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Nicholas Cleary

The AusComX show is back and we have Nick Quick front and centre. The man also known as Nicholas Cleary will be sharing his creation Detective Budgy with us as well as some deep dark secrets, revealed on this show for the first time ever!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! ok maybe not but we will find out what…


(there will be errors in the following text)

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:12):
Welcome to another Oz comic show. I am sizzle and this way I am the Morgan

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (00:19):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:20):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (00:21):
We got it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:22):
Go. We got it. Today we are talking to quick Nick as he is known on the Friday Night Show and we are going to be talking about his little story, the Budgie detective, or Detective Budgie, I should say

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (00:39):
Detective. So

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:42):
Yeah, so let’s get on with the show.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (00:44):
Alright, let’s do it. Hey,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06):
Quick, Nick.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:08):
Wow, here we are.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:09):
You’re here. You’re in the hot seat.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:11):
I’m used to there being faces everywhere, but Nice. You two.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:17):
Yeah, it looks a bit weird and empty. That’s our thing. Should be our motto. Weird and empty.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:22):
Weird and empty. Weird and

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:24):
Empty. We And all sizzle. Do you want to do an intro thing or We already did that. Did we do it? We already

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:31):
Did it. We did it. We did it. We already

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:32):
Did it. All right. We did it from the welcome nick. Yeah, from the top. And let’s start again. Welcome Nick. Welcome to the Comex Show. So let’s get right into it. What’s it like having hair? No, let’s get right into it. So I’m going to start somewhere a little bit off kilter because it’s not every day that we get someone that is broader than just the comics industry. So tell me about film and independent film and your involvement in independent film and such, because I believe there are stories there to be told, and then maybe we can talk about comics after that.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (02:16):
Sure. Well, I guess when I finished high school I went straight to film school. I like films and I’ve always been a drawer. I’ve always been scribbling little stories and stuff, but I wanted to film, so I did that. Made the Best Friends, I’ve still got them. This was over 15 years ago now, and I started making films through the film school, which is really fun, doing really cool crazy stuff with like-minded people. And then film school ends and then you start trying to make a living out of something you love doing. You start doing corporate gigs and you’re editing. As a friend of mine, we’ll get to that and you’re editing people around the table talking about stocks and insurance and you’re like, this isn’t why I went to film school.

So I started a YouTube channel after a few years with some friend Gold Fury Fingers, which we just saw. And Fury Fingers was an outlet for all that creativity and wanting to do stuff. And a lot of filmmaking was doing application processing stuff, trying to get your ideas up and I want to create crazy cool action stuff and I’ve got nothing to show for it. So we made Fury Fingers the YouTube channel to really just learn and build a community of like-minded people and go for it. And that’s what it became. We were casting ourselves originally putting ourselves in makeup and using our fingers to put dirt on our face. So we looked tough and cool. And within a few years we were like, we had makeup artists coming in and actors who wanted to do all the rough and tumble stuff and we could just sit where we wanted to be and nice.

And we started, we were making video game spoofs and parodies and stuff like that. And we started getting noticed by Kmi and the Tomb Raider people and they were sharing our stuff and Ubisoft started funding some little shorts that we made. So we were never getting the big views, but we were getting the right attention based on our videos. They were great and they were clever and they looked good. YouTube is all about making lots of content all the time, pushing it out, but we never really did that. We would make strong little films, put a lot of time into ’em. So our uploads are quite sporadic, but it’s worked out all right because we’ve got some web series funded and made through that process. People have come to us and I just made a web series two years ago, our second web series, and it’s been doing really well around the world in World Series web festivals and stuff like that. Cool. To more opportunities that we’re exploring now. Yeah. Oh,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (05:21):
That sounds awesome, man. That’s really cool. And so where you were saying before, you’ve always been drawing, have comics always been a big part of your life or is that more of a recent sort of thing?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (05:34):
Well, comics have, but more so just stories have been more important. And then when you’re making films, and there was a time when we were making lots of films all the time, EY Roofing was red hot, that’s where my creativity was going. But then as we wanted to make bigger, better stuff, the actual output we had was becoming bigger and bigger and longer and longer. And that’s when I’m like me, the creative is like, I need to make a comic. I’m going to start drawing and making, I need to make stories, I need to, and that’s where Detective Budgie came about. I’m always doodling, but I doodled the budgie and I’ve got the original picture here, show

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (06:18):
Bgy Doodle. Oh,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (06:19):
Nice. And that guy was like, there’s something about this dude. I want to take him places, I want to hear him talk, I want to know more about him. And now he’s got his own little book’s, not Friends Enemies.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (06:35):
Yeah, I love it. And you can sort of see when you look at the comic as well, he hasn’t moved that much from that original sketch, like a bit more refined. But

