ComX Studio PRESENTS issue 1’s crew – AusComX Ep. 3

Lets get ready to RUUUUUUMBLE!! We're officially announcing ComX Studio PRESENTS, the bi-monthly Anthology series and to celebrate we're going to hang out with the 4 peeps that made it all possible!! Let the chaos ensue.


(there will be errors in the following text)

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:32):
Hi everyone. Shane here from Comex with Jerome.

Jerome Castro (00:37):
Hey guys.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:38):
Hey, we are here to talk to the creators that are working on issue one of Comex Studio presents. And yeah, so we’ll just bring them straight on. I guess we’ll start with Rob Spey Lyle.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (00:58):
Hey, how’s it going man?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00):
Hey, how you going?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:02):
Good, mate.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03):
Good to hear. Good to hear. And then we’ll bring on Ed. Ed.

Edmund Kearsley (01:08):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10):
Hey, now how is everyone? Good, thanks. Good thanks. Good, good, good. We were going to have Peter Wilson on as well, who’s also working on the comic, the anthology, but he’s called in sick, I guess you could say. Some personal matters he had to attend to, so such as Life and Isaac. Well, he’s just missing an action, so Isaac George. So maybe he’ll pop up, maybe he won’t. We don’t know yet. So

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:41):
Yeah, Peter’s finally getting that boil on his face, Lance, apparently. Yeah. Good news. Oh, that was his actual face. Oh, sorry. I kid because I love I kid because I

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:57):
Love Yes, of course, of course. Well, what I’ll do is I bring up the picture here. So these are all the comics within a comic. We’ve got Vivian Jones, AOC Cult, detective Frederick Lon.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (02:13):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:14):
Lon. Okay, I’ve got it Eventually. Final Dragon and Foes.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (02:20):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:21):
So they’re the four stories that you can look forward to in Comex Studio. Presents issue one coming out in August.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (02:28):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:30):
So I’ll start with you Rob, because you came on first.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (02:34):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:34):
So what are you up to at the moment outside of Presents?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (02:40):
So the main comic that I do, I’m affectionately called the Toilet Guy. I do the Devil’s Toilet. Yep. It’s about a toilet that escapes from hell and unwittingly brings with him a gateway from hell to earth, which unleashes hell on earth, means the devil can escape to earth. So my story in Comex Presents is Frederick Shaone Turtle Detective and he is someone who himself is no stranger to fighting demons. He did so in 1889 I think it was. So characters from the end of the Devil’s Toilet two go back in time to pull him from history and bring him into the now to help them with their new getting rid of demons situation. And so the Comex present story is sort of like a prologue to Devil’s Toilet Three, it shows you what Frederick Cholon was up to before Annika, the angel of awesome and meet Zach. Jack went back in time to pluck him from he had jacked the Ripper. Well look, I won’t spoil it, but it’s good times.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:57):
Good stuff, good stuff. Okay. Yourself Ed, you are working on radical, is that right?

Edmund Kearsley (04:05):
Yeah, my comic is called Radical, which is this guy, and I’m just finishing up issue three at the moment. They’re going to do the colours and the lettering and yeah, I have the first three issues is the origin story of the character.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:25):
Oh yeah. Cool. Nice. And can you tell us a bit about your story in Presents?

Edmund Kearsley (04:33):
In Presents I’m doing Final Dragon, which it’s like a karate comic. I’m trying to get a mix between the nineties image craziness and the shooter era error solid storytelling kind of vibe with the thing. I’m using it like an old school style colouring method. So it looks like an old comic and it’s also based on Double Dragon.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (05:06):
Hell yeah. Yes. I was going to say, is there a video game influence?

Edmund Kearsley (05:12):
Yeah, there’s a fair bit of video game influences. All the bad guys are the bad guys from Double Dragon one and two. And it’s kind of the crux of the story is at the end of Double Dragon one, if you’re playing two players, you have to fight each other to have an ultimate winner. So it’s like the two brothers have had a big fight and this is the fallout of it and we’re resolving what happens when the two karate guys fight.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (05:42):
Holy shit, I didn’t realise that Final Dragon. So it’s literally those two guys.

Edmund Kearsley (05:47):
Yeah, there’s one left

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (05:49):
Working out who the final dragon is. That’s awesome. Yeah. Final dragon.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (05:55):
Alright. And look who’s just popped in. Hi Zach.

Whatzacdrew (06:00):
Hello. Hey

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (06:01):
Mate. Hey man.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:03):
How you doing buddy? I’m late. Okay, cool. Late. So it’s your turn. So you are up right on the spot. Do you want to tell us about Bronwyn that you’re working on at the moment?

Whatzacdrew (06:31):
Bronwyn? I can actually show some T.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:39):
Cool. Actually I’ll make it a bit bigger so we can see it properly.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (06:55):
Cool. Her face has been sucked to a vortex. It’s like no,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:58):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (07:00):
No head.

Whatzacdrew (07:01):
I have a habit of doing their faces last and then I draw with Marco if I ruin the face and the whole thing. Fuck

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (07:10):
Yeah. Is it because you don’t like drawing faces and so you leave it to last or?

Whatzacdrew (07:16):
I never actually used to draw my stickers with faces all through high stuff. I found a way to not include the face air blowing prod or

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (07:25):
Yeah. And

Whatzacdrew (07:26):
Now I do that with hands.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (07:30):
The Rob Fel would hide feet. You hid the whole character’s head.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:35):

Whatzacdrew (07:36):
I’m better at hands now and then feet. I’m just like, we don’t need them. There’s a lot of panels now of closer to feet, walking past the arrow ourselves and stuff.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (07:49):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:53):
Cool. So do you want to tell us, oh, sorry. Do you want to tell us about the story on present? So Vivian,

Whatzacdrew (08:00):
Vivian is a giraffe detective. Nice. In the 1920s, Vivian was my grandfather’s name. It’s all family orientated still. Bronwyn comes from my Irish ancestors looking into start circle, all kind of family.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (08:26):
Nice. That’s good. Make it nice and personal.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (08:30):
My grandfather wasn’t called Frederick, but he was a turtle. So still ties in.

