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Isaac George

Time to catch up with Isaac 'Zac' George and find out what's happening with Bronwyn and her Further Adventures, the current Bronwyn Kickstarter that you should support ( at ), and maybe some goss on Vivian Jones, our favourite pipe smoking giraffe humanoid. Time for some Celtic love!


(there will be errors in the following text)

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:11):
Hello, this is Shane from Comex, the Oz Comics show, I should say, and also Comex and this way. Yeah, that’s Morgan. I did it the right way.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (00:21):
I did it the wrong way.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:24):
And we’re here to talk with Zach or Isaac George from what Zach Drew and chat about. Well, he’s Bronwyn Kickstarter if nothing else. So let’s get on with the show.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (00:37):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03):
There’s that beautiful silence and I’m going to break it up with a bit of a, Hey Zach, how are you?

Isaac George (01:09):
Good, how are you both?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11):
Good, thank you. Excellent,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:13):
Excellent. Good to see you dude. Sorry. Good to see you dude. Over to you Sizzle.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:24):
Yeah, sorry, all I was going to say is just to get, so everyone knows that link down the bottom, what that is is Zach currently has a Kickstarter for Bronwyn’s one, two, and three. That’s all three issues. That’s the original Bronwyn as well. For anyone who might be a little confused, there are three different Bronwyn’s out there. There’s Bronwyn, there’s Bronwyn, the further adventures, and there’s Bronwyn, the Cursed crossover. So just, so this is the original series reprinted, so it’s a rarity at the moment and I’ll go into it more later, but that’s just the link for it to go check it out. So yeah, OD Morgan

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (02:06):
Sweet. I

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:07):
Just wanted to say that. I just wanted to say that.

Isaac George (02:11):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (02:12):
Yeah. Alright, let’s get started. So let’s dive right in. Zach, normally you do the whole what got you into comics, but we’re going to skip right past that, get right to the meat of the bone. Meat on the bone, bones don’t have meat. I don’t know what marrow is. Anyway, so talk to us about Bronwyn and kind of where the idea came for it and what was kind of the origin of that. What got you interested?

Isaac George (02:44):
Okay. Wyn came about because when I was 16, 17, I started looking into my family tree and I’ve got on my mom’s side it’s largely Irish, so there’s that. And then I love ancient history, so there’s also that, and I grew up with Zena on tv, so there’s that and you just throw it all together and yeah, then Bronwyn got her name from, I did work placement at Wollongong City Gallery and the woman who looked over me and made sure I wasn’t blowing things up in the gallery, her name was Bronwyn, so swiped that too. She knows I stole her name for it. Oh good.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (03:38):
Oh that’s always good then. Yeah,

Isaac George (03:41):
Cover all bit. Makes sense.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (03:43):
There’s a bit of family history in there, a bit about your own experiences and all that sort of stuff. And so two things I pick up immediately when I read the comic is love of history, which you just spoke about because that’s really clearly evident and love of Xena, which is also, I didn’t immediately get it, but then you just look at the cover of any of the bronwyn’s and you think, yeah, I can kind of see that sort of strong female lead with the sword in one hand and very, very cool. So what sort of era of history is the big draw for you? What do you like most

Isaac George (04:26):
Ancient history wise? Probably around end of the Roman Republic. So when Caesar tried to declare dictatorship and got knifed in the back for it. So around there and Bronwyn is placed historically she was 10 when Caesar invaded and the battle across the Rubicon and the battle of EIA happened. So she’s like the survivor of eia, which gets referenced here and there. So there’s actual historic stuff referenced in the book to help ground all the gods and monsters and stuff like that.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (05:03):
And that also then means you can flog it like mad to the school kids because it’s educational mom and dad. It’s not just a cool story, it’s educational, get it in school. That’s the way to go. So what the, and Lee thinks educational, so he just backed it. Wack Comics Lee from Wack

Isaac George (05:22):
Comics. Thank you Backs.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (05:24):
Awesome, awesome. So I know there’s a few different storylines, but what’s the main storyline and the character Bronwyn, what’s she about?

