at the most highly anticipated question of the night. I have to ask three of you separately favourite food watching which favourite movie Nick may go.

Nick May (47:20):
Right. Well, my favourite movie is the version of Robocop that was released in cinemas that had all of the swearing dubbed over. So when a guy was called an asshole, they dubbed over and he was called an airhead and that sort of stuff. It was the most amazing movie that I’ve ever seen and it took me until last year to track down a version of it. So I don’t want to body shame myself, but any food is fine while I’m watching

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:03):

Nick May (48:05):
Overdubbed version of the original Robocop.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:09):
Fantastic, fantastic. Hayden, that’s a great choice. Favourite food, favourite movie or just a movie you would like to watch again?

Haydn Spurrell (48:18):
Okay, favourite food. This is going to sound like a vegan ran, I promise it’s not. But my favourite food used to be Almond Magnums. And I think I’m on an endless quest to find a suitable replacement because there’s nothing vegan that matches the quality. So that’s kind of a tragedy for you all. I’m still trying to find my favourite food, favourite movie. Yeah, I’m a sucker for Blade Runner and Alien, those sort of classic Oh, nice Sci-fi, cross horror or cross noir, those hybrid eighties films. Yeah, nice.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (49:01):
So watching one of those sci-fi type of flicks with the memory of an almond, maybe at some point there will be a replacement that’s viable

Haydn Spurrell (49:14):
Is just not as good anymore.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (49:20):
Yeah, well just to, this might sound like a non-vegan rant, but just the flesh of any animal basically

Nick May (49:29):
Still sounds vegan.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (49:34):
Well, so my movie, my favourite movie is not very like, oh that’s a real writer’s choice of a movie. If you asked me when I was in my teens, it would’ve been Tango and Cash. In my twenties it would’ve been rats in my thirties it would’ve been Serenity. And now it’s a Avengers End game, the most popcorn movie of the world. As you can see, I grew up on comic books and that movie is just like, I have what I like to call coolness tears, almost the whole movie. And that’s just basically, this is so cool.

Nick May (50:16):
This is good as Infinity War,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:20):
That’s my tease as well.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (50:23):
See I just watched Infinity War again last that day to gear up for this that day when I’m going to watch Endgame again for the 10th time. Oh nice, nice. But yeah, anytime that the two Marvel characters stand side by side, then I’m just like, oh there they are. So when all the toxic fanboy were all just like, why all the girls stand together and I was just like big girls, they’re awesome. And my favourite food would be, well for the Tango and cash it would’ve been KFC. More rats would’ve been so chips, serenity, KFC again. And now it’s probably Mexicana Pizza with hot salami and jalapenos because I just want to feel something. If your mouth’s burning, you’re alive, mate.

Nick May (51:13):
That’s why you’re crying. You know that

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (51:20):
They’re standing next to each other and this pizza’s freaking

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (51:23):
Hot. Okay, so we are now at the point in the show where we present our wonderful gift. Now unfortunately we only had time and inclination to draw one character or did we tell me you didn’t cheat against No, I just did the one. I just did the one. You just did the one. Okay. I didn’t have time. I thought me to hang on but no, no, I was giving that the one I just did

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (51:52):
One. Did you cheat like you always did you get Jim Lee or something to draw the Devil’s Toilet?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (51:59):
I actually did it myself this time.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:02):
Hey, isn’t there a question you asked where the character goes to McDonald’s or something?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:06):
There is. I can ask that one. I hate that one. I just thought

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:09):
I was looking forward to that one. I can’t remember what it is though.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:11):
Alright. Okay. For old times sake, you got to pick a character. It can be either a villain or a protagonist. You are in the car with them, they’re in the backseat, you’re going through McDonald’s, drive through, what are they ordering? So maybe old man biscuit.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:26):
Mine would be, well Devil’s Toilet would be in the backseat.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:31):
What does the toilet eat?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:32):
Yeah. I’ve never even addressed whether or not he used. So I you

Nick May (52:36):
Put in it,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:37):
Throw a Big Mac in the bowl and away you think for a question. I was looking forward to, I’d have a better answer, but I was going

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:45):
To say, I thought you had something in the chamber ready to go. Did I nothing there?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:52):
I just want McDonald’s. That’s all.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:54):
Nick, did you want to answer that one?