Whatzacdrew (08:43):
The first issue is part his origin and it sets up the villain for the 12 bit parts.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (08:53):
Yep. Cool. Very nice. And I’ll just quickly bring up this picture and talk in, I can’t think of the word now in his place. There we go. His one is called Fos. It’s a demon whose name? Oh, it’s right there in front of me demon who’s up against an alien called Zero. And I’ve had the good fortune to read most of Very nice there Rob. I’ve had the good fortune to read the first issue. So the first story, the first eight pages, and it’s pretty much just an origin story of how this little demon got to earth and how this alien got to earth and what started their rivalry. That’s a lot of fun. Trust me, you’ll be looking forward to that one When comes when the book comes out. It’s a great story.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (09:52):
Art is crazy Good. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (09:54):
His art’s really good and his storytelling’s really good.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (09:56):
I have a book called Ver Moose now that looks like I just segued into talking about myself, but Peter actually has a story in the first issue of Vose. Great. It’s

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (10:06):
Like, how’s this?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (10:08):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (10:09):
Are we done talking about Peter because here’s my stuff. No, Pete. Actually, Pete contributed five pages of awesomeness in this book, so it’s really cool. So if you get a taste for Peter in comics presents and you’ve still got some sheckles left, you can check in Manning the Moose.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (10:27):
Yeah. Nice. Awesome

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (10:30):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (10:31):
Shameless plug. I like it. That’s what it’s all about. That’s what it’s all about. What is the number three we cover? So well what we’ll go into, we’ll just ask some general questions so people can get to know you guys. I think Jerome has some questions for you. They’re just general questions. We’ll just tell it to the group and you can fight with each other over who gets to answer. So

Jerome Castro (11:00):
Yeah, we just want people to know you guys. Yeah. Let’s start with something light first guys. What got you into writing, drawing your comic books or graphic novels? I mean I think it’s general consensus that we’re all comic book fans here, but what started it all for you guys? Let’s start with Rob.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (11:34):
Well, what started my, so I’ve always been drawing for as long as I could remember. I sort of found my, well I was going to say I found my style when I started ripping off The Simpsons. So I found Mac groaning style and between Mac Groaning Simpsons and a friend of mine’s brother Nick May, I sort of found my style as a meshing of both of theirs in terms of my love for comics. While I was a huge fan of Teenage Ninja Turtles and my friend Dan went to America and returned with Present for me and it was issues seven and eight of Archie total series. And I had had comics when I was quite young. I’d had three or four, like a Captain America and a Star Wars and something. But when I read those total issues, I needed to read more. And when I went to get more, I found X-Force one. And when I found X-Force one, it was all over. I was, as you can see behind me, I became obsessed and haven’t looked back.

Jerome Castro (12:44):
Nice. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And who was the other teenage Ninja Turtle fan again? I forgot. It was, yeah. Well anyway, so what about you, ed?

Edmund Kearsley (13:07):
My parents are British, so ever since I can remember, I’ve always had comics like Buster and Dandy and Bino. They’re British human magazines. And then as I got older, I started getting into, there’s one called Oink, which was a more teenager, sort of started British Human Magazine. And I was reading Mad and I was picking up a lot of Aussie reprints of DC and Marvel stuff, garage sales and things. And then by the nineties I started getting the proper Marvel and DC stuff from the news agents and things, and then found out about the alternate worlds in Windsor. And from then on it was pretty much all over. And when started to want to make comics, I had been making little comics ever since I was a little kid, but in year 10 in 93 and they said, you’ve got to pick a thing that you’re going to do for your job for the rest of your life. I thought, well, I’ll write comics. And then so I tried to get my friends to draw them for me and no one wanted to do it, so I had to learn how to draw as well. And then I just got addicted to it from then on.

Jerome Castro (14:28):
Nice, nice. That’s a frustration. We have the same frustration that I was looking for people to draw stories that I write, but nobody wanted to.

Edmund Kearsley (14:40):
They’re the best thing is to just pick up a pencil and start drawing. Yeah,

Jerome Castro (14:44):
Yeah. How about you Zach?

Whatzacdrew (14:50):
I’ve always drawn, what made me really want to draw funny is Batman, the animated series.

Jerome Castro (14:58):

Whatzacdrew (15:00):
When I got older there was Xena.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (15:03):
Oh yeah.

Whatzacdrew (15:06):
Pretty much that. Xena was the first comic I actually caught bought my own money.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (15:13):

Jerome Castro (15:14):
That’s really good. It

Whatzacdrew (15:15):
Was nice. Everyone’s suffering really.

Jerome Castro (15:27):
So what was your guy first involvement with the industry guys? I mean, you started early as artists and writers, but what got you in the industry first? How about you, ed?

Edmund Kearsley (15:49):
Well, like I said, I started trying to make comics in 93. I think it was around about a year later that I started trying to make a superhero team book called Battle Tide. And that took me about three years to figure out how to do it all. And I put that out in 97. So I put my first book out in 97 and then I did a couple of other comics and stuff through the late nineties and the early two thousands and then I kind of stopped for a long time and then came back doing it a couple of years ago with Radical.

Whatzacdrew (16:36):

Jerome Castro (16:37):
Yeah. So how about you Zach? What was your first industry experience

Whatzacdrew (16:46):
In high school? I had Wyn in my school, newspaper, school magazine

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:57):
Kind thing, school magazine

Whatzacdrew (17:01):
Through comic strips of Bronwyn and that. Then I didn’t touch Bronwyn again until 2010, released a book in 2010 along with another book called Cota Disappeared again until 2012. My drew, my mate Scavenger, disappeared again to 2014, drew another mate’s book ever after,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:36):
Disappeared again,

Whatzacdrew (17:38):
Disappeared again. Then 2016 I relaunched Bronwyn and haven’t stopped

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:46):
Until tonight in 2021. You again.

Jerome Castro (17:51):
Let’s hope not.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:53):
And then you came on late. I feel like next year a good year hiatus.

Jerome Castro (18:06):
You’re like another manga artists that I know disappears every now and then. So how about you, Rob?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (18:15):
Yeah, so when I was younger, I think it would’ve been 1993 or so, I did a comic called The Toxic Avengers. Now I knew there was a character called the Toxic Avenger, and I knew there was a super team called The Avengers, but had anyone done a super team called the Toxic Avengers? I don’t know. So I had these characters that ran around and they all called each other the Avengers, which was short for Toxic Avengers. But then the next book I wanted to do, I teamed up with a buddy, Dan May, and I said, I want to draw a book where I create one character, you create another character and they go on Adventures together. So we drew it in year 10, I think. So 1994 or something, Kurt Cobain had just died. The nation was mourning. Meanwhile we were drawing silly comics. So I brought out my character. It was called The Assassin, and he was essentially just the Punisher, but he was called the Assassin. And then so Dan brought his over and Dan’s character was a big scrotum for a head and his name was Bollocks Brains. And I was like, well, the assassin in bollocks brains, that’s not really. So I drew a character called Nasal Fluff, and our comic was Nasal Fluff and Bollocks Brains that took off image signed us immediately. We sold to the rights to Netflix, didn’t even exist yet.

