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Isaac George

One half of ComX Studio, the man behind the hit series "Bronwyn" is bringing us Vivian Jones: Occult Detective straight from the pages of ComX PRESENTS in a collected edition featuring lots of extra goodies on Kickstarter ( ). Come hang with OmniBeau and Morgan Quaid as they chat with Zac George for under…


(there will be errors in the following text)

Morgan Quaid (00:00):
We do do a countdown normally, but we won’t now because we’re in, we’re live. Welcome everyone. Sorry, I just forgot Bo, I forgot about the countdown. Welcome. You’re joined by myself, Morgan Quaid and Beau Sizzle is out for the moment. Getting well, so much love to sizzle. We’re all thinking of your buddy, get better, get back on board so you can fiddle the switches and all that sort of stuff. Tonight we are talking to Zach, the man, and talking about his Kickstarter campaign that he’s currently running for Vivian Jones, the Occult detective, which is going to be pretty awesome. So awesome. Let’s bring Zach on and get started with the awesome questions. Let’s do it

Omni Beau (00:43):
Ladies and gentlemen. Zach, George.

Morgan Quaid (00:47):

Isaac George (00:49):
Always grand intros. I never made it. Sorry.

Morgan Quaid (00:53):
That’s all right. We would normally do the intro bit there, but we, with Shane not here, we play it loose and free. That’s how we do it. So let’s just dig straight in real deep, like real deep like, alright, so Zach, you’ve got welcome first of all and welcome to Beau as well. Thank you for taking the mantle from sizzle for a little bit. That’s really cool.

Omni Beau (01:22):
Thank you very much for having me. It’s great. It’s an honor.

Morgan Quaid (01:24):
It’s an honor. There you go. So what we’ll do is we’re going to do things backwards. We’ll start right with the interview, we’ll get straight in deep, and then probably at the end we’ll get Bo to introduce himself. So we’ll just do it backwards because it’s the internet, you can swap stuff around however you want. That’s how technology works, I believe. Alright, so here tonight we’re here to talk about this fellow here, Vivian Jones. So I’m going to start with the first question, Zach. First question is Vivian, and I’ll elaborate. Where did the name come from? Was it someone that you knew? Was it just a name that you liked? It was my

Isaac George (02:08):
Pop. His name.

Morgan Quaid (02:11):
Whose name?

Isaac George (02:11):

Morgan Quaid (02:13):
Oh, your grandfather’s name. Oh wow. Okay, so you pinched it from real life. Interesting. Yes.

Omni Beau (02:19):
A bit of a homage to him.

Isaac George (02:22):

Morgan Quaid (02:23):
Oh, that’s cool. Alright, well that was a quick and easy answer. And he wasn’t a detective at all or was he a detective of some sort?

Isaac George (02:32):
No, but he likes Scooby-Doo and he liked mysteries.

Omni Beau (02:36):
Was he a giraffe?

Morgan Quaid (02:39):
Good question. No,

Omni Beau (02:40):
No. Oh, okay.

Morgan Quaid (02:41):
Makes sense. We’re getting really in with the deep questions.

Omni Beau (02:47):
Don’t cry. I mean, I thought that was a pretty obvious question to ask.

Isaac George (02:54):
It would be fun if he was, I’d have draft DNA. That’d be great.

Morgan Quaid (03:00):
It would be great. No, I’m not going to say that joke. Anyway, just going to keep going on from there. So Vivian Jones, occult detective, we obviously have a noir vibe to the story, so why don’t you tell us a little bit about where the idea or the genesis of Vivian Jones came from and where it all started.

Isaac George (03:27):
Vivian, for uni, one of my uni assessments, I was going to do a comic book, but I started Vivian then, but I didn’t have enough time to structure the world properly to do a whole issue on. So I had all the early concepts and stuff and then when Comex, when I joined Shane for Comex, I thought that was a good way to do Vivian Jones. It was the little installments and I could still focus on Bronwyn as well. So Bronwyn wouldn’t really suffer from just being dropped for a giraffe. Yeah,

Morgan Quaid (04:14):
She wouldn’t be happy with it, I’m guessing.

Isaac George (04:17):
No, I don’t think she would.

Omni Beau (04:20):
Speaking of Bromwyn, I don’t know if you guys have checked this out, but I’ve got some issues here back from the day issue two and three and this was some pretty great stuff. I’m sure I’ve got issued one, Zach. I don’t know where it’s gone. I think I’ve misplace a box somewhere, but it’s really great stuff man. And the art’s killer.

Isaac George (04:40):
You’ve got one of the only sketch covers I did as well. Yeah,

Omni Beau (04:43):
I love that.

Isaac George (04:44):
I’ve only done three, I think

Omni Beau (04:49):
9 99 if anybody wants to check it out.

Isaac George (04:53):
Camillo has one and another guy who found one at d’s, I’m like, I didn’t know I gave sp blank covers to D’s. Start with. Oh nice. But here we go.

Morgan Quaid (05:05):
There you go. Alright, so Vivian, tell us a bit about the story. It’s obviously a detective story, it’s noir, it’s giraffes, giraffes, people, people giraffes that I think from earlier discussions we learned are not giraffe height, they’re kind of tall human height, would that be right?

Isaac George (05:25):
They’re not. They’ve got double, their neck is double the length of a human neck. So they’ve just got that enough to sell that. It’s a giraffe angle, but it’s set in the twenties so it’s got that real Noah kind of vibe. And I just wanted to do something more modern just to test that can draw modern buildings and really different from Bronwyn. So it’s a break from drawing Bronwyn and expanding what I draw. Plus I wanted to do a detective story.

Omni Beau (06:05):
Yeah, sweet man. So did you have this idea before Bronwyn?

Isaac George (06:10):

Omni Beau (06:10):
No. Okay.

Isaac George (06:12):
No. Vivian I came up with in 2019.

Morgan Quaid (06:20):
Right, okay.

Omni Beau (06:23):
And what are the other characters in there?

Isaac George (06:26):

Omni Beau (06:27):
The other characters in the book,

Isaac George (06:31):
There’s, they’re all giraffe.