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (06:46):
I like to keep him really simple. It’s quite quick to draw, and when you’re using the pen, you just go and then the back, the two whips at the back and you’re like, that’s my guy.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (06:57):
There you go.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (06:58):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (06:59):
You’re a sizzle or eye. And then the whip at the back is, oh God, what have I done now? Very good. Okay. So yeah, so it sort of came out of that, the need to create and to get something out there and get those stories out there. So tell us a little bit about for the uninitiated, detective Bgy, the story, this issue, whatever you’d like to tell us about it.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (07:26):
Sure. So the first book, detective Bgy Fly Hard was my first comic. And it’s small, little neat package. Oh, nice. It’s all in colour and it’s very much to the tune of Die Hard. It’s lots of fun. It’s a good one to sell in markets because people get it straight away. They’re like fly hard, die hard. And I’m like, yeah, it’s die diehard with puns basically. There’s lots of bird punts. There are so many bird phrases and bird puns that we use on a regular basis that I like to think people think I’m creative the amount I can sneak into a book and get storyline and plot points to overlap with them. I like to think people read my books and they like, this guy gets bird ones.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (08:09):
He’s very funny.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (08:11):
So then that first book came out and that was a fun journey and I wanted to do a proper comic format, big long one. So I made hard boiled and I wanted my drawing to improve. So I did it in black and white, less reliant on colour.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (08:26):
Okay. So that was a deliberate choice to work on the drawing.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (08:31):
Absolutely. That. And if it becomes very, there’s a film noir prestige underneath that he teams up with a private investigator. So you get all the noir references that I’m hoping people will enjoy. And I’m telling a larger Bgy story. These books are not quite connected. You can read them separately, but I like to think that when they’re all finished, all my budgie books, there’ll be a strong through line through all of ’em. I can’t elaborate on that.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (09:08):
That’s fair enough. Sorry, I was just looking at SP’s latest comment. Do you want to bring that one up? Sizzle, the diehard reference, of course.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (09:19):
Not bad. Not one of my own, but it’s pretty good. I think I use clocker if that’s the difference.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (09:29):
Yeah. Rolls up the tongue or the beak.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (09:32):
That’s right. But the next book, I actually want to feature more ducks. I haven’t explored all the duck puns. So duck feeling duck villains, if you’ll,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (09:43):
It’s an interesting approach to be looking at it from, well, which bird can I explore and how many puns can I get out of it? And yeah,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (09:51):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (09:51):
That’s an interesting creative choice.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (09:54):
Well, I create the characters first and then this is Evelyn Stone. She becomes a sort of love interest. And I was just exploring the character and then I thought, oh, if she’s a goose, then I can say, you give me goosebumps. Wild goose chase. There’s six or seven more good goose references in there. People who love goose or geese, they’re going to love this book.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (10:25):
You’ll get the Ornithological group for sure. So tell us a bit about said Detective Budgie or some of the main characters. So you referenced the love interest, who I love the way she’s drawn, by the way, just the, I dunno how to describe, but Tall, slim, a little bit, not doer, but kind of rigid. And yeah, she’s

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (10:52):
Really cool, very strong woman. But because she’s a goose, she’s got a nice slender look about her, she shaves top her head, so she looks a bit hard. Everyone’s really fun. But then the other main character who kind of sneaks in is Frank, the Black Gala. And he’s an old detective of yesteryear and he’s been around and together they don’t get along and there’s a buddy relationship there that grows. And Frank’s a fun character. He’s very Australian. So I’ve got Dave dies books to the side of me when I’m writing his line because I want him to be. Yeah, I like that there was a blend between that noir tough talk that’s very American and blending that with Aussie idioms and bird puns all at once. And that’s what I’m trying to push on people through the Bodgie book. Yeah,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (11:55):
Very, very cool. And tell us about, I suppose stepping back a little bit, some of the big film or game or comic or art influences that are really that you look at your story style and you think, yeah, I lean on that, or I really love that, or it informs what you do.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (12:16):
Yeah, sure. Well, as I said, I like to think budgie is really simple. And when you’re drawing a noir book with shadows and silhouettes and stuff, I always think of the old Batman animated series. So crisp and simple. But my stuff gets really rough as well. It comes sort of sketchy when it’s violent and obviously it’s easy to reference the in city books when you’re making a wild book black and white I think. But his works, it’s very much evident I’m a fan. References, I talked about Rob Gilroy who made the two series

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (13:03):
Love his stuff.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (13:04):
Yeah, that’s amazing. So clean and he draws thin forearms and big hands and stuff like that. And it always looks flat, but it always looks 3D. It’s like clever toy stuff. So I like to think that I can channel some of that in there.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (13:22):
I can see it Cool. Yeah, I can definitely see the influence. Yeah. And any sort of films, I mean obviously there’s references, the diehard, there’s the whole noir genre, but anything that really stands out that you think, yeah, that I’m really drawn towards that style? Or is it pretty much just, I just want to tell stories?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (13:45):
I’ll say that I always think Bgy because he’s such an outcast. The only dude with wings that’s his whole shtick is that he’s the only guy who can fly around in a bird person culture. So he’s kind of revered or feared. So I always compare him to Superman, kind of protecting the city as a detective. And people love him. People are sort of scared of him. There’s an X-Men tone in there as well because he’s a freak. Yeah, he is budge his house. He lives above the city in a birdhouse. So I can watch over it.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (14:23):
Of course.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (14:25):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (14:25):
Mean that makes sense.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (14:26):
It’s not quite catching the light properly. Yeah.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (14:32):
Alright, thank you very much. So sizzle, I’m giving you a warning, there’s a question coming your way or for you to ask a question, but before we do that, I thought let’s have a little look at the trailer about the book that we’re talking about and the story just to get people in the mood and the vibe.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (14:51):
The vibe.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (14:53):
It’s the vibe. Okay.

Voice Over (15:01):
Detective Budgie, the only walking talking bird person in all of avian city with wings, often labelled a freak considered by many an outcast. Some even say he’s an angel.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (15:37):
Nice. I love the faces, I love the way you do the eyes and the beak and just the intense expression on what are effectively birds. But it’s got that really kind of particularly with budgie when he is given that look to the camera that’s like, I’m stewing on this, this is deep. This is intense stuff, man.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (16:02):
He’s a fun character to draw. I draw big square rectangle eyes, but then I close him all the way down. He’s kind of like Bugs Bunny in that way. Bugs has got tall eyes and he’s very sly. That’s great, man. I gave a book to a friend and he just picked it up, thumbed through it and he was a quiet guy and he is like, good expressions.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (16:30):
Thanks man. Good expression. Cheers. So before we go to sizzle’s question, I’m going to steal a question that he will probably ask so that it forces him to come up with a better question because we’re all throwing. So if you weren’t writing comics as an outlet, so we know you’ve got film, that’s what you were going to pick, wasn’t it? That’s exactly what you were going to pick. The same as last week. I’m not having it. Not having it. So if you weren’t going to be, if comics wasn’t your outlet, and we’ll say, because we know so much about the film side of things as well, if you didn’t have film and comics,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (17:09):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (17:11):
Yeah. So we’re just cutting off all of your creative outlets. Yeah, right. What would you be doing or what could you see yourself doing or enjoy doing?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (17:19):
Well, I was thinking as long as I’m telling stories and then I was like, I could write a story, but I’m such a visual person that wouldn’t work for me. So I guess I would make sculptures in comic book form. Can you imagine that? You go to the museum sculptures telling a story. I’d be right. That

