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Rosanna Lam

Join fellow Flinders University Alumni and artist of the amazing South Australian comic Hail, Rosanna Lam, as we chat all things creative!


(there will be errors in the following text)

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:12):
Welcome to episode eight of the New season of Oz Comic Show. We are here tonight with Shaden as our host.

Sheydin Dew (00:20):
Hello, how are you?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:23):
And tonight we’ll be talking to Roseanna Lamb. She’s the artist on hail series, which is up to seven, I’ve just been told. And so without any further ado, let’s talk to Roseanna.

Sheydin Dew (00:38):
Let’s go. Hello everyone. Welcome to the Comics show. Tonight we have got a very good friend of mine, also a fellow alumni from Flinders University, Rosen and Lamb. Thank you so much for being on the show. How are you?

Rosanna Lam (01:13):
I’m good. Thanks for having me.

Sheydin Dew (01:16):
It’s our pleasure. We are super excited to talk all things. Hail. I had the pleasure of picking this up during the very first time I went to Supernova back in 2018. So it’s a really pleasure to finally talk all things about how it was made and talk a little bit about your creative journey and how you got into it. So I just wanted to kick off the show as always on a little bit of the actual creator. So how did you get into drawing exactly? I’d love to get into that.

Rosanna Lam (01:49):
Yeah. Okay. All right. So I guess I’ll start off with a little bit about myself. I specialise in mainly character art and portraits. I started drawing really young on pencil and paper, a lot of kids do, and later found that I could actually study and refine these skills to work towards a career. So I studied digital media in uni, and then I did some comedy work as artists for hail. Then later did some freelance work for Jobs here and there to name a few. Actually, would you mind doing a screen share for me?

Sheydin Dew (02:36):
Oh my gosh.

Rosanna Lam (02:38):
Yeah. Yeah. So to name a few, there was some character art that I did for a board game. We’ve got some character art for a graphic novel.

Sheydin Dew (02:55):
No way. Amazing. We’ve got some real good content there.

Rosanna Lam (03:02):
Yeah, stuff for, I think this is a CD cover for Rachel Leah car. I think she was on a show. What was it? It said it was The Voice. The Voice, that’s right. She was on The Voice. Really? Yeah, and there was like a, oh my

Sheydin Dew (03:24):

Rosanna Lam (03:26):
Yeah. But I guess a little bit about what inspired me as a kid. We can exit the, oh, wait, actually, there we go. We’ve got some Salem Moon here. So basically, I grew up watching a lot of animated kids movie shows, like classic Disney, Salem, moon Car, CAPTA Soccer, and a lot of Studio Ghibli stuff, which all had that soft, gentle, but also whimsical kind of look to them, and they’re all very detailed and colourful with amazing storytelling. Plus Sail Moon and Card capta. Sura started off as a manga series, which is super cool. I also played a lot of Final Fantasy. Oh

Sheydin Dew (04:18):
My God, this is Final Fantasy ever.

Rosanna Lam (04:22):
Yes, I played a lot of Final Fantasy and Secret of Mana and all that. I’m very stylized fantasy based and with a lot of Norse mythology inspired creatures and law. But my all time favourite, and the reason I started drawing more and digitally was a visual novel, cold Hotel Dusk. So it was a visual novel slash puzzle game that was on the Ds absolute, my absolute favourite game. So at the time, I was actually unaware that these beautifully anime characters, although quite clearly stylized, were actually rotoscoped very comic book Ink and Marker style kind of drawing style with very well-written and drawn characters. So I guess all of that had a contribution to me being passionate about drawing because I wanted to create something like that, but in my own way. So that’s how I came about drawing.

Sheydin Dew (05:32):
Oh my God. So how old were you when you discovered a hotel? Dusk?

Rosanna Lam (05:39):
I don’t know. It was probably about maybe last year of high school when I was in year 12.

Sheydin Dew (05:46):

Rosanna Lam (05:47):
So start playing this. Yeah, just before uni. I remember wanting to be able to draw digitally because of this, because yeah, see if there’s any better pictures.

Sheydin Dew (06:04):
That’s such a cool style. That is so awesome, and the fact that it’s all animated as well, that’s even better. But the fact that you are inspired by Final Fantasy seven, I’m very impressed because during

Rosanna Lam (06:19):

Sheydin Dew (06:20):
High school journey, I absolutely loved fifa. I think she was so badass.

Rosanna Lam (06:26):
Yeah. My favourite was S

Sheydin Dew (06:29):
Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that was one of the reasons why I went to uni, and that’s where we crossed paths, so

Rosanna Lam (06:36):
Nice, nice, nice. There

Sheydin Dew (06:37):
You go. Yeah. Yeah. That’s amazing. So you’ve told us a little bit about your background and whatnot. Obviously we both went to uni and we did the same kind of string. That’s fantastic. And we both kind of fell into comics, which is even better. I kind of want to jump a little ahead now. Can you tell us a little bit about some projects that you might be working on, whether or not that’s just some still pieced art pieces or whether or not you might be doing something else at

Rosanna Lam (07:06):
All? Now what I’m working on now? Now, okay. Actually, I can show you a picture that I started a couple of days ago, if you like. I’ll do thank you. Yes, please. Yeah, I will do a screen share. I’ll stop that one and then I’ll present another one. Let’s see.