Morgan Quaid (06:35):
It’s just Vivian. It’s just Vivian that’s all walking around solving the mystery of why he’s alone.

Isaac George (06:42):
No, they’re all giraffe people. There’s a really bad witch. There’s a good witch named Nicola. And that’s all that’s been introduced so far. There’s tiny little references to Bronwyn throughout the story. So they are kind of linked in a way They, yeah.

Omni Beau (07:14):
Sweet. So when you say they’re kind of linked, do you mean the same universe just shot decades, decades, decades later?

Isaac George (07:20):
It’s kind of like a parallel universe. So in Bronwyn’s universe there’s a human Vivian. So bits and pieces like weird cults, crossover the universes. So you know that they’re linked and stuff.

Morgan Quaid (07:38):
So the story is, or what we can tell of the story, it’s obviously investigating a murder or various murders. Oh, ooh. Tell us a bit about the, I suppose the world behind it or the mythology.

Isaac George (07:58):
It starts with his kidnapped as a kid and the bad, which was going to use him for a rich part of a ritual except the Goodrich steps in and it flashes forward 20 years and he’s been marked by, that’s why he is got a scar down his face. So he is been marked by the ritual, so she’s still looking for him because the ritual did get started and she needs him to finish it.

Omni Beau (08:31):
Oh nice. I like that.

Morgan Quaid (08:32):
Dude’s got scars inside and out,

Isaac George (08:39):
But along the way they’re piecing together how to stop her properly, but he’s also solving other occult stuff

Morgan Quaid (08:54):
Right now there’s one thing I’ve got to take issue with. When Vivian was young and had the issue with the bad witch, technically he would be a calf, I’m guessing not a kid, just saying I looked it up, the children that are. So I’ll just put it out there in case you need to change any lettering or anything just to make it line up with, because I know you’re big on world building and facts and all that sort of stuff and

Isaac George (09:26):

Morgan Quaid (09:27):
Calf, not kidding. Alright, so

Isaac George (09:29):
I double check that

Morgan Quaid (09:29):
Now. Yeah, I just looked it up on Google just then while talking to make sure I didn’t make an out to myself too late. Alright, let’s have a look at the campaign because your campaign’s now been funded but we want to fund it more, so I’m just going to take control and see if I can show everyone. So we should be seeing the campaign now. Does that look good?

Omni Beau (09:56):

Morgan Quaid (09:58):
Wait, all right, so 35 backers. We’re good to go. Question I’m guessing, is that the good witch or the bad witch?

Isaac George (10:06):
That’s the bad witch.

Morgan Quaid (10:08):
Damn. I was going to guess good witch. I dunno why I just thought white, white means good witch. Nope, nope. No. Alright, so here we go. So we’ve got a little bit in here about the story. Why don’t you tell us about some of the covers that we’ve got on offer.

Isaac George (10:25):
So the first one is drawn by me, like the watercolor one and behind him actually on that cover you’ll see there’s two symbols in there that are used in the Bronwyn series as well. The second cover on the right is by Ryan Vela.

Morgan Quaid (10:47):

Isaac George (10:48):
He’s a somewhat regular in presents. And then the bottom one is Duncan who just finished his bin kitty campaign.

Morgan Quaid (11:00):
Oh yeah, nice. That is really cool. And you can see yeah, the individual styles of you three guys, you’ve got very distinct, distinct styles, which is really cool. Sweet. Okay, so we’ve got three covers. Tell us what cover D is about.

Isaac George (11:18):
So you can be drawn into the cover. So it’ll be Vivian sitting in an armchair smoking his pipe as a giraffe does, but behind him it’ll be like three portraits. So the people who get drawn into the cover have their portrait behind Vivian on his

Morgan Quaid (11:37):
Wall. That’s a cool idea. That is really cool idea.

Isaac George (11:42):
One person, there’s still two spots left for it.

Omni Beau (11:45):
Ooh. And how much is the pledge for that one?

Isaac George (11:49):
A hundred.

Morgan Quaid (11:51):
There we go. So you get the variance bundle and you

Isaac George (11:55):
Get that limited to 25 copies as well and it’ll come with a little certificate saying that’s limited and numbered.

Morgan Quaid (12:04):
Sweet. One more to go. People get in quick, it’ll be gone. There you go. Hopefully. Alright. Yeah, well you got what, six days left. That’s heaps of time. Heaps and heaps of time to drum up some business. Alright, so here’s your interiors.

Isaac George (12:24):
Yeah, so the bad, that’s part of the ritual. So the bad witch and then the one with the black bob is the good witch.

Morgan Quaid (12:36):
It’s just so weird seeing the 1920s details like the clothes and that sort of stuff. It’s really cool. And I seeing more Bronwyn stuff up here maybe. Yeah,

Isaac George (12:51):
That nice. Bronwyn as well.

Omni Beau (12:53):
Is there a noir narration that they usually do with

Isaac George (12:59):
Through the book? I actually draw pages of his notebook.

Omni Beau (13:04):

Isaac George (13:05):
Okay. So you get his handwritten notes as well. If you can read my handwriting, you can read his notes. That is cool. But there is a narration through the book.

Omni Beau (13:17):
Yeah, cool.

Morgan Quaid (13:20):
Classic noir. Cool. Okay, so what have we got? We got some, we’ve got bookmarks, badges.

Isaac George (13:27):

Morgan Quaid (13:28):
Badges. All right, so we’ve got some nice bundles and then we’ve got the packs with multi covers and

Isaac George (13:39):
Variance. You can get a sketch an A five sketch that’s limited to five I think. So you get all the covers plus a original drawing. And then in the being drawn into the cover one, you get the A five sketch as well and the being drawn into the cover. Plus I’ll send you your original sketch of yourself that I use on the cover.

Omni Beau (14:07):
Oh cool.

Morgan Quaid (14:08):

Omni Beau (14:09):
For a hundred bucks.

Morgan Quaid (14:10):
That is really cool. Good man. Yeah, that is cheap. That is good value.

Isaac George (14:14):
Shane often yells at me for my prices.