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (17:40):
Would be amazing. Just a massive thing on a wall.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (17:43):
Yeah, just a panel to panel wall to wall. That’d be cool.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (17:47):
So you were kind of going to go this way anyway. There’s no cutting this out or the film.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:52):
You need

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (17:52):
Those ideas. I pretty idea if I was,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:56):
That’s pretty good.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (17:58):
You just need the surfaces and the permission. Oh, forget the permission. Just do it. It’s

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (18:04):
Modern graffiti, but with,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (18:06):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:09):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (18:09):
Well thanks for answering that. That was a great answer. And now I’m going to throw to sizzle to come up with an awesome question.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:18):
You took my question. I did. It’s all I had so tired too. It’s all I had knocked that crutch right away. But we’re all ears. We’re all ears. Are we? Yeah. Yeah.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (18:34):
I’m going to swap glasses for this one. Put the big ones on so I can see. Look at that.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:39):
Well, I’m going to go for what’s next after Detective Budgie

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (18:45):
Got a few things. Well, the next Detective Budgie story is actually in the next comics. Presents new. There is, there’s

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:53):
The one that’s out right now.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (18:55):
So that’s my cover. And inside there is Detective Budgie School of Hard Knocks, which is the eight page sort of a little bit of a one of many. I’d like to tell origin stories where it’s all about, this is him at school, basically at a boarding school. And when he was at boarding school, he had to get chained up so he wouldn’t fire away and he got lots of bullying and stuff like that. So yeah, I think it tells a lot about his own story for justice and stuff like that, his own kind of path for equality, which is something that’s important to Bgy because he’s not treated by one.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (19:37):
And are you thinking, I mean you might not be thinking this far ahead, but are you thinking at any stage of a sort of collected volume or a pieces or something?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (19:49):
It’s something I’m thinking about because these books are different sizes. I’m wondering if the next one should just be horizontal and bigger and then people just can’t keep up. So putting ’em all together is not possible.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (20:05):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (20:06):
Sorry, that’s my thumb hitting that. So it’s like I got the side soon because the next book I want to have a very, very colourful, beachy vibe, very break point, very Miami Vice. That’s the next genre I want to touch on and I want to get colour back in there.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (20:25):
Yeah. Oh cool.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (20:26):
It’s funny, that comment that you just Was that sped? That was sp,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (20:30):
Yeah, sp, yep.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (20:32):
I told my girlfriend about how budgie gets chained up on a daily basis and she was like, that’s awful. And I was like, that’s great. If I can make people feel sorry for what is a real thing, doing

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (20:48):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (20:53):
She reflected on that for a while.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (20:56):
Isn’t that, that’s one of the joys of creating something is making people feel stuff and Yeah.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (21:05):
Yeah. Can surprise. Just little things like that is good. When you offend people through your little storytelling, you’re like, yeah, great. And it’s fun because chained up, but on the shackle over his ankle, it’s got police badge on it, which has got a bird with wings like the, he’s called an Aon in the book. So he’s chained up and he’s looking at the symbol on the shackle, which is a free bird, and he’s like, what’s going on here? This ain’t fair

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (21:37):
Again. He’s the only one that can fly. So he

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (21:40):
Is the, he’s the only one. There’s one born every few hundred years or something like that, and he’s the no one knows why.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (21:46):
Back story.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (21:48):
That’s the bigger thing I want to explore and get to the

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (21:51):
Bottom. Okay, so I’m going to put it out there. You’re not going to do this, why would you? But is there a Highlander thing going on here where another one’s going to come in and kill that one, get all this bird power and

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (22:04):
No, I thought about, and this is something I probably want to explore, so I’m happy to talk about it, but it would be really cool if there was another winged creature around and it was a bat as a bat guy and then maybe it was like a horror episode or a sort of vampirey. So that’s the kind of things I like to explore with. Budgie is

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (22:27):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (22:28):
He’s so alone and that’s what the best superheroes are. They’re so isolated, they’re by themselves. They don’t really have comrades and stuff. That’s why they’ve got their fortresses and their back caves and things. So yeah, if Budgie met a bat guy that was a villain, he would sympathise with him. That might be fun.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (22:48):
And I suppose the question would be, you probably answered yes, but would the bat guy have wings?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (22:55):
Yeah, yeah. The bat guy would be like a,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (22:57):
You would assume. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Which is like you say, that’s a point of connection between them. But he’s the bad dude, but he’s like me except he hangs upside down and pees on himself when

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (23:07):
He asleep,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (23:09):
Which is

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (23:10):
A bit different. And maybe he’s from an island where everyone’s got wings and bud’s kind of like, what’s the deal? Why? And why does no one here have wings but me? That’s the

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (23:20):
Note. That’s cool.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (23:21):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (23:23):
There’s lots of stuff that you can explore with that many winged beasts that you could look at. Have you ever thought of doing anything which, or does anything that you’re writing or drawing touch on real stuff that’s going on? Or maybe not necessarily political stuff or historical or,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (23:48):
Yeah, you know what? I think when this is wrapped up, when the budgie books are done and that plot line that we’re flirting about, talking about, when that’s wrapped up, I think there’ll be some really clear thematic things happening that people will able to go, oh, that’s interesting. And then I won’t want to talk about it. I’ll just want to get people to say that’s interesting. And then I feel like there’s a certain cutoff point when you’re just talking about your art with someone where they’re like, why did you do that? And that’s when you go, well, that’s for you to figure out. You just

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (24:24):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (24:26):
I’ve done my part. You’ve asked the question now. Yeah,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (24:32):
That’s taken a very cerebral turn all of a sudden. Where we’re the distance between the creator and the viewer and the

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (24:40):
Hoping by last, the last B book that Yeah, it’s become quite a cerebral thing that’s been decorated with bird puns and bird poo jokes and various film references. I’m hoping it’s a good track.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (24:58):
A lot of fun. So what’s the challenging thing about doing, it sounds like you just get the vibe, you love this and you love the story and you love getting involved in the saga. What’s the most challenging thing about it for you

