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Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle

Want to know more about Spedsy? check out or better yet, watch this stream ;) Want to know more about Spedsy'slatest comics? check out or better yet pledge and back and get them as rewards!!!! :D Like we always say, people who don't know Spedsy are just Spedsy fans in waiting !!


(there will be errors in the following text)

Morgan Quaid (00:21):
Hey, how is everybody? It is Morgan Quat here, obviously, unfortunately missing sizzle from this night’s broadcast. So wherever you are, sizzle fighting crime and whatnot, we are with you. And go. Well go She and all of that sort of stuff. So tonight we have the one and only Spie to talk about a new Kickstarter campaign among which there is a new comic called Sluggish, which is fantastic. So without further ado, I will bring on Spie right now as I hit buttons. Let’s go. Is that the new one? I think

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:12):
That was abrupt.

Morgan Quaid (01:14):
That’s not the normal one. That’s a different one.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:17):
Anyway. Oh, a thing called, we’re in a Wrong thing.

Morgan Quaid (01:21):
We’re in a different place. This is, Hey. Alright, give me two seconds and you didn’t appear and this happened. That’s more familiar. Welcome, welcome. How are you? This fine. Wonderful night.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:56):
I’m good man. Just some behind the scenes stuff. All the images are now in a different thingy.

Morgan Quaid (02:04):
Well we can switch to that thingy and then I’ll just come back when we are done with that thingy and we’ll do this thingy when we get to the second bit of the thing. Clear as day. Ooh, colours. Look at that. Alright, welcome to the Bizaro Universe Comics podcast. So we might as well get right into it. Thank you, sir for joining us or me as it is tonight. So we’re here to talk about your latest Kickstarter. Your first Kickstarter. Is that correct though?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (02:37):
My first Kickstarter? Yeah.

Morgan Quaid (02:39):
Fantastic. So why don’t you tell us a little bit about what’s on offer in the Kickstarter and then we might have a little bit of a squeeze at it and then dig a bit deeper with details and

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (02:49):
Such. Okay. Well there are three books up for Gabs that would be the Devil’s Toilet. Three for those playing at home that collects the three chapters of Frederick Lon, you Bloody Ripper Parts one, two, and three plus a whole bunch of cool art in the back from some of our fellow community peeps. Then there’s a book called Sluggish Sluggish number one that is a slug by the name of Herb who he swears it is not a story. He’s not the narrator, he’s just a slug that’s just living trying to get by. He laments the fact that he actually has no story and in a way, I guess goes looking for one. Does he find it?

Morgan Quaid (03:43):
I’ll have to wait and see.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (03:45):
Yeah, and then we have Vamoose three, which is what I refer to as an awesome Australian anthology. Three a’s it means we’re the top of the white pages and that collects some of the greatest creators in Australia to tell stories based around one common theme and that common theme for issue three is robots and robots for the most part. The stories from each person take that super literally and they features some robots and some robots and then other people go a little bit, what do you call it,

Morgan Quaid (04:29):
Bit word metaphorical or a little bit, yeah,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (04:34):
ICal. Deep down we’re all metaphorically a rowboat of some sort.

Morgan Quaid (04:40):
People climbing. There’s a rowboat in all of us

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (04:44):
Or Yeah,

Morgan Quaid (04:46):
Is there Get it? Or because of the

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (04:48):

Morgan Quaid (04:49):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (04:52):
Didn’t have to paddle far for that one. No. Yeah, so that’s about the gist of it. You can get all three books or you can get one, two, or three and there’s all kinds of stretch goals and all that stuff that I’m terrified about. I pulled the, what do you call it? Pulled the rip, pull the

Morgan Quaid (05:16):
Pin. Pulled the rip cord. Yeah.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (05:17):
People told me that it was time that I was ready. I doubted them, but here we are and it’s going pretty good, so can’t complain.

Morgan Quaid (05:30):
It’s going great. We are going to have a look at the campaign shortly. It is one decent bid or a couple of bids or a couple of backers away from reaching the first goal, which would be fantastic. So we’re going to dig in and have a little look through that one. So anyone that’s on there, if you haven’t backed now, anyone listening, watching, that’s all you can do. Listen and watch anyone get in and have a look. So if you go to, Hey Dave, the links, if you just go in and search for the Devil’s Toilet initially it will pop up unless you’ve got a short link or something. But if you just search at the moment for the Devil’s Toilet.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (06:10):
Yeah, or you can just type in and that will take you where you need to be. Oh, are we getting a guy? Are you here sis?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:24):
Hang or what? Ba hey, come on. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to make it at all, but I’d finished what I was doing a lot quicker than I expected. I feel

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (06:35):
Like I’m properly on the show now. Thanks for me

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:38):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (06:38):
Not that, Hey Mors, it was a proper show. Thank you. I don’t mean that it was a, I’m just saying that I want it to be on, I wanted to get the true full experience. You

Morgan Quaid (06:49):
Want the full deal? Yeah, you

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (06:51):
Don’t want to go on

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:53):
Just to be a pain in the butt sped, can you send me all those pictures in a zip file right now to my email?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (07:01):
If you change, I can just re-upload ’em all. Would you like me to do that?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:04):
Okay, yeah, I’ll change the thing then.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (07:06):
Yeah, change the thing. I’ll

Morgan Quaid (07:07):
Tell you what, while we’re doing this, which is thrilling for the viewer, let me just add Yeah, of course. Very thrilling. I’m going to share screens and I’m going to show, can we see this up here?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:20):
Yes, we can. What I’ll do is so we can see it bigger. There you go.

Morgan Quaid (07:25):
Fantastic. Alright, so we’ll dig in. Now I’m particularly keen to get involved with Sluggish because I’ve got tonnes of questions about it. I’ve been privileged enough to have a sneak peek and I absolutely loved it. So I will be blowing much wind up your skirt or whatever the saying is. Smoke up your, anyway, lemme

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (07:44):
Just grab my skirt and I’m ready. There’ll,

Morgan Quaid (07:46):
There’ll be a lot of that going on, but let’s have a look. So I’ll scroll through if you like, and then we’ve explained what the kind of three main components are.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:58):
Actually, I’ll take us off the screen so we can see it fully.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (08:01):
See you fully in a minute. Yeah, so what you’re seeing there is the Devil’s Toilet three. Why is there no three on the cover? You ask because Gary De at Rie is the gentleman that puts the three on there and as yet he had not prepared the print files. It since has a three. If that’s throwing you off, if that’s stopping you from bidding, just let me know. I can dump in an image with a three on it.