So I went away for a while, went and hung out with Zach for a bit, and then I came back with a book called Badly Beaten Boy. I was in a band, we had a message board that had a bunch of people on it, so I would always post my cartoons and stuff. And so I started drawing Badly Beaten Boy and I put this out maybe 2006 or something, maybe 2007.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (20:16):
And that just

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (20:17):
That it exists. But yeah, I,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (20:25):

Jerome Castro (20:26):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (20:29):
I don’t like showing it off. This is like the fifth time I put it on camera.

And then actually somewhere in there I had done a Devil’s Toilet comic, but I gave it to maybe three or four people. I worked at a printer. So I printed it at work. It was a four sized, but then yeah, over the course of Valley Beaten Boy, my drawing got better. So years later I decided to do the Devil’s Toilet again, just as a exercising drawing just to get better at drawing and had it on my computer for ages until Hayden Spall walked into my work. I work at Alternate Worlds comic bookstore and he put Rick McCune on the shelf and it said Reverie on it and I picked it up and I was like, what’s all this about? And spoke to Rie and they put the devil’s toilet out. Yeah. So I haven’t looked back.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (21:23):

Jerome Castro (21:25):
That’s good. So yeah, since you’re all artists here, so every artist has that specific ritual that they do before you’re starting work. I mean, I like to drink my coffee before I start doing work. So what’s your rituals, guys? So Zach, you up,

Whatzacdrew (21:50):
Coke, Coca-Cola, not drugs. And then if jokingly, if I have to draw fights in, I put the nanny on.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:03):
Yes, I remember you telling me that. I remember you telling me that. Yes, the nanny. I find that fascinating. Grew

Whatzacdrew (22:09):
The nanny. I love the show, but somewhere deep in my brain it makes the most meanest fights.

Jerome Castro (22:21):
Yeah, can imagine Celtic history. And then there’s the nanny, it’s from the nanny.

Whatzacdrew (22:27):
I’m sure Frank, Dr. Would love that sitting.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:36):
It said voice. That would make me angry as well.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (22:40):
I love,

Whatzacdrew (22:45):
I normally work at night too. That’s probably a negative thing as well.

Jerome Castro (22:51):
Yeah, that helps a lot.

Whatzacdrew (22:51):
Sleep. And that’s me alone.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:54):
Sleep is overrated.

Jerome Castro (22:56):
Yeah, nobody sleeps in this group. So how about you Rob, any rituals before you work?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (23:05):
I like to do a seance. Just summon any are in the, no, I don’t know.

Jerome Castro (23:11):
Redeem characters are real. So many

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (23:14):
Toilets. Special ritual for summiting toilets.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (23:17):
Yeah, this is actually an autobiography. It was channelled through me. I just happened to be sitting here. Shane. Yes. So in terms of rituals, I guess. I mean honestly, it’s really just telling my kids to please be quiet for a few minutes. Daddy has to draw. That’s how we get our money and yeah, my son, well firstly, he often tells me we’ve got money in his piggy bank so daddy doesn’t need to draw or then he’ll go off and he’ll draw and then come and ask how much money you can get. And I was like, buddy, you got to do the first couple hundred you’ve got to do for free. No, I like cranking some music, which often case like Zach, I do it at night when the kids are asleep. So cranking music in my headphones, some vinegar chips next to me, Pepsi Max and say hello to the next morning and text Zach and say, are you going to bed yet? The last couple of weeks, me and Zach have been saying hello to each other at 2:00 AM

Whatzacdrew (24:23):
I enjoy when you just look out your window and you’re like, oh, sun’s up.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (24:28):

Whatzacdrew (24:31):
And then you’re like, I really need sleep.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (24:34):
It’s fine. Sleep.

Jerome Castro (24:40):
So how about you Ed? Any rituals that you want to share with us?

Whatzacdrew (24:45):
Karate gloves?

Edmund Kearsley (24:47):
Yeah. Yes.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (24:48):
Karate gloves.

Edmund Kearsley (24:49):
Yes. I dunno what it is at the moment, apart from the karate gloves, when I was drawing traditionally, the thing I used to do was look for my pens and pencils everywhere for about an hour before I started because I could never find anything. But I’ve got a drawing digitally, I’ve got the little holder in there that makes it easier. So I don’t really have any anymore. Now I know where my pennies,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (25:22):
That’s gold.

Whatzacdrew (25:25):
What I love is having a bucket full of pens and you look for the one pen that you actually want, even though it’s the same brand as the one that you’ve going know the other one.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (25:35):

Jerome Castro (25:38):
And it must be that pen.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (25:41):

Whatzacdrew (25:42):
And then you can’t find it, so then you literally go, fine, I’ll draw something out. But doesn’t require that pen. I don’t know. It’s weird being an artist.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (25:52):
I boxed the surgery on that guy. He’s in stitches. I’m not, why would you come to me for surgery?

Edmund Kearsley (26:02):
Maybe you did karate. I

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (26:05):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (26:08):
I did do karate when I was a kid. Got to orange belt. So I don’t know if that, I’m not quite the final dragon, but I might be a bit of the tail of a dragon.

Whatzacdrew (26:20):
You get in, you’re fine.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (26:22):
What was the worst about Double Dragon back in the day? Playing it on Sega master system was, there’s no saving or anything like that. And so my dad would come in and go, all right boys we’re going. I was like, no, we’re up to the bit where you throw rocks at each

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (26:36):

Edmund Kearsley (26:38):
The master system was a good version though,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (26:41):
And it felt like it went for about four hours. But then I played it as an adult and I was like, it went for about 25 minutes and I was like, oh, time was of the essence when I was young. Apparently

Edmund Kearsley (26:54):
That’s why they made them hard because they weren’t very long.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (26:58):
Yeah, there’s a joke in there, but I’m not sure.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (27:02):
Oh no, there’s no joke in there.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (27:05):
That’s what cheese would.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (27:18):
Oh, nice.

Jerome Castro (27:20):
Oh no.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (27:21):
Next question J. Quickly. Quickly. Not

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (27:25):
Too quick.

Jerome Castro (27:26):
Yep. Let’s not be that guy. Okay, so which of course all of us have those favourite properties, intellectual properties that we like a lot. I mean, which one is it for you guys and why? Because at least if you had the chance to modify or give a small modification on your favourite stories, what will it be? I guess let’s start with Ed.

Edmund Kearsley (28:09):
I’m not sure. I don’t know why you’d want to modify it, story that you like. Well, I

Jerome Castro (28:16):
Mean, yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:18):
That’s a good point.

Edmund Kearsley (28:20):
Yeah, I don’t understand the question, so maybe do something else.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:25):
What is your favourite ip? We’ll go with that. Favourite comic?