Nick May (52:56):
Yeah, so I would be in the car with minty frisk and wouldn’t matter where he was sitting, he would end up shooting the person who served him at the drive-through window. He’d probably asked for a short back in sides and then realise it wasn’t a drive-through Barber maybe.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (53:21):
I’m not sure. Does minty brisket save problems, solve all these problems with violence, Nick?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:26):
Yeah, I think I learned that from you, Rob. Okay.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (53:32):
When I was a foetus. Looking at your drawing board

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:34):
Like Foetus

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (53:35):
Doing here

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:39):
And Hayden have, you can pick any character that you’ve ever written if you’d like.

Haydn Spurrell (53:45):
I’ll cheat then because I’ll use a character that I didn’t invent, but I’m in a bit of a torn phase doing a bunch of littering at the moment. So torn is in the back of the seat and he is threatening to kill me if I don’t take him to, I don’t eat that.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:00):
Do you know what he would order?

Haydn Spurrell (54:04):
Rob? You’re probably more qualified to make that call.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:07):
It’d be a double quarter pounder.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:10):
Oh, that’s what I was thinking.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:12):
It’s just that sort of jerk.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:14):
He just seems like that sort of person. Yeah,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:17):
I thought at least one of you would say he wouldn’t be able to decide because he’s torn. Come on. It was there people. It was there. Anyway.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:27):
I saved the jokes for the devil’s toilet books. Torn is where I’m dead serious mate.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:32):
I have

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:33):
No pun jokes.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:35):
Nothing’s honey at all.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:36):
No puns,

Haydn Spurrell (54:37):
No pun often. Send him angry messages after I’ve led it. And she was saying, where the hell are the jokes?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:44):
Why am I crying? Deal.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:45):
What’s the

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:46):
Am I crying?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:53):
So let’s do the presentation sizzle and again to Nick, we’ll have to do another one for yourself and to Hayden, we’ll have to do one. So this one is

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:04):
For you? Yes,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:04):
Definitely. Whichever

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:06):
You want. Sizzle? Yeah, it just happened to be one of your characters. I just picked a cover. Anyway, we’ll go with Nick first because that seems to be a tradition. Nick Morgan first, because that seemed to be a bit of a tradition I noticed. Oh, I see what you did there. Bloody toilet.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:23):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:24):
Toilet. I love it.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (55:27):
That’s awesome.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:29):
It’s recognisable. People could kind of see what it

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:32):
Is. Yeah, that’s great. And I didn’t go for the toilet. I didn’t go for the toilet. I love it. Wow. Hang on,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:46):
Hang on, hang on, hang on. I see pencils and I see pens. I thought the agreement was straight to ink.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:53):
Two minutes.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:55):
Put footing around with pencils.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:58):
Damn you. Big screen. Damn you.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (56:01):
I have a rule that’s like never make a decision in ink that you didn’t already make in pencil. Looking at those tentacles, you made so many decisions in ink that

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:10):
Yes I, yes I did. I made quite a few. I’m with you sle. The pencils are all over the shop. Thanks Peter.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:22):
There we go. So we’ll be doing a Kickstarter for our own artwork book sometime in 2020. Never. But we’ll see how we go. Yeah, we’ll keep you guys in the loop.

Haydn Spurrell (56:33):
Those will be Kickstarter, stretch goal covers for the Moose.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:36):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:42):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:42):
Would be great. Keeping

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:43):
The pencils online. Of course.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (56:46):
I would love it if you could send me them though, because I’m compiling the back. What do you call it? The back stuff in the Devil’s toilet. So that’d be cool called

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:55):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:56):
Definitely the

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (56:57):

Haydn Spurrell (56:58):
End or end matter.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (57:00):
I heard that Shane.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:01):

Haydn Spurrell (57:02):
Like your terminology. What was it? Back stuff.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (57:04):
Yeah, I heard that Shane not putting back stuff in the movie. Come on, Shane has to sleep on a pile of comics each night because the only way he can get comfortable because he has back issues,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:17):
Doesn’t it recharge his because of back issues. Yeah, you’re allowed

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:21):
To do the thumb. I do have back issues. This is true. Yes. Yes.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (57:24):
Yeah. Alright.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:27):
That was a great point to end on. I think that was wonderful.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:31):
There you go Morgan. Our

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (57:33):
Skills from the master