Sheydin Dew (07:32):
So everyone watching Rosanna has only just mastered the screen sharing button, so S

Rosanna Lam (07:39):
There we go. That one. Oh, cool.

Sheydin Dew (07:44):
Oh my God.

Rosanna Lam (07:45):
So I am a huge fan of the last of us, and they recently released the live action last of us three episodes in, I think on HBO or on binge or something. And this is the main character, one of the main characters, Joel played by Pedro Pascal. So that’s what I’m working on at the moment. Very excited,

Sheydin Dew (08:11):
Amazing stuff. And it’s still got that kind of graphic element that you’ve always artwork, and again, it’s super, a bit of a nod to Hotel Dusk that you showed before as well. I can kind of see the influence there. Yeah,

Rosanna Lam (08:26):

Sheydin Dew (08:26):
To see.

Rosanna Lam (08:28):
Start off with that.

Sheydin Dew (08:34):
Nice. Oh, cool.

Rosanna Lam (08:35):
Yeah, and then the outline and then the colour. But yeah, I’m slowly working on the background, but yeah, that’s what I’ve been working on. I’ve also just have a couple of portraits that I’m working on as well, but I don’t think I have them here.

Sheydin Dew (08:54):
Yeah, no worries. Fantastic. And I heard that you were telling us before that you have been doing some freelance stuff, so you’ve been working a little bit with design, the graphic design industry, and a little bit of illustration. How’s that?

Rosanna Lam (09:08):
How’s that going? How’s that

Sheydin Dew (09:09):
Been for you? Yeah,

Rosanna Lam (09:10):
Sorry. How’s that been for me? Yeah, yeah, pretty good. Actually, it was last year when I was working in graphic design for a local company. I did a lot of marketing, a lot of social media content, stuff like that. A lot of printed and digital work mixed in and logo work as well. That was really fun. I actually really enjoyed it, but it was just a lot of work, and I guess I sort of wanted to take a break from it because I wanted to go back to what I’m passionate about rather than actually just working on things that are for specific companies, if that makes sense. Yeah, so more creative freedom, I suppose. So yeah, I took a bit of a break, and currently I’m just doing what I want and it’s going well.

Sheydin Dew (10:15):
Yeah, nice.

Rosanna Lam (10:17):
Yeah, I think I’m wanting, oh, sorry.

Sheydin Dew (10:19):
That’s fantastic to hear. That’s awesome.

Rosanna Lam (10:22):
Yeah, I’m wanting to sort of make a online store, maybe do some prints and all that like yourself.

Sheydin Dew (10:32):
Oh my gosh. I’ll be your first customer, I swear.

Rosanna Lam (10:36):

Sheydin Dew (10:38):
That is amazing. Yeah, so awesome. So we’ve talked a little bit about your past present and a little bit of your future, which is fantastic. I kind of want to get into the nitty-gritty stuff now. So you went to uni, obviously. How did you get into comics in that time? How did you do it?

Rosanna Lam (10:58):
Oh, the story, I think specifically, I think it was hail that got me into comics. So how did I start?

Sheydin Dew (11:09):
Did that all come about? How did hail come

Rosanna Lam (11:11):
Into your life?

Yeah, okay. So hail started off with me as a uni student who attended a pitch for 2D artists to join a project for one of our classes. I remember it wasn’t compulsory, so I didn’t actually end up putting my name down for anything. But a few days later, my topic coordinator came up to me and asked if I’d be interested in becoming lead artist for this project, because the original lead artist had to leave the country for a fancy internship or something. I was a bit hesitant because I didn’t really believe I had the skills. Mind you, I barely touched any digital art at that point, and I was overloaded with existing assessments, stress and work outside of uni. But she insisted, and her reasoning was my art star that I’d shown in one of portfolios, actually had similar qualities to the art star that the original lead artist had. So it took a bit of convincing, but I eventually agreed, I’m a bit of a people pleaser, but I got to gain experience as a comic book artist, skill build, gain exposure network, and work in a great team. And that’s how I really, I guess, came about with comic creation and actually getting into the comic industry.

Sheydin Dew (12:44):
Absolutely. That is amazing. That’s so cool to hear that. We kind of came from similar realms, I guess. And thank God you did actually get onto hail, because I definitely think you’ve definitely made it to what it is now. So how many issues is hail? Is it finished or is it still going, or,

Rosanna Lam (13:02):
Yeah, it’s finished seven issues, and I believe each issue was about, I’d say 20, 25, 30 pages, which is a lot. So seven issues. We did have it up online for a bit, and we did sell it at conventions and all that. We even had a couple events at Greenlight for new releases, so that was fun. But yeah, I think it lasted two to three, I’d say two and a bit years. It took two and a bit years to complete eight to 10 pages per month back to back.