Edmund Kearsley (28:30):
My favourite comic, the superhero stuff. It was the Keith g and j MIUs Justice League in the nineties.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:43):

Jerome Castro (28:44):

Edmund Kearsley (28:45):
And then after that, preachers one of my favourite comics ever and I really liked the Max as well.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:52):
I was big fan of the Max. I was a big fan of the Max.

Edmund Kearsley (28:55):
Yeah, I had the whole set of the Maxes and I let them out about 15 years ago when I just got them back a couple of weeks ago. So looking forward to reading them all again.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (29:07):
Nice. Lucky you got them back after that long,

Edmund Kearsley (29:13):
They went through a couple of, they got lent around a fair bit, but they’ve come back now and I had the glow in the dark cover and the Wizard half issue as well. So

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (29:22):

Edmund Kearsley (29:23):
Pretty good collection. It’s good to have it back now.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (29:26):
Yeah, I didn’t even know there was a glow in the dark one. I’ve got the full set, but I obviously don’t have that one.

Edmund Kearsley (29:31):
I got it. It was in the, they kept matching it in the letters pages in every issue. Everyone was always wanting to go in the dark, issued one and then I saw it, it was like 40 bucks at alternate worlds and I just had $40 in my bank, so I emptied my bank account and went and got it. It was meant to be.

Jerome Castro (29:55):
So what about you, Rob? What’s your favourite ip?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (30:00):
Well, so my favourite comic when I was 16 or so was Ghost writer. My favourite character was Ghost writer. Danny Ke ghostwriter Spirits of Vengeance when he was with Johnny Blaze as well. I don’t know, I’m scared to reread them. I X-Force was one of my favourites too, and I reread and it just wasn’t the same as how I remembered it. So I’m not going to reread Spirits of Vengeance. Would I love to write it? Probably not. I don’t know. It would be interesting. I have dabbled with writing a spec script for Spider-Man. I feel like my sense of humour would lend itself to writing Spider-Man, my favourite comic of all time is why the Last Man? But that’s not a universe to play around with. That’s a beautiful piece of work that shouldn’t be touched.

One of my favourite comics as a kid was an Australian comic that it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility that I could have them appear in Devil’s Toilet. I want to do a crossover. And so I kind of don’t want to jinx it by saying it, but yeah, I don’t want to say it, but if I could wrangle it and it’s slightly within the realm of possibility, then I’ll shoot my shot. The lady I had a crush on when I was younger was Toddie Goldsmith. And you know how you have a list when you’re with a partner or whatever you might have, it was on Friends where you would have a list of five celebrities who a hallway pass or whatever. Yeah, they called it. Yeah. So Tody Goldsmith was on my hallway pass thingy, but years ago I did a screenwriting course and I wrote a sitcom and I sent it to Todd Goldsmith and she read it and she was like, if you’ve got this made, I would happily be in it. And then it was like seven degrees of gone down to one degree. I was like, I’m going to meet to Goldsmith. I’m going to be writing a show with Toddie Goldsmith. And I told my wife about it and she wasn’t super happy.

I can’t remember what my On Fire, I wielded it into existence is my point. So I’m trying to will this team up with a Devil’s Toilet and they who shine shouldn’t be named into existence. So see how we go. Maybe on the next live stream I’ll report back and if it was a failure, I’ll tell you who it was and yeah, if success, I’ll tell you who it was,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:41):
But yeah, well, fingers crossed as a success. Success, yeah.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (32:44):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:47):
I can’t say words now.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (32:49):

Jerome Castro (32:52):
So now Zach, what’s your words? What’s your favourite IP

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:57):
In comics?

Whatzacdrew (32:58):
Batman, wonder Woman probably, except I am probably too terrified to touch those fans because they did, in 2010, they did a Wonder Woman Odyssey story where they did a really cool story and she was in an alternate reality and they gave her pants and the series got cancelled because she walked pants. So I’m just like, wow, we do not mess with these characters, but as for bringing up Dream Crossovers and mine is not going to happen. So it’s Bra and Zena. I think that would be fun. I could draw it, but I’ll be free.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:47):
You could draw it. Just don’t show it to anyone.

Whatzacdrew (33:52):
I’ll publish it for free. No, they could do a bootleg. That’s it. Someone’s actually asking sketch cover of them too together. I’m like, okay, there is

Jerome Castro (34:09):
Fan power.

Whatzacdrew (34:12):
That’d be

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:12):

Jerome Castro (34:14):
That’s awesome. So if the communities is getting bigger, but there’s still this group of Australian comic book creators that came before you guys or came after you guys. So which other Australian comic book creators do you follow and which ones do you want to work with in the future? I guess you partially answered this, but

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:46):
Robo answered this one.

Jerome Castro (34:48):
Yeah, let’s not put Limits.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (34:51):
I can tell you others. I’m doing a torn Southern squadron crossover that I wrote with Dave Dre of Southern Squadron Fame. I would work with Dave again in a heartbeat. It was like going to writing class every time we spoke. Ed just texted me and yes, he guessed it. Guess who my dream team up is Gary Er. I would love to do something with Tim McEwen. Greener Pastures. I would love to do something with. Yeah, those are my top three, I guess.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:31):
Cool, cool.

Jerome Castro (35:35):
Also had a chat with Dave a few days ago, a week ago, and yeah, it’s like talking to going to a lecture like a of a collector.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (35:47):
I mean, it helps. He teaches writing, so yeah. Yep.

Jerome Castro (35:53):
So how about Ed? Who’s your dream team?

Edmund Kearsley (36:00):
Well, back in the day, the Platinum Grit was I think one of the best Aussie comics around at the time. And Bug and Stump was really good as well. And yeah, I suppose if those guys were still doing it, I haven’t seen the Platinum Greek people around, I don’t think. But I suppose those guys,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:34):
Yeah, I’ve had a look to see if they’re around and yeah, I haven’t had much luck either. Their old stuff is quite hard to get because I wanted to see what it’s all about. So I haven’t had the luck actually to read it. You must have

Edmund Kearsley (36:47):

Edmund Kearsley (36:48):
Yeah, well you could get it at the Newsagent when the Newsagent had comics and so cool. Yeah, there was Cyber Swine as well, which is pretty crazy book.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:00):
I haven’t heard of that one.

Edmund Kearsley (37:02):
Yeah, I suppose that’s probably what the one that I’d like to do that suits my style the most would be the cyber swine would the, it’s like, it’s like Robocop, but he’s a pig guy. Nice. And I did a Cyber SW comic in around 96 I think.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (37:19):
What one that came out?