Morgan Quaid (08:25):
So anyone that bids, anyone that backs this tier, they’re going to get one with a three, is that correct?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (08:30):
Yes. I can guarantee that all backers will get the numeral three. We

Morgan Quaid (08:36):
Get a

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (08:37):
Three on the cover? Yes.

Morgan Quaid (08:39):
Fantastic. So nice. Okay, so there’s some sample pages. That’s awesome.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (08:44):
Yeah, so wem get to meet Frederick Lon who is new to the Devil’s Toilet slash SPEDs verse. Yeah, so well, should I talk a lot? What do you want me to do?

Morgan Quaid (09:01):
Just keep talking. I’m going to go through, so we’ll do a quick run through first. So that’s the first one. Second one for this three.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (09:10):
Three, you can see there’s a three there. So you know that it is the third one. I know. Then you’re confused because the covers further down, have no threes as explained,

I’ve not gone through to Gary at Berry yet, who is my three man. You can see a list there of some of my favourite creators in Australia. We can go through ’em one by one and I could tell you how amazing they are. But there are some sample pages a little further down. You get a little bit of a taste from everybody. Very, very proud of this book. It’s a lot of fun to put together and it’s a lot of fun basically to just have things pop up in my inbox and I get to read all these really cool stories based around weird little themes that me and Nick may put together.

Morgan Quaid (10:00):
Yeah, that’s awesome. That is really cool. Now here it is. This is the main event for me and I’ll explain why in a little bit. But yeah, I just love this. First of all, I love the colour palette. I love the different shades of kind of greeny grey. Is that what it is?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (10:19):

Morgan Quaid (10:21):
I believe that’s the I love it.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (10:23):
Official. Just

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (10:23):
So people know how to get here. Sorry, I just interrupt.

Morgan Quaid (10:27):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (10:27):
We go. That’s it. Yep. ccs. We couldn’t have done this without you.

Morgan Quaid (10:32):
We were struggling, buddy. We were struggling.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (10:35):
I was resorted to saying those words out loud.

Morgan Quaid (10:40):
So tell us a little bit about, well actually no, we’ll get to that in a tick. So this is sluggish. Tell us a little bit about it and then we’ll dig in a little bit more.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (10:50):
Yeah, so Sluggish is a book that I wanted to do for a long time. It’s just somehow just popped into existence over the Christmas holidays. It’s a 22 page story with some little cool bits and stuff in the back and in the front. It’s a fun book that’ll make you sad.

Morgan Quaid (11:11):
That’s a great way to describe it actually. That’s really clever.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (11:14):
It is actually. Yeah, I loved it. Absolutely loved it.

Morgan Quaid (11:18):
Yeah, and

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (11:19):
No spoilers, but the ending cracked me up. I’m sorry.

Morgan Quaid (11:25):
Cool. Okay,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (11:25):
So I’ve got Yeah, go.

Morgan Quaid (11:28):
Well, I was just going to say, so we’ve got digital rewards. We’ve got a tonne of different tiers to choose from. Digital print. I just noticed the boxes.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (11:40):
Oh, have a look though. Go back for a sec. Now why is his jacket missing between his legs? He’s got this weird jacket that only has sides but no back. I’ll have to get in contact with the art team and tell him to drop the ball on that one.

Morgan Quaid (11:55):
Well, it could be caught up behind the back of the elastic around his DAXs at the back there.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (12:01):
He’s just gotten off the toilet and it’s accidentally tucked in his boxes. Nice. Explain it away.

Morgan Quaid (12:06):
It takes an artist to notice that that’s even missing. I didn’t notice it. I

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (12:11):
Didn’t notice it when I drew it and put it up there. But anyway,

Morgan Quaid (12:17):
And we’ve got, I mean there are a tonne of stretch goals here. Yeah,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (12:23):
Amazing. I am sure that there are people, veterans of the Kickstarter who are looking at that and just going, dude, you can’t seriously think. And no, I don’t seriously think, especially later in the later ones, they have disclaimers in it. I know they’re not getting there, but it’s be prepared just in case. But I also, I wanted to have something to shoot for, not just have, I don’t know, another print, I don’t know. So I just wanted to, and I think they would be cool, especially the 5,000 to do a radio page. The

Morgan Quaid (13:06):
One I’m aiming for, that’s what I want happening.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (13:10):
That’s still a lofty goal, but it’s within some slight possibility, you know what I mean?

Morgan Quaid (13:18):
And it’s a nice unique stretch goal as well. There’s not, yeah, I haven’t seen any radio plays on offers, so that’s a really nice, nice cool one. We’re at, oh my goodness, while we were talking. Holy

Morgan Quaid (13:37):
Moly. While we were Holy moly, thank

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (13:44):
You so much. Well thank you so much to everybody, but holy moly.

Morgan Quaid (13:49):
So we are a dollar away people, so it could happen. I’ll stop sharing and we’ll pop back in a little bit later. We might even do it during the show. That’s a first for us, I think. Sizzle to get a thing funded while we’re on the show. Yeah,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (14:07):
I’m going to text my wife and just tell her to drop a dollar in there so

Morgan Quaid (14:10):
Can get over that hump. Alright, cool. Well that was great. So sluggish, sluggish, sluggish. So I loved it. I loved the idea. I love the way it started. I love the tone because depression or self introspection, those sorts of things are not a common thing that I dealt with, particularly not with a comical kind of style. One of the things I loved about it was how instantly relatable herb is in terms of his own monologue. Yeah, yeah. You’ll not be disappointed. It is amazing. Yeah, I agree. I love the relatable nature of the character and the fact that within a minute I’m immediately thinking, I have thought that thought. I can so empathise with this guy and he’s a slug, but I can still empathise with him and as the story continues just about every encounter that he has, I think, yeah, I’ve either been there or I’ve known someone that’s been there or I can completely get it. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about where the origin of the story came from and what was it about this story that really appealed why you wanted to tell the sluggish story?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (15:32):
Well, there’s like four different answers. So there’s a book called Heaps. It’s an anthology put together by Josh Chad Zeer and he invited me. Did he invite me or did I invite myself? I may have forced myself in there to be part of an issue and I did a four page hopefully I’ve got one here.