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:36):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:36):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:38):
Alright. All right. That puts a bit of pressure on for next week. God. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:41):
It does, doesn’t it? I’ll have to rub out my pencils next time so I don’t get caught out.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (57:47):
Yeah, never give in sizzle.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:52):
We know I won’t. We know I won’t. I’ll leave it there. So all can see.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (57:58):
Make sure you stick around to the end of the show to find out what books that the guys didn’t read this week.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:03):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (58:04):
Hey, hey, hey. I read one this week.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:08):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (58:12):
I Kid because I love Not Laughing.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (58:15):
I’ll show you another package that we’re unpacking. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:18):
I’ve got another one to open.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (58:20):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:21):
Read it as we go.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (58:23):
Alright, well I read one. I did the work man. I did the work. Yeah. Alright, well that’s it. That’s this bit done. You’re better at this bit. You say the goodbye to the lads,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:43):
We’ll tack on our own show. This is true. Well thanks for coming on the Moose team. I’ll call you, just save me going through the names. Thank you. Thank you very much. It was an absolute pleasure. Great laugh. There was some tears and lots of tears apparently because of pizza and yeah, thanks a lot. Have a great night. Good luck on the Kickstarter. I’ve put the link into as many things as I could. Yeah, thanks. Press that notify everyone, press that notify so you get to find out when it actually gets released in March, April, may, June, some of those months. Take your pick. Don’t say June.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:23):
Definitely don’t

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:24):
Say June. Okay. I’m

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:26):
Scared now that they’ve got cheese in it. I

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:28):
Haven’t seen it. Maybe I should see it. Cool. Well thank you very much. Have a great one. Look forward to next time we have you on and yeah, have fun. Sees thanks, sees

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:41):
Thanks Morgan. Thanks guys.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:42):
Thanks guys. Thanks so much. And I’m not ready with the thing at all. Okay, here we go. Oh, I don’t like that screen.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:01):
What happened there? That was an extreme closeup. We didn’t need to see that stuff too

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:07):
Close. No, no, not at all. And this time, unlike SP’s little dig, then I actually did read something, the sign.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:19):
Oh you did?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:19):
I’ll go first. I did.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:20):
Alright. You go for it. You go for it. I

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:22):
Re-read. Sorry,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:23):
Cheated. Nice.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:26):
But I reread and I thought this was a good timing as well because we’ve got the Kickstarter going at the moment

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:32):
And we’ve got them on next week. We

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:36):
We’ve got them next week. Yeah, that sounds right.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:43):
So organised one to just knock off and just go. Yes we do. That’s all. That’s alright. We’re good. We’re good.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:49):
Hang on, let’s get that cover in there. There’s L Lua number one. We’ve got lna Lua number two in the Kickstarter as we speak. I made, there’s a link for a short link that I made. It’s com X VIP slash Lana two, the number two, not the word two. So yes, Lana Luca ties. It’s actually funny, I read this the second time today and I actually, there were things I missed the first time I read it, which the mermaid chick that has been talked about in the drink and draw last week or week before, whenever it was about Lana Luca number two. I didn’t notice her the first time I read this and she’s in here. It’s who calls Lana? It’s who Lana calls. And it just, I totally forgot

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:46):
About that. I think there’s a lot more in that first issue. Yeah. Than what you pick up in the first read. You can’t have to go back.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:52):
Yes. You have to go back and read it again. Because I noticed the mermaid check. I didn’t notice that there’s this sort of another world inside a world and only some people can see that other world. So Lana Luca is sort of part of that world. The fact that she’s a, I want to say Jackaroo

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:02:20):
Animal lady person.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:21):
Yeah. I forget what it’s called.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:02:24):
I forgot too.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:27):
No, I’ve got Jackaroo in my head now. It won’t go away. So yeah, whatever you call that thing that she is the rabbit antler thing.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:02:37):
The rabbit an thing. That’s the one.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:39):
Yeah, the rabbit antler thing. That’s what we’re going with. And there’s something in the private chat. I’m guessing it’s Jackalope. I knew there was a jack in there somewhere.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:02:47):
Jack, there you

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:47):
Go. Jackalope. So she’s a jackalope. And only some people can see that. Now. I didn’t realise that the first time I read this,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:02:57):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:57):
Didn’t realise that other people were seeing her as human. I was wondering why she’s walking around with these giant ears and things and no one seems to be really noticing or paying attention

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:03:08):
To. You can kind of, the first time I read it, I was reading it like magical realism. You assume that’s the world and everyone’s in it. But yeah, second time

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:17):
Around. Well that’s what