Edmund Kearsley (37:22):
No, it’s just, I took it to a convention, but then I never showed it to any of the guys. They had Bug and Stump Cyber swine and there was, is it called Officer Punks or something? It’s like a dirty Harry cop. We had big long hair and he just shot everyone. And there’s a crazy comic. There’s a fair bit of stuff was actually going around in the early nineties before the big market crash.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (37:54):

Edmund Kearsley (37:56):
And it was good that you could get it. You’d see it when you were looking at the X-Men and stuff.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (38:02):
Yeah, that’s pretty cool. Yeah, bug and stump. I just went to get my ex force and there was this comic that I’d never seen. Picked it up and yeah, fell in love, joined the dots. What could he have been talking about before? Bug and Stu? I would love to do a bug and Stub Devil’s Toilet Team up. I’m working. Oh, nice. I’m working on a pitch so that I can go to them with the look. I’ll just put it out there. So

My signature on this book, it’s hard to see, but Mark Sexton, the creator of Bug and Stump, used to sign his books like this. I was a kid, red Bug and Stump basically ripped off his signature. Mine’s a more graffiti version of it, but it wasn’t until years later that I was looking at it. It was like, oh, I still sign it in the bug and Stump style Worse than that, the robot on the front cover who then goes on to appear in the double toilet. I was just looking at it and I was wondering where I was like, that’s a pretty cool design for a robot. Where would I have come up with that? Because I came up with it when I was like 16 or so. I didn’t come up with it. I damn near ripped it off Bug and stop.

Edmund Kearsley (39:15):
Isn’t that the police robots from Bug and

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (39:18):
Stop. Yeah, exactly. So I’m going

Whatzacdrew (39:22):
Royalty check.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (39:23):
Yeah. So I’ve told Mark Sexton about the signature thing and he laughed it off. I’m going to tell him that I’m going to blow up the robot in the next issue and get rid of it, but I thought maybe it could blow up because Bug and Stump tell it that it’s copyright infringement and it should blow up. So we’ll see. Let’s out there Now. What do you think, mark? Let’s do it. Dollar sign. Ching ching ching.

Edmund Kearsley (39:48):
They’ve got a Mark Sexton sketch of bug. That’s really cool. Yeah. Oh nice. He’s a good artist.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (39:55):
Yeah. Hell yeah. I feel like him and your final Dragon character could have a hair off. That’s two big crazy hairstyles.

Edmund Kearsley (40:02):
Oh yeah, Stu, he was a real little guy, wasn’t he?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (40:08):
Yeah, stump was. Yeah. Yeah, before he had the haircut, before he got the thing chopped off. Oh

Edmund Kearsley (40:12):
Yeah, that’s right. It’s all coming back now.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (40:17):

Jerome Castro (40:20):
So how about you Zach? I

Whatzacdrew (40:27):
Only started really collecting comics in the early album and my experience with Indie only very recent, I really enjoy Matt Pine’s rap with her. Oh yeah, it’s a

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (40:44):
Good book. It’s cool. Yeah,

Whatzacdrew (40:46):
He very generously just goes, here you go, have a crossover. Just do what you want with my character. That’s terrifying.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (40:55):
You killed him on the first page?

Whatzacdrew (40:58):
No, all I did was make his ancestor work with Brolin and I’m slowly morphing Bronwyn into his canon.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (41:07):
Awesome. So that when he sells the movie rights, they have to buy the Bronwyn rights, otherwise you can’t tell the full story. This is genius.

Whatzacdrew (41:18):
Yes. So in this new issue, even I work in his current first version retelling how the ancestors first met Bronwyn and that he’s part of a cult, that bronwyn’s part of it. So I’m intertwining them. There’s no way in hell that they’re ever getting apart. But Matt comes a really cool dude. It’s rare you let someone touch your property alone. I trust you with it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:51):
Yeah, that’s pretty cool.

Whatzacdrew (41:53):
And I know he likes it, so that’s a bonus. Awesome. And then during the calendar, the comics calendar met a few people have already become my calendar people I think got nearly half of them, two of them, right? Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:19):
That’s awesome.

Jerome Castro (42:22):
Okay, so what’s the ideal feature for you guys? I mean, are you looking to what Go full mainstream or what are you Yeah, going to say Indi. Let’s start with, yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:46):
Rob, ready to answer. Go with Rob.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (42:50):
Keeping it rolling. No, I mean, if it stayed exactly like it is for me right now, I would be more than happy. I’m having a tonne of my life. I’ve got lots of books on the go and making more and more friendships in the comic, Australian comic scene and stuff. My ultimate, ultimate goal, I would love to have a cartoon based on maybe the Devil’s Toilet or Frederick Lon or just anything I would, I’d love to voice a character and all sort of stuff. I’d love to have two serious long running books with Image or IDW or something like that. But yeah, as I say, I’m working with some awesome people now, working on some awesome projects now. So if everything just stayed like this too, I’d be more than happy. So yeah, that’s me.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:40):
Yep. Awesome projects. Awesome projects. Oh, that wasn’t me. How about you, Zach?

Whatzacdrew (43:52):
I think mainstream would scare me just basically because then you’d be on that monthly deadline and I do everything for Bronwyn and I wouldn’t be able to do that on a month basis. A whole book for Bronwyn makes sense in this pool. I like being indie. I control Bronwyn and the right sort and everything, and I can pick and choose who I work with.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:23):

Whatzacdrew (44:25):
I’d probably say indie, although the mainstream money, I don’t have money now and I still don’t care, so I don’t think money’s a factor. You get really enjoying making comics.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:40):
Money’s over.

Edmund Kearsley (44:42):
I don’t think there’s that much money at it anymore anyway. Okay. They keep lowering the page rates and stuff, so

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:50):

Edmund Kearsley (44:51):
Okay. The dream of working for Marvel or DC is just really not as attractive as it used to be.

Whatzacdrew (45:02):
Okay. Getting harder and harder to get in anyway.

Edmund Kearsley (45:05):
But yeah, there’s less and less books and most of their guys are from the artists. They’re getting it from Europe and South America now. So

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (45:18):
Comex is where it’s at.

Edmund Kearsley (45:20):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (45:21):
The big three. They’ve been playing already. Marvel, DC and Comex.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:24):
Comex, yep.

Whatzacdrew (45:26):
Oh, we all know we’re better than DC and Marvel.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (45:32):
Where else can you see? We

Whatzacdrew (45:33):
Know we’re better.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (45:35):
Where else can you see a total detective and a giraffe detective in totally different stories?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:45):

Whatzacdrew (45:45):
Cover you showed me last night, I laughed so hard. It was so perfect.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:50):
And I didn’t think to bring the covers into this, so I’ve only got the other promotional pieces.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (45:55):
You told me I had to have the cover done before tonight. That’s why I did it yesterday. I made the deadline.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:02):
You made the deadline.

