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Mickey Scott

Ever bond your soul to your weapon? No!! Not like that you perve. Mickey tells a possibly cautionary tale of a Viking who bonds his being to his sword. How powerful a warrior will this make him and what price will be pay... you'll need to support the Kickstarter at to find out ;)…


(there will be errors in the following text)

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:12):
Hello and welcome to the Oz Comic Show. It’s Wednesday night and we are here to talk to our special guest. This week’s special guest is Mickey Scott, and we’re going to be talking about, well, his new comic and his Kickstarter that he has going on. So let’s not muck around and let’s get to the Viking. Fun. Hey. Hey,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (00:53):
Here he is.

Mickey Scott (00:55):
Thanks for having me boys.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (00:57):
Thanks for coming along.

Mickey Scott (00:59):
I’m still reeling from that intro music. That was hot.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:03):
Rock and roll, bro. Rock and roll,

Mickey Scott (01:06):
That last riff. Triplets.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:10):
Yeah, man, it’s all about the guitars and the hard rock life and the flat cap. That’s what it’s all

Mickey Scott (01:17):
About. Flat cap life.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:20):
Alright, so let’s get straight into it. Thanks for coming along, Mickey. We’re going to fire the questions at you and get to know you a little bit more and the project that you’ve currently got running on Kickstarter. So why don’t you introduce yourself a little and tell us about when and how you first got involved in comics and comic creation.

Mickey Scott (01:45):
Okay. All right. That’s a bit of a long question. I am Mickey Scott. I’m on Instagram as the Mad Bastard, which correctly pronounced is you. Mad bastard.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (02:00):
Got it. Geez.

Mickey Scott (02:01):
First involved in making comics. Fuck. I read comics when I was a kid. My brother was into them. I fell in love with internal art covers. Don’t have never interested me. I love reading the internal art and I would always just copy it. I dunno what happened a few years back. I was in that place that everyone gets to in their life where you dunno what you’re going to do and you’ve got to try to figure it out. And I’ve always drawn things and I’ve always read comics and I started going, well, the money in the industry is in colouring. So I started there. I started trying to do colours and I wasn’t very good at it.

And so I just started just dove right in the deep end and was like, all right, how do I draw Sequentials? And I just started doing it and the first stuff was bad, and then I figured some stuff out. I read some books and it got better. And I tried putting myself out there for writers to give me scripts and we could collaborate and come up with a book together. But just being a newcomer, I couldn’t connect with people whose ideas jelled with mine, let’s put it that way. And so I just went, I’ll just write my own scripts. I’ll write my own stories. I don’t know, I’ll figure it out. And that’s how we got to Shield Breaker.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (03:33):
Right. Nice. So let’s unpick that a bit. So art first and originally going into colours because of money, because all the colours are pimping it up. They’re all wearing the fancy hats and such.

Mickey Scott (03:51):
Well, they’re the ones who can always secure work. They’re like drummers in a band. Everyone needs a colorist. And writers and pencils are a dime a dozen. You can find ’em everywhere.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (04:05):
I’ve got three down there,

Mickey Scott (04:07):
Right? Yeah. My dogs do it.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (04:13):
Right. Okay. So there’s a very practical kind of initial look at, okay, if I want to get involved in this industry, that’s the area where you’re always going to have work. There’s always going to be plenty going on. But the appeal for you has been more, I love the sequential art. I want to get into this. I want to know how to do it. And now, all right, I’m going to write, I’m going to do the whole shebang and I’m going to stick it on Kickstarter and I’m going to fund it because we are funded and we are at, I dunno, percentages more than a hundred percent

Mickey Scott (04:47):
What we want to say.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (04:48):
Hundred 7%, 23% over 123. Oh,

Mickey Scott (04:54):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (04:55):
I think if I’m working out right, my master isn’t that great. Very good. Okay, so we’ll get into the artwork a little bit more. The artwork is really amazing. What I wanted to know is how long from deciding to, alright, I want to do sequential art to where you are now, how long was that journey? And please don’t say a year because that will make me cry on the inside about that.

Mickey Scott (05:22):
No, gosh, it’s somewhere between three and five years. But I couldn’t honestly tell you because five years might be when I decided I wanted to do colours.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (05:36):

Mickey Scott (05:38):
I reckon it’s between three and five.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (05:41):
Geez, that’s still a small timeframe. Had you done a lot of art prior to Not so much.

Mickey Scott (05:48):
I’ve had a pencil in my hand since I’ve worked out how to hold one.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (05:53):
Right, right. Okay.

Mickey Scott (05:55):
That’s basically what my parents will tell you. But there’s been long lulls and up until the point where I decided I was going to do this, I wasn’t drawing every day. That point when I decided I’m going to get into comics was when I went Right. There’s a pencil in my hand every day. Boom. And there’s a lot to be said for intentional practise. This is what I’m not doing well, how do I do it?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (06:29):
Okay. Yeah, yeah. Locating the areas where you need to improve and then just bashing away and getting better and getting better and then honing your craft, all that sort of stuff. Yeah,

Mickey Scott (06:39):
Absolutely. A hundred percent. Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:42):
So are you saying that in three to five years you learn sequential? Is that what you’re saying?

Mickey Scott (06:46):
Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. I learned how a storyboard and tell a story. I read a book.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:51):
I don’t know if Morgan is, but I’m crying inside. I may even start crying outside three to five. That’s crazy.

Mickey Scott (06:59):
Yeah, I don’t even know. Images

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (07:03):
Sizzle. Do you want to throw up some of the art while we’re chatting so people can see why we’re a little bit teary about that short timeframe? Here’s some of the artwork that we’re talking about because it is very good. It is very, very good.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:20):
It’s awesome. Beyond good.