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (25:19):
Or in general? It’s such a time suck. That’s the hardest part. And I think I’m disciplined now, and it’s taken me a long time to be like, oh, it’s eight o’clock, I better put an hour in. I’m going to draw some pages, I’m going to do some story notes. I’m going to start colouring in. And then every day you’re just chipping away at this stone. But I think after this is 90 pages, you get really good at just forming habits and telling yourself it’s time to put some work into that book, am trying to get that stuff to fold over into a gym routine as well. So it’s tricky, but I can see there’s links in my brain that something’s happened. There’s some sort of discipline that I’ve learned through drawing and writing a dense book like that.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (26:14):
Yeah, that’s a very, very common theme. Just every artist that we speak to, that’s a very common thing that it’s just so time consuming, so much effort. And do you find, actually, you referenced it earlier on, do you find as you get better and then you look back at earlier artwork, you

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (26:31):
Think about this at length? Because I love reading people’s first comic and then the second book’s just a little bit tighter and the third book you’re like, oh, they’ve figured it out now. And I was really aware of that between my two books that I actually, it’s funny you asked. This actually was like, I made a conscious effort to make the art grow sort of. So as the book starts, it’s very black and white, I keep it very simple, and then I start to introduce polka dots, the half tone effect just gently. And then after a time, this is a spoil after a time, there’s more gradients in all of it in the half tone. I love that subtle. And then after a while we’re in the greys and then it keeps the book. So colour doesn’t come into it, I’ll let you know, but there’s more things happening and it’s becoming more dense and he’s figuring out more clues. So I like to think that I’m aware of that artist’s journey and I’m trying to lean into it, not shy about it. And I know that he looks better by the end of the book than he does at the start, just out of drawing, not just what I’m drawing layers,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (27:52):
But it ties in nicely because as a reader, you’re starting off at the start of the story and you are learning more about him as he develops and then he’s growing and he’s developing, and so it kind of fits nicely. If it was the other way around, it would be an interesting one. Yeah, that’s

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (28:09):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (28:09):
If it just got simpler and simpler and then just

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (28:12):
Maybe he got beat up on the head and he was a bit dumb.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (28:15):
It just went funny. Actually, I had thought of that. I wanted to ask whether any artist you were mentioning before about how some areas, like the action areas, you’ll get more sketchy rather than refined. I love that idea of when the protagonist is hit in the head or something happens that all of the artwork kind of suffers a little bit for a while until it’s kind of nice. It’s a nice visual cue that something’s not right here.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (28:44):
Well, I remember reading an Alex Ross comic and I’m just going through each page. He’s painting all these panels and I’m just taking my time with it. And then you put that down, you pick up any other comic book and you just, you’re whipping through. So I feel like the more dense the artwork is, it changes how you move through the page, at least from my eyes.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (29:07):
That’s a good point.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (29:08):
And it’s such a mystery book, reading, trying to communicate pace is so tricky and I’m always aware of that, especially because I’m trying to tell jokes and that’s timing’s all humour. So I try to get all my puns at the bottom right panel so that there’s a joke at the end of the page and then you turn. Yeah, and that’s tricky. Sometimes you want a big spiel, you want lots of dialogue before that final punchline. You want a little amp up and then you want a gap, and then you want budy to just say something like, I dunno, a cool bird pun, which won’t come to me straight away.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (29:50):
And that’s a pain. If you are at that point or you’re not quite at that point and you’re at the end of the page and you’re about to turn, what do you do? Do you push it for another two pages and just keep him

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (30:01):
Talking or I’m always biting to get it at the thing. So you go, ha ha, and then you turn the page and then I’m hoping it’s a bigger reveal. I don’t know, but I’m always thinking about it and I think that’s evident because a lot of scenes happen by page rather than scattering through.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (30:20):
You’re right. It’s a very interesting dynamic and this is where novel writing is so much easier because you just keep going and keep going and then end of the chapter here and you don’t have that limit of pages and all that sort of stuff. It’s a unique thing to comics, I think. How has your film background, love of film and cinema and all that, and also the work that you’ve done, how has that influenced the way that you draw comics, do you think? Or how have you adapted and move from one to Sure.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (30:50):
Well, I would storyboard all my work, so I like to think, I’m always thinking about timing and stuff like that, but when you’re storyboarding, you’ve always got the same size frame. So when you got a comment, you’re like, you quickly learn that that’s where the game changes and size is different. So I’m always thinking about speed. So kind of the same answer. I’m trying to communicate speed and pace through art, through size of shape, through the size of the picture and how dense the artwork is inside it, the details. Yeah. And yeah, I find it’s really challenging when you are making a book and you’re always looking for new ways to break it up as well. So yeah,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (31:38):
I still don’t get it. I’m still trying to figure that one out myself. Hats off to those that have figured it out, well

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (31:44):
Done. And I bet those people probably aren’t even aware of it as a thing. They just just draw in what they think is important and we’re picking up on it. I bet everyone reads a comic differently. It’s not like where we all get the same sort of flow.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (32:05):
That’s a good point actually. Yeah. Yeah, because depending on how quickly you read, depending on if you go words first versus image first or you skip between both and where you, yeah. That’s really interesting. So couple of questions which we’re used to in this show. You can either pick Budgie or one of the other characters you’re sitting down, let’s say at the point he’s now, so in terms of linear history where he is now, not when he was younger and chained by the system, you’ve got five minutes to talk to him. What’s the advice that you give him?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (32:47):
Oh wow. Yeah, it’s funny because friends will read the book and I’ll be like, this is fun. Are you bgy? I guess, yeah, that nose beak, it’s the same thing, right? He’s a handsome guy, he’s getting around town,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:08):
You’ve got wings, so you know. Right.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (33:12):
Yeah. What would I tell budgie? I feel like you’d know. I think we’re already connected. We just need to look at each other and nod and he’ll be like Nod. Yeah,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:22):
Yeah, I get it. There you go. That’s a Okay, now we’re going to go forward and we’re going to go backwards, but I’m going to go to the next protagonist related question. So you’re in the car, he’s in the back, you’re up at McDonald’s or whatever your favourite fast food is. What does he order? I’m guessing what you’ve just said before, you’re probably both ordering the same thing anyway.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (33:55):
I just look at him and I look at him and he looks back and just, it’s funny that you say he’s in the backseat because it’s in the book. He tells Frank, I’m not getting in that car. I don’t do cars unless you want to drive really slowly. And I’m in the backseat because he gets car sick. He has to control his own speed and pace around town