Sheydin Dew (13:54):
And looking at the inner front cover, Shane, I don’t know if you want to pull this up at all, but there are so many names on this, such a huge team that you worked alongside. So were all these also undergraduates as well?

Rosanna Lam (14:11):
Yes, yes. All I think we came from different streams. Some of us were in the same classes, and some of us didn’t actually know each other. We just all saw the same pitch and we were like, yeah, let’s do it.

Sheydin Dew (14:24):
Oh my God. So that would’ve been such a cool networking opportunity

Rosanna Lam (14:27):
For you? Yeah, yeah, was I got to meet a lot of cool people, a lot of cool comic creators who are like-minded and yeah, it was great.

Sheydin Dew (14:38):
What was it like working in such a big team, a big team? Did you find it challenging or did you find it really refreshing?

Rosanna Lam (14:45):
To be honest, it was efficient, but it was quite challenging. So we would communicate mainly through email and Messenger, but we had monthly meetings, sometimes even more where, well, first off, Miranda and I would prepare the comic panels based off the script that she had written. We’d upload ’em to the Google Drive where everyone else would upload their work as a part of the pipeline for others to work off of. But then after that, it would reach the background artists first. Then it would come back to me for the pencilling and draughts and inking. Sometimes other artists would help me ink. Everyone had a different role then it would reach the colorists then back to me for every time glass Elena showed up, then back to Miranda who did the dialogue, speech bubbles and sound effects. So it was a lot of work, but it was quite a rewarding experience I had say.

Sheydin Dew (15:48):
Yeah, yeah, I bet. That’s amazing. So that’s really quite different to the norm that we get on this show where a lot of people go at alone, but it’s really refreshing to know that some people have done it in such big teams, and to hear how that kind of went for you, that’s super amazing. What kind of software did you guys use when you were creating the comic?

Rosanna Lam (16:16):
Well, the script was written on a Word doc. Sometimes it would just be a Google Doc where everyone could just sort of see it. But we worked on mainly Photoshop, I believe some people had other art programmes, maybe paint tools or choral paint, but mainly Adobe, like Photoshop. That was how we, so if they worked on a different programme, they would have to sort of import it to Photoshop and then save it as a PDF or something, or like a PSD for us to actually use. So yeah, and I used a graphics tablet. I’ve actually got it here. It was this exact one. It was the Anus five touch in the Medium. I’ve recently upgraded, but this works specifically with Adobe products, so I didn’t have trouble trying to get it to work. So yeah, that’s the stuff that we used to create hail.

Sheydin Dew (17:23):
I bet that Wacom tablet is very sentimental to you if you’ve used it since hail that’s been with you for the long

Rosanna Lam (17:29):
Run. It’s been with me for a very long time. It’s still going strong.

Sheydin Dew (17:35):
So what are you using now? Do you have a different Wacom tablet?

Rosanna Lam (17:38):
Yeah, so I’ve actually recently gone back to this Wacom tablet just because of the compatibility issues that I’ve been sort of experiencing with other tablets. The one that I upgraded to was the Huon tablet. So it’s the one where there’s an actual screen, like a monitor that you draw on, but that worked with Adobe for a little bit, but then every update after 2021, it just kept crashing. So yeah, I’ve gone back to the trusty, old Wacom.

Sheydin Dew (18:19):
It’s still going strong, going strong, if that’s any nod to Wacom and it’s trustworthiness, I don’t know what is. So yeah. So kind of bringing it back to hail, for viewers who haven’t read it, can you tell us the synopsis or a little

Rosanna Lam (18:37):
Bit about, I actually, I’ve written some notes down because it’s been a while, so let me go take a look, see, right. Alright. So hail, for those of you who don’t know, is a superhero comic. It was made for an inclusive demographic, but mainly for women who might be suffering from an invisible illness such as depression or anxiety. The comic follows a woman named Lana who turns to glass when she experiences anxiety, and us as the reader go through that journey of her learning how to cope with her emotions, learning how to control the glass, and ultimately turning her weakness into a superpower to fight bad guys and save people.

Sheydin Dew (19:31):
Amazing. I could not have said that. I think that really encompasses it really well, especially with the first issue. I reread it, obviously I bought this back in 2018, so I’ve had it a while, but I reread it just so refresh myself and just made me want to buy all the other six issues all the much more, just I really have to know what happens to Seth. I won’t spoil anything.

Rosanna Lam (19:58):
Oh, yes, yes. Yeah.

Sheydin Dew (20:03):
Tell me, is there any romance that blossoms at all?