Morgan Quaid (15:55):
Sorry, SPIE. Just while you’re doing that, sorry, just give me two seconds. I just have to very quickly announce you’ve just made it.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (16:05):
No way.

Morgan Quaid (16:07):
Yeah. Holy, that’s awesome. So you’ve just hit it. So now it begins. Everyone gets it. We get the thing.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (16:18):
Thank you so much to everybody. Anyway,

Morgan Quaid (16:24):
We have a celebration thing. Is there a thing you can do which pops a No, we don’t have one of them. Yeah,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (16:29):
I mean

Morgan Quaid (16:31):
Next time,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (16:32):
Every time it went up a bid, my wife said, why aren’t you dancing? And I said, I don’t know. I’ll dance when it’s funded. Maybe I think I owe her a dance.

Morgan Quaid (16:43):
Yeah, sorry. Let’s get back to sluggish. Congrats by the way, buddy. That’s great.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (16:48):
Yeah, no thank you. That’s freaking amazing. And thank you to you two. I said you three, there’s three people on the screen. Thanks for you three, the guy down the bottom in particular, you really helped me out a lot. Yeah, couldn’t have done it without the guy down the bottom.

Morgan Quaid (17:04):
He did the bulk of the work to be fair.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (17:07):
Yeah, so I did this little thing called Mule. Now this is in black and white, but its colour palette was the same name, was that colour palette that’s in sluggish. It’s only four pages, but it ventures very close to feels it tiptoes around that. This guy’s a mule. He thinks he’s awesome. But then the more he speaks, he can see, he says, baby, I’m a fricking mule. And then as it goes on, and each time he tries to exclaim that he’s a mule, mule gets smaller and more squished and because he realises maybe I’m not that cool. So I really liked that and I liked it was four panels on a page, which kind of made it feel like storyboards more than a layout, like a comic booky layout. So I said to Nick, may, do you want to do a book called Moose, which will be fast.

We’re not going to spend 10 hours a page like I do on Devil’s Toilet, just four panels. And it’s a simple and it’s just fun stories that, and so I went about doing Old Man biscuit and he was going to delve deep into his, he’s a man with regrets and lets those regrets get the best of him and all that sort of stuff. It was a greenish palate. And then Nick May sent me a page of his stuff and it was so beautiful and vibrant and amazing and so much going on. I was like, I can’t do my four panel almost monoroy green. I need to go full on one so you can actually see, should I even show that exclusives?

You can see for now when people get sluggish, you can see the makings of, so you can see it starts, it’s four panels, lots of closeups, there was lots of greens. He originally had sort of green skin, not because he had green skin, but that was just the tones of the page. And then right about here is when I start seeing Nick May stuff and Nick made it a lot of nine panel pages. So I tried to amp it up and nine panel pages and bring in a few more colours. And so anyway, cut to Steve Saul, awesome dude who reviews my comics very favourably and they’re awesome. But he always and rightly so ends the review with a similar line which says, if you come looking for the answers to the meaning of life or whatever, don’t come to SP’s book. These books are about good times or something to that effect. And I was sort of like, I loved it, I totally agree, but I was like, there’s a challenge in there somewhere.

And I was ready to meet that challenge. So it’s write what and what I know is that I have a weird brain and I’m not alone in my weirdness. And that I think people would relate and want to read about a weird brain and maybe with my infusing a bit of my humour in it, maybe talk about it and take a little bit of the sting off a little bit. And then there’s the case of my favourite character of mine, the one that’s endured the longest is the Devil’s Toilet because he’s a square with eyes, really fun, easy to draw. And so I have a job as an illustrator for a company where I draw all kinds of things like corporate, those ads you see on TV where there’s a hand drawing and it says, have you fallen off a ladder at work? And there’s a guy’s hand, well sometimes that’s my hand. And so I got a job where they wanted a school bus and the school bus was the teachers were aliens and the bus driver was an alien. So I drew these aliens and then I sent one and just before I clicked send, it was the prototype of what would come to known as Herb from Sluggish. And just before I clicked send, I was like, oh, I think I’ll keep that one. There’s something cool about him. So I sent the aliens, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, so Herb, super fun, easy to draw.

And so it’s sort of then the idea, I was like, well he looks like Jab of the hut mixed with a condom full of poo. I dunno, he’s kind of a slug. And then I was like, holy shit sluggish. He’s my depressed character that I’ve been looking for. He just totally fit the Monochro Greeny palette. And it was a marriage made in heaven and it was so fun to put together because a lot of it I wrote while I was drawing. I knew the situations because I’d lived them and I just knew that, alright, well when I used to go to work, I used to go and have a shower and when I had a shower I’d spend so long making the shower perfect that I’d forget to enjoy the shower and all that sort of stuff. And so the whole thing wrote itself. Yeah, that’s kind of the sluggish story. It happened.

I had three parts of Cholon due for sizzle and as sizzle will attest, I only just scraped in the deadline every time. And it was a big chunk of work over a period of time. And so when Christmas holidays came verus everybody had handed in their verus for Nick May and myself, but I just didn’t want to draw. I just wanted to draw a bit more fun and chill and less rules and whatever over the Christmas holidays. And Sluggish just kind of went from an idea that I was banging around talking to Quick Nick Cleary about talking to Sizzle about. And then it just kind of happened and then I found myself having three books ready at the same time. Kieran, Jack had told me, you are ready for a Kickstarter, why aren’t you doing a Kickstarter? And I was like, oh, I dunno. I dunno if I’m there yet. And then I was like, well, three books at the same time feels like the right time. So yeah,

Morgan Quaid (24:26):
It’s nice and it’s nice to have your first one with three books is really good because one is great, but always a little disappointing when you get it and it’s like, oh, but it’s over quickly. Yeah, so that is very nice. I also have to say, this is an idea you can take or leave, but Marketing Morgan is on the case and I’ve got to say, if you get a T-shirt done with Herb on it with Brains are weird written over the top gold mine that is people are, because even obviously you have to support the campaign to get the book to read the little thing. But that even before I got started, that was stuck in my head as that is such a good, it just says so much and it’s so fun and Oh

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (25:14):
Yeah, because referring to the disclaimer that I put in the front, only because I guess I wanted to let people know that I’m not looking from the outside and poking fun at people with mental health, whatever I am all right now with, but I’ve been in the trenches and I know and I understand and the book is not me poking fun at the disease. It’s me poking fun at my own experience. And in a way I feel like my thirties just kind of flew by because I spent so much of it in this hole. But I don’t know, it kind of feels like a celebration or not a celebration, but it just like a, I don’t know. I came out of it with something that I’m proud of.