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (34:20):
Momentum and stuff.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (34:21):
So yeah, I’d be driving very slowly for old budgie at the backseat. And I’ve thought about this question, there’s something about budgie in that he doesn’t know why he loves certain things or why he leans to being a bird where a bird human doesn’t. So he would order a Big Mac and he wouldn’t know this, but he just loves the sesame seeds on top. He just

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (34:45):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (34:48):
And he might even pick them off a little bit and chew ’em a little. He’s not aware that he does that.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (34:57):
That’s great. And that’s the only thing you could get there that would have it, I think.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (35:01):
I think you’re right.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (35:02):
I think so. Yeah. He

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (35:03):
Would be really fussy about as long as it’s got the sesame seeds on top and he’s happy.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (35:08):
Good answer. Very, very good answer. Speaking of questions, sizzle, would you like another one? Sizzle’s headphones have just gone off, so we’re going to keep going because that’s

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (35:24):
Not a to someone else.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (35:25):
Yeah, that’s right. The FBI have just said F-B-I-A-F-P, whatever we are. I’ll count out anyone that you’ve already worked with in the Friday night draws and that sort of stuff. Is there anyone in the industry or any sort of industry that you would really love to work with that you’d just love to collaborate with on a project?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (35:50):
I’d love to write some stuff and get artists to draw my stuff. That’d be a cool thing to do.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (35:56):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (35:58):
That would be cool. I kind want to draw my own stuff, but if I was, so if I could get Rob Gilroy in from

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (36:07):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (36:07):
A break from I, he’s making Farm Hand at the moment. That’d be really fun. See how he handles the budgie.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (36:14):
There’s a question for you.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (36:16):
What song would Detective Fudgy play if he were at a party on Instagram? I’ve got a few Keeps like an Eagle Hendrix’s son or whatever. I believe I can fly,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (36:35):
So anything would fly in the

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (36:38):
Land, that kind of stuff.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (36:44):
Yeah. Yeah. Fair enough. Thank you for the question. Very good. Very good. Okay, can you hear us sizzle? I can now. It keeps going in and out. I don’t know what’s going on. I was going to throw to you for another question if you want one, but no pressure if you don’t want one. I don’t want one. You don’t want

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (37:07):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (37:09):
All right, very good. He just

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (37:10):
Wants to look at comments, throw ’em up there.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (37:13):
Yeah, that’s all I do. That’s what he wants to do. Fair enough. Fair enough. You do the heavy lifting. I’ll stick to the questions. Crap, I just forgot the question that I was going to ask. Yes. So currently, other than your own work, what are you reading? What are you watching? What are you listening to or where do you go for inspiration when you need to think about new ideas For the budget,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (37:36):
I can reach my current book. I’m reading the, I’m trying to work my way through the Hellboy books.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (37:42):
Oh wow. Nice.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (37:43):
Drawing. Sounds like I’m struggling. They’re great. The artwork’s always so simple as well and clean and cool. Yeah. He keeps it really simple and really strong. So I’m reading Hellboy at the moment. What am I watching? My girlfriend and I just finished Tad Lasso. We loved Ted Lasso. That was the best. So I recommend that to everyone. Mr. Velocity is a character I’m working on for an eight page presents book that’s like months away or it might get bumped or

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (38:19):
Yeah, it’s all away. Yeah.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (38:21):
But Mr. Velocity’s a character I’m working on and he’s kind of like a Jet Packy dude that flies around and there’s some, it’s based in the future, so there’ll be a little bit of political themes in there.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (38:33):
Oh, nice. And you are writing and drawing obviously.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (38:38):
Yeah. Rob’s put me on the spot. I can show you a preview.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (38:43):
Oh, exclusive previews. People. You heard it first.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (38:48):
All right, here we go. Share screen that one. So there’s Mr Velocity.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (38:56):
Yeah, yeah, zoom in a bit. That’s awesome. That very nice.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (39:01):
So it’s sort of like a jet packy do with a buzz light. Get up.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (39:08):
Yeah, I love it. And the magic Purple Force thing. Purple, yeah.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (39:20):
Shoots light. And then the gimmick is, and I was hoping to save this, but the gimmick is he can then freeze the light. He calls it hard light, hard light technology. So for instance, he could freeze that and then use it as a step, or basically he’s snapped off one of his lasers and he’s using it as a spear now.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (39:41):
That is very cool. I can totally see Gilroy in that. Yeah, I love the thin limbs.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (39:51):
Yeah, there’s definitely, yeah, the proportions are out, but balanced.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (39:57):
Yeah, they just work. They’re so nice. I’m immediately jealous. But we have next question, and this is the big one. Everyone’s been waiting for it. Favourite meal watching, favourite film. What would that combination look like for

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (40:15):
You? Oh, right. I’m all about comfort food. Just keeping it simple. It’s like a bowl of nachos or something I’m watching. Oh, this flicked on the other day. The good, the bad, the ugly. That’s my favourite film. It’s such a classic.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:35):
Oh, nice.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (40:35):
And for a film made in the sixties, it’s so stylized. There’s always something clever going on in the direction. The music’s out of this world. When you watch a film like that, it changes how you watch Star Wars and stuff. All the references are just taken and used through all of all pop culture.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:58):
Yeah, that’s true.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (40:59):
And I was even saying in the latest book of Bubba Fat episode, there’s two cowboy characters and they’re basically arguing over who’s more like Clin Eastwood. They’re really just aggressively saying, no, I’ve got the hat. Well, I can squint more. Well, when I step into the frame like this, the camera sits on my hip just like in the good, the bad, the ugly. And they just, yeah,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (41:24):
Pretty fun. I know the scene you’re talking about, it’s amazingly well done. And the one dude with the hat tipped down so you don’t see the eyes

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (41:32):
Until raw. That’s thing as well, that