Rosanna Lam (20:08):
Yeah, so with that, Seth I guess can be seen as a romantic interest, but it’s more so platonic to begin with because he’s such a nice person. I think we didn’t really have a lot of time focusing on Seth as a character. We couldn’t really develop his character a lot more than Lana, for example, the main character. We saw her all the time, but we didn’t want to sort of have him as just the romantic interest. So yeah, Lena does have other romantic interests, but if I were to remake hail and if I actually had the time, I would really put more focus on Seth because he’s such a good boy. He’s such a great character.

Sheydin Dew (21:01):
That’s so interesting that you say that, and I think that’s really, really refreshing that you say that you didn’t want to put too much emphasis on a love story and that there’s more empowerment towards women suffering with those invisible illnesses. And I think that really put the cherry on top for me when you said that, because I think that gives it even more depth to that story. It’s not just a super hero comic. It’s got a lot of undertone and a lot of relevant topics that it touches on when you said that. So yeah, I think that’s fantastic that you said that. I do want to ask, do you have a favourite character in Hale? Who was your favourite to draw?

Rosanna Lam (21:46):
That’s a tricky one. I love drawing all the characters, but I think my favourite would be Ebony. So Lana’s best friend, she is her body type. She’s like a full figured woman. She’s got great taste in fashion and she has the best judgmental expressions, and it’s just so fun drawing her because all the characters who want to make them more realistic and more relatable to the readers. So her body type is not the typical one that you’d see in a lot of comics. I’m not saying that as all comics are like that, but so Ebony, Ebony, so she’s got the black, dark, wavy hair and the nice clothes.

Sheydin Dew (22:44):
She appears in the first issue. She, she’s the best friend at the office.

Rosanna Lam (22:49):
Yeah, yeah. Best friend. The law firm.

Sheydin Dew (22:54):
Yeah. Yeah. No, that’s fantastic. I’m so glad that you said that as well, because always really nice to see body positivity in comics, especially nowadays. So I think it’s really nice that it’s so inclusive and really shines a different perspective on women in comics. So I think that’s fantastic to hear. Yeah, so good on you. Was there something that was super challenging when creating the comment, besides working with perhaps a rather large team? Was there anything else challenging?

Rosanna Lam (23:28):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the most challenging thing that I experienced whilst drawing hail was finding the time to actually draw. Because yes, I was a full-time uni student. I worked as a freelance artist, had a cafe job and a retail job, and I was also volunteering at a aged care centre. So I was basically running on fumes, even though hail was a part of the topic that we had in uni, one of the topics that we had to do a project on, it was a lot of outside of uni work. A lot of my own downtime was just so that was quiet and experience. It was stressful at times, but looking back, we actually made something out of it. So that was rewarding.

Sheydin Dew (24:33):
Yeah. Yeah, I was just going to say, it would’ve been super rewarding regardless of how tough the process was. I mean, you got your name printed on something and that happens to be printed on it sometimes. So you’re doing well, you’re doing really well.

Rosanna Lam (24:46):
Thank you.

Sheydin Dew (24:47):
So you said, we’ve talked a little bit about your characters and whatnot. It is a little fun question for you. If you can inherit any trait from one of your characters, what would it be and why would it be a characteristic? Would it be a superpower? Would it be dress sense?

Rosanna Lam (25:08):
Okay. I don’t want to spoil things, but I suppose if you’ve read hail, you’d know that Seth has kind of a super power as well, so he can actually heal people. So if I could inherit something like a trait from a specific character, it’d be Seth’s healing ability, because I mean, that would come in handy. I think

Sheydin Dew (25:42):
That makes me even more curious about this comic book series now that’s throwing a spanner in the works, so you’re only just more curious, that’s for sure. So what kind of characters would you most likely to become friends with Inhale

Rosanna Lam (25:59):
Most likely to become friends with? I think Seth, again, to be honest. But there’s also another character named Monica. She’s also, I think her name was Monica. Oh, Jesus. It’s been way too long. She works as a reporter and she’s very sassy, very, she’ll joke a lot with you, and I think she’d make a pretty good friend, I reckon.

Sheydin Dew (26:30):
Nice. Oh, okay. So how many characters are there in Hale? Do you remember how

Rosanna Lam (26:36):
Many? Yeah, there’s quite a few. So there’s Elena, Seth, Ebony, we’ve got the Shepherd, we’ve got love interest, we’ve got Monica Police officer. There’s at least seven. At least seven characters.

Sheydin Dew (26:52):
Who took the longest to design, do you reckon?

Rosanna Lam (26:55):
The longest? Well, the longest to draw was definitely Lena in her glass form because although I had a custom glass brush that Elaine, the original artist had actually made for me, I would go over every highlight and shadow of every shard draw cracks and put in the extra effort to make her partially transparent in some areas. But I guess after her it would definitely be the shepherd, because he’s known as the dog killer, the one with all the dog collars down his forearms. So that took a long time to just draw all the different coloured colours and all the different designs on the colours.