Isaac George (05:36):
Okay, these reprints are the actual main story. The further adventures lines is just filling gaps because the main story kind of drops you in midway through a story as George Lucas and went backwards. If you think of Bronwyn like Hellboy in the sense I have thrown my character into mythology and I’m building intertwining her through history of mythology. So I just stay mainly in the Celtic zone. I don’t think Celtic myths get shown enough. It’s normally Greek and Roman or Egyptian and

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:23):
Norse. Norse is a big

Isaac George (06:26):
One for some reason LPs normally get left out. So that’s part of the reason why she’s Celtic.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (06:39):
Cool. So what’s the main kind of plot, if you like? The big

Isaac George (06:48):
She unwitting, she kind of gets tricked into being part of a prophecy a little bit and that all plays out and it follows a proper Celtic legend. So I mean putting her in the middle of it of something that really did happen in Celtic myth, which is Lou and bor fighting, except that’s already happened and there’s stuff happening to make it happen again. But she doesn’t realise that she’s part of why it does happen or will happen kind of thing.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (07:34):

Isaac George (07:35):
I’m explaining this badly.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (07:38):
No, it’s good. You don’t give away too much.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:40):
Don’t no spoilers. You

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (07:41):
What I’m saying, spoilers away. You want to leave a little bit of mystery, you got prophecy, you got myths, you’ve got violence, but also a bit of intrigue. That’s what you want. And education. Don’t forget mom and dad Christmas time, wrap it up under the tree, now’s the time to get in.

Isaac George (07:59):
Your child too can learn that there was a demon horse at drown children. Fun fact,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (08:05):
Great stories for kids

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (08:08):
Adventure even. I know that. Don’t go

Isaac George (08:09):
Near rivers. That’s the

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (08:11):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (08:13):
That’s right. We don’t hear enough about, we just don’t teach our kids enough about that at nine o’clock at night when they’re going to bed. That’s what they need. Or to scare them,

Isaac George (08:23):
Just scare ’em straight. They were respect the pool fans.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (08:28):
That’s exactly right. You remember the demon horse now Jack, you remember,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (08:34):
Remember the demon horse? I actually have a question for you, Zach. With all this, what do you call it, myth and legend and so forth. Did you have to research a lot of that or is this something you already knew from?

Isaac George (08:50):
I knew bits and pieces, but I’ve since gone out and now have a bookcase of Celtic and Ireland and Welsh and Scottish history books and

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (09:01):

Isaac George (09:01):
Cool. Stuff like that. So I do research a lot.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (09:05):
Oh cool. That’s really cool. Well my next

Isaac George (09:08):
Question was it’s not matter because they’re actual details.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (09:11):
Oh well it’s good that this, because my next question was actually not the ones in Bronwyn, so we don’t give away any stories. But what would be your favourite legend or myth outside of what you’re using in Bronwyn, if you can remember?

Isaac George (09:31):
I like the Morrigan. She’s a goddess of war. That’s a cool one.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (09:38):
What’s that about?

Isaac George (09:40):
She’s a war goddess and from memory the guys not allowed to kiss her or something and he betrays her and she winds up chaining him to a stone and he dies slowly over a hundred years or something.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (09:56):
Oh lovely.

Isaac George (09:57):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (09:59):
Sounds like a dinner

Isaac George (10:00):
Story. And then Lou and BI like, which is the original version of David Ves Goliath.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (10:09):
Oh, okay.

Isaac George (10:10):
So it’s essentially the whole slingshot fight thing. But Lou did it first. Yeah, there’s a lot. The Kelpie I do and I put that in, so

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (10:26):
Alright, cool. How you,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (10:31):
Sorry, the reason why I’m a bit distracted is because I’m just looking at the Kickstarter campaign. So you’ve already reached your goal. So we’re at the goal Actually, do you want me to, hang on, let me just see. All right, we’re going to do it. Going to it. Are we going to do it Sizzle? Will you relinquish control or do you want to, I was going to

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (10:56):
Show, are you going to share a screen?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (10:58):
Yeah, yeah. You ready? Are we good?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (11:00):
Yeah, you do it. You drive my friend.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (11:03):
Lemme just have a quick look at all of the things I’ve got open and we’re safe. It everything’s good. All

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (11:10):
Very, it’s all safe, very educational. No confidential stuff.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (11:15):
No confidential business whatsoever. All

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (11:17):
Pg, that sort of stuff.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (11:20):
All PG. All right, so can you see

Isaac George (11:24):
I can

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (11:24):
Screen? Yes. Alright, so this is the Kickstarter.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (11:29):
I’ll bring it up a bit bigger.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (11:31):
Okay, cool. And I’ll zoom in a little bit. There we go. Is that better?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (11:35):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (11:38):
All right. So yeah, we’re already past the 29 backers already met the goal, so congrats on that. That’s really cool. Let’s go down a little bit about the story. So get in and have a read a little bit about the book and here’s some awesome covers. All right. Issue one. So the couple of covers for issue one?

Isaac George (12:00):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (12:02):
Ah, who did that one? That’s really cool.