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (41:36):
Which I’d always thought would be just amazing if when the reveal happened, he was just totally cross-eyed. Amazing. He’s not going to hit anything. He’s going to be, that would just be so funny. But it would ruin

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (41:50):
The moment. Well, that reveal is strong. You just had this blue claw mouth and then the hat came up and they were big red eyes. And not only were they big, they were Clint with squinty over the top. He even had the crow. Crow wrinkles, the term escape. Crow. Crow. You’ve been drawing

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:14):
Birds too long. Dude. Crow feet,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (42:17):
Crow’s feet has not appeared. So I’m just going to write that down. Write that

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:20):
Down. Yeah, that’s

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (42:23):
All the good puns. Crow’s feet so that I can work plot points to them so people think I’m clever.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:30):
Absolutely. Absolutely. Alright, we’re now up to my favourite. Are we sizzle or have you got something else you want to

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:38):
Add? No, no, no. We’re up to your favourite part.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:41):
We’re up to my favourite part, which

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:43):
This will be your

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:44):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:45):
Favourite because there’s no cheating from me this week.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:47):
No cheating this week. Wow. No cheating. So we both did this 10 minutes first draught, no sketching right in there in homage.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:56):
Okay. Maybe I cheated a little.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (42:58):
Okay, so

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:59):
Yeah, you spent an hour and you sketched that bastard, didn’t you? Yeah. Anyway, I seen it. So we’ll see. All right. When you’re ready for the big reveal, sir,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:08):
Whenever you Well, what we’re going to do, we’re going to do mine first because yours is actually the superior picture here. Yes. I went for a very quick, mine was under three minutes. Mine was shocking. I didn’t even get the ink out, so I apologise quick. I was trying to live to the quick name, so

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (43:27):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (43:27):
Hey. He, boy

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (43:30):
Rad. That’s no good. I like the love part. Instead of a police badge.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (43:35):
I was going to say, yeah. Is that a badge or is it like a Valentine’s card or something?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:39):
Yeah, little Valentine’s card.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (43:40):
He kind of looks like he’s wearing a, and now he’s one of those archery babies. The little aha.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (43:49):
If Fudgy ever had a kid, maybe that’s how the kid’s going to be dressed to be like Patty, walk around and would the kid have wings is a question. I suppose.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:58):
That’s a question

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (43:59):
To for another issue. Depends how much he’s figured out along the way.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:03):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (44:04):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:06):
Now we go to the masterpiece here.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:08):
Hey, hey,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:09):
Hey. No bars hold or whatever the expression is. Hold bars. I can’t hold bars. Yeah, no

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:16):
Bars at all.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (44:17):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:17):
Feet. No bars at all. He even even used colour

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:22):
First time ever. Full colour, ladies and gentlemen.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (44:27):
I know which colour

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:28):
From Morgan you’ve

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (44:29):
Looked at to draw that as I know.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:32):
Exactly. And it’s recognisable.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (44:36):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:36):
Was so happy that it’s recognisable and it’s the first one that I’ve done colour on, so there you go. That’s awesome.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (44:42):
Yeah. Rad. I like it. He’s got more for the,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:46):
Because he’s the only one with wings.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (44:48):
There you go. Well, my last book had a little Submit your art section. It was a little over half a page. Oh, cool. But my next book, I’m going to have to have two pages because the comics crew got on board and I’ve got 15, 16. Probably get more by then if I ask. So yeah, I got to watch. That’s

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (45:07):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (45:08):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (45:09):
That is awesome. Well, thank you, sir. We’ll be sending those to you and you may treasure them at your will.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (45:15):
Please do.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (45:20):
Straight away he goes to, if Budgie has a kid, you got to chain that kid,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (45:24):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (45:25):
Just to get him used to what it’s going to be like at school, man.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (45:29):
Hey, so yeah, pick up the book at Comics Shop. You can get both of them there.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (45:35):
Hey, Hey, awesome.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (45:37):
Or you can go to detective and talk to me directly and pick up bookmarks and stickers or whatever you got to do as long as you’re reading the book. Sweet.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (45:45):
I’m good. Fantastic. And is it the current presents or is it the

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:53):
One that the Kickstarter that’s happening right now has the detective story in it?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (46:00):
Yeah, and you can get my cover. There’s cover. Then I can brag the other people about how I got the most.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:07):
Yeah, I got the most covers. Yeah, so everyone, Nick’s cover, let’s get those fingers

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (46:10):
Up. People get really rowdy about it and behind the scenes in Blood spent over this, it’s,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (46:20):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:20):
Peter. Thanks, Peter.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (46:23):
Cool. Okay, so comex shop detective budget com, com and go to Kickstarter and support the Kickstarter that’s on at the moment for presents number three. That’s three, that’s six. So I’ll go three. Number three. Very good. Thank you very much.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:43):
And I’ll get the right link for talking to

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (46:44):
You. There we go. The link. Great to have a chat.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (46:49):
Yeah, it’s cool to answer questions that you think about in your head and have to push ’em out into sentences. It’s different. Yeah.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (46:58):
Words are weird.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (46:59):
Words are weird. I just want to draw my stuff.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (47:04):
I have to talk because then again, I can draw. You’ve all seen it. Everyone’s

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:09):
Seen it. Yeah, you’ve all seen it.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (47:10):
I can totally draw.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:12):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (47:14):
Cool. Right over you sle.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:17):
This is the part where I get to say, see you later. Nick, thanks for coming in.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (47:22):
See you Friday night for some quicks.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:24):
See you Friday night for some quicks. Don’t forget people. Friday night Drink and Draw Quick is our main attraction at these times with these little quick jokes.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (47:35):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:35):
Take it. So yeah, take it. And I’ve got to scroll down and find the video. I downloaded way too many pictures.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (47:46):
In the meantime, he is some animated budgie.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (47:50):
Oh, oh,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:50):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (47:53):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (47:53):
By Alex Majeure. Is that