Morgan Quaid (26:12):
It does. And again, I don’t want to give anything away, but there is an underlying kind of hopeful message. There’s humour, but also again, as we were saying, it’s so relatable and whether you’ve suffered for depression or just those moments in life or the uncertainty, even the whole of adolescence and these other periods, it’s so relatable straight away you can see I get that, I get where this character is and I’m there with him going through that exact same thing and the self-reflection and all that sort of stuff, it’s just beautifully crafted. It’s really well done. And you can just see, I dunno, it feels like a little bit like lightning in a bottle where all the things have, you can see they’ve worked at the right time in the right place and it’s all come together and it’s just such a, there’s also, I dunno what it’s called, the falling feather from life is like a box of chocolates. I won’t do the accent. Forest gum. Forest Gump Falling Feather at the start, falling feather at the back. I had a lecturer that used to say with this thing called I Inclusio even know if that’s a real thing, but it’s basically framing a story with a thing at the start and the thing at the end or the same sort of reference points coming through. And even there were some moments in there and it just has this lovely movement. Anyway, I’m going to go on. There’s so many things that I can say, so I’ll stop because I’ll give you

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (27:45):
My way. No, please keep talking

Morgan Quaid (27:47):
A mess. It was just very good. And I don’t know if you meant to put all this stuff in there and frankly I don’t care in there. And it has a wonderful symmetry to the story, that story, the two distinct movements and it’s really cool.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (28:02):
I’m so excited. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for reading it, wanting to read it and being so complimentary, both of you. But yes, there is a lot of very deliberate. For instance, he’s riding a bus and I wish maybe anyway, but I think it does it, it’s very simple imagery, but I think it gets across what I’m trying to, so basically he’s looking out the window, but blocking the window is his thoughts basically. And then the more three panels later, the bushes and stuff outside become more visible and his thoughts dissipate for just a second. And he’s able to catch the scenery and those are those sweet moments. And then he’s at a party and the people are thick black lines and very, as colourful as the book can be, they’re colourful. And then as he gets more comfortable, the backdrop disappears until he’s just on a white background because nothing else matters in that moment. And then there’s a I that I know all that sort

Morgan Quaid (29:23):
Of stuff. Even I got that vibe from it.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (29:27):
Yeah. Oh, awesome then. Yeah. So there was meant to be then a poetry aspect to then the things that he did at the start and was super depressed during, he’s now doing ’em at the end. And while he is still not the happiest Larry in the land of Larry’s, there’s a positiveness to to it all. Yeah, I’m so glad you connected with it. There were a few people who have been excited to see it, and I started getting really scared that it wasn’t

Morgan Quaid (30:03):
Going to. Yeah, I’ll see it and go, it wasn’t really what I expected.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (30:08):
This is just the devil’s toilet poop jokes, but with a green slug Now, why these are the same poo jokes

Morgan Quaid (30:16):
Or there’s not enough poo jokes, where are all the poo jokes we’re used to? Yeah, yeah. I mean that’s a concern anytime you put something out, particularly. So for me, the first moment, it might’ve been last time you were on here or the first time you mentioned it, and then the first time I saw a little bit of the cover or one of the images, I was immediately interested. I thought that. And even the idea of a slug with depression kind of thing, it just is amazing. Yeah, no, but you’ve done an amazing job. It’s just really, really nice. Like I said, it just seems like everything came together at the right moment and it’s great. It’s really, really good. Thank so much. So I’ve only read it once and I’m immediately, I wanted to go back and reread it, but I didn’t. I want to be a bit more curious and stuff in the thing. But yeah, I’m going to read it again and again. It’s one of those things I’m going to read a few times just, yeah, it’s quite a poignant comic anyway. Enough of the wind pretty high.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:19):
Mine were pretty high. And you surpassed them seriously. When I read that, I read it again. I did not read it again. I read it again. I was like, that was awesome. And read it again.

Morgan Quaid (31:32):
Yeah. Wow. And again, so I know there’s a novelist inside you, that’s a weird thing to say. I know that you’ve written novels as well, so I know that there’s that side to you as well. And also the music and lyrics and that whole thing. You can just see it has a very lyrical kind of movement to it, and it’s just very well crafted. Yeah, pleasure. Just such a pleasure to read. So get out there, people and back this campaign, which people already are. So we’re up to 33 backers now. So you’ve got this as your first sort of foray into kick starting. You’ve got a bunch of stretch goals, you’ve got different rewards, all of that sort of stuff. What was the most daunting thing about this process and what is the best advice you’ve been given so far? Or what was the thing that kind of tipped you over the edge and made you think, you know what? Damn it, I’m just going to do it.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (32:53):
So I got lots of advice from Sizzle and from Gary Della at rie. And then just from people like Nick May and Hayden Spar, just my sounding board dudes. But the main sort of thing was just like, I’m a backer of Kickstarters, I’m a lover of comics, and I’m just like, I tried to not do the things that I don’t like about other things and do the things that I do like about other things, if that makes sense. Yeah, total sense. Not here to cast judgement on whatever works for everyone, works for everyone. But just as a Kickstarter backer, there are some things that I’m like, oh, I wouldn’t do it that way. And then there’s other things like, whoa, that’s how you do it. Holy moly. Yeah, I was a bit hesitant to put up all the stretch goals only. I didn’t want to give away those ideas, if that makes sense. I mean, not that I’m not inventing the wheel here. People have done all this stuff before, but no one’s done a radio play starring Dave Dye. So come at true.