Morgan Quaid (14:18):
Yeah, yeah man, that is super good value. Alright. Okay, so we’ve got some stretch goals, a thousand bucks. Everyone gets a PDF of Bin Kitty, that would be cool. And then get 1500 a five explicit print by Spie

Omni Beau (14:43):

Morgan Quaid (14:44):
Very cool.

Isaac George (14:46):
Very, very cool. And then the other two I haven’t figured out.

Morgan Quaid (14:50):
You got to leave them with more. Wait until they get there and then you decide. Wait until

Isaac George (14:54):
I get there, then I’ll figure it out.

Morgan Quaid (14:55):
That’s right, that’s exactly all right.

Isaac George (14:59):
And then there’s some add-ons,

Morgan Quaid (15:03):
Brian one, of course.

Isaac George (15:05):
They’re the new versions of the first three issues they’ve been able to print for four or five years now, so they got a little bit updated to fit the current storyline a bit. Some stuff got redrawn, so if you miss the Broin campaign that just ended, there’s your chance to pick them up. Pick them

Morgan Quaid (15:27):
Up. Sweet.

Isaac George (15:30):
And there’s a cool print set.

Morgan Quaid (15:32):
Ah, that is cool. I wish that was a bit bigger so I could see it. It bigger. That looks really nice. They all actually

Omni Beau (15:42):
On the cover.

Morgan Quaid (15:46):
Cool, cool, cool, cool. All right, so get on board people super cheap, great value, great story, great art, lots of different things you can go for there. Let’s get it up as high as we can. And I’m a backer on this so the further we get up the better it is for me. So let’s do it. All right, let’s see if I can figure out how to do this without breaking the system. Yes.

Omni Beau (16:09):
And if you guys want to see more of Zach’s art, this is a couple of stuff, things that he sent me when I purchased Bronwyn and a personalized cover that I’ll show you later, but here is his black cat.

Morgan Quaid (16:25):

Omni Beau (16:26):
Which is beautiful. And my favorite one is the Dead Devil.

Morgan Quaid (16:36):
Yeah, that is really cool.

Omni Beau (16:39):
I love that. Well I remember getting that dude and I’m just like, wow, he just sent me this for free. Yeah,

Morgan Quaid (16:50):
I’m just going to do something I’ve never done because I always forget to do it. Hey, I did a comment.

Isaac George (17:02):
Alright, good luck.

Morgan Quaid (17:04):
That was very exciting for all of us. Alright, so digging into more further back into your drawing and all that sort of stuff. So you’ve obviously been drawing for a while. I think we asked this before last time you were on here, but where did it start for you? The journey into comic art?

Isaac George (17:29):
I just saw Shane’s comment. Sorry, I’ve been drawing since I was a kid. I just never put the pencils down. And then comics I started doing in 2010.

Morgan Quaid (17:45):

Isaac George (17:46):
So a while.

Omni Beau (17:48):
So who was common influences? Were you a Marvel guy, DC guy Indies?

Isaac George (17:56):
Pretty much it was Batman. Yep. The Batman animated series. Maybe really want to draw. That’s a good story. And then Batman, Catwoman Wonder Woman for dc. I mainly stuck to that group in Marvel. I really like a lecture so she pops up in Dar de. I tend to even gravitate towards Deville a little bit there. Yeah. But art-wise, you have Nicholas Scott, Neil Adams, Adam Hughes, Adam Hughes, I stole a lot of his coloring stuff from. That’s how I learned how to do colors. And then there’s various, Mike McDo is major influence wise, especially for world building. He does it really well.

Morgan Quaid (18:54):
That’s one that I know. Zach, that’s Hellboy and

Isaac George (18:58):

Morgan Quaid (19:01):
That’s the one. Yeah. Yeah, I know one. Excellent. Good

Isaac George (19:04):
Reference. Which finder as well. That series is really good. He’s an occult detective too.

Morgan Quaid (19:14):
Hang on, I’m just writing that down.

Isaac George (19:16):
Which finder?

Morgan Quaid (19:17):
Yeah, sorry. Half of this is, I haven’t been in comics that long, so half of this is educating me as well. I dunno, half of this stuff. Massive gaps in my own knowledge of this stuff. So one question Zach about, because I’ve noticed that it’s a common thing among Aussie artists and more broadly as well, but definitely among Aussie I’ve noticed, oh, oh okay. They’ve

Isaac George (19:43):
Just been bound in two omnibuses.

Morgan Quaid (19:46):
Well that looks heavy but it does look like it would fit on my shelf. So I’ve noticed with the artists, they tend to towards the human animal hybrid or just animals, but they’re humanesque animals. It’s a very common sort of theme. So what was it that drew you to the giraffes and what do you think about that trend of sort of hybrid kind of character?

Isaac George (20:24):
I’ve just always liked giraffes, so that was just my favorite animal growing up. So let’s do a giraffe. I

Omni Beau (20:35):
Laughing at Shane, I’ve got him addicted.

Isaac George (20:39):
I talked him into getting the Hellboy box set the other day. Now I feel bad.

Omni Beau (20:44):
That’s how you’re walking Shane. Big and thick mate. That’s how we want them. Sorry Zach,

Isaac George (20:55):
But the animal human thing’s been around forever. The Egyptians did it, but they’re gods so I think they just looks cool.

Morgan Quaid (21:04):
You are probably the only person, Zach, that we would interview that would make that connection though between ancient Egypt and well of course it makes sense now that you’ve said it, but no one else has said it. It’s out there now. That’s awesome. And I like the fact, I like your response that it’s basically No, no, I just liked your ass. That’s the reason why there’s no deeper thing. I just like ’em. They look good

Omni Beau (21:29):

Morgan Quaid (21:31):
Yeah. Are there any giraffes in Egypt? I don’t know further down.

Omni Beau (21:40):
No, you answered that

Isaac George (21:42):
Question. There’s no giraffe God though.