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (47:55):
Alex’s? Yeah. Yeah. That is so cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:57):
They very cool. Okay, cool. Next section. Here we go. Oh, you got going something else. Sorry.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (48:03):
Well, I was just kind to fill time, but I think this was the unanimous winner on Budgie Night. People love this. Oh,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:10):
That is so good.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (48:13):
The Judge budge is very popular.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:15):
That is amazing.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:16):
Yeah, it’s very popular.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:18):
Oh, well done Duncan.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:19):
Nice one. Duncan.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:20):
Yeah, I

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:22):
Love it. Thanks Nick.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:26):
Thanks Nick. Hey,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (48:27):
Good one. Cheers. Bye.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:30):
Totally makes DD go, woo. And

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:45):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:46):
Yeah, Aussie comics. Woo.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:49):
Yeah, man, that was cool. He’s an awesome dude, and it was great getting that perspective on the Ji, but also the film stuff and everything. Really cool perspective.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:59):
It’s awesome. Yeah. Yeah, I like that.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (49:02):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:03):
So should I go first or do you want to go first with your unveiling?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (49:07):
You go first, bro. I’ll,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:08):
I’ll go first.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (49:09):
Unveil my later.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:10):
Well, actually, let’s see if I put it up top, I actually thought I would actually supports the man who supports me so much at Comex

With a Bronwyn. Everyone says this is a review, but it’s not really a review. All I do is say, this was awesome, a great time. It’s sort of like an anthology, but sort of isn’t. It jumps between time periods between each story. So the first time I read it, I was a little lost, but that was only because I was expecting something different. Once you realise that’s what it’s all about, then it’s like, oh, okay, that’s what’s happening. That’s all about that. And it’s the further adventures. Now for those who don’t know, there is a Bronwyn series, and this is the further adventures to that Bronwyn series. And there’s actually three,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:06):
You got to get the first one.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:08):
Three. Three. This is

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:11):
The first three. And then these one. Yeah. Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:13):
And then these ones, that’s where it was. It was a little confusing. It wasn’t majorly confusing. I didn’t fall on the ground screaming. That would be really confusing. Amazing. But yeah, it was a great story. I love Zach’s art. I’m a huge fan. I’m a bit of a fan boy. I just love the way he does his colour. I love the way he does his art. I just, yeah,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:45):
It’s great.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:46):
It’s great art, it’s great storytelling. He actually researches the history. He puts all these things in the right time periods. She’s fighting the Romans at the same time that the Romans were actually in Ireland, so

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:59):
Yeah. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:01):
It’s very cool. And get the other three. They’re actually available at Comex shop, and so there you go. I get to plug myself there for a little bit and let’s see if someone’s having to go at my plugin. Hey, it’s Bronwyn. Oh, look at that. We’ve got a problem. Zach himself. There we go.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (51:21):
And mine is coming. Mine will be here soon. So I’m excited to get my hands on the Bron one. That’s going to be great. Yes,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:30):
The art is great. The story’s great, and I love the history and the whole Warrior Woman, mystic Magic shit that’s going on.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (51:40):
Yeah, it is. Cool. All right, so unveiling of a package that came through

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:47):
Unveiling because he didn’t read

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (51:49):
Anything. I didn’t read anything because we’re probably all aware of this one, but, oh, crap mic. So this

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:04):
Oh, awesome.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:06):
Angry Squad, Lucas, she, so this just actually came in a couple of days. Angry Fred Comics, obviously. So yeah, that’s just came in. That was a while ago. I think it supported that campaign. And I got some extra smurf in here and Oh, I didn’t mean to break that one. I opened it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:27):
Oh shit. What’s your break

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:30):
The bag? Oh, it’s just the baggy thing. Yeah, yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:32):
Oh, okay. That’s alright

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:33):
Then. Nice and thick. All right, so how do I do this? Let’s see if we can

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:36):
Look that. And let me zoom in on you, Lucas. I was surprised. I didn’t realise the book was so big.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:45):
Yeah, it’s a nice size. Hey,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:46):
That’s awesome. Yeah, it’s a really good book.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:50):
Nice and chunky. Nice and meaty. So I’m looking forward to tucking into that one shortly. Thank you, Lucas. Fantastic. Awesome work. Another great Aussie indie creator. And yeah, so that’s my super awesome Angry Squad reveal. And also, again, I cannot love stories enough that have old dudes in them because I am myself an old dude or heading that way for sure. I feel like it. Speaking

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:19):
Of old dudes.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:20):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:21):
I got the add-on in this particular

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:25):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:26):
Yeah. Kickstarter

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:27):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:28):
Kickstarter campaign. And if I can get him up there. Oh

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:32):
Wow, you got the old dude, Lego man with the cigar. That’s so cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:38):
With the cigar. It’s not focusing, but here we go. There he is.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:42):
That is so cool. That is awesome.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:46):
And the best part, he was in a bag stick tape to the back of the cardboard. I forgot I got him. I almost threw the cardboard out.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:55):
Oh no, that would

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:57):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:59):
That reminds me of a story of someone that ordered that got a Comex cap and some comics and stuff and didn’t realise that the second part of the box had the hat in it. Yes, that was me. And that almost went in the bin. If you hadn’t have told me it was gone and then I would’ve been, where is it bro? What’s going on? There you go. There you go. That’s awesome. Makes me wish I had got that one.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:23):
He’s in my special spot. Little Lego, angry Fred.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:27):
Cool with his special cigar. That is only a cigar.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:31):
It’s only a cigar. A massive bloody, huge cigar. But yes, a cigar nonetheless.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:36):
It is a big cigar. So did you want to quickly show the Kickstarter campaign for presents? We’ll see where we’re up to. Or do you want me to

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:49):
Yeah, I was going to say my screens aren’t set up for it at the moment. Hang on,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:53):
Let me have a look and see if I can bring it up

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:01):
Here. I’ve got it.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:02):
You got it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:03):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:07):
It’s time. It’s shameless promo time.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:10):
Shameless promo time and system audios. Let’s get that video, video, video playing there. All these pictures