Morgan Quaid (34:03):
Come at me, bro. Yeah,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (34:06):
And it was actually Jason Paul the other night I was speaking to who was like, don’t save your good ideas, just get ’em out. And that’s why I was like, well, I’m just going to put, I don’t know if I’m going to do another Kickstarter again. This was just this perfect storm of I stumbled upon three books at the same time. The germ of the idea to do a Kickstarter was that I do this cheeky book called Moose where I get these amazing artists and writers to join in and then I pay them nothing.

Morgan Quaid (34:42):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (34:43):
Genius. So I mean, the books, they make enough money to pay for their print run and then sell a few copies on top. It’s a fun project more than anything, but I’d really like to, well, part one is I’d really like to pay people, even if it’s just a couple of shekels. So I thought with for Moose five that I would do a Kickstarter and make it a big deal. Here we are with Moose Three and I don’t know, it all just was falling into place and I was like, screw Vamoose five, it’s Ver Moose three, let’s go for it. But then I overcompensated and chucked two other books in because I was scared of not being able to get there with one on

Morgan Quaid (35:28):
Great trick.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (35:29):
Thanks. I since sent an email to all the contributors to Vamoose and just laid out the finances just in case they thought, oh, Rob’s sitting on a cool million over there, and it’s like, here’s how much these costs and that costs and everything, and I’m going to give you this much or this much. And keeping it on front street as to how broke the whole psycho janitor, Robert. It all is.

Morgan Quaid (35:58):
And that’s one of the things, if you’ve run a Kickstarter, if you’ve built your own comics, you get it. If you haven’t, you may not get it. You might see a figure on the screen, but the actual figure you take away and that you can use is much, much, much smaller more.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (36:16):
And so I want to keep the books as cheap as, there’s nothing worse than a $20 book and a $20 shipping, and you just want a comic. So you want to keep the books as cheap as possible, keep the shipping as cheap as possible. And I’ve learned from Shane here and from Gary De at Rie that just, if you break even, that’s a win. So that’s what I’m looking for. I’d like to break even and have some cool books in some cool people’s hands. Yeah. And yeah, I

Morgan Quaid (36:50):
Books, not me, by the way, that

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (36:52):
Was books. Love to, I mean, my dream would be for Vamoose to be a thing where I could reach out to so-and-so, and say, Hey, you want to get a decent page rate, come to Vamoose where this is where the money is. But until then, it’s just a fun little book.

Morgan Quaid (37:12):
Great. Well, and it’s one of those things as well. You’ve got an opportunity to build the following. One of the good things about Kickstarter obviously is you can reach people. You can’t physically reach at a con or they might not find you another way, but they can find you there. And even if it’s only 10, 20, 30 people, that’s 10, 20, 30 people that didn’t know about the stuff that you’ve got. And that next time we’ll automatically know it’s up and running. And I mean, that’s part of the reason why we all do it. It’s to meet people that are interested in fans and all that sort of stuff. It’s probably too early in the piece, but I would be interested once this thing’s been going for a while on how you find the overall experience of interacting with people during the, because there is a, I’ve heard it described that Kickstarter is kind of like being at a with lined up next to all of these other creators with their little stalls. It’s kind of like that, but on an international scale and a little bit weird next to someone that’s selling a bike light that also opens cans and weird devices like that. So it’s that kind of thing. So I’m interested to see how you find actually running the A, it can be exhausting, but also how you find running the thing and interacting with people during the process and how things change most

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (38:34):
Of the movies. Yeah. Well, so I mean, one thing is I want to interact as little as possible with those that have already back. I know that sounds horrible.

I’ve been misunderstood. I’ve misunderstood myself. No, I was speaking to, I know I keep mentioning his name, but he’s my guy Gary at Reverie. He was like, oh, you just send an update. And I was like, well, I’m scared that all creative types have this to a certain extent of feeling like a fraud. Fraud. And I’m scared of reminding people that they put $30 on or whatever. And then you get an email saying, oh, I’m fully funded you guys, and now we’re moving to the stretch goal. And it’s like, oh yeah, I put $30 on that thing. I adjust pledge. You know what I mean?

Morgan Quaid (39:31):
Can I give you some advice,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (39:33):

Morgan Quaid (39:34):
In my limited capacity. So I think this is my fourth campaign I’m on now, so not a huge amount, but enough to, and I’ve spoken to a lot of guys about this. My current campaign, I’ve sent 22 updates, which is a fair bit. I have posted so much on social media, I’m convinced everyone’s going to unfollow me. And I’ve had probably 1% or less than 1% that have cancelled. There is no rhyme or reason as to how people have cancelled. And you’re right, we have this inbuilt thing where we think, I just sent out an update and someone cancelled. Oh, it’s because they hate me and they hate what I’m doing. And they’ve changed their mind. They don’t want it. Nine times out of 10, they have to pay rent. They forgot that they didn’t have that money. Life circumstances have changed, they’ve lost their job, whatever. We don’t know any of that stuff. But you assume it’s because of you and your messaging. It’s just not. It’s really not. And I have not had one complaint. I mean, you’ve seen how much stuff I put out there. It’s ridiculous. No complaints. Yeah. Can you please stop messaging me? None of that stuff. So it’s one of those things that, and you talk to guys that run these campaigns and have done it for years, like Darren and all these guys, and they’ll tell you no, it’ll feel like you’re doing it too much. But as a backer, the other thing is, as a backer, when you’ve backed campaigns, have you ever thought, oh, this person’s just sending too much stuff. You just delete the email. Have you ever felt turned off enough that you would adjust your pledge?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (41:09):
No, not for any one person. I do get, because when you’ve backed five campaigns in the space of whatever, and your email just constantly says, Kickstarter, Kickstarter, I do get a little bit love. What? So I end up not really seeing any because there’s too many, but not from any one person. And you are someone who I do, and I’m not just because you are here, but I do find I still follow you. I have not unfollowed you because all your updates are enjoyable. And I’m generally interested, and I guess that’s the hurdle. I’ve just got to pretend that everyone’s generally interested. I mean, I assume they are because they back there. They’re back there. But I’ve just got to tell my weird brain, that is the case, that it’s not a pity bid.