Morgan Quaid (21:48):
There’s no giraffe God. Fair enough. Alright, sorry, I’m thinking now about all that sort of stuff. Alright, so we’re going to jump ahead to a question I usually ask a bit later on, but we’re all over the place, so let’s just enjoy the chaos. Weirdest idea or most daunting idea that you’ve come up with or that you’ve played with that you haven’t yet done anything with for one reason or another, but you’re willing to share with us. I don’t mean go back in time and kill Hitler. I mean like a comic kind of related artwork idea. Something that could happen.

Omni Beau (22:34):
Someone’s a fan of Planet of the Apes.

Morgan Quaid (22:37):

Isaac George (22:38):
No, I was talking to Duncan the other night about it just as a joke in the background. Have Vivian go to a zoo where he needs to solve a crime, but in the back there’s a pen with promo sapiens in it just so he can be like, ugh, we evolved beyond that kind of joke but de a story arc that I figured out. I’ve written all nine issues of it, but it’s set in modern day and I’m terrified to draw it.

Morgan Quaid (23:09):
Right. What’s the

Isaac George (23:12):
What? Clothing just terrifies me to draw modern streets, modern vehicles modern. It just terrifies me.

Omni Beau (23:21):
Well I think if you can get shoulder pads like that and sexy costumes like that and the flowing of the dress like that.

Isaac George (23:34):
Oh that’s not me.

Omni Beau (23:36):
Oh well. Okay. Forget the last one. Listening to yourself and just do it.

Isaac George (23:43):
No, in further events, number three, there’s a backdoor pilot to that series in it because linked in from one

Morgan Quaid (23:56):
And that’s what you’ve planned out.

Isaac George (24:00):

Morgan Quaid (24:00):
You’re just deciding when you’re going to hit the button on the art and get in and just draw that modern stuff.

Isaac George (24:06):
Yep. It’s just terrifying.

Omni Beau (24:10):
If you need a model who can wear clothes? I can just stay on stream yard at some point and just if you like can just pretend we’re in Titanic.

Morgan Quaid (24:23):
That’s a pretty decent service. You could offer that to artists worldwide. Just call me, I’ll just do this one or

Isaac George (24:31):
That one. I just need free comics in exchange. That’s a fair system. That’s a pretty fair system.

Morgan Quaid (24:43):
All right, so let’s keep going and let’s get real personal tattoos. I think the letters are just going to keep extending the further in the night we go. They’ll just get longer and longer and longer until it’s just like, oh yeah, let’s talk tattoos. Zach, we never talk about tattoos enough, so let’s get into it. Don’t want to know what you’ve got if you do or if you don’t, don’t want to see anything. But if you could get a tattoo and what would be the cool tattoo that you would want to get? You can tell us if you want where you would get it but you don’t have to if it’s saucy but it’s up to you.

Omni Beau (25:25):
Morgan’s speaking for himself. Show me your ta Zach.

Isaac George (25:29):
I don’t have any tattoos damn it. But the one I keep going back to is to have, where is it there? Nope, the Simpson’s leprechaun tattooed on my hand.

Omni Beau (25:42):
The what? L Simpson.

Isaac George (25:43):
The Simpson’s version of the leprechaun. The crazy one. That’s what I keep going to, so I’m just like,

Morgan Quaid (25:53):
There you go.

Isaac George (25:53):
But just on my hand

Morgan Quaid (25:55):
On the back of the hand or the front of the hand.

Isaac George (25:58):
So just in there

Morgan Quaid (26:03):
Between the

Isaac George (26:04):

Morgan Quaid (26:04):
Are we allowed to say cleft? The

Isaac George (26:07):
Little, yeah, so just in there,

Morgan Quaid (26:10):
The joining bit. I dunno what it’s called. Yeah,

Isaac George (26:13):
Just so I can always just look at it and just laugh.

Omni Beau (26:17):
I dunno at I like that.

Morgan Quaid (26:21):
Is that in

Isaac George (26:22):
Your I like that one. I keep going back to but images and stuff I’m kind of fickle on and I’ll get annoyed. I didn’t do a different version of that image or something down the line for the Simpsons that pano always like

Omni Beau (26:42):
Are you suggesting he gets a

Isaac George (26:43):

Omni Beau (26:45):
Like a tattoo all over his hand but just bigger? Is that what he’s referring to?

Isaac George (26:52):
No, I sent him a photo of me holding a mug. Apparently a mug in my hand looks like a tiny little kid’s mug, so now I get giant hand.

Morgan Quaid (27:06):
Is the tattoo on your drawing hand or your non drawing? Hand

Isaac George (27:11):
Left my

Morgan Quaid (27:13):
Other hand. So which one do you draw?

Isaac George (27:14):
I’m right, right handed.

Morgan Quaid (27:17):
That answers the question. Yeah. Okay, so you could look at it while you’re drawing.

Isaac George (27:22):
Yeah. Sweet.

Morgan Quaid (27:26):
Actually that’s a question. Okay, so I mean it’s a dumb question but I’m going to ask it anyway. So when you’re drawing, obviously you’re looking at the drawing as it’s coming to life and all that sort of stuff, but are you looking at something else for inspiration or are you watching or listening to something or do you need to move your eyes away for a bit and focus on something else or a previous issue or something to get back to?

Isaac George (27:56):
If it’s a character I haven’t drawn in Bronwyn, there’s a character called Lou. He’s a real Celtic God in the original series I only drew him maybe in five panels, so coming back and redrawing him, I needed to look at him to get his mask right. Fight scenes. I put the nanny on. I don’t know why the fight scenes just now, Hey, hang on, hang on,

Morgan Quaid (28:23):
Hang on, I’m going to gloss past that. That’s not a quick thing that we move on to. So hang on. Nanny as in Fran Dresher the nanny. Yeah. When you do fights, is it the pitch of her voice or something that makes

Isaac George (28:36):
You, I don’t know because I do like the series I watched as a kid still watch it now, but I just found that fight scenes turn out better.

Omni Beau (28:47):
Do you play the intro to the nanny every time you watch it as well and hear that song? The first Girl from Flashing?

Isaac George (28:54):
No, you put the DVD on. I hit play all and it’s just background noise because I’ve seen it so times. But

Omni Beau (29:01):
What is that? Do you just watch an episode of The Nanny for example, you’re just drawing and the acting and all that and then when the next episode starts and that jingle comes on, that just infuses you with inspiration and you just start savagely drawing heaps because the first thing Flushing?