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:03:18):
I thought. It’s like, oh hang on. No, no, no. It’s showing a different type.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:25):
I was reading again and I think the Stacy girl can see, I think she comments on, oh now I can’t remember. I was doing too many things at once this afternoon. I think Stacey notices who he is, I think whatever. But yeah, so that’s when I realised that it was like, oh, okay. Some people, oh, okay. But the scene in where the camera shows her, that confused me a little bit. I would’ve thought I would’ve drawn her as human, but I guess that makes sense that we see her as who she is. I don’t know. That’s just me.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:04:01):
It’s the fourth wall. It’s the fourth wall. It’s us as the reader looking at the thing. That’s not the characters that’s not in the world. It’s complex. Yeah. Layers, bro.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:11):
Layers. But it was good. And just like last time I read it, now I’m hanging out for two all over again. And so I’m so glad that the Kickstarter is here. I have pledged go pledge Comex vip slash Lana two. That’ll take you there rather than trying to say it the whole Kickstarter URL. So yes, go check that out and you can get number one if you haven’t already got it as part of the Kickstarter. So that’s pretty awesome. One is awesome. And from what I’ve seen of the art in two Lauren Marshall’s art has also improved. So that’s even more awesome.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:04:51):
So good.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:52):
It was awesome enough in that.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:04:54):
Yeah. Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:55):
That’s my little,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:04:57):
All right, very good. So I have read with my brain, this one here, the straight,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:05):
I don’t know this one.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:05:07):
Yeah. So this one here. So this is, it’s by, hang on, Aaron Harvey. Chris. Now apologies if I damage your name. Badnock Batter Neck. Yeah, so bad. Harvey’s the two guys together. So this is your kind of classic horror at sea kind of thing. It’s not your typical sort of thing. So it’s a slower moving, gradually developing. I’ll show you some of the artwork if I can do that without, so it’s that kind of very clean style. Oh boy, I don’t want to go too far. Oh,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:46):
Hang on.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:05:47):
Stuff happens Sharks and such

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:53):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:05:56):
I’ve got a guarantee. Yeah.

So it’s quite a slow burn in terms of the story. And at the end of this issue is where things rapidly start to head in a downward direction. So it does have that kind of brooding dark kind of feel to it. But it’s much more evenly paced than, so it doesn’t sort of hit you first page. So fans of the, I suppose the kind of Stephen King, slow rolling, moving towards it. It’s coming, but you’re not quite there yet. That one there. It’s a nice size book too. It’s a decent, chunky, chunky book. And I think I had a look online, bad You can go there and grab this. And they’ve got a couple of others in there. They’ve got a couple of slash kind of Grindhouse murder mania kind of books on there as well, if you like that sort of stuff. Awesome.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:51):
I’ll be checking that site out after this.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:06:54):
So that was my read. Oh, there’s also a really cool thing that they have in here scattered throughout this sort of stuff where they have the old style kind of ads.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:07):
Oh, nice.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:07:08):
Yeah, they got a lot of that sort of stuff through there. That’s pretty cool. And I like the way they have some of that in there that incorporates their own advertising as well. It’s kind of cool. Yeah. So anyway, that was my read this week.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:24):
Awesome. And then we can get Is that what you said?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:07:31):
Hang on, hang on. Just look away SPS for two seconds. Not sped. Sorry. Sizzle for two seconds. I just want to see if that’s going to come up again. Something just happened. Is it going to happen again? Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:43):
Oh, what’s that? I didn’t see that. I was looking away.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:07:47):
There was a toilet. Cheeky. There was a toilet that appeared twice. Not once. Twice in our broadcast. Unannounced.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:55):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:07:56):
Unannounced. Anyway, there you go. It threw me for a second.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:59):
Cheekiness. Cheekiness. Yeah.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:08:01):
Yeah. Tell you what. Anyway, what were we saying? Good show. Good show good lads. Keep chatting with them. Go and get yourself Vamoose, all the Vamos. Go and get Lana Luca. Have a look at Bad Harvey. Goodnight New York.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:18):
Definitely. I’ll be doing that. And just to show the better toilet, that’s what we’re talking about.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:08:24):
What? Yes. I mean, look at the crafting of that bowl and

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:30):
Oh yes. So much more detail than other fellow.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:08:34):
Yeah, Jean. So it is bad I think. But if you look up bad Harvey. Oh, sorry, Harvey. H-A-R-V-I-E.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:47):
IE. Oh, okay.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:08:48):
IE. So IEEY. It’s got that one on. Where am I there? Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:57):
Yep. Cool.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:08:59):
Sweet. Well

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:00):
That’s the show. Thank you very much, Morgan. Another great Wednesday night.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:09:05):
Thank you sir.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:06):
Pleasure. Thank you. And we shall go out with some retro niceness. Retro goodness. Awesomeness. Whatever you want to call it. Have a good night everyone. See you next Wednesday. Same Oz Comic show time. Same comic show channel, damnit channel. I’m going to do it once, just once. I’m going to get it right. Just

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:09:26):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:26):
Every episode. I’m going to get it right one time. Ah, damn it.


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