Whatzacdrew (46:05):

Edmund Kearsley (46:05):
Was just saying that. So you get it done.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:07):
Yeah, ed.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (46:10):
Yeah, I’ll have the book done in time and then you’ll go, all right, it’s ready for next year. Well, what

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:18):
About yourself, ed? Where do you see yourself?

Edmund Kearsley (46:23):
The Marvel in DC thing definitely was the impetus to start back in the nineties. That was the big deal and the image was huge, but now it’s definitely, you wouldn’t be able to do a thing like Final Dragon at a major publisher or anything like that. The radical’s too weird and unpolished for those sorts of things, but it’s the Andie all the way.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:59):
What’s weird about laser balls?

Edmund Kearsley (47:01):
Laser balls. Seriously

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:04):
Weird about laser balls.

Edmund Kearsley (47:05):
I would love to get an image eye on the cover of Radical. That would be pretty sweet. That would be a long-term goal because after the Justice League at Issue 60, they stopped the funny version and went to the just normal superhero style again. I think that was in 92. Yeah, it was 92. It was lead up to the death of Superman. And so I completely lost interest in that and then that’s when I started getting into all the image stuff. Yeah. So it’s basically been image all the way since then. Did everyone

Whatzacdrew (47:45):
Here have that phase of you’re a hardcore Marvel decent and you just fade out and you’re like, oh, image course.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (47:57):
Yeah, I bought every single image book I could find. I would buy number four of that, number six of that. Just anything. Yeah, because they were so pretty.

Whatzacdrew (48:06):
I went to Dark Horse for the Hellboy and now I’m trying to backfill everything. So any comic bookstore back issues of BPRD or Hellboy, which find all many of these other hundreds of spinoffs, just buying all the single back issues. Why I am like it’s genius work world building wise. He’s pretty genius, but the main story is pretty.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (48:37):
Did he end up finding that witch or is he still looking? I

Whatzacdrew (48:40):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (48:41):
Did he end up finding the witch witch finder or is he still looking?

Edmund Kearsley (48:46):
Is there more than one week?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (48:50):
Hey, you miss a hundred percent of the shots you don’t take, mate. I was just shooting my shot then This will get him laughing. Oh man. Good stuff.

Whatzacdrew (49:01):
This finder knows who Jack the rip is, but won’t tell. So

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (49:06):
What does that Jack the ripper in Witch Finder is there? Is that what you said? Yeah.

Whatzacdrew (49:11):
Yes. Volume six. It’s for Reign of Dust and he finds exactly who Jack the rip, but he’s sworn under allegiance to the Crown, not reveal who it’s,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (49:23):
I was telling Zach, I have Zach the Ripper Jack the Ripper in my Lon book. And then Zach was telling me about all the different Jack the Ripper stories he read. And I was like, there’s nothing original about what I’m doing. Maybe Zach the Ripper is my inn and I’ll just have you running around London’s East end

Whatzacdrew (49:44):
People. What I do in the morning, I don’t really,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (49:49):
Except it’s you. No, I thought it was you ripping farts. Zach the Ripper. Oh

Edmund Kearsley (49:53):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (49:58):
Oh dear. I do a comic about toilets you guys, so potty humour is my bag, is my colostomy bag. Yeah. Cool.

Whatzacdrew (50:13):
So Jerome, you got any more questions? We’re all like, Rob, you need an nap?

Jerome Castro (50:21):
Okay, what else can I ask? Okay, let’s wing it. Do you start drawing from, what do you draw your drawings from? That’s a weird question. Where do you get your drawings from guys? I mean is it from life? Is it from experiences? Is it just imagine letting your imagination around the while? Yeah. I mean Ed, I guess let’s start with Ed. Rob,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:52):
Where did you, oh sorry that I was going to say, where’d you get toilets from? Seriously? Where do you figure out how to draw a toilet?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (50:59):
Well, so as I was saying, Simpsons and Nick May, so Nick May as my best friend’s brother, he had a character called Paper Face, which was a square with eyes, if you might remember the Tucker bag, like the brown bag over her head. And so paper face was a guy with a chainsaw with a big brown paper bag over his head. So it was a square with two eyes. And I thought it was genius because you’re draw in all these panels and panels and panels and it was always just a square with two eyes. And I was just like, what can I do that’s a square with two eyes? And I drew a square with two eyes and then I drew a circle underneath it and bang, I had a toilet. And then why would a toilet have eyes? I don’t know. The devil gave them, gave them to him. I was like, this thing writes itself. So that’s where the Devil’s Toilet came from. What about you, ed?

Edmund Kearsley (51:52):
The karate comic is pretty much all from my imagination and there’s, there’s certain autobiographical things in radical, mainly the flight and the shooting lasers out of your fingers. But yeah, it’s mostly imagination and reference for backgrounds and stuff.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:13):
Oh, cool.

Edmund Kearsley (52:16):
And there’s a potty human in my book as well. Lots of poo jokes and stuff.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:22):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:23):
Careful. Now you’re breaching into my territory. I’m the poop. I’m the poop of the comics.

Edmund Kearsley (52:35):
When did Devil’s Toilet first come out?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:39):
Well, the first one came out, I get

Edmund Kearsley (52:40):
Into that round. Are we? Yeah.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:44):
It was before when Zach said Vivian is from 90 1920s.

Edmund Kearsley (52:49):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:50):
Yeah. And I was like, Frederick Shalini is from 1889 Bitch. Yeah.

Edmund Kearsley (52:55):
Is that when you put your Facebook out?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:57):
Yeah, fictionally Lon was first.

Edmund Kearsley (53:03):
Well Fictionally you win then.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (53:08):
I think that’s how it works. So if I create a Spiderman that was born before Peter Parker was born.

Edmund Kearsley (53:13):
Yeah, you get the copyright. Yeah, you get the copyright.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (53:16):
I’m no scientist. Get onto it. That’s just good science. Get onto it

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:18):

Edmund Kearsley (53:21):
Technically Vivian Jones is 40 years old in 20,

Whatzacdrew (53:27):
So let’s back there.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (53:31):
Yeah. Let me just do some quick maths. I think Frederick Coone is like

Whatzacdrew (53:34):
82 that age. Older.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (53:37):
Yeah, he’s like three minutes older slash We should probably just give them the same parents or something.

Edmund Kearsley (53:50):
Oh, they both went to the same detective school.

Whatzacdrew (53:53):
Just trying to find his long loss. Brother does port a toilet portal.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (53:58):
Yeah. Where does Vivian, this is a somewhat serious question. Where in the world is it set in its own world or in the actual world?

Whatzacdrew (54:12):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:14):
Is it really?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:17):
It really? London

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:19):
Draught London.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:20):
Oh, amazing. Does he work for Scotland Yard?