Mickey Scott (07:25):
I can make it worse.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (07:27):
You can,

Mickey Scott (07:29):
This is, so I’m now working on the third edition of what this stuff is. Part one of this is from part two. So when I go back to those early pages of part one, I go, this is awful. I can do so much better than this. This is just rubbish.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:51):
Yeah. I think every artist does that, to be honest. Everyone I’ve talked to always, they go back to the first panel of the comic or the first comic they did, or the first page they did, or the one they’re currently working on and go, oh, I can do it so much better now.

Mickey Scott (08:03):
Yeah. The rule is you’re not allowed to Thanks Peter. You’re not allowed to. If you can do it better, you have to do the next thing better.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (08:12):
Yeah. And let’s just put it out there as well. Certainly from my perspective, it’s not just artists, it’s writers and musicians and all that sort of stuff, all but it’s also writers that work with artists that early on, maybe pick artists that they’re not quite sure about and everything. And as you get along you realise, oh wow, I need a real quality artist for this sort of thing. The same sort of journey.

Mickey Scott (08:37):
Yeah. I’ve experienced that subcontracting to colour artists.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (08:41):
Yeah. The

Mickey Scott (08:42):
Guy I’m working with right now, I’m very happy with Kevin Anthony de Castro. He’s a legend, but on my way to him, I went through some people that were not right for the job.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (08:54):
And I suppose that’s the difference between I’m just putting something out there to, alright, I’m now putting this thing on Kickstarter, I’m creating this, I’m basically publishing this thing, which means now I have to contract out to people to do the bits that I either don’t want to waste the time doing or I can’t do, or whatever the case may be, which is a bigger job to do. How are you finding the stuff outside of the actual artwork and the story that you’ve written and put together, how do you find the rest of the whole process?

Mickey Scott (09:26):
Daunting, daunting,

Daunting and developing. So one good thing is writing your pitch submissions to publishers. That has changed my writing techniques and style drastically for the better. Oh good. The concept of trying to summarise your idea into an elevator pitch really sharpens up the story. Yeah, Dave, it sharpens up the story. And then trying to tell a publisher, why should you be interested in this? Why is it good? Why will a reader be interested in It really brings to light, why am I writing this story? What am I actually trying to say and why do I think it’s a good thing to say? And that makes your storytelling much stronger. You’ve got a much clearer start and finish and why, when you have understood what is it that I want to say to my reader.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (10:28):
Yeah, that’s a really, really good point. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so digging a little bit more into Shield Breaker. So why don’t you tell us a little bit about the elevator pitch or the main sort of plot points, and then what was the impetus to get the whole board, why that kind of Norse style? But yeah, let’s start with why don’t you tell us a little bit about the story itself? We’ll go from

Mickey Scott (10:57):
There. Cool. Alright, so starting with the plot, the book that is on Kickstarter right now is part one or technically even part prequel. It is very much in the, I tried to create something that was in the same literary vein as the original saga, so trying to emulate that writing style. So it is really the quintessential hero character, his king’s breast and bravest man is obsessed with being the best of all time. And so bonds his spirit to his sword. That is the story of part one. It’s his journey to how he goes about that and the price that he’ll have to pay for it.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (11:50):

Mickey Scott (11:52):
What it’s leading to is

About a hundred years or more after he’s dead and trapped in that blade, a young warrior who is again, a very quintessential character, the young intrepid, a little bit naive character, gets her ass handed to her and finds this sword with a legendary hero’s soul stuck in it. And if you can imagine when you were a kid and your dad was teaching you to swing it back, you’d hold the bat and he would put his hand over the top of your hand and show you how to swing it. Imagine you’re in the thick of a battlefield and you hold a sword and you can’t shake this sensation of someone else’s hand over the top of yours showing you just the right cut to take that guy’s head off.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (12:45):
Right. Nice.

Mickey Scott (12:48):
That was the sparking idea behind the whole project, that sensation and I created everything around that.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (12:57):
Right. Okay. So the story proper takes off after this initial prequel, and this is kind of the how did we get to the point where we have this sword with this figure trapped in it, and is it trapped? Is he trapped or is it more of a, this is a willing thing and it just ends up in the future that this is just a situation as it’s he’s trapped. Okay. Right. Any good story, poor dude just got trapped. Yeah,

Mickey Scott (13:31):
He got stuck. Whatcha going to do?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (13:33):
He got stuck. It happens. Right. Okay. So that’s the story. That’s what’s up on Kickstarter at the moment. Do you want to tell us a little bit about that? Because sometimes we miss these details, we get excited about the story and just questions get weird. So do you want to tell us a little bit about the Kickstarter? What’s on offer, what’s available?

Mickey Scott (13:59):
I’ve tried to keep it fairly simple. This is my first campaign. I don’t want to over encumber it. I want to make sure that what backers ask for, they get. So I’ve kept it fairly simple. There’s basically a PDF copy and a print copy, and then you have both of those for the original black and white version. So from the ashcan of the black and white line work, lots of details have evolved and I’ve redrawn, in some cases entire pages have been redrawn before they’re going into colours. So that’s a really fun opportunity for you to look back and go, oh, this was like this before and you completely changed it. I wonder why you changed it or This looks way cooler. I get why you changed that. So that’s both the ash cans and the new coloured prints will both be available in print and black and white. What am I saying? The ashcan black and white and the new coloured version will both be available in print and PDF. And there’s multiple tiers for those. I don’t have one to hand, but I have these really cool little enamel pins of the sword. I’m going to get one. I’ve got ’em just over here.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (15:17):
Yeah, you go grab one

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (15:21):
While I was doing that, I’ll bring up more.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (15:26):

Mickey Scott (15:32):
Here we go. So these guys are

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (15:34):
Frequent. Oh wow. Cool.