Sheydin Dew (27:47):
Oh wow. And you did that manually. That’s crazy.

Rosanna Lam (27:50):

Sheydin Dew (27:52):
My God. Well, actually, just so everybody knows what you’re talking about with the glass effects, because obviously that’s a huge, huge highlight. I’m just going to click to a random page here just so people know exactly what we are talking about. This is Lean’s superpower, so to speak, and I think the last page in this volume, I’ll just pop it up now. I think this spread is absolutely phenomenal. I dunno how you’d do that. And obviously with front cover as well, you get a bit of a taste of what’s to come, but I think you’ve just rendered that absolutely beautifully roseanna. I think you should really give yourself, you’ve really done it justice. That’s absolutely amazing. I also have one more question about characters. I mean, it was a huge highlight for me in my university journey doing character design. So I’m super into characters one. Any of the characters do inspired by real life people,

Rosanna Lam (29:01):
I guess. Well, I actually had less creative freedom with how the characters looked in because I followed detailed descriptions from Miranda, the writer. But yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if she based them off of real people, but so generally, if I am drawing a character, I would look up reference images. So I guess, yeah, a lot of the characters that I draw are inspired by real people, maybe a specific feature of that person, or I want to convey a specific trait through their personality or something in a pose or something like that, or a facial expression. So

Sheydin Dew (29:48):
Yeah. Did you ever do the old trick of having a mirror on the desk and

Rosanna Lam (29:52):

Sheydin Dew (29:53):
Specific expression being expression? Yeah.

Rosanna Lam (29:56):
Yeah. And anyone who would walk past would be like, what the heck is she doing

Sheydin Dew (30:02):
These ones? Yeah, I think all artists understand that,

Rosanna Lam (30:08):
That’s for sure. It’s really good. It’s really good practise doing that.

Sheydin Dew (30:12):
No, absolutely. Absolutely. So yeah, we’ve talked a little bit about your favourite characters, some that were a bit challenging. I kind of want to move into a little bit more about how you did it. So in regards to how you published it, how was that process for you?

Rosanna Lam (30:34):
How we published it? So Miranda was the mastermind behind the distribution of the comic. She managed to get it up on Kickstarter, so we got backed by a lot of people who were supporting us from the very start and just people who were just interested in general. But yeah, I think she had quite a few people that she knew at our local comic bookstore, Greenlight, comic Greenlight comics, that’s one, yeah. Yeah. So yes, she managed to get it in through there, would have events that we’d attend to celebrate the new release for all the new issues of hail that we’d created. And then we had a couple of ones interstate, and she would email some comic bookstores about hail and they’d be like, yeah, we can sell it physically in store. So we sent a few interstate. But yeah, mainly it was digital and you can actually download it for free through the website. But yeah, we also had a lot of merch as well. What did you, I think we had bookmarks, mugs, posters. I think at one point we were thinking of shirts as well, like apparel, but I don’t think we ended up doing that. But yeah, it was nice having little, having your actual comics on the table for all the comic conventions that we’ve been to. And having just your merch on the side just really adds nice touch to your little table.

Sheydin Dew (32:40):
Yeah, I remember picking obviously it up at Supernova in 20, 20 18. Were you there? You were there behind the table.

Rosanna Lam (32:49):
Yeah. Yeah. So we were at Supernova, Comic-Con acon. We were at the comics Toy Fair. And also, yeah, our paper cuts as well. Recently. We had a few pieces at the exhibition, and yeah, I think that was it.

Sheydin Dew (33:16):
Amazing. Yeah, obviously shout out to South Australians. A lot of those festivals here in sa, like the comic and Toy Fair and paper cuts. Definitely two of my very favourites for sure. How did you find going at conventions? Was it your first time tabling?

Rosanna Lam (33:33):
It was, yeah, so we had a lot of early mornings. I love my sleep ins, so it was a bit of a struggle getting out of bed, but I knew it was all for a good cause. And yeah, it was nice having people approach you about your work, and it was just nice having conversations about things that we enjoy and are passionate about. So that was a lot of fun. Even if we didn’t sell a whole lot to begin with, it was great just for the experience. And a lot of the time we would also table with people that we knew as well in the comics industry. So at every convention it would always be the same group of people, be like, hello.

Sheydin Dew (34:26):
You had the friendly faces there. That was, yeah. Yeah. Amazing. Was there a convention that was your favourite and why?

Rosanna Lam (34:40):
I had say they were all equally good, but I think I’ll have to go with Supernova because that was the very first one that we did. So it holds a special place in my heart,

Sheydin Dew (34:55):
Of course. And I think the one that you were at, the first one that you were at was also the first one I tabled at as well. So another similarity, another common ground for us. Yeah, exactly. I just remembered that I’ve skipped a question about paint, and that was, which one was your favourite issue? Obviously maybe don’t give it a why to spoil it or anything, but is there

Rosanna Lam (35:24):

Sheydin Dew (35:24):
You really enjoyed doing from start to finish?