Isaac George (12:04):
Sorry, that’s Duncan.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (12:06):
That’s Duncan right? Okay.

Isaac George (12:08):
Yeah, he’s done another one. Dun going to still, he doesn’t know it yet.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (12:13):
I love the, yeah, sorry, that just really appeals to me, the thing through the head. That’s really cool. Oh wow. Okay, so sorry, I shouldn’t be just looking at gawking. I should be explaining or if you want to explain anything about it. Here’s issue three. Oh, the blood. Nice.

Isaac George (12:32):
They’re the slasher cover versions.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (12:35):
Ah, I like ’em. Nice. Alright, and then we’ve got some sample art. Very cool. So obviously

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (12:44):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (12:45):
They’re the inside. Yeah. So it’s black and white, but sort of grey scale as well, or what do they call it in the comic book world? Two-tone or

Isaac George (12:53):
Grey scale I think. Or tone.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (12:54):
Yeah, grey scale. And it has accents as well, doesn’t it? Or am I thinking about another one?

Isaac George (13:02):
The lettering, like the sound effects colour.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (13:06):
I knew I saw something that was colour. Yes.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (13:10):
All right, so some cool rewards. You’ve got the issues themselves. There are also

Isaac George (13:16):
Bookmarks, badges,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (13:18):
Bookmarks badges, wow. Whole bunch of stuff. All right. And they’re kind of grouped into the three issues, which is really cool. Wow, that is so cool. All right. And anyone

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (13:33):
Watching you want to at least get the pledge, $35 or more issues? 1, 2, 3 bundle at least.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (13:41):
At least

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (13:42):
Get one of each cover.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (13:45):
Yeah, get on, get in there backwards. Good stuff. All right.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (13:52):
Again, that link at the bottom, for anyone who’s tuned in a bit late, that is the link to the Kickstarter at the bottom of the screen, scrolling across the bottom of the screen. That’s a short link as they call it.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (14:03):
Cool. All right, so let’s get into the deeper, more meaningful part of the interview where we talk about you, Zach, and your personal journey in the art world. So what sort of first got you into comics? What were the early comics that you read? We’ve heard about your sort of love of history, but on the comic and the drawing creative side, what started you on the journey?

Isaac George (14:29):
Well, everyone can blame Bruce. Tim. We did Batman, the animated series. Oh yes. I grew up watching that, so that really made me want to draw as well, so everyone can go and flood him with hate mail if you want. I

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (14:44):

Isaac George (14:47):
And then comics I got given why after I was born, my mom went back to uni to finish, so I got comics to go sit in the corner and shut up while she listened to her lectures and stuff. So I remember a Godzilla one. I remember an X-Men one. I think I just got given whatever to just look at the pretty pictures. But the very first comic I bought was a Zena one, and I’ve since met the artist who drew that issue, so bonus. Oh really? Yeah, it was Joyce Chen.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (15:26):
Oh wow.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (15:28):
Well, I think I have a

Isaac George (15:29):
Question here

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (15:29):
From the audience, but I don’t know if SP’s written it wrong. See if you guys can make any sense of that. Maybe I’m pausing in the wrong spots or putting commas in the wrong spots. Does that make sense?

Isaac George (15:41):
How many issues before a big fat collection of everything, Bronwyn and chronological order. When issue four comes out in February, after that I’ll be binding 1, 2, 3, and four because that’s an arc done. Then that leads straight into the wrath of the curse crossover and then that will flow into the final arc that wraps up everything. So

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:10):
That’s what he meant. I’m glad someone could read what he said.

Isaac George (16:14):
And then the further adventures is an eight issue series. Issue two comes out January, February, and then that will also start filling in some gaps of between the main storyline as well. But they’re all dated, so you can kind of jump between the issues. And in the reprints, I have a proper thing how to read the series,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:50):
It tells you that’s right, yes,

Isaac George (16:52):
In order.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (16:54):
That’s a great idea.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:55):
And just to answer sped ZI have no idea you’re talking about because I can’t read it, so just shut up.

Isaac George (17:06):
But eventually I’ll bind it all together.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:08):
Right, awesome. And that would be the bro bus as Peter put it.

Isaac George (17:14):
I’m trademarking it. It’s mine now.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (17:21):
Cool. All right, so let’s talk about protagonists or hero figures, main characters that you like. What do you like most about the Bronwyn character or what do you like about a lead figure or a heroic figure? What draws you to that figure?

Isaac George (17:47):
My main goal with Bronwyn was to break that stereotype of the big chested, swimsuit, superhero kind of thing. So I’ve lost sail because her breasts aren’t big enough. So on fact,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (18:01):
We’ve all been there, Zach, we’ve all been there.