Mickey Scott (15:37):
So they’ve got that really cool bronze finish and the little bind room inlay on the blade. And this very kind of blocky, chunky style is the same way that they did that. They drew swords in the Viking period. You find this on coins stamped onto silver coins. You find it on stone carvings. So I did something that was quite authentic in style, but obviously modern. And we also have what else is on there? There’s some really cool art prints. It’s a bit, the lighting’s probably not great in here to see them at the moment, but I have some really cool images coloured by an alternate colorist of a hero, slaying a massive dragon and leading a hoard of horse riders into battle. Those are really cool. So they’re available on really high quality cotton rag archival paper in a four.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (16:47):
Cool. Cool. So everybody get in, take a look. Shield breaker on Kickstarter. Now we’ve got,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:53):
I’ve just shared the link, so

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (16:55):
Just shared the link. So we’ve got seven days to go. So you’ve got seven days to get in back. This

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:01):
Time is running out people, time is running out.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (17:04):
Right. So I will say from what I, obviously I’ve backed this campaign as soon as I saw it. It looks awesome. Yeah, it does. And so one of the things about the art that I like is it does have that very authentic kind of feel and look and texture from what I’ve seen, a really nice blend of gritty blood guts, that sort of thing. But it doesn’t go too far. It just feels very authentic to that sort of storytelling and very real and vivid, but also with these mythical elements coming in. So that’s not a question, that’s just me saying this is awesome. Thank you.

Mickey Scott (17:48):
That’s a freaking question.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (17:50):
Yeah. So that’s just me blowing wind up your skirt. But the question is, I suppose why Vikings? What was the appeal? I mean, most people love them, I do as well. But what was the appeal for you of that kind of saga storytelling and vikings and such?

Mickey Scott (18:08):
So it started from about when I was 21, 22 maybe I got involved in reenactment. I was with a group called the Army of Young Sport, which is a group originally based in the UK that now has people everywhere from Australia to Texas, Poland still in the uk.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:32):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (18:33):
Oh, he’s popped out. He hit the wrong

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:36):
Button. Totally gone. Totally gone. He’s either lost power or something. Well, oh, here he is.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (18:45):
He’s coming back in. He’s coming back.

Mickey Scott (18:47):
Sorry about that. What happened there? All good. The tab crashed. Just the tab? Just the tab.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:53):
Just the tab. Wow.

Mickey Scott (18:55):
Yeah, just the tab.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (18:57):
So you’re talking about reenactments uk.

Mickey Scott (19:01):
I was involved in reenactment for a good 10 years. In fact, I really, stickly still am. The reason that I’m allowed to have these items is because I’m still involved. But I just found that my life was getting a bit much and I wasn’t able to do all the practical things that we did. We sewed all our clothes, we sewed our boots, and we would train with weapons regularly. We do woodworking with replica woodworking tools from the period, for example. We did all kinds of stuff. And I just found that I wasn’t having the time to express that interest in its original practical form. But I had all of this knowledge and all of these ideas that I wanted to find a way to express, and this is how it came out. And of course, every authenticity enthusiast or reenactor who’s seen things like Vikings, the last kingdom, pick something and name it anything that’s on film, everyone cringes and then everyone complains and then everyone has to deal with their friends asking them why they don’t like it. And so I wanted to provide something that was different, that had that authenticity to it. But the main reason, which is something that I realised, let’s see if this just dark lights this room up a little bit. It’s a bit better. The main reason that I found I wanted to do this story about Vikings

Was something that I realised in that submission process, which is when I say vikings, everyone says yay. And there’s how many different sports teams called the Vikings. Everyone’s really enthusiastic about Vikings and there’s been these huge museum exhibits with the tagline, Vikings were more than just raiding barbarians. They were all these other things as well. And that’s true. But what I found I really wanted to do with this story was kind of have a criticism, even an indictment of that enthusiasm. Because the truth is not vikings, were more than raiding barbarians. The truth is Norse, mediaeval culture is so much more than just vikings. So viking is not a cultural word. It’s a job word. I’m a builder, I’m a viking, and you can be a Viking for your twenties. You can be a Viking for thanks, Dave. You can be a Viking for one summer. You can be a Viking for one day. When you are doing that job of going, you are doing one specific thing, and that is not battle or war. It is sneaking up on a civilian population attacking them with brutal violence for monetary gain. In other words, being a horrible person.

So I wanted like

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (22:33):
That. Yeah,

Mickey Scott (22:35):
I wanted to have this conversation of like, Hey man, you might as well have called your football team the Minnesota isis. But that’s how I was when I was 21. I was like, yay, Vikings really cool. I was listening to a mono Martha and Manna war all the time, and that’s how I got involved in reenactment. But because I got involved in that and I learned so much more, I learned that this distinction between the job of going Viking and going o Viking is actually a horrible, horrible thing. But hey, that was my gateway to learning all these other really, really cool things about a past culture. That’s really what I want to say with this story is, hey, this is a silly juvenile obsession we have. But that’s okay because you can use that juvenile obsession if you allow it to be your gateway to learning and personal growth.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (23:35):
And look, yeah, there’s this thing around certainly Vikings, like you say, lots of other cultures and all that. If we’ve seen it in Hollywood for years, and that’s our exposure to it, that’s how we know it. And we think, yep, we’re not thinking the Danes, we’re just thinking vikings and swords and killing and what fun. So yeah, so obviously you have a real passion for, I want people to see more than that. I want them to get some of that authenticity across. And so it’s kind of like, I dunno, it’s like an educator sort of vibe that I’m getting or sharing a passion or

Mickey Scott (24:18):
There’s certainly an aspect of what I call passive education, which is I’m not here to give you a lecture. I’m here to tell you a cool story that you’re going to really enjoy, but in the meantime, you might actually just pick up some random cool information because I told that story authentically.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (24:38):
Nice. Very cool. Very, very cool. And comics is a really interesting avenue for that, I think really because comics has been so guilty in so many different areas of that same sort of very simplistic view of the world, but also so much depth in different areas, indie areas as well as mainstream and that sort of stuff. So yeah, that’s really, really cool. Really, really interesting. Oh yeah, you go

Mickey Scott (25:09):
For the viewers, the chapter of this story that’s on Kickstarter right now is the kind of sucker you in chapter, if you wanted to see Vikings being yay fun vikings, and you wanted to get that extra authentic edge and that exploration into mythology a little bit. This is your story. This is the cool story. If you want to have that other side of it that I just talked about that there’s more to this, then if you back this campaign and get this one really rolling and help me reach a bigger audience, then I’ve got a way better platform to tell that bigger story, which is a nice four issue mini series, which will give you in the end of that a great 120 page trade paperback to really into that’s what we’re really going at here. So get on board with backing this first chapter to make sure the whole thing comes to life.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (26:15):
Which answers my next question, which was going to be, where do you see this going? So we now know where you see this going.