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:19):
As well. Nick. Storing pictures.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:21):
Everybody’s my air thing’s gone again.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:24):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:25):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:29):
All. So what are we up to? 9 72. So we’re two thirds of the way.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:33):
I can’t hear anything.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:36):
Okay, I’ll keep talking. This is going to be,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:40):
No, I got nothing.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:42):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:42):
Right. As soon as I put that up, it all went dead.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:47):
Why don’t you take it down and I’ll give it a go and see if I can work it or something.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:54):
No, hang on.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:57):
It is this solution new fangled technology.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:59):
He’s got speakers,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:01):
He’s got, is it Working Now?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:02):
Ability. This is riveting television.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:09):
Can you hear us? Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:15):
Now I can hear you through the speeches. That was awesome. That was great stuff. Well

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:20):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:20):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:23):
All right. So where are we at? We’re two thirds of the way through. We need to get some more of them backers in tonnes and tonnes of things on offer. How many, is there like eight different covers?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:38):
There is four covers.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:40):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:40):
Covers each. What it is is there’s four stories in each book. Each creator or creative team did their own cover variant cover. Each variant cover has all the characters from the book put into one scene. So this is Isaac George’s cover with Bronwyn Vivian, and I always forget karate dude’s name, so I just call him Karate dude. Country Jack, alien Demons. There you go. Very technical. And here they’re again, but this is Ed’s version of them.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:12):
So cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:14):
SP’s version of them. And I’m a big fan of Peter’s version of them. And we’ve got,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:22):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:22):
This is the one that Nick is in. So this is Alex’s

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:26):
Cover. Alex’s one, yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:28):
Yeah. And then we’ve got, this is Lee Chalker and Ryan Bella’s cover. They were a team together on the story. Rosie Ring around the Rosie, sorry.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:39):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:40):
This is Sters cover. I love this one. We’ve got, I

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:45):
See a budget

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:46):
In with the photo of the Sander Catt and then we have next cover and then yeah, we’ll do samples of the pages and so forth. I won’t go through that. I will actually go back to the top if I can see where the bar is and we will play this video, which hopefully has sound. Does that sound

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (58:15):
Yeah. Yes. Nice.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:03):
I’m glad you could hear that.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:05):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:06):
Having so much fun. Nice one Nick. Nice one.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:14):
That’s about the sum of it right there.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:16):
Yeah, so I dunno what’s going on. So yeah, we are at 972 of our 1500 goal 24 backers. So we need probably about another 15 at the average pledge. So yeah, it’s got some great things in there. It’s not just the books. You can get the books, you can get all four covers. You can get just one of each cover you can get. My personal favourite is the tier where you actually, the pledge level, it gives you the ability to appear on the drink and draw show and we draw. That’s cool. Whatever you want.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:55):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:57):
So yeah, lots of awesome stuff like Peter Lane Hue. So yeah, get in there. Presents let’s, I’m so bad at navigating

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:09):
This’s, right? People can also, they can search on Kickstarter,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:13):
Search on Kickstarter, but this is the short link X studio. They’ll take you straight to the Kickstarter, go through, find the level that suits you, find the thing that you want and yeah, pledge away. And we’ll get that out. We are actually getting, the proof has been sent out. If that all goes ahead, we’ll actually have these printed and ready to ship before the Kickstarter is over.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:38):
Nice. Yeah. Very nice.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:41):
These will be shipping if all the goes well, fingers crossed these will be shipping the week after the thing’s finished.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:48):
Very cool. Very cool. Well, in the spirit of Shameless promotion, it’s so true. It’s so true. You just open them and you look at the stuff and it’s awesome and then you’re done. That’s it. Reading is so much effort. It’s so much effort. Cool. All right, so in the spirit of Shameless promotion, do you mind if I steer for

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:14):
Two seconds?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:15):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:16):
Get in there. I’ll get rid of that little message.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:18):
Preparing to steer. Let’s see if I can

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:22):
Do it. Man, do it.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:23):
Bam, bam, bam. Yes. All right. So my own little effort if you will. Can you see that dude? Is that up? I’m guessing it’s up. Cool. So this is Shadow’s Daughter, a campaign that I’ve got up at the moment. So any Aussie backer that backs me will get a free PDF copy of the Blood Below, which is a comic, which hasn’t been released yet and it’s awesome and I can’t wait to show you. But anyway, so you’ll get an extra comic. Also, if you have a look, there is an extra comic from another artist that you’ll get if you back early. So there’s some early backing that you can do. Six issues, six, that’s six issues. Six issues, all ready to go. They’re all finished except for the drawn in options. So they are good to go. So you will get all of those as well.

Let’s see. There you go. They’re all over 40 pages. Some of them are a fair bit more. 40 pages, that’s like 340 odd pages worth of comics, two colour, four black and white. There’s some amazing covers including a couple of Aussie things coming up. So these are the covers. There’s one that just got unlocked today, that one got unlocked, another one that got unlocked with this one. Amazing Art by Daniel Ree. Fantastic. That just got unlocked. There’s another one there. So yeah, there’s lots and lots of stuff that’s kind of the look and feel of the colour one. So it’s kind of a manga esque sort of thing, but not western manga. So it’s not manga, manga for black and white issues that are kind of backstories to the main thing. The whole story is about someone called Summer who is a shadow man. She can bend shadow to her will. She’s also a bounty hunter. It’s really cool And there’s lots of different tiers, lots of cool stuff. So by all means get in, have a look, and as I said, anyone that backs it, any Aussie that backs it will get a free copy of The Blood Below, which is another comic that I’ve got up and running and anything. So if you back it for $2, you’ll still get that comic because Australia. Australia.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:35):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:03:36):
And why not? So thank you very much. Shameless plug over. Nice.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:41):
Very nice. Well I guess that’s us for the night.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:03:48):
Oh, except there’s one more drawing. He’s still drawing. It’s so good. We never have the drawing on our show. This

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:56):
Is a treat. This is great. I love it Master.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:04:03):
I love it. I’m going to print that. I’m going to print that right now. That is fantastic. Oh, so good. So good. Thanks Nick. That is awesome.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:18):
Woohoo, much appreciated. And goodnight everyone, thanks for joining us and see you next week. Same Oz comic show time, same comic show channel. I did it. You did it. Well done,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:04:32):
Well done bro.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:35):
Goodnight all. See next week. See, and I dunno, just ruin everything. Here we go.


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