Whatzacdrew (54:24):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:25):
Okay. All right. So we have some, I mean maybe we should talk, we could probably tie their origins together. I’m actually somewhat serious.

Jerome Castro (54:39):
Yeah, it’ll seem that Detective Academy.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:41):

Whatzacdrew (54:42):
The Animal Detective Academy. Everyone else is tape one that’s like you fuck are these freaks?

Jerome Castro (54:53):
They came there with Tim Styles knock around guy

Whatzacdrew (55:00):
Animal detectives through the ages.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:04):
Nice. Well we’re on the hour guys. So what I might do is I’ll just bring up some nice little pretty pictures for everyone and we’ll start with the guy who’s missing tonight.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (55:16):
I’ll just be waiting here off to the side so

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:21):
I can just press this button here and make you disappear. No. Okay. So we’ve got foes here by Peter Wilson. He couldn’t make it tonight. This is a comic about a demon and an alien on earth trying to take over the earth. And that’s the devil’s toilet to the side there

Jerome Castro (55:40):
For comparison purposes.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:42):
For comparison purposes. And they’re trying to take over the earth and they hate each other because each of them want to be the one who does it. So I just voiced that one for On

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (55:54):
Sale now.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:55):
On sale now? Yes,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (55:56):
On sale now.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:58):
Nice. Now we’ll give Ed the floor,

Edmund Kearsley (56:05):
Deb. So this is Final Dragon, that’s the main character. His name’s Bobby Long and yeah, it’s a karate comic. It’s a karate story. So it’s about revenge and karate and lots of blood and

Whatzacdrew (56:22):
Karate kicks.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:24):
Awesome. Awesome. Two can play this game. Rob.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (56:32):
I was staying out of it. Now that it’s Ed talking about his book when it was Peter’s not here. Peter’s fair game, but no,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:41):
Cool. Thanks Ed. There you go.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (56:47):
Hey, it’s my time to shine you guys.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:51):
Fred Keone

Whatzacdrew (56:52):
Back into frame now. Back into frame.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (56:54):
Oh yeah, total detective,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:59):
Other way. That’s it.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (57:02):
What’s his deal? So he has been hunting demons. He’s got one left before having completely gotten rid of him from London’s East End, but a pesky killer named Jack the Ripper is getting in his way and stopping him from what he feels is his true purpose is to rid London of demons. Can he do both by the end of the third issue? We’ll have to find out.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:31):
Nice. I should have made these pictures bigger. I have to remember this next time. Especially for Rob’s on this. Rob’s on cs. So tell us a little bit about Vivian.

Whatzacdrew (57:45):
First of all, I’m going to apologise for happy Harold making a giraffe smoke.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:54):
I think it’s fine

Whatzacdrew (57:57):
Owning an Australian would get the reference. It’s great. Look, you’re not Australian unless you get taught drugs in a van by a puppet giraffe. All right, so a cult detective after a brush in with a very famous witch in history. You’re going to have to read the book to find out what one. Nice. So there’s 20 years after he’s being attacked by said witch. He’s a witch hunter. Hunting witch is down. His friend is a Wiccan witch, a white witch. She’s named after Nicholas Scott, Nicola Lafe tying into more witchcraft history. And Nicholas Scott knows this and have seal of approval.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:54):

Whatzacdrew (58:57):
But yeah, so lots of occult stuff.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:01):
Very cool.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (59:02):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:06):
Thanks Zach. Now I bring on the one with everyone.

Whatzacdrew (59:10):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:14):
Awesome. Well, so I guess this is my turn now. So I started reading Comic, oh sorry, hang on. No, so this is coming out in August of this year. We’re doing a Kickstarter in July. So be ready for that everyone. And these four wonderful stories are all in the one anthology. And that’s the Comex Studio presents, which will be a bimonthly anthology. Yeah, I was looking for the word then. So yeah, so check out these guys’ stories in August and I know you’ll love ’em. I’ve had the lucky fortune of reading some of them. Not all of them, but some of them. And they’re great. These are awesome. And Ed’s been streaming his so awesome. If you actually I should put that on. No, actually that’s Ed Peasley

Jerome Castro (01:00:22):
On Twitch.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:23):
Could you type it into the private chat so I can just copy and paste it?

Jerome Castro (01:00:27):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:31):
And if anyone else has a link they want to share, throw it in there now.

Jerome Castro (01:00:38):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:39):
You in there now if you want to. And where’s there? Hang on, I should probably check that.

Jerome Castro (01:01:00):
There you go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:02):
Thank you very much. Now got to remember what to press. That’s not it. Oh, it doesn’t just show up. There we go. So there’s Ed Twitch. Go over there, check out Ed drawing. It’s a lot of fun. I haven’t been able to watch it for a while because of the calendar Kickstarter, but I’ve had the fortune of being able to watch it again and it’s great fun. And then I go, no, no thank you. And then we’ve got this one here. I’ve just got to navigate. No, that’s not, it should have prepared these earlier. This is psycho janitor for Rob Sped Lyle or Rob Lyle slash sped. So that’s where you can catch his comics and pull my stuff. Yeah. Cool. All my comics and I am pressing the wrong button again. Anything you want to share, Zach? Or just what’s Zach? Drew is where you find Zach or Isaac. He goes by many names. A mysterious man,

Whatzacdrew (01:02:35):
Zach, the Riffer. What? Zach Drew.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:41):

Whatzacdrew (01:02:41):
Sure there’s another famous serial killer. I could swipe their name.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:47):
Cool. Oh God, I’m not used to these buttons. I really aren’t. Cool. So thank you everyone. I’ll get rid of that picture if I can find it there. Thanks everyone. It was great to have you tonight. Great to have

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:03:09):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:11):
You had me. You had me. So

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:03:14):
Easy to derail you.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:17):
You had me at Hello Drone. Stick around because we’re going to do some Kickstarters, but everyone else, thank you very much for coming. Oh, that’s a lovely drawing. Yeah,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:03:29):
That’s Annika the angel of Awesome. When this is well said, I’m really looking

Whatzacdrew (01:03:33):
Forward to trying to draw that toilet realistic in my style

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:39):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:03:40):
That would be awesome. Probably.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:41):
What’s that from Ed?

Edmund Kearsley (01:03:43):
That’s the final dragon. They’re called the dual Dragons.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:49):
Oh, okay.

Edmund Kearsley (01:03:50):
When they were young and they were fighting in competitions. Bring

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:52):
Back your coping marker work.