Isaac George (18:04):
So I find that all of

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:05):
You’ve had an actual complaint. I love that you’ve had an actual complaint.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (18:08):
I have really?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:09):
Is that actual complaint to make her breasts bigger

Isaac George (18:13):
Or shorten her skirt or left skirt or it goes on

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (18:20):
What a thank you worry.

Isaac George (18:21):
Yeah, something just like great adding to the stereotype. We’re all creeps. Thank you. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:27):
Awesome. Just to interrupt, we’ve got another question from the audience. This one’s a bit longer, not quite that serious, but it’s still a question I’m going to put out there.

Isaac George (18:44):
That’s gold.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:45):
So he’s read one to three to know about the ash. So that’s something

Isaac George (18:51):
That’s cool. That’s partly the Ashton came about because I’ve kind of incorporated some of the King Arthur legends in there as well. So the lady at the lake is who gave Broan her sword, who gave it to Lou to fight Blaw kind of thing as well. So there’s bits and pieces that lead into further folklore as well. I just made Broan get there first. Okay.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (19:20):
So apart from the visuals of Bronwyn,

Isaac George (19:23):
What else? Protagonist wise, she’s really competent, but at the same time she’s made errors, she’s messed up some stuff. You kind of see that in the further adventures where 10 years later she’s still haunted that something happened that she couldn’t stop, where she really couldn’t have stopped it no matter what. So there’s that. I don’t want to create a character that’s just perfect. Eventually they become boring when you don’t relate to them at all, so, so I try and deal with Bronwyn.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (20:05):
And so moving on to villains then or villainous kind of type. Is there anything you wanted to give away about the villains in without giving too much away in Bronwyn or what attracts you to again that type of villain character

Isaac George (20:28):
Again, women aren’t really, they tend to doll down women as a villain in Hollywood a little bit. They can never truly be properly evil. They always wind up with a redeeming kind of arc or something. But if you look at the Angelina Jolie Maleficent, they did it to her. No, she’s a badass villain, why’d you do it? So my villain is straight up just she’s gunning for the throne to lead the gods and she’s going to do what she needs to do to get it. She doesn’t care. So clear motivation,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (21:11):
Right? Super driven. Whatever gets in my way, I’ll crash.

Isaac George (21:17):
Pretty much.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (21:20):
So you’d say with the stuff you’re doing in the comic, you are trying to keep at least semi accurate to the legends and the myths?

Isaac George (21:29):
Yeah, bits and pieces changed to fit Broin in there, but the main story still there, if that makes sense. Makes sense. Things are rearranged and stuff, but it kind of follows,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (21:48):
Kind of follows.

Isaac George (21:49):
Especially for the main story. It follows that storyline and the stuff referenced in the stories and stuff I put in there as well. Alright, cool. Trying to keep as much of it in there as possible.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:04):
That’s really cool. So no gods with hammers going across rainbow bridges or anything

Isaac George (22:12):
That’s Norse

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:13):
Mythology. I know, I know. I’m just, they really cartooned that one big time.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (22:24):
So what’s the most challenging thing you find about creating comics or just the comics industry in general, but your part in it? What’s the most challenging?

Isaac George (22:40):
Getting your book out there is a big one. That’s just hard I think for everyone. Hey James, hang on James. And a lot of times it’s the time and funding. Ultimately if you really want to do it, you’re going to find the time, you’re going to find the funds to do it, but it is that I need to do this and this and this, but to do that I need to do a million other things that aren’t comics to get the book out. So it’s the balancing act of it all and getting your book out. It’s probably the hardest bit.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (23:23):
So it’s not so much the story writing or the drawing or anything like that. It’s more the practicalities of how do I get this in front of readers and get it out there, all that sort of stuff.

Isaac George (23:35):
I don’t mind the writing. I wind up having to read more and I do like the history, so the research and everything is the really fun part for me. Colouring it takes forever because I hand colour, I don’t digitally colour and I do it all myself. So found that out. Recently I was working on another issue and I pencilled an inks nine pages within three days and I’m just like, I should just send this to a colour so I can keep going. And then I’m just like, I don’t want to relinquish that yet.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (24:15):
Yeah, that’s one of the challenges, isn’t it? It’s what’s worth your time more is that just quicker to get it done and get it through and relinquish a bit of control and get someone else to do it for cheap, but then it’s like, is it going to be the quality that you want and it’s your baby and are you going to hand your baby?