Mickey Scott (26:23):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (26:26):
Oh, you go, you go.

Mickey Scott (26:27):
So that’s where four single issues total of about 120 pages, really nice succinct chapters. You could pick up one of those single issues and read it for its own story without seeing any of the others, but if you read the whole thing, you’re going to get a really good experience. Also, it’s not my intention to be self-publishing this long term. I really want to see this on an international label so that you can go into your store wherever the hell you are, whether you are in London or South Africa or Iceland, you can go into your store and see this on a shelf. So again, getting on board with this Kickstarter helps me build that platform to be able to reach international publishers.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (27:15):
Cool. Awesome. Cool. So let’s talk protagonists. So obviously with what you’ve spoken about, I suppose there’s more here than just, oh, I think this sort of protagonist is really cool and I want to get that out there. It’s more around the culture that you are trying to weave into the story or the story that you are using as a gateway to get to this expansive sort of culture. Tell us a little bit about the protagonist within the series. What kind of hero figures you are going for, what type of villainous figures you’re going for or circumstances? What are the key things for those two kind of extremes that you really like about the story that you’re telling?

Mickey Scott (28:03):
Cool. So in this chapter, you’re going to meet Uli, who is called the shield Breaker. So Uli is that, as I said before, the quintessential hero. He starts off as his king’s best and bravest man, but he’s just got that hubris of being obsessed with being the best ever. And he’s that real kind of cocky character like, Hey, dude, this looks really dangerous. We shouldn’t do it. I’m sorry, did you say dangerous? Dangerous? Dan’s my middle man. Let’s do it. Yeah.

And that’s of course what gets him in trouble, because he doesn’t, he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t think before he leaps. He’s like, all right, let’s just do it. See what happens. He gets involved with what’s called a galman a wizard. Basically gal is song magic. So this is a very mysterious character. I introduce him as being already old when Ali’s father was a boy. But then we see this juxta juxtaposed image of a huge man with an old face, but a very, very youthful body. So we’re like, hang on, this is not natural. So this character was really cool to me because he was an expression of a mentor figure in my life at the time that I invented him. I had a coach, one of my MMA coaches was this really, really charismatic kind of character, got me into meditation and breath work, and talked about the way that our different practises were connected. And we did a lot of different types of conditioning training that was like, Hey, you want to punch better? Well, let’s get you a harder hand that kind of fed into this. I wonder how much of this knowledge could have not was but could have been in this historical environment. Because we know that humans have been intentionally and intellectually training their bodies for centuries. So it’s no big leap to think that they knew that doing a hundred pushups a day would get you a bigger chest. To give you a very simplistic example. So this character was a love letter to my coach, and I really enjoyed creating him.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (30:53):
There you go. Does your coach know that?

Mickey Scott (30:57):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (30:57):
You aware. Probably

Mickey Scott (30:58):
Not even watching this too.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (31:03):
There you go. Okay. So you’ve weaved a little bit of real life in there, which is always good.

Mickey Scott (31:09):
I think we always do, don’t we? Yeah. If you don’t, you are doing bad writing. That’s my thing.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (31:18):
And I think it’s unintentional half the time, as much as it is intentional, sometimes you just do it. Yeah. What do you find is the most challenging thing about this whole process? Anything?

Mickey Scott (31:39):
It’s reaching out to people and building my audience. The reason I’m so good at this craft is because a freaking introvert man, I like with my dogs and my work, and then my wife comes home and I hang out with her. She’s my favourite person. I don’t want to go out and talk to everybody about what I’m doing. Jesus.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (32:03):

Mickey Scott (32:06):
But I need people to read it, not only because I want to make some money, but because I’ve got something important to say. Not only is I actually, this is a little bit egotistical perhaps, but I actually think that what I’m trying to say is beneficial to the world, and I would really like to share it with people.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (32:33):
No, that’s cool. And those two things are very, I mean, that’s why we do what we do, and it’s a very common struggle that we want to do the thing. We don’t want to have to sell it. Someone else can sell it. We just want to make the thing, we want to birth this amazing thing. And then people to come and say, yeah, this is awesome. Get into it. We don’t want to have to appear on podcasts and all that sort of garbage.

Mickey Scott (33:02):
Garbage. This avenue of reaching out is actually very enjoyable to me. This is fun. But posting on social media and contacting stores and trying to build mailing lists, and my wife gets so upset with me when I talk about, it’s not that I don’t want to work hard, it’s that I don’t know what to do. Someone just show me what to do and I will do it. There’s a mystery in how do I get more followers that people think they’ve cracked and they’ll try to sell you the secret.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:44):
And there’s also this, thanks,

Mickey Scott (33:47):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:50):
There’s also this, as you say, there’s a mystery to it, and it’s very, very hard when you look at some of the bigger names that are bringing in big amounts of money and loads of followers and all that. And you think, how do you get to that? And there seems to be this chasm between where you’re at and where all the people are at and how do I reach them? We’re all connected via the internet and everything else, but it still feels like, how the heck do I find the people that are going to respond to this thing that I’ve got? It’s a big problem. And then you’ve got the issue that there is so much stuff out there everywhere. So how do you cut through all that noise? Yeah.