Isaac George (29:19):
No, that’s when Broan normally gets a sword and starts poking people.

Omni Beau (29:23):
Ah, okay.

Isaac George (29:25):

Omni Beau (29:28):
We’re trying to get at Insane Tattoo on my right hand talk to out of it. No, what you should get Shane is not insane. That would be funny.

Morgan Quaid (29:38):
Yeah, certified not insane. Yeah,

Isaac George (29:42):
Or Mr. Burns is like the glowing I bring you love. That’d be funny.

Morgan Quaid (29:48):
I’m still stuck on the nanny.

You’ve broken me a bit with that so hang on, hang on. Okay. All right. So you’ve, we’ve all got shows that we watched when we were younger and you put ’em on and it’s nostalgic and all thats of stuff. It’s the specific to fight scenes that really gets me. It’s the I’m going to need to write something or draw something violent and there’s action. There’s a lot going on. The nanny would be my best inspiration because of the tone of voice, the intense drama, the British dude as well and the nasally voice, maybe it just calms you and that’s what you need to get that violent stuff out. But you really should. That is a unique combination.

Omni Beau (30:36):
You really should reach out to brain and let her know this because I’m telling you, she’d get a kick out of this. Some guy, some artist in Australia listens, watches my show that was on air 20 years ago and I’ve got

Isaac George (30:49):
Told violent acts.

Omni Beau (30:51):
Yeah inspires me to create violence.

Morgan Quaid (30:56):
What I’m wondering I know, oh it’s too late. I’m going to get on Twitter and I don’t know find her something, I don’t know. Yeah,

Isaac George (31:04):
She’s on Twitter.

Morgan Quaid (31:07):
Ah, you’ve already found her. Excellent. So I am wondering, I know this probably wouldn’t happen, you’re too careful and fastidious with artwork and all that sort stuff, but I think it would be amazing if a little bit deeper in the series, one of the series is whichever one you’re working on, just the nanny makes a little appearance or one of the characters just something out of place in a fight in the middle. Just blood and guts everywhere and then her just walking on the back in whatever pink outfit she was wearing.

Omni Beau (31:43):
Hang on, hang on. Do you watch another show for romantic scenes?

Isaac George (31:54):
I don’t draw romantic scenes.

Omni Beau (31:57):
You don’t have any sort of, okay, okay then forget romantic happy scenes,

Morgan Quaid (32:06):
Nonviolent scenes

Isaac George (32:08):
Bros is fairly grim.

Omni Beau (32:10):
Yeah, true, true. I’m just trying to work out

Isaac George (32:13):
Vivian Jones is fairly grim. I should look.

Omni Beau (32:20):
So there’s no other shows that you watch that inspire other scenes in your books. It’s just the nanny and violence.

Isaac George (32:27):
I watch Xena, I watch XFiles, I rewatch Alias a lot because I like Alias. It’s got a whole spy kind of vibe. My streets in some aspects

Omni Beau (32:40):
I dig the X-Files and Zena,

Isaac George (32:45):
I used

Omni Beau (32:46):
To love that woman from Zena, the blonde Batty

Isaac George (32:51):
Police though.

Omni Beau (32:52):
But I always forget her real name. I’ve met her Hudson

Isaac George (32:54):

Omni Beau (32:55):
Hudson Leak, that’s it. I used to have the biggest crush on her and I met her and I turned

Isaac George (32:59):
That’s like her autograph.

Omni Beau (33:00):

Isaac George (33:02):
She came to Melbourne Supernova a couple years ago and I got an absentee pack with her and Lucy Law’s signature.

Omni Beau (33:09):
Yeah, when I met her my legs turned to jelly. I acted like a fool.

Isaac George (33:17):
I think everyone does when they meet her.

Omni Beau (33:19):
Yeah, she seems pretty used to it. She laughed.

Isaac George (33:23):
What’s weird though is she’s really, really nice and you’re like you played a a hardcore psycho and you did it too. Well

Morgan Quaid (33:34):
That’s the confusing thing about actors. You get so used to an iconic character or someone that you used to and it’s very hard to divorce that from, but they’re not that person. They’re probably

Isaac George (33:47):
Just, well Lucy also is similar in the sense that she doesn’t like doing action, she doesn’t like dark stuff and yet she plays the most darkest meanest characters possible. Yeah,

Morgan Quaid (34:00):
That’s pretty funny. Speaking of funny title for your next book, the Nanny and Violence Just perfect and you could do a great cover. I dunno what would be in the book. Maybe like your method. Hey Pete, maybe your method of drawing violence with help from nineties sitcom. So let’s talk about villains for a bit. So we got a villain in the Vivian Jones detective who is a lady witch person. So tell us about the sort of villains you like in a no noir story or a noir setting and what drew you to that character Other than that she’s a giraffe because they’re all gaffes.

Isaac George (34:50):
I like villains where they just don’t care how they get to their end goal. Especially women villains, they always wind up being turned good in the end or get their redemption are kind of thing. It’s not, no. But you see in Maleficent the live action in the animated, she’s badass. Then now live actions, they humanize her and he’s like, oh

Omni Beau (35:19):
I didn’t know there was an animated Maleficent.

Isaac George (35:22):
Oh no. As in Sleeping Beauty, the few glimpses you see of her, it’s like I’m going to curse the kid and make sure she falls asleep. I’m going to turn into a drag to make sure no one ever goes near her again. But yeah, I don’t know. So I kind of villains like that where they’re just mean and they get

Morgan Quaid (35:43):
And they stay mean.

Isaac George (35:45):

Morgan Quaid (35:48):
So you don’t want them developing or kind of maybe

Isaac George (35:53):
Development to some sense. But Bronwyn’s villain Lan, she is protecting Brolin on a certain level, but it’s to get her end goal and in the end her end goal is going to make her be like, I need to kill Bronwyn now. So.

Morgan Quaid (36:14):
So it’s all about expediency, it’s all about I need to get to my goal and whoever gets in my way

Isaac George (36:21):

Morgan Quaid (36:22):
Watered to get there.