Edmund Kearsley (01:03:55):
Never. That looks like on the back.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:04:01):
That’s awesome. Wow, that looks really good.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:03):
Thank you. Very cool. Well thank you very much everyone. I’ll let you go so I don’t hold you up for the night. It was great having you all. It was good to learn a little bit about views and thank you for being on the Comex Studio Presents.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:04:21):
Thanks for having us.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:23):
Pleasure. You guys pleasure. Yep. Thank you guys. Who shall I remove first S in control here. Thanks guys. Okay, Jerome, we’ll quickly jump over to the Kickstarters here. Now I will just go back to these little banner links, whether I’m remembering everything. Okay, so everyone, if you go to Comex, vp, vip sorry slash latest Kickstarter, that will take you to the latest Australian Indie Kickstarters. So I’ll just leave that up on the page so you can see how we got where we’re going and it’ll help if I actually share my screen. So these are the latest Kickstarters for Australia at the moment for Australian indie comics. So if you haven’t checked these out again, go to com X vip slash latest kickstarter. And this will take you to the latest Kickstarters that are out at the moment. We’ve got super RBA or super

Jerome Castro (01:05:41):
Super ready Battle armour

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:43):
Ready, battle Armour. That’s it. Lady of the Light Issue four, that’s currently 63, sorry, 36% funded. So if you can, this is a good comic, this one, it’s great story. A bit of a manga style to it, is that correct? Yep. You’ve read more of these than I have. So

Jerome Castro (01:06:07):
It follows more of a manga style than traditional comics, but it is quite good. You can give it a read. It has its first three issues out and this is the fourth one, which should continue with the story. And there’s something interesting coming. So

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:27):
Yeah, and halftime productions, I believe it’s Brad, Brad

Jerome Castro (01:06:34):
Bradley, Aiden. Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:35):
Yeah, that’s it. Bradley, Aiden, yeah. Who writes this particular story? Nothing Bad on You that I haven’t read it. It’s just I’ve skimmed it in my massive pile of two reads. So it’s not a bad thing that I haven’t read it. I haven’t read a lot. So yeah, I have skimmed down. It looks pretty cool. I’ve had a look at the art, so it looks pretty cool, which I do to every comic as it comes in. And then I put it in the pile and then I eventually read it. So we got Gorilla in My Dreams, the Sheep and the Ghost, which I believe is the third or fourth grill of my dreams.

Jerome Castro (01:07:12):
Yeah, it’s the

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:13):
Third one. He’s recovering from a gunshot wound. I’m just reading straight here and finds himself in a retire. No, he’s trying to retire from being a superhero and he finds himself in a nunnery. A nunnery of sheep, I believe.

Jerome Castro (01:07:28):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:31):
And this one’s going splendidly. 226% funded. So that just shows you

Jerome Castro (01:07:36):
Still have 16 days to go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:38):
Still got 16 days to go. So get onto that one guys and girls, there’s a reason this is going so well. All these other comics, Tim Styles is a great writer and his other comics are just, they’re great to read and people know this and that’s why this is being funded so well.

Jerome Castro (01:07:56):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:57):
Then we’ve got Fox in the Hound issue four. Oh, we’ve got a few issues. Four. See I love this line. You came for the TNA, you stayed for the jokes and now we’re off tissue four. That’s a great line. That one. I think Nicole’s done great there. This one’s a little bit more adult, but it’s a lot of fun. It’s not just sexiness for the sake of sexiness, it’s actual.

Jerome Castro (01:08:24):
So a lot of cool strong women in it. And they’re there and they’re there to kick ass and

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:31):
Yes. Yes, definitely. And then we’ve still got a few down here as well. They’re all funded, but this one’s crazy amount of money. Yeah, $101,000,

Jerome Castro (01:08:49):
16 hours to go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:51):
It’s 16 hours to go. Yeah, I think they’ll be very happy. I dunno too much about that comic. So I can’t tell you too much about that one. The comic lyric booklet. I haven’t looked into this. I should have had a look at this beforehand. That’s got 17 days to go. They’re 238% funded. So they’re going quite well. This one’s interesting. 7-year-old girl. First comment, a comment about bullying. I just found this today myself actually. She’s given out bracelets to some of the rewards that she’s made herself is kind of cute. And yeah, so it must have had a very low pledge level at $90 and it’s 361% funded. But that’s a nice little feel warm type of,

Jerome Castro (01:09:45):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:48):
Spirits beside us.

Jerome Castro (01:09:49):
This is spirits beside us. Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:52):
Do you know about this one?

Jerome Castro (01:09:54):
I think I’ve heard about it somewhere, but it’s still a mystery to me about the entire story.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:02):
Yeah, it’s still a mystery

Jerome Castro (01:10:03):
To me. Well, it still makes it a good,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:05):
It’s got seven days to go. It’s a fantasy comic of warring cults in the modern day. So it sounds interesting. I’ll have to have a look at that. So 17 days ago, so next week we’ll have another look at this one. I’ve had a proper read of it. And that’s all the open, everything else is finished. Oh, what’s this one? What’s this one? Oh, 18 month calendar. Oh, that sounds great. Oh, too late. Too late. Everyone. You’ve missed out. You’ve missed out. So that’s all the Kickstarter. So again, go to Comex vip slash latest Kickstarter to get the latest Australian indie comics so you can find out what’s out there in Australian indie comics in Kickstarter. So you can support, once you get hooked on Australian indie, there’s no turning back. It’s great stuff out there. It’s just awesome comics. Lots of

Jerome Castro (01:10:56):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:56):
Too. Lots of variety. Many different styles, many different genres. I mean, we’ve got to toilets with arms and guns, how

Jerome Castro (01:11:08):
We have ized, we have detectives,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11:11):
We’ve got animal detectives, and that’s just in our comic. So yeah. Cool. Well thank you very much everyone. I’ll bring this back to, we’ll make Jerome the voice in the darkness.

Jerome Castro (01:11:33):
I’ll eventually come out eventually.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11:37):
Eventually. Yeah. Well thank you everyone for joining us tonight. I had a lot of fun tonight. I hope you did as well. It was good meeting all the people from the comic studio presents comic anthology. I keep forgetting to say anthology. And thank you Jerome, for coming out again tonight to be my cohost.

Jerome Castro (01:12:00):
Yeah, it’s been a pleasure. Thank you.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:12:03):
And thank you for the great questions that I will one day think to ask myself for now. I’ll just leave that as your job. Yeah, so thank you everyone. And that’ll be us for the night. Have a great night everyone. And if you’re in YouTube, please down here somewhere,

Jerome Castro (01:12:31):
Give us a, there’s

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:12:33):
A subscribe button, so subscribe to our channel, click that. And I think there’s a like there somewhere as well this side. So yeah, thank you very much and have a great night.

Jerome Castro (01:12:47):
Have a great night guys.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:12:49):
See you. See

Jerome Castro (01:12:50):


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