Rosanna Lam (35:28):
Yes. Which one? Yeah, so I’d have to say it was issue seven, the last issue for sentimental reasons, because it was the last one and everyone was kind of sad that it was ending, but also kind of happy because it was the last one, but also because there were a lot of action scenes in that one. And I’d never really drawn a whole heap of action scenes before. And it was just really fun showing Lana in a glass form doing all these cool stunts and moves and all that, and she goes up against the bad guy and yeah, it’s super cool. So I won’t say much more because there’ll be spoilers, but yeah, a lot of glass in that one. So it took probably the longest to draw. But yeah, my favourite issue is the last issue.

Sheydin Dew (36:23):
Yeah. Oh my gosh. Do you have any of the issues next to you by any chance that we can see?

Rosanna Lam (36:29):
I have them. I have them digitally.

Sheydin Dew (36:33):
Can we see

Rosanna Lam (36:36):
Just the covers?

Sheydin Dew (36:37):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely.

Rosanna Lam (36:40):
Just let me see if I can,

Sheydin Dew (36:47):
I’ve thrown you off guard. I

Rosanna Lam (36:50):
Share my screen.

Sheydin Dew (36:55):
You’ve done very well to learn it just for tonight.

Rosanna Lam (36:58):
Oh, thank you. We time

Sheydin Dew (37:01):
To practise, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it, that’s for sure, because I don’t think I’ve seen any other of the covers, so this will be exciting.

Rosanna Lam (37:10):
Yeah, so I’ll just slowly load them up. So that one’s the last one. I think I sent you this one. Yep. First one. Wow.

Sheydin Dew (37:25):
It’s doing a lot for us.

Rosanna Lam (37:27):
Yeah, it’s taking its time.

Sheydin Dew (37:30):
Well, if they don’t load, I will ask the next question on the list. Oh, look at that.

Rosanna Lam (37:38):
Well, yeah, I think they’re just, for some reason they’re not loading through the stream.

Sheydin Dew (37:44):
Yeah, that’s right. Threw you a curve ball. But honestly, some of the spreads just even in issue one, and I’m sure it even got even more action packed, like you said. I think that just makes it even worth to go and buy the next six. So where can we find hail? Is it still in stores or is it online?

Rosanna Lam (38:08):
It’s been a while actually. It’s been a while, but I do know Miranda still has a whole hip that she, I guess we’re going to have to do something with them, so maybe in the future will do another stall or something, hopefully, because they were up online before, but we had to pay for the website to be up, and we just couldn’t keep doing that. So it was available for anyone to read for free. But other than that, yeah, it was at Greenlight Comics, but I don’t think they have it anymore. So I think it’s just up to Miranda and I doing another stall again in the future.

Sheydin Dew (38:59):
Is that definitely on the cards or is it kind of like a pipeline at the moment? Maybe.

Rosanna Lam (39:04):
Yeah, maybe. I mean, so I feel like you might not, we do have copies of the original seven issues, but if I were to make remake, it would be the new one, the newly remastered version of hail that we’d probably be selling if we were to have another stall again. Yeah,

Sheydin Dew (39:33):
If you could go or return to another convention, which one would it be and why?

Rosanna Lam (39:45):
I want to say,

Sheydin Dew (39:47):
Are there any that you haven’t been to yet, or

Rosanna Lam (39:51):
Did Athletes stop doing Aus ComicCon?

Sheydin Dew (39:56):
The ComicCon, yes, but I think it’s come back. I think

Rosanna Lam (40:00):

Sheydin Dew (40:01):
Coming back this year, the Aus comic.

Rosanna Lam (40:03):
Okay. From, yeah, I always really liked a ComicCon, but either Supernova because of sentimental reasons, but also a ComicCon because there are so many comics that you can look at and be an awe of. So ComicCon, there’s acon, I think ACON as well, because that’s also gaming as well. So a bit of mixture between gaming, comics and Manga as well. Manga, definitely. Yeah, actually, yeah,

Sheydin Dew (40:44):
Throw back to your inspirations, I guess. And that’s funny that you bring up acon because that’s actually written above my desk right now as my three goal to go to acon. I never, so yeah, if you’ve got any tips and tricks, please throw them my way.

Rosanna Lam (41:02):
My goodness.

Sheydin Dew (41:03):
Yeah. So you’ve tabled at ACON before, did you say?

Rosanna Lam (41:06):
Yes, yes. I tabled at acon.

Sheydin Dew (41:10):

Rosanna Lam (41:10):
You find That was great. I mean, a lot of people would go to ACON specifically for the anime sides of things, so you’d get a lot of people who would be sort of semi-interested in your work. They’ll come up to you, chat to you about your work and all that, any other convention. But yeah, although we didn’t sell a lot at acon, it was just nice seeing all the cosplays as well. They would come by and they’ll be so friendly. We’ll take photos together and they’ll give you a cheeky plug. It was acon con’s fun. And also when you are not sitting behind the table and you go around looking at other people’s work and the stuff that they’re selling, it’s quite a variety. Quite diverse creators as well. So yeah, it’s

Sheydin Dew (42:11):
Absolutely nice.