Mickey Scott (34:31):
Yeah. Do you remember in the show, Daredevil, there’s that huge hole in the ground under that building. Was that any daredevil or was that in the other, the Defenders series?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (34:43):
Yeah, when the explosion happened or

Mickey Scott (34:46):
Something else. Did they? Anyway, we know what we’re talking about. There’s this huge kammy hole into the centre of the earth hidden under a building that daredevil goes and fights

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (34:56):

Mickey Scott (34:58):
It’s like the internet is that hole, and there’s all of us creators standing around the hole shouting down into it. Look at me, look at me, look at me.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (35:13):
Yeah. If it were a deity that required sacrifice and we knew what that sacrifice was, that would make it a hell of a lot easier. We could at least make a choice. All right, how many people have to die for this thing to work? But yeah,

Mickey Scott (35:28):
How many horses? Horses do

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (35:29):
I have? Yeah, exactly. No one know. And the other thing I find as well is that it’s very hard to be patient, and it’s very hard to look at guys and girls that have been doing this for 10, 20 years and think, oh, they spent a long time building this very hard to be patient and realise that it can take a long time. So I’m going to give sizzle a warning that he’s got a question coming up because, oh, I thought about that. Okay, cool. Taking some time to think of something. So I wanted to just take a little bit of an aside, what at the moment, as you are right in the thick of still creating, but also promoting, what are you listening to, reading, watching? Where do you get inspiration from creatively?

Mickey Scott (36:24):
Cool. I’ll start off with one really good one. A big shout out to a, I believe he’s Swedish archaeologist. His work has been so influential to me. He’s a currently active archaeologist, and I believe university professor. So this is one thing I do. I’m good at looking for people whose information will be reliable. I listen to a lot of his YouTube lectures, so if this stuff is something that interests you, he’s so good. So he’s a currently active archaeologist, so I know that the information he’s talking about is coming from a reliable source, and he is very focused on spiritual work. So he talks at length about what he has uncovered and surmised about religious practises of that era, and he’s influenced my work greatly.

Leading up, a long time ago, I was checking out a lot of other amateur history podcasters on YouTube. I’m a huge fan of Matt Easton. He’s an arms and armour historian, talks a lot about fighting techniques, and he talks about it in the context of the weapons in the armour and how they work. And so you want to work with against and around these different features. So Matt Easton of Scholar, glad Ator is a great one. I’m a huge fan of Dave from London Long Sort Academy. He’s a champ, great guy. He’s been really receptive to my interactions with him and his knowledge is boundless. He’s fantastic music. I was listening to like Sam Neo Pagan in kind of reenacting music, people who are using authentic period

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (39:00):

Mickey Scott (39:01):
And creating new music. VA and Halong are two very famous ones in that genre. But I’ve moved on. I’m really into Mongolian folk rock at the moment.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (39:20):
Of course you are. Cool. That’s logical.

Mickey Scott (39:23):
There’s a band called The Who and h Kai. They are just phenomenal groups. Music is so evocative and it really, really sucks you into this oral landscape that they create, and it is so much fun.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (39:42):
Oh, awesome.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (39:43):
All right, so now I have to look up Mongolian folk Rock.

Mickey Scott (39:49):
You do so much.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (39:52):
God damn it. It’s another sink hole to get sucked into.

Mickey Scott (39:56):
Hai, HAN double GAI.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:00):
All right.

Mickey Scott (40:02):
And then you can get into Japanese stoner rock. Damn, it’s good.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:08):

Mickey Scott (40:10):
Write this down. Nsu, N-I-N-G-E-N-I-S-U. This front man, he looks like your dentist. He’s this short, slender old man with a silver moustache, but he’s dressed in very traditional kimono and hama, and he’s playing this cherry red sg, and he just shreds. They are heavy.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:42):
That’s so cool. That’s my next few days. Done.

Mickey Scott (40:47):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:49):
Sizzle, would you like to ask a question? Would ask

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:53):
A question? Well, I’ve got a list here and you seem to have asked all of ’em, so I, I’m going to go into something technical.

Mickey Scott (41:02):
My question answering sword.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (41:04):
Oh, well that was going to be one of my questions, so don’t steal that one. Sizzle.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:09):
I get a sword.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (41:11):
Me do. Look at that.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:16):
A technical one.

Mickey Scott (41:17):
Alright, hear

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:18):
It. I, we’ve talked about all the aspects of the story and so forth, but I’m curious, I’ve looked at your Kickstarter and it’s a good Kickstarter. I’m curious, did you research other Kickstarters first? Did you do a course? Because I’ve heard they’re out there. Did you just read up on it? YouTube, how did you put together this? Or is that from that process of pitching your book to publishers? Is that how you got

Mickey Scott (41:53):
In a multiple choice question? What is D? All of the above.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:58):
All above. Okay.

Mickey Scott (41:59):
There we go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:01):
I answered the question for you. Sorry about that.

Mickey Scott (42:03):
In varying amounts. So there was one really cool YouTube lesson. I cannot remember where it was or who sent it to me on how to have a successful Kickstarter and I learned some cool stuff from that. But I didn’t actually implement Oats to that knowledge designing my campaign, what it looks like. I pretty much looked at other campaigns, found ones that I thought looked cool and copied them, just blatantly copied them. That’s how I learned to draw. So why not learn to do it with everything

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:41):

Mickey Scott (42:47):
Sean Keenan of comics to movies has been a great mentor in that aspect. He gave me a lot of great information.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:54):
He’s got a lot of experience with Kickstart. So yeah. A good person to have as a mentor. Yes,

Mickey Scott (42:59):
He does. He’s just a good dude. He’s just a solid dude in the Australian comics community.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:04):

Mickey Scott (43:09):
I didn’t do any lead up to my campaign was another thing. One of the things that everyone said was, have a solid lead up. Have your mailing lists started a month before you plan to launch and have everybody worded up consistently before you launch. I didn’t do that. I went on Sean’s podcast and they said, Hey everybody, I’m launching this tomorrow, go fund me. And then they gave me the advice of finding appropriately themed Facebook groups and posting there. And that was great. The reenactment community was super supportive and I think it’s because they hadn’t seen anything like this before. And when you do justice to something that someone is passionate about, they really just get on board because you’re respecting them. Yeah. Halo or a good band. I think I know. Either someone who works very closely with them or is she a member now? But yeah, that’s a weird connection. I’m pretty sure she’s singing in Helum now.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:35):
Oh no,

Mickey Scott (44:36):
She’s a lovely. We’re very good friends. I mean, I think we are still friends. Pretty sure we’re still friends when they live on the opposite side of the world. You don’t talk to them very often. You try

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:51):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:53):
Alright, so we are getting to the penultimate question.