Isaac George (36:25):
Salty villains. Yes,

Morgan Quaid (36:27):
Salty villains. That’s chapter one of the Nanny and Violence, salty Villains, saltiness, I’m putting that down there.

Isaac George (36:37):
Zach, the villain be with Salty Man.

Omni Beau (36:40):
I don’t think Salty Man is a name you really want to be calling yourself, but that’s just my opinion.

Morgan Quaid (36:45):
Yeah, there are some connotations that probably aren’t great with that one, but if you want Zach, go for it. It’s yours. I don’t think anyone else has taken it so by all means go for it. Alright, so that’s villains. Let’s talk a bit about heroes. What do you like in a hero and what are some of the hero figures in pop culture or comics or that you just like the way they’ve been drawn, written, played, all that

Isaac George (37:16):
Sort of stuff. I like flawed heroes mostly because I think the Superman’s too Goody two shoes. So he is not relatable and I think that’s part of the reason why he’s not relatable. He’s the Boy Scout kind of thing. Whereas Batman, he’s very flawed and if the time comes he will probably kill someone to make for greater good kind of thing. But I think that’s part of, because I grew up with Xena being that redemption hero story,

Morgan Quaid (37:50):

Omni Beau (37:52):
Yeah. It’s about identifying yourself into the hero, which is why I love Marvel. Most of them are relatable. Where most of DC are over the top obviously not that man.

Isaac George (38:06):
I like some of them, they’ve gone beyond relatability. So in the next reboot, which I’m sure is coming in the next year or so, I think they just need to humanize them a little bit more. I think they’re just not relatable as much anymore. Seeing that electric

Morgan Quaid (38:30):
True. So let me hit old tab because I forgot the question I was going to ask you.

Isaac George (38:40):
You didn’t forget, you just need to refresh your eyes.

Morgan Quaid (38:43):
That’s right. Just refresh. I’m still stuck on the nanny still that’s going to be with me for a long time.

Isaac George (38:51):
If it makes you feel better, I’ve actually drawn the nanny.

Morgan Quaid (38:55):
Oh my God. Do you have it anywhere within Reach? Tell me. It’s like right in front of you and

Isaac George (39:02):
No, I’ll send you a picture later though.

Morgan Quaid (39:04):
That will be fantastic. And also can you send me a picture of the nanny as well? Sorry, jokes. So what movie slash book slash comic slash anything are you kind of obsessed with a little bit now or looking forward to getting stuck into

Isaac George (39:24):
Anything Mcno puts out, I’ll buy.

Morgan Quaid (39:28):
Alright, well don’t tell him that because he’ll just keep putting stuff out because he knows he’s got someone that’s going to buy it

Isaac George (39:33):
Or now he’s going back and adding between this issue and this issue, these seven issues happened so he’s back and filling gaps.

Morgan Quaid (39:42):
Clever. Everyone that’s ready either side has to buy them. The man’s a genius. That’s the way to do it.

Isaac George (39:50):
But what’s really impressive though is he’s I think 20 something years into Hellboy at this point and they’re still really good.

Morgan Quaid (39:57):

Isaac George (39:59):
That’s impressive in its own right.

Omni Beau (40:01):

Isaac George (40:01):
You sorry

Omni Beau (40:04):
Said you’ve going to make me read it, aren’t you? I’ve got a pile huge that I’ve stuff that I need to read and I’ve got the first three omnibuses of Hellboy and I keep saying I’m going to read. Yeah, I don’t have that.

Isaac George (40:19):
This one definitely this dude’s actually pops up a lot in Hellboy but as a different form.

Omni Beau (40:26):
Oh, okay.

Isaac George (40:34):
In the new form he watches over Hellboy slightly, but the Witch Finder series is how he got to that form.

Omni Beau (40:41):
Oh, okay. Cool, cool. Well if I end up loving Hellboy, I’ll definitely be picking that up.

Isaac George (40:50):
See Bronwyn’s kind of modeled on Hellboy in the sense that I created, he created Hellboy, I created Bronwyn, I just threw them into established history and mythology and weaved my own story through it. Yeah,

Omni Beau (41:02):
Which is really cool.

Isaac George (41:06):
My normal puts it, he goes, they’re the copyright free characters that I can play with

Omni Beau (41:13):
Shane. Yeah, I don’t know if you’re talking about this, but they did release the Hellboy Omnibuses in a pack now

Isaac George (41:21):
Cover. Yeah, that’s why I talked him into the other day. My copies are falling apart. Pages are falling out. You

Omni Beau (41:30):
Can get them quite cheap individually on Amazon. That’s how I got them. They’re

Isaac George (41:33):
About 30 something, maybe 30, 40 bucks individually, which is crazy. Facebook, I think there’s like three or four, three trades in each volume so they’re worth getting.

Omni Beau (41:46):

Isaac George (41:47):
But they’ve only started doing hardcover for the Magno stuff.

Morgan Quaid (41:54):
I feel like we should be getting kickbacks or something. You’ve shown that witch finder cover like five times we

Isaac George (42:01):
Get it. Lemme plug Black magic so it balances out. But black magic, that’s another good noir kind of story again.

Morgan Quaid (42:16):
Oh, you got to stop talking about that because

Isaac George (42:21):
Nicholas Scott drew it. Greg Rucker wrote it. It’s like a police procedural but she’s a witch but she’s solving a cult crimes, so I trying to keep him in the dark about magic and then there’s demons coming after her at the same time. So there’s three trades of that, but there’s one omnibus out now too for that. Well

Morgan Quaid (42:47):
Speaking of omnibus, you’re on a bus, you’re going through the McDonald’s drive through in the back with plenty of headroom is young Vivian suit covered in blood is just come from a crime scene. You’re at the McDonald’s drive through. What does he order?

Omni Beau (43:10):
What a question. That’s a great question.

Isaac George (43:16):
Same as Bronwyn nuggets. I’m consistent

Morgan Quaid (43:23):
Nuggets. That’s all I’m going to get is nuggets. Just nuggets. Not even a mention of a drink or any sort of dessert. Just nuggets. Coke

Isaac George (43:32):
As well.