Rosanna Lam (42:12):

Sheydin Dew (42:13):
Yeah. Now, did I read also that back in the early days that Hail was for sale on Comicology? Is that correct?

Rosanna Lam (42:23):
I think so, actually. Yeah, that sounds fakely familiar.

Sheydin Dew (42:29):
It’s really funny because not only did we go to uni together, not only did we attend the very first Comic Con together, we also put our comics on Comicology back in those days. Because yeah, that was what I was doing. I was like comparing sales at conventions to online me not knowing anything. I went straight to Comicology. But lo and behold, now I’ve got ACOM X founded by the lovely Shane next to me. Yeah. I would’ve died for the services that he now provides back in 2018, but there you go. No, that’s fantastic. That’s so cool. I guess I really want to turn a little bit of a corner now in the show, and I really want to bring it back to a little bit about the comic community here in Australia. Maybe perhaps we can pop ourselves back a little bit back when you were doing hail, what was your favourite thing about the Australian comic industry?

Rosanna Lam (43:35):
My favourite thing, let’s see. I guess my favourite thing about the Aussie comic industry is how supportive everyone is. It’s a small community compared to the rest of the world, but it’s definitely growing, and I love seeing that passion in all the creative ways. It is conveyed through different styles and genres of people’s comics and creations. We all love comics, but this is my way of showing it. It’s a bit like show and tell where everyone kind of ooze and ahs and motivate each other. So yeah, I guess that’s what, I think that’s my favourite thing about the Aussie comic industry is how supportive everyone is.

Sheydin Dew (44:26):
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And I think to build upon that, I think definitely in the last couple of years since we’ve released both by comics, I think it’s become a lot more inclusive. So we’ve seen a lot of different ways in which women are portrayed in comics as well. A lot of different styles have come to light as well. So I think how progressive that the Australian comic industry has become a huge highlight, especially for myself anyway. But is there anything else that you’d want to see more of in the comic industry, you reckon?

Rosanna Lam (45:06):
I guess, yeah, mean similar to you? Well, as we all know, not Australia in particular, but in other parts of the world, a lot of the comic content is very male oriented. I am not sure how to explain in a way that won’t make me sound like I’m complaining, but similar to the typical male versus female gaze, or for an exaggerated example, like ways and telling a story and building characters where women aren’t only romantic interests and side characters. So a Love Me are good inclusive comic, where norms are challenged and issues that aren’t usually talked about a lot are brought to light where characters are loved, not just for the way they look, but for how they think, for how they feel, and how they can relate to a reader and even inspire them.

Sheydin Dew (46:02):
Yes, absolutely. A wonderful answer. Very, very. Yes. Yes, I agree, Shane. Yeah, that’s amazing. So awesome. And I’m so glad that you kind of touched on that topic as well. I think that’s, again, very refreshing. I also want to ask, because you are a really successful artist, both just not only in Hale, but also in your own personal projects, some of your art that I’ve seen on Instagram is just amazing, and I’ve been following you ever since I picked up my book. What is your best tip for emerging comic creators or artists for that matter?

Rosanna Lam (46:47):
Okay, my best top tip I’d say for comic creators is to network. Get your stuff out there, even if you don’t think your art deserves to see the light of day, because in all honesty, it does, and it shows progress. And I guess make sure to take breaks. Don’t burn yourself out because that’s how you’ll get yourself into a slump and you don’t want that. So yeah. Yeah, that’s my top tip.

Sheydin Dew (47:24):
There’s some decent tips there. And I think definitely something that I wish I learned a little bit earlier, my journey as well. So yeah, I think if anybody is an emerging creator, definitely pop them in the back of your mind because I think they’re definitely very valuable. Having, now we’ve just talked so much about hail. I really want to know what was your biggest lesson learned while you were creating the hail series?

Rosanna Lam (47:53):
My biggest lesson learned, I guess, because I actually didn’t start off with several draughts of how the characters looked. So I stuck to one thing and showed it to Miranda and she was like, yep, that’s great. And we stuck to it, and it was the glass. It was the glass. It took me way too long. So I think another tip is to sort of draw characters in different styles, in different levels of complexity, because depending on how much time you have, which I didn’t have much time at all, it can be a struggle to keep pushing out pages and pages worth every month because there was a deadline. So yeah, make sure to sort of organise your time and make sure you actually are taking breaks. Make sure to take breaks and set yourself a timeline and don’t give just one style the creator or to the writer and the person overlooking your art. Give several versions of the art and make suggestions as to how efficient it would be, how simple or how complex it’s going to be, and line that up with your timeline. So yeah, that’s my biggest lesson learned. The glass was a struggle.