Mickey Scott (44:58):
Oh my

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:59):
Gosh. Of the night. That’s kind of sad. You can pick any hero or villain from Shield Breaker. You’re going through McDonald’s, drive through, they’re in the back backseat of the car. What are they ordering?

Mickey Scott (45:19):
What are they ordering? Okay. So to get everybody excited about the works to come next, I’m picking, he is the villain.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:34):
Oh, okay.

Mickey Scott (45:36):
He’s a big bad boy. He’s a very I, I’m descended from Kings. I should be a king. Where’s my freaking crown kind of guy. And he is ruthless. He is ordering all of the meat. What’s their burger with the most meat on it? Alright, give me three of those. Do I want fries? Yes, I want some fries and a thick shake. The hell’s wrong with you? Two thick shakes and a mc flurry. Now why am I waiting?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:21):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (46:22):
Very good. Very good. That’ll do it.

Mickey Scott (46:25):
I like that. That was fun.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (46:28):
And then before we get to the gifting, which there’s a part of what we do on the show, don’t get too excited. Hyp those expectations Super

Mickey Scott (46:43):
Gave you this gift.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (46:48):
So this is you at this moment in time, doesn’t need to be for all time your favourite movie, eating Your Favourite Food. What does that combination look like at the moment?

Mickey Scott (46:59):
Dude, easy Tombstone,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (47:03):
You’re eating tomb. No, no, I’m

Mickey Scott (47:05):
Watching Tombstone. Everyone is in that movie, man. Kurt Russell with the Moustache

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:13):

Mickey Scott (47:13):
His brothers Bill Paxton and Sam Elliot. And then you got Hicks and Hudson in the same movie and they’re on the opposite sides of the fence and they hate each other. Val Kilmer with the Cup, with the Cup.

Oh my God, I’m sorry. Tombstone is one of the best Western movies of all time and it’s such a great film. I loved Wire Earps motivation of trying to keep his brothers out of trouble at the start of that movie. His persona was in my time as a law man. I have killed one man, one, and it made me so sick to my stomach. I do not want my brothers to have to go through that. And then his brothers get attacked, one of his brothers dies and he turns into a ruthless machine. I love Tombstone. It is a fantastic movie. It is an excellent piece of storytelling and it’s just so much fun. What am I eating? There’s a really cool burger place around the corner from my place. So I’m getting a double beef, double bacon, double cheese with some pineapple. And we’ve got fried chicken on the side and some fries. I’m drinking a gin and ginger a with lime.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:46):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:47):
Oh, nice to cut through all of that meat and fat

Mickey Scott (48:53):
Slice through. I didn’t even mention what I did before starting the movie to get that appetite. I don’t know if we should mention things like that on such a family friendly podcast.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (49:08):
Well, it’s hard to say yes without knowing what the answer’s going to be, but let’s just move on to the gifting phase then.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:20):
Well, what I’m going to do is I’ve given out the link. The link only goes to certain places. We’re being broadcast to more places than the link can go to because of rules to do social media. So what I’ll do is I’ll put this link up for people to look at. What this link takes you to is the latest Australian Kickstarters

Mickey Scott (49:41):
Fantastic. And Shield

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:42):
Breaker is one of them. So that’s a nice easy way to find Shield Breaker. I believe he’s on the second row at the moment. Or maybe the first row. I can’t remember. But depends how big your screen is, I guess which row you’re on. And yeah, so go there. Now let’s go to the gifting and I should go to the pictures and shall I go first or shall you go first my friend?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:03):
You go first, buddy. I know what mine looks like. So you go first? Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:07):
Okay, and which one’s mine? Oh, that’s mine. I’ll give that. Oh,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:10):
So before we do that, Mickey, because you might not know. So we do, it’s like a five minute drawing challenge where we pick a character from your creation and we draw it and we sign it. And it’s amazing, but not really good. But yeah. And that’s our gift. Then we send you a digital version of that. That’s our gift to you.

Mickey Scott (50:29):
To you. That’s so lovely.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:33):
So here is Sizzle’s gift to

Mickey Scott (50:38):
Yeah, boy.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:39):

Mickey Scott (50:41):
Always should be.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:43):
Dude, there is no, what did we say? 10 minutes? Was that 10 minutes? There’s pencil underneath there, bro. There’s pencil

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:50):
Under. I did cheat. There is pencil underneath.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:53):
Oh man, look at them. Ab cheating is

Mickey Scott (50:55):
Part of the game. Cheating is just winning harder,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:59):
Man. I need to win harder. I did. I did not use any pencils or anything. I just went right in as thick and as hard as Oh, you

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:06):
Awesome though. I’ve looked at yours. So we go to the next one.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (51:09):
Yeah, yeah. All right. Let’s do it.

Mickey Scott (51:13):
Hardcore Mans

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (51:16):
Mans. And I realised as I wrote Mans Spear that the whole story is about a sword, not the spear, but it was too late, so I thought, oh, well, there you go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:26):
It’s written, it’s down. It’s beautiful.

Mickey Scott (51:29):
I thought you were going to say that Man’s Spear was a really good euphemism.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (51:33):
Yeah, yeah, exactly. There you go. So they’re coming your way. All we’ve got to do with them as you wish.