Omni Beau (43:33):
What nuggets, what sauce? Sweet and sour. Yeah, of course it’s sweet and sour. God, no one gets to

Isaac George (43:40):
Their other ones aren’t good. I used to work there and I can actually say they’re not.

Morgan Quaid (43:45):
That makes me think, you know what they put in them as well, but we won’t go there maybe.

Omni Beau (43:50):
Yeah, don’t want to know. Keep moving on. Moving on.

Morgan Quaid (43:57):
And then the final question, but not the final event for the night, the final question, unless Bo’s got anything after this one, by all means. So this is the one we always ask at the moment, this moment in time, your favorite food watching your favorite movie, what does that combination look like for you at the moment?

Isaac George (44:21):
At the moment it’s not really, it’s part of a moody franchise. I’m rewatching the Clone Wars.

Morgan Quaid (44:31):
Oh, okay. Hang on. The movies or the TV series.

Isaac George (44:36):
There’s an animated movie and then they went into a series and it’s set between episode two and three and I’m going to say Maltesers,

Morgan Quaid (44:47):
Right, the round Milky Malt Balls. Very good. What was that thing we said? Salty villains. No salty boy was it? Salty. Salty man. Salty man with his malt balls. Anyway, sorry I’m getting tired. It’s very, it’s not late, but I’m tired. So silly stuff’s coming out. Bo, did you have any? I

Isaac George (45:10):
Understand you’re still frazzled by the nanny. It’s fine.

Morgan Quaid (45:13):
I’m still thinking of the nanny and the reason I’m looking over here viewers is because I have a TV screen here so when I’m working on stuff, doing lettering or whatever, I’ll be watching or listening to something over there. That’s why I’m envisioning envisaging the nanny on over there.

Isaac George (45:29):
Do you have HBO or Stan?

Morgan Quaid (45:35):
No, I did, but then Stan left Binge

Omni Beau (45:39):
Has a lot of the HBO though

Isaac George (45:41):

Morgan Quaid (45:43):
I’m telling you now, I’m not going to go and look for the nanny. I’m just putting it out there. I know I have various services I could look for. I’m going to, aren’t I? Tomorrow I’m going to go and look for the nanny and then I’m not going to draw. I’ll try and write a fighting scene in a novel and then see what that does. What weirdness. I don’t think that’s going to work for me.

Omni Beau (46:03):
Well imagine Morgan trying to sit there and create a fighting scene. He just can’t get it out there. No matter what he’s doing, he’s trying to come up with it

Isaac George (46:12):
And then the classic line of Mr. Sheffield and then it’s like bang, bang, done

Omni Beau (46:18):
And then all of a sudden he mumbles to himself. Girl from flashing

Morgan Quaid (46:22):
Touching. Oh

Omni Beau (46:24):
There it’s,

Morgan Quaid (46:25):
Oh man, you’ve stumped me with that one.

Isaac George (46:30):
Honestly. I’m going to send you season one on DVD.

Morgan Quaid (46:33):
Oh no, don’t. No, because then I’ll be obligated to watch

Isaac George (46:39):
Look real talk. Just watch season one to three because after that it goes shit. So you only need the first three.

Morgan Quaid (46:46):
Only need the first three out of

Isaac George (46:47):
Six seasons.

Morgan Quaid (46:48):
Good to know. When did they get

Omni Beau (46:49):

Isaac George (46:50):

Omni Beau (46:51):
When did they get married?

Isaac George (46:53):
Season five.

Omni Beau (46:54):
Oh geez. That’s a long way away. Yeah,

Isaac George (46:58):
Yeah, they dragged it out a bit, didn’t they?

Omni Beau (47:00):

Morgan Quaid (47:02):

Isaac George (47:04):
Why do we need season six? It’s not the nanny anymore,

Morgan Quaid (47:09):
It’s the search for more money is the answer. Maybe Bo, did you have any more questions you wanted to ask Zach before we get onto the next, the gift giving?

Omni Beau (47:21):
Yeah, sure. I’ve got the most important question of the night actually. Not to shine a light on this one, but let’s be honest. It’s true. Zach, who do you prefer? Me or Morgan?

Isaac George (47:31):
No, I’m joking. Ouch.

Omni Beau (47:33):
That’s not the question. Putting it online. Are you ever going to be thinking about doing a collected edition of Bronwyn

Isaac George (47:44):
Bronwyn? I’m binding this year. So it’ll be one, two, and three and then there’ll be an origin story in there and there’ll be two short little her fighting something Celtic monster like plus all the covers. There’ll be interviews with all the guest cover artists like what they thought of working on Bron and stuff. Sketchbook stuff.

Omni Beau (48:15):
Yep. Awesome, awesome.

Isaac George (48:18):
Hoping to make it as chunky as possible

Omni Beau (48:21):
For those that don’t fan of Zachs for a while I asked him to do a homage cover for me. When was this Zach? It’s at least two, three years ago now.

Isaac George (48:34):

Omni Beau (48:35):
Five. Oh my god,

Isaac George (48:36):
I think I signed the date on it. It should tell you on the front what year I drew it.

Omni Beau (48:44):
Not that I can see. Hang on. What if I open it up? Maybe you put it on the back. Because I was at a particular collecting phase in my life where I was getting all homages and I was collecting homages after homages swipes we call them. And my favorite at the time was Demon in a Bottle, the famous Iron Man cover. If you can picture that one. No, I’m not seeing a date. But anyway, I asked him to do this one. One sec. Here we go.

Morgan Quaid (49:18):
Yeah, nice

Omni Beau (49:20):

Morgan Quaid (49:21):
In and a bong.

Omni Beau (49:23):
I always love that. Thank you very much for that mate.