Morgan Quaid (41:57):
No, it’s a really, it is. Fans, I keep trying to do this. It’s like we don’t accept the fact that people would like our stuff enough to be a fan, which is absurd. It’s absolutely absurd. But that’s the way a lot of creators think. But why would you like my stuff when I hope tonight at least you’ve seen already how? I mean A, we got you funded. Thanks.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (42:28):

Morgan Quaid (42:28):
Welcome. You’re welcome. You’re welcome. But also just the amount of love that you’re seeing coming through. And yes, you will get this. There’s another thing in this whole thing, it’s like, yeah, but a certain percentage of guys and gals that are backing me, they just know me and they like me and I back their stuff. And there’s a certain amount of that. Of course there is. That doesn’t mean that they’re any less of a fan of your work. But also there’s going to be people that you don’t know that will just find your stuff, which is, it’s a really hard thing to enjoy. But I’m trying to let myself enjoy when someone says, oh, I really like this. I just found this thing, man, it’s really great. Don’t let yourself think, nah, I’m a charlottean. This thing’s not going to take them at their word. If they say they love it, they love it.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (43:13):
It is a tricky thing. I know. So I played in a band, ding. But

We would have people that would come to the shows regularly, and then because they came regularly, we became friends. And then there are some that I’m still friends. There’s one of them now. Me and Dan were friends. We created comics together back in the day. So I don’t like to say the word, but fans become, it feels wrong. I can’t do it. People, friends that have enjoyed your creative endeavours, and I forget what my point was, but the sweet thing is there are two people that bidded on the campaign that bought my CDs 20 years ago, who have

Morgan Quaid (44:15):
Oh, wow. On this campaign. Yeah.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (44:16):
Who have stuck with me through all my nonsense. That

Morgan Quaid (44:20):
Is great.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (44:22):
Bought my novels.

Morgan Quaid (44:24):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (44:25):
Just bought into the whole sp bullshit of it all.

Morgan Quaid (44:31):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (44:31):
I mean, Mark’s someone. Yeah, Mark’s not faking it. He’s buying everyone’s books and watching all our shows and yeah, super supporter. Yeah, super supporter. He’s amazing.

Morgan Quaid (44:45):
Well, yeah. So hopefully tonight has given you a bit of a boost and just try and ignore that inner voice because we all love it and we’re all wanting more, and we want you to succeed. And all of your backers want you to succeed. And they want more backers because stretch goals, that’s the whole mechanism at work. So yes. And again, if I start on sluggish again, I’ll just keep going. So I won’t say anymore. No, please. You know how I feel about that. It’s a triumph. You’re awesome. So we are a bee’s knee away from moving into the second section of the Oh, we are too. I wasn’t watching the time of the night. I’m going to,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (45:29):
Oh, that’s where you kicked me off, right? I was like, oh cool. I can’t remember what the section is. Let’s go. Let’s do it.

Morgan Quaid (45:35):
Well, no, before we kick you off, we have the gifting section, which I haven’t had a chance to talk to Sizzle. I have done something. I haven’t sent it through

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (45:45):
Spoilers. Did it while I was sitting here.

Morgan Quaid (45:48):
Yeah, I did it. I did it earlier. The only thing is I can’t finish the night without the obligatory. You are in a car, herb is in the back. Does Subway have a, they don’t have a drive-through. You’re going through the bottle O. No, let’s just go McDonald’s. Go to the classic. Alright, you’re going through McDonald’s. What does herb order at the very, very end of the story. So right at the end. Yes. Not at the beginning. Not in the middle, at the end,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (46:25):
What would you order? He probably would order a salad maybe towards the start, I would say that he would probably order a large quarter pounder meal with maybe an extra quarter pounder in there. Then by the end, I mean, yeah, body image is touched on in the book. Yeah, I would say he’d probably get a salad maybe with a cheeky, thick shake.

Morgan Quaid (46:55):
Nice. A salad with a cheeky thick shake. Yeah. Full body, thick shake. I like it. I like it. I like it. And then of course, at the moment where you currently are, favourite film, favourite food, what does that combination look like for you tonight?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (47:14):
Yeah, so my answer is actually probably the same as last time. Because anytime someone says favourite movie, I used to be, I studied screenwriting. My homework was watching five films a week, and I watched serious cinema, like French movies and think pieces. And now I’m just like, I’ve got enough stories and things bouncing around in my head. Just show me popcorn, show me things blowing up. Show me monsters. Show me superheroes. So me, it’s Avengers Infinity War with a three piece feed from KFC, two ribs and a wing potato and gravy and a large Pepsi Max. Let’s go. Nice.

Morgan Quaid (48:04):
Nice. Yes. Missing the pie. Where’s the pie?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (48:08):
I would’ve had the pie in the morning. A saute chicken pie with a cinnamon donut on the side. Get on it.

Morgan Quaid (48:16):
Load of sandwiches lunch though. Hey,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (48:20):
I offered skip lunch because I had a fricking pie for breakfast.

Morgan Quaid (48:27):
Alright, well we’re going to the gifting component. I got nothing, man. I’ve got nothing. I’m sorry. I snuffed up my signature. That’s how bad this is. I got my signature wrong, but here we go, sir. You will get a digital copy of this, but

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (48:45):
Oh, it’s amazing. It’s amazing.

Morgan Quaid (48:48):
Oh, that’s awesome. He’s on the couch.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (48:50):
Oh, that’s wicked.

Morgan Quaid (48:52):
And he’s saying blah, and I stuffed up my signature. So I’ll have to send a version with a proper signature that actually works.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (49:01):
Are you doing him in the same sketchbook every time?

Morgan Quaid (49:04):
I am doing, yeah, yeah, yeah. So it is.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (49:10):
That’s a nice little piece of work by the end.

Morgan Quaid (49:13):
Sorry, sorry, I have to show you this. This is a first. You’ll never, okay, so I started with Mr.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (49:19):
Foxman Sky from Sky’s CRN Library.

Morgan Quaid (49:25):
So I started doing it in there. That’s from the ears. Laura’s book,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (49:35):
Juan Luca

Morgan Quaid (49:37):
Euca. That’s been Kitty

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (49:39):
Kitty, yeah. Awesome. Which

Morgan Quaid (49:41):
Is recognisable. Oh, there’s a couple of, ah, there we go.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (49:45):
The budge.