Mickey Scott (51:43):
No, I really liked that. That was so lovely.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:46):
Oh yes, I get too.

Mickey Scott (51:50):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (51:51):
Yeah. See yours look good, bro. It had

Mickey Scott (51:54):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (51:57):
Just coming. Thank you for the sympathy vote, Dave. I know what it was. I saw it when I was writing it. It’s not great. But anyway, that’s all right. I’ll try better. I’ll try better. Cool. Well, thank you, Mickey. It’s been great chatting with you. Thanks, Peter. Thank you. Now we’ll sympathy. Thank you. So yeah, it’s been great chatting with you. Thank you so much. Get in everyone support the campaign and help another awesome Indie Aussie creator, and we will move on to the next phase and

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:33):
Just post that again. I missed it. Oh, hang on. My end is not working. Oh, there it is.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:38):
Oh, there’s the link. Cool. Shield breaker.

Mickey Scott (52:42):
Right on. Thank you so much guys.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:44):
Absolute pleasure. Thank you.

Mickey Scott (52:46):
Thank you viewers.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:49):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:50):
And I will go to the right window so I can actually do this properly. Oh dear. Shane, Shane. Shane, Shane, Shane. Okay. See you Mickey.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:01):
See you Mickey. I’m going to have a,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:14):
I’ll do that properly.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:15):
I’m going to have a costume change.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:16):
Taking your hat off. This must be serious.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:19):
It’s hot. All that talk of swords and sorcery and stuff. It’s made me heat my head. I don’t know. No, that’s a bad way to say stuff.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:29):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:30):
Alright, bro. You going first or am I going first?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:33):
I’ll go first if you want.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:34):
You go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:35):
Okay. So what I read today was, and I’ll bring this up so people can see it. This is a Kickstarter that happened. I can’t remember when. Actually I almost removed myself. Then awaken volume, one bit of a glare there.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:55):
Nice. Is it black and white or colour?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:59):
It is colour, my friend. Beautiful, glorious colour.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:03):
Ooh, with a Manish kind of vibe.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:07):
Yeah, sort of.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:09):
Yeah. Cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:11):
And I almost remove myself again. I keep going to press that button that says Remove.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:19):
Don’t remove yourself, bro. Don’t do that. And I’ve got to drive. I don’t want to drive.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:23):
And the artist, if my eyes will focus, man, I need glasses. Oh, hang on, I’m confused now. Illustrations by Chris Burr, I think that’s pronounced Beautiful Art by Chris and our friend Steven Co. Mr. SK did the lettering.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:48):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:49):
Friend of the show. That’s just why I was saying his name.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:51):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. sk.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:54):
But yes, Oliver and William are the writers. They’re the guys that would be behind the Kickstarter. I’ve spoken to ’em a few times. Really nice fellows. And this is a really cool story. It came with a lot of goodies as well, but they’re all over there. And I don’t usually buy the goodies, I usually just want the comics. So those goodies just came as default. So that was pretty cool. Lots of stickers, cards, even a badge if I remember correctly. Yeah. Badge. I’ve got this little bird thing.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:25):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:26):
Anyway, the comic itself, great story. It’s a bit of a cautionary tale. It’s about how we screw up the planet and how the people of the future survive that particular screen up of the planet. And when I say screen up of the planet, this isn’t really a spoiler, it happens in the first couple of pages. Where is it? I want to show this. I love this picture. Oh, here. See if I can get that right up against the screen, the right page. Can you see the earth exploding there?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:09):
I can.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:11):
That’s a new level of stuffing up the planet that

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:16):
Yeah, you’re not coming back from that.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:18):
You’re not coming back from that little glowy thing in front of it. What’s left of humanity?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:25):
Oh nice.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:26):
That’s what’s left of humanity because we totally screwed thing up. They make it quite plain that it’s our fault. So there’s war, there’s climate change, there’s all that garbage, all happens at once and it just screws the planet. And that’s how it starts. But the story itself is about just the normal day life in this weird orb thing that the survivors of the planet are in. And they sort of hint that there’s something going on with some effect, but they don’t really explain any of it. And it’s one of those things where it’s really interesting to read. You get to know the characters, it’s a lot of fun. And then you’re like, oh wow, I really can’t wait till the next one to find out what they were hinting at here. What was that all about? So I would spoil it, but I can’t, I dunno what it’s about. Something to do with crystals. That’s all I know.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:21):
Crystals man. Crystals in science. Magic.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:24):
Yeah, it’s a cool story. So Oliver and William did a great job and who did I say did the art again? Chris Burr. Great art, nice smooth art. The colour is a great too. Thank you. Colorist. I’m not going to put the book up again or else. So we’re going to be sitting here forever talking about this book. So over to you Morgan.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:44):
Thank you very much, sir. So I’m talking about something which was another Kickstarter that was on a while ago, a couple of months ago, I think. Hey,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:52):
We should also talk to each other before the show to make sure we’re not doing the same book. I just realised that when you said this was a Kickstarter as well, I went, what if we did the same book one night?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (58:00):
That’s right. If you go first, I’ll just change whatever I’m doing. I can roll like that.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:06):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (58:06):
This was by Mr. Gary proudly Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. This was on a little while ago, remember that one? I

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:13):
Haven’t had a chance to read that one yet. I’ve got it, but I haven’t had a chance to read it. It sounds really cool.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (58:18):
Reading through. So this was really, really interesting for a couple of reasons. Really, really cool, really Cream clean, crisp artwork. And the way the figures are kind of laid out throughout the story has a very, it’s very sympathetic to allegory and that sort of style of storytelling through philosophy and all of that sort of stuff. So it was put together very well for this style or this genre of comic. I love the idea because it’s Ed educational, which is always good. It’s a classic philosophical premise and it was really nice going through this translated version of it and just really clear the way it explains. So this is a great sort of tool. If you’re in school and you need to learn this stuff and you don’t want to dig too deeply initially, really good introduction to the Plato and a lot of those philosophical concepts really well put together.