Sheydin Dew (49:35):
I can only imagine as well, having looking at that glass. So everything in those panels when she does turn to glass. So that was all manually done, was it? You said that you did have a

Rosanna Lam (49:48):
Brush. Yeah, there was a couple of custom brushes, but the thing was a lot of them didn’t match up with the background contrast wise, so a lot of the time I had to go over them several times over just to make them pop out of the page. Yeah.

Sheydin Dew (50:07):
Well, yeah, I can totally understand why you went for the custom brushes. I mean, yeah, kudos to you for doing that. Yeah, it’s definitely paid off as well. I think as digital artists, we love a good custom brush and yeah, I think it’s done. Its justice. I think it’s really done well, thank you. Yeah, I think this is actually my final question. Yeah, I think we’ve come to the bottom of the barrel. I really want to know, are you planning on doing any other comics? I know you touched a little bit briefly on maybe remastering it, I think, would

Rosanna Lam (50:46):
You say? Yeah. Yes, yes. Actually, if I could do another screen share. Sorry, I’ll just stop that one and present to you,

Sheydin Dew (51:03):
You’re going to be a master by the end.

Rosanna Lam (51:07):
Yeah, so I think I would love to definitely go back and remaster Hale. So this was what the characters, well, Lana and Ebony looked like to begin with. So we have got some concept out for it. So that’s what they ended up looking like. And I recently had gone back and redrew them, so that’s what I think the characters should look like now. So yeah, I would love to remaster Hale. I would also love to sort of make small short comics about my daily life perhaps. That’d be interesting. Oh cool. That’d be fun. And yeah, I think that’d be something interesting to do. Short snippets of daily life of Rosanna or something. I dunno.

Sheydin Dew (52:01):
I love it. I love it. So kind perhaps like zines.

Rosanna Lam (52:06):
Yeah, yeah, I think so. Yeah,

Sheydin Dew (52:09):
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I mean there’s such a huge convention circuit here, Adelaide, and I mean even in the Eastern states, that stuff is just super popular now and again, like me, I’m very interested in doing that too. So there you go. We’ve crossed paths a lot.

Rosanna Lam (52:31):
Yeah, we have. Wow,

Sheydin Dew (52:32):
That is fantastic to hear that you, you’ve got some future projects on the pipeline and it’s really nice to know that there’s going to be more of Ena Lamb to come, so that’s amazing. Like I said, that was my final question, unless Shane, any other questions or anything else we need to touch base on? Well, I’ll just

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:58):
Add, not a question, don’t worry, Rosanna. I’ll just go, can you please like the video, subscribe to the channel, and just a bit of a word about the channel. We have this show every Wednesday, which the Oz Comic Show. We rotate the host between Shaden and Morgan. So every second week, well every week is someone different. So then we’ve also got the Friday night drink and draw, which is a lot of fun, organised chaos, I like to call it. We have the Sunday Spotlight where we go into the process, we talk about the process more than the product and the person. And then on Tuesday we have Tuesday, although that’s going on a bit of a break at the moment, but they’ll be back shortly I’m sure. So yeah, so tune into those shows as well when you subscribe to the journal.

Sheydin Dew (53:58):
Absolutely. And just as a final word, roseanna, where can our viewers find some of your work? Do you have a

Rosanna Lam (54:05):

Sheydin Dew (54:06):
Social media?

Rosanna Lam (54:07):

Sheydin Dew (54:08):
Can we find you?

Rosanna Lam (54:09):
Yeah, so you can find me on Art Station on roseanna, and also on Instagram and Facebook as Roseanna Lamb art, all one word, no spaces and or lowercase

Sheydin Dew (54:23):
Probably. It’s definitely giving her a follow on Instagram. Go follow. The artwork is amazing, and I’ve been following it for a very long time. But yeah, what else? Where else can we find you or Hale? Is there any others?

Rosanna Lam (54:40):
We did have a website, so we did have Facebook. So if you go on Facebook and type in, I think it’s Hail Comic, you’ll be able to find some hail stuff there. Yeah,

Sheydin Dew (54:52):

Rosanna Lam (54:52):
Yeah, I’m fairly sure it’s still live

Sheydin Dew (54:55):
Amazing, and you never know. We might see Hail in the future, or at least a couple of Z by Roseanna. But nonetheless, I just want to thanks everyone for tuning in. Again, make sure you see all the other shows that are upcoming this week. I’m sure it’s going to be one heck of a week for the Comex channel. But again, I just want to thank you again for coming on the show, Reanna. It’s so nice to see a fresh face on the channel having me. Yeah, we hope to see more of your stuff. But again, thanks so much guys for tuning in, and we’ll see you guys next week. Bye for now.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:32):
Bye for now. Bye.

Voice Over (55:34):
Check out for all things Comex and find out what Comex is all about. We hope you enjoyed the show.


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