Morgan Quaid (49:47):
Oh yeah, tofu. Look at that. So it’s got a lot of the Spearman, which didn’t look much like a man, lady smokes. So anyway. And that was the one from, so it’s in there, but I don’t know, I kid you not, I’ve just found this is in the same book. So I’ve had this book for years. I haven’t really used it. Explain to me, squeezing a granny to get, so sometimes I just write ideas

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (50:23):
About, I’ll be honest, that’s not your best. I wouldn’t follow up shadow’s daughter with granny perfume.

Morgan Quaid (50:31):
But see, I think that was a concept idea. I don’t think that was serious art. That was a concept. Anyway, so yeah, one day that’ll be worth, I don’t know, 10 bucks. I lock it off. Dollars man dollars. It’d be worth serious dollars. Well, thank you Sped. It has been an absolute treat as always. Congrats on getting the campaign funded and well done. Much success. 28 days to go people. Plenty of time. Let’s get in and smash that campaign.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (51:05):
Yeah, I would love to. I mean I just, who am I kidding? I’m stoked that it’s funded. We can leave it there. But reaching a stretch goal, just so I could say I reached a stretch goal. I don’t know. That feels like part of the experience.

Morgan Quaid (51:18):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (51:19):
I’ve got to make a little graphic that says now we get stretchy or whatever it is. And

Morgan Quaid (51:24):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (51:24):

Morgan Quaid (51:25):
Now we get stretchy. Maybe Herb with a stretchy T-shirt or something. Anyway, you’re the ideas man. I’m just the guy that,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (51:33):
The other ideas man,

Morgan Quaid (51:34):
Except for Granny Juice. Now I haven’t, sorry, granny Juice is in my head now. I have to write a comic about Granny Juice. So Sizzle. I haven’t read anything I meant to, I’ve got them over there. I haven’t read anything. I haven’t got anything to unbox. So we could either try and fake it or we could go straight. We could keep Spie here and we could go straight to the end news promotional stuff and then end it. It’s up to you. Yeah. Alright. I can keep SPS end. So we do it a little bit different.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:09):
Do you want me to show some people’s art from Ver Moose? Three? Awesome.

Morgan Quaid (52:14):
Because I go for it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:15):
Sluggish and Moose and Devil’s Toilet three. That’s all I’ve read

Morgan Quaid (52:20):
This week.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (52:21):
Now, just like a disclaimer. So as you saw at the start of the show, we had a panic upload. So not everyone in the book has been, it will be presented, represented. So know that you’re in my heart and in the book still. So this here is a page from, because I love talking about myself, but Old Man Biscuit, it’s a new adventure from him. It’s called Space Cheese. That’s an thing that I had years and years ago. Speaking of radio plays, I had a radio show on a local radio station and we did a radio play called Space Cheese about a bunch of Star Wars ish type like a Han Solo on a Luke Skywalker type people travelling through the galaxy trying to find cheese. That’s a whole thing. And here they are, the robots of the space cheese guys are stealing the memories of a dead man biscuit. So check that and look, he’s in a rowboat and those there are robots. See this thing all comes together

Morgan Quaid (53:36):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (53:39):
And then this is a tail by the name of Humpty Dumpty. I dunno if you’re aware of it, but there’s much more to that poem than meets the eye. There’s a whole second verse that everyone conveniently forgets about and that’s where they use some stuff they found in a crater to make Humpty into something much greater. And

Morgan Quaid (54:00):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:01):
Let’s just say you got to be rabbits,

Morgan Quaid (54:03):
Robo egg.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:07):
And then of course there is no verus without the man. These are thunder, guts and Sputnik. This is by Nick May, my man, my brother from another mother.

Morgan Quaid (54:20):
I enjoyed this one. What Dick

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:23):
And Nick, if you’re watching, I got a phone call from Gary at today and he said, what’s going on with Nick? May golly, he’s putting in some work lately, isn’t he? And then the man who invented putting in work, Dave Dye

Morgan Quaid (54:39):
Dave, yeah, yeah,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:40):
Absolutely. Honoured to have Dave in the book.

Morgan Quaid (54:43):
That is cool. Very cool.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:45):
He does a four page story. That’s two dudes escaping. I just got a message and I don’t know who from, it says fully backed. I’m punching the air and excitement for you. Wow,

Morgan Quaid (54:56):
That is awesome.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (54:57):
I’m about to write back new phone Who? Discs. And Nicole Kane, absolutely beautiful. Put together a masterpiece, which as you can see there, there’s a robot and there’s a robot. What? And then friends of the show, Peter Wilson and Robbie Donaldson, they do a story that’s dark, humorous, doesn’t go where you’re thinking roll in good times. Another friend of the show, I think we recognise that. That’s Alex major. Yep. No words, just birds.

Morgan Quaid (55:38):
Hey, so cool. So

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (55:42):
Phil, and then of course, yes, I don’t have everything uploaded, but there’s stuff from Beck, Halley, Millie Holton, Ben Sullivan, Hayden, spar. Hope I’m not forgetting anyone. And then there’s Herb in the shower.

Morgan Quaid (55:57):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (55:59):
Look at that guy. Cute

Morgan Quaid (56:00):
Old put away in the show.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (56:04):
Oh and then,

Morgan Quaid (56:06):
Oh sorry.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (56:07):
Frederick Sizzle. Frederick Lon and the Devil’s Toilet. They meet, they get up to some Hi jinks, it’s a good time. Check ’em out now. I’m Kickstarter.

Morgan Quaid (56:20):
Check them. Fully funded. Oh yeah, you’ve got to update your little picture with fully funded.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (56:27):

Morgan Quaid (56:28):
And stickers and such. Alright, thank you very much sir. Thank you.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (56:34):
Thank you both so much

Morgan Quaid (56:36):
In that you are still here. You will cop an ear full of the final promo for me for Shadow’s Daughter. It is still on and I’m going to quickly don’t break it. Don’t break it, don’t break it, don’t break it. I’m going to not break it and I’m going to go here. Are we seeing this? Yes. Yes we are. I’m seeing it. So there are nine stretch goals unlocked. I’ve run out of stretch goals so there’s no more just a reminder, anyone that’s backed, you can also back a little extra to get your name in this awesome kind of back page for the issue. There is six main issues, lots of different covers, sorry, there we are six issues, four black and white, two colour, any Aussie that backs this campaign also gets a free comic that hasn’t been released yet to the wild and there’s some of the things that are on offer. So it’s nine hours left. So now’s the time to get in if you want to back this once in a lifetime opportunity and take your place in history and other things that people say about things that they want to flog. And that is my last word on that one for now. Thank you very much.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (57:50):
What’s next for you then once that wraps up. Thanks Pete.