Easy to read. The sort of thing that would sort of stick in your mind if you’re wanting to learn this stuff. I should probably mention, so Gary was the writer, obviously Illustrations by Mitchell Collins and Lettering by Wolfgang Basma. Sorry if I’m wrecking your name. So that was a Kickstarter. You can still see it on Kickstarter and then find a link from there I think. I’m not sure where it’s available at the moment. But yeah, that was really, really good. Great read. And it brought back a lot of memories from when I was at the university and learning very lofty ideas that I have sits. Forgotten. Forgotten. Nice. That’s what university is for. Forgetting. Forgetting. I have many books that I have not read and many books that I’ve said I’ve read that I did not read, but I did read some. So Back Off World.

Yeah. So that was really cool. That was really good. So that’s pretty much it for me. I will just say I have found no, I’ve not found, I have created a loophole in this little number. My Shadow’s Daughter campaign. You may not have heard about it because I haven’t been talking about it at every single occasion for the last what feels like months. So The Shadow’s Daughter campaign is on now six issues. It’s actually eight issues or it will be with a couple more backers. So there’s two additional issues that are coming through. There’s a bit of a loophole. If you’re an Aussie, if you back anything, it doesn’t matter how little. If you put anything on there, you will get one free comic immediately and you will get the two bonus Digital comics immediately. So three digital comics. If you put a dollar on this thing, it’s a loophole.

People, it’s the bargain of the century. We love loopholes. But also if you would like to back it, please get in there, back it for anything that you can. Spread the word by all means. It’s a great fun series. I was actually editing some of the books today and they’re just really good and fun. The artwork’s amazing. Two colours, colour comics, six black and white comics. And we’re actually going to be looking at this stuff on Friday at Drink and Door. It’s, we’re going to be drawing Shadow’s Daughter. And I’m announcing it here. I am going to draw a character from the series as well. It may be available as something that people can win. I dunno yet how it’s going to happen. It’s going to look horrible against all of these amazing artists. And I’m going to be scribbling my chicken scratch stuff on there, but I’m going to give it a go. I’m inspired by you artist types. Beautiful. Anyway, that’s me. Done be. Thank you very much for Shameless plug number 583. Oh,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:18):
Shameless plug. You got nothing on me. I’m going. I learned

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:02:23):
From the

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:23):
Best hundred percent. Shameless plug. I am going the video.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:02:29):
Oh, you see, this is where all my money goes into stuff like this because it’s awesome. Well done. So that one is, what is it? Goal reached. Our

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:35):
Goal has just been reached, but we want to get that first stretch goal. We want those prints. We want to give them out to people.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:03:43):
What’s the stretch goal where we take a photo of you in a bikini or something and it goes on a calendar. I can’t remember. What was that one? The bikini? The sizzle. Bi

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:53):
Bikini. I’ll be impressed if we make it to the bikini stretch goal. I’ll be impressed. People

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:03:57):
Need to get in and back.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:59):
If people back and get us up to the 5,000 mark, I will get in a bikini and I will make that calendar.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:04:07):
Yes. And I’ll help.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:12):
So yes, that’s X studio. We have, I think it’s nine days left on the campaign. Last time I checked it was, oh, so many pictures to scroll

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:04:26):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:29):
Oh, I didn’t. I did. There it is. I’m just blind. That’s where we were last time. So yeah, had nine days to go. I thought. So look at that number. We are evil. We need to get it out of the evil people.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:04:42):
One six. Six six. Triple six. Yeah, man, it’s too many sixes.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:48):
Too many sixes. Go on people. We need some fives. We need 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 To get that bikini. I need money to get that waxing. Come on. People

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:05:03):
Live air waxing. That would be great. What a treat. Can you imagine? Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:08):
No, I can’t. I’d rather not. I’m trying to keep that out of my mind. Although dancing, I think it’s good. I don’t know. I think you might be talking about something else.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:05:18):
People want to see skimpy outfits these days. Sex sales, man. That’s what I’ve heard.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:25):
I’ve got the boobies.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:05:27):
We can add that into the campaign at any time. It’s great.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:32):
And just to do another shameless plug while I’m here and I’m going into the wrong area, why do I keep doing that? Almost the same link. There is another one by Comex studio at the moment. Bin Kitty.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:05:48):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:49):
Who hasn’t reached her goal, I should say. Her bin Kitty’s a her go check out X studio and yeah, that is some beautiful art and some awesome storytelling by Duncan Pronos. So I’ll be doing the video for it next week because we’re probably going away over time already. And yeah. So yeah, check it out. You’ll love it. Trust me. And back, back, back, back.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:06:24):
I think Dan just really wants you in a bikini. I think does. That’s the message. I think

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:29):
That’s the message I’m getting as well. That’s so good. It’s funded. Okay.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:06:33):
Yeah, but get in and back, Ben Kitty. It’s awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome. I have no money

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:39):
Left. I start doing some sits getting ready for this. Bikini this. I wasn’t prepared for that. You’ve put me in a corner here. Thank you. Peter Lane.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:06:56):
Yeah, it’s all good.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:57):
Some people. So we’re looking for the five fives. If I get up to that

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:07:03):
Bikini calendar,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:04):
Everyone in the thing gets a bikini calendar of me. 12 different bikinis.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:07:10):
12 different poses. 12 months. 12 months. Amazing.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:14):
All sizzle. A year of sizzle.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:07:17):
More sizzle than you can handle.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:20):
Yes. That I can handle.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:07:22):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:23):
Oh, shiver up my spine. Well, I think that’s us for the night. Anything else you want to talk about Morgan?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:07:29):
That’s me. All done.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:31):
All done. Well in that case, people, I will say goodnight. Thank you for joining us. Same time next week. Same channel. I’m not going to try to do the other thing. I always stuff it up. So let’s just go.


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