Morgan Quaid (49:29):
Alright, well in the spirit of gift giving, I couldn’t get it through in time for one reason or another, but what we do, Beau, is Shane and I usually draw the character or one of the characters from the guests that we’ve got on and we present them with this amazing drawing that we offer. The rules are 10 minutes, although 10 or five minutes, you’re not allowed to do any sketches or anything, you’ve just got to go straight to pen. Well, okay, so Shane breaks it all the time and half the time when he hasn’t got time, he gets Zach to do it for him. So these amazing pieces of art come through and then my dog do gets put up next to it, but this time it’s just me. So this is it. Yeah, I’m not amazingly happy with it, but here we go. You’ll know who it is. Hopefully. Let’s have a

Isaac George (50:17):

Morgan Quaid (50:18):
See if I can. There we go. Yay. Vivian,

Omni Beau (50:24):
That’s a giraffe.

Morgan Quaid (50:25):
It’s recognizable as a giraffe. It is. Which is pretty much the best I can do. Do you ever

Isaac George (50:32):
Got his spots in the right spot?

Morgan Quaid (50:34):
I did. I was proud of that. The spots and the scar is the, I mean I mangled the right side of his face, but that’s, I’m not allowed to do sketching. I’ve got to go straight in. So you go in and you go in wrong. It’s just what happens. So thank you very much Zach. I’ll send that out to you, the digital version of that so you can be the envy of all your mates. I’ll

Isaac George (51:00):
Put it in the back of the book before it goes.

Morgan Quaid (51:04):
Sweet, sweet. Thanks buddy. That means I win that one because no one else entered. So that’s a win for me, that one most importantly. So thank you very much sir for joining us and shedding a little bit of light on Vivian Jones. We encourage everyone to go to Kickstarter back the campaign. It is ridiculously cheap what you can get there, some awesome, awesome stuff. So get in six days to go. Let’s get it up as high as we can and get some awesome extras in. Now we’re going to move to our next section and I’m totally going to know how to do that. So thank you Zach. We will talk to you in a tick and we’ll see if this is the right thing. Peel. Thank you sir.

Omni Beau (51:59):
All it

Morgan Quaid (52:00):
Whacked worked.

Omni Beau (52:01):
I was head banging there,

Morgan Quaid (52:03):
Never let it be said that I didn’t hit a button in the right order. Yeah, I know you don’t, buddy. You always break that rule. So what we might do is this is, there’s two sections to this one we normally do like a review of a comic. I totally haven’t reviewed a comic in that we have you here, Beau. We might as well do a little bit of promo, some shameless self-promotion on whatever projects we’re working on. So if you would like to start, tell us a bit about yourself, what you got going, where people can go to find your stuff.

Omni Beau (52:37):
Well me and my partner in crime, mark Broad Watson, have started our own YouTube channel about four or five weeks ago where we talk about what we’ve bought, read and watched, but we have just decided to change the format up so that people are more entertained and it’s going to be all about comic news. All the latest news of comics are going to be right there. So every bit of comic news that you can think of throughout the week we’re going to be chatting about. We also do comic halls. I’ve got a room tour planned, I’ve got a whole room of books and crap like that. We have guest interviews as well. Morgan, we’ve got to have you on sometime soon. Zach is going to be on next Monday, so hopefully we can change it up a bit so you don’t feel like you’re watching the same show twice. And you can find us at Aussie verse comics and collectors. Please go check us out on YouTube. We are a small, humble little community and we really want to grow and be bigger. And you can also see us on Instagram at Aussie verse comics under collectibles. Thank you very much. Plug over.

Morgan Quaid (53:52):
Fantastic. Thank you sir. That is awesome. And yes, more than happy to be a guest on there and I’m still thinking about the nanny. I won’t say anything about the nanny if you have me on because that’s still, anyway, so quick plug in that I wasn’t going to do this, but in that we’ve been talking about the Hellboy quite a bit. This little number has been out for a little while now. It is called the Script Rebellion and it is done by an amazing artist, Eliza, who has a very similar kind of style. It’s a different kind of story. So it’s a kind of fantasy horror sort of deal. It’s kind of a graphic novella or a large issue. I think it’s about 50 odd pages if you’re interested, if you like that. If you want something a bit more engrossing and a bit weird, it does get weird pretty quick.

You can either head to morgan and there’s a link there. Or you can just go on Amazon or book Depository, anywhere like that. It’s available worldwide it in paper with words and pictures. The only other thing that I will plug, which I said I would probably never plug again, but it’s back, so apologies for this. The hugely Successful Shadows Daughter campaign, which was on Kickstarter a little while ago. I’ve moved it over to Indigogo just to pick up some people that might’ve missed it. It is six issues, count them six issues, four black and white, two color, any Aussie that picks anything up. Also gets a couple of free digital comics. There are some early bird deals, whole bunch. Pretty much everything that was offered in the Kickstarter campaign is available here. It’s a pretty awesome artwork. It’s a lot of pages. There’s a lot on offer and there are a bunch of different covers. So I’m just whizzing through them. You guys have probably already seen all this sort of stuff. Oh, that’s, sorry, I’m making sound effects. Awesome work there by Daniel Reed. Awesome Aussie artist. Did that cover up? So anyway, bunch of stuff there. If you just search for Shadow’s daughter on Indiegogo or go to again morgan, you’ll see all of that wonderful stuff there. And that is it for me, unless there’s anything else you would like to say, sir, I will.

Omni Beau (56:20):
I’m looking down because Zach has just set me on Messenger. It was 2019, we got that cover done.

Morgan Quaid (56:30):

Omni Beau (56:30):
Time flies.

Morgan Quaid (56:32):
It does. It does. So somewhere. All right, I’ve got the outro.

Omni Beau (56:40):
Thank you, sir.

Morgan Quaid (56:41):
Nice. So I’ve got the outro, so I’ll click this and then you could end the thing.

Omni Beau (56:50):
What if I’m it Morgan? What if I’m having too much fun?

Morgan Quaid (56:53):
You could keep it going. That’s cool. But I don’t know how to end it. Just putting it out there. Thanks Nick. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. Subscribe and do the things. Very good. All right, here we go. Do the thing. And remember the Nanny and violence. All right, here we go. That’s the theme for the issue. Bam. Oh, that’s the wrong one. Oh, now I’m missing things up. It’s okay. Everything’s fine. See you next Whenever. Bam.


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