Morgan Quaid (57:54):
Well thanks for asking Spie. That’s a great question. And the answer is once that one’s fully done, enmity is the next one. Hard to say. Fun to read. So enmity and it going to be, I’m aiming for a similar sort of thing. I want to try and get six books before I launch it. So it’s a nice meaty kind of thing. So Mt will be coming back and then after that one super secret squirrel, big project, super excited about it. But I’m not going to say anything until way later because it’s one of those swing big hit and miss kind of things. Kind of like sluggish was for you. It’s one of those ones that it’s not my normal thing and except

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (58:38):
Yours is a squirrel that’s a secret agent with superpowers. I get it. Super

Morgan Quaid (58:42):
Squirrel. And they eat cease through time and only eats onions. It’s a deep, deep book with a lot of layers. Onions,

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (58:51):
Hard to digest for squirrels. I imagine

Morgan Quaid (58:54):
They are because they have little squirrel innards. Yep. So you don’t just get comics, literature, you get a bit of biology. There’s something for everyone in the show. Final thing I forgot to do. Sizzle. You’ve got a question for Spie before we go? No. Final question. Just no. Alright. That’s fair enough. No. What’s it feel like to be so awesome? That’d be about it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:21):
That’s all I got. There you go.

Morgan Quaid (59:23):
Does it feel good?

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (59:24):
Yeah, it feels great.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:27):

Morgan Quaid (59:28):
The most awkward answer of the night. Cool. All right, well this was a weird one. This was a nice fun, weird one, but it didn’t,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:39):
Any of the rules

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (59:40):
Like to rules. I’m the goose. You want to get loose? Bring me to the party. Let’s get cracking

Morgan Quaid (59:47):
Goose loose. Well thank you sir. Thanks Sizzle. My pleasure.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (59:50):
Thank you. Thank you both. Not just for tonight, but for everything through just everything.

Morgan Quaid (59:55):
You are

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (59:56):
Both been amazing. Pleasure to, I’ve met you both know you both

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:02):
Amazing as someone who’s so amazing. So it’s all good.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:00:05):
Ah, we’re all good.

Morgan Quaid (01:00:07):
We need love hearts to be coming

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:08):
Across the other way. You, what do you call it? Promoted yours. So I’m just going to throw mine in there. It’s not technically mine, but it is Comex. So go over and check out this link. X studio. You get the collection of the Vivian stories that we’re in that presents comics. But you get more, there’s more story, there’s more sketchbook, there’s more info. There’s all lots of stuff. So go over there. It’s cheap as chips. It

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:00:41):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:42):
Yeah. He is underselling advantage and buy his books cheaper than they should be.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:00:49):
And I believe actually one of the stretch goals will be a Vivian print by me. So Oh sweet. I would like to draw that giraffe again. So let’s get this thing over the line into the stretches so that I am allowed to draw ’em.

Morgan Quaid (01:01:05):
Excellent, nice.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:01:06):
And just quietly, if it’s a success, then we’re one step closer to Detective Bji, Vivian and Frederick Shaone crossover.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:14):
Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.

Morgan Quaid (01:01:18):
So many crossovers.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:01:21):
We just need someone to draw it. So Gary er, if you’re watching, we need 48 pages by the end of May. Kickstarter goes live.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:29):
Yep. No pressure.

Morgan Quaid (01:01:31):
Book it

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:01:34):
Auckland. Not that fussy, just one of the two best artists in Australia will be required.

Morgan Quaid (01:01:41):
Well, just before we go again, I’ll just reiterate for those that missed it, you’re looking for artists, you’re looking in the right space. Granny perfume, ladies and gentlemen, granny, perfume.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:56):

Morgan Quaid (01:01:57):

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:01:58):
And that’s not her blue rinse that’s leaking from her memories.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:03):
I’ve got a book like that too.

Morgan Quaid (01:02:05):
Oh, granny perfume.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:02:07):
I’ve got a weirder book.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:08):
But it starts with,

Morgan Quaid (01:02:10):
Please don’t show that dog picture. Oh, oh yes, of course. Steve, your going to

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:17):
Book Some of them I did on the iPad. So they’re not in here. Yeah, I did. Oh, here’s a F1.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:02:23):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:24):
Yeah. I dunno what that red thing on the shirt’s meant to be because it’s sort of blurred. And the ink ran and we need a Kickstarter for our crappy drawing. Things going all weird. The budget, I didn’t get a chance to ink him. So he’s very vague picture there.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:02:43):
I got this book from my sister-in-Law, my brother’s partner. So that’s a man with a snail and she’s got a head of lettuce, cabbage,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:53):
Head of lettuce.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:02:53):
Cabbage, yeah. And then, oh, that one’s a bit, there’s a guy playing basketball. I dunno what, there’s an elephant trunk. Yeah. So when your sister-in-Law says, oh, I’ve got a cool book for you. And

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:09):
Did she do the whole, did she do the whole, I saw this and I thought of you. Was that immediate

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:03:15):
One mean, look at this guy. That’s some quality archery right there.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:19):
Oh wow.

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:03:21):
Now other guy’s juggling some boobs. What’s the rating on this show? I have brought,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:27):
It’s a different rating now. There we go. All right. That’s us, I think. Tune into

Rob ‘Spedsy’ Lisle (01:03:36):
Drink and draw this Friday. Angie Spice. Geraldine Barker. I want to say let’s just go with Geraldine. I can’t remember her last name from Courier. So yeah, another fun episode. Do to it. See Friday. Thank you guys. Thank you everybody. Thank you so much for backing it. Getting me across the line tonight. That’s insane. Awesome.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:02):
Wait, pleasure.


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