Isaac George (24:35):
Yeah, I was looking at one graphic novel and it’s the Harley and Ivy series that Bruce, Tim and Paul Deany did and in the back, it’s like an art edition, he hand coloured it the entire book and then handed it to the digital colorist and said, can you mimic this just to make sure it was how he wanted. I’m like, I could do that or I could just colour it and then put it out myself. So I don’t know, it’s scary because you don’t know if the colorist will get what you want or you can talk them through it, but at the end of the day it’s not you doing it. So you wind up just sitting there. That’s not what I wanted, but I don’t know, I’ll get there eventually.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (25:25):
That’s the world of a writer right there because you have an artist, a colorist, sometimes a letterer, and it’s exactly the same thing. It’s like, I want to trust you, I want you to do a great job and I believe in you, but what are we going to do if I get a page back and it’s just not, we just don’t gel. And yeah, that can be the icky part of the business, that sort of stuff.

Isaac George (25:45):
Yeah, I’ve had one cover come back and that’s the first, and I think the only cover, I, sorry, I’ve had to request more edits on another cover, but this one was just like, she wears clothing, I need a skirt. She needs a skirt. Yeah. But it is always that awkward kind of thing requesting edits as well because you’re like, I don’t want to piss you off, but I need edits. And as an artist yourself, better time that probably even more so. Yeah. So I dunno, I think that we eventually get there in the end.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (26:30):
There is something, I dunno, I mean just speaking for myself, but there is something nice, particularly with the Kickstarter and something where you can see how much effort has gone into it. Particularly anything hand drawn, hand coloured, that sort of stuff. It gives it a bit more magnitude I think than something that’s all done digitally or not that that’s less, but I don’t know. There is something, there’s a volume to it when you can see that just the hours someone has poured into this project. Yeah, absolutely. Totally genuine. And I suppose that’s something nice about projects that are artists driven, written by the artists, conceived by everything is one person. It’s a hell of a lot of work, but you can really appreciate they’ve had this vision for this whole story and they’ve brought it to life. But yeah, I wouldn’t want to be colouring at two o’clock in the morning, that’s for sure.

Isaac George (27:24):
Well I’m an insomniac so it helps. Oh you

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (27:27):
Go, there you go. Always got more.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (27:31):
Did you getting more done

Isaac George (27:34):
That or coding where you forget you had a whole issue, just let it on your computer ready to go and you’re just like righto. But

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (27:43):
Yeah, interesting reaction to codeine.

Isaac George (27:47):
It is

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (27:48):
Memory loss and extreme productiveness.

Isaac George (27:53):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (27:57):
They better put that warning on the box I reckon may lead to getting a lot done

Isaac George (28:05):
And you’ll forget you did it

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:07):
And you’ll forget you did it and find it months later go, oh, what’s this? That looks like my handwriting.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (28:17):
So if you had to sit down with Bronwyn with your protagonists, which is kind of hard, there’s different times where she’s doing different things, but if you had to sit down maybe where she’s now in the three issue journey, what advice would you give her or what would you be, if you could give her advice, what would it be? Not because you know the future, what happens, but more

Isaac George (28:46):
I would say buckle up. It’s going to get harder.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (28:51):
Yeah, turn left in issue five because yeah,

Isaac George (28:57):
Well ultimately she feels so much that she got in the predicament, so I think it’s more kind of the ease up because you can’t save everyone kind of thing,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (29:11):
Right? Yeah, take it a bit easy on yourself, which is kind of hard when you’re a hero figure I guess that whole, so I don’t do it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (29:23):
She takes a lot on board from what I was reading as well. So I have a one for you that to just go right out left field here. Actually, hang on, what’s this question already asked? I wasn’t paying attention to Morgan. It is just that guy over there,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (29:43):
Blah blah blah. Yeah, just white noise.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (29:47):
Sorry Rudy. It might’ve been written in the comments, that’s why I’m not sure if I’ve read it already. What advice would you give to someone who’s coming into the industry with your amount of experience that you’ve got? Because you’re not new to the industry anymore, that’s for sure. So for someone who’s just coming in, what main advice or advices would you give them apart from just that It’s hard work that you are saying before.

Isaac George (30:18):
Go in knowing that it’s not going to be an instant success. It’s a long trek. Don’t expect a lot of money. Don’t go in wanting a TV deal off the bat. It’s pointless. Be prepared to work on it and if you’re going to do it with someone, make sure you are really on the same page about the project. Yes,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:46):

Isaac George (30:46):
Advice. I’ve worked with other peoples and people on books and stuff and it’s the first issue comes out and it’s the, I want to go this way, I want to go this way. And eventually everyone I’ve worked with we’re still friends, but it turns into the well you want to take here and I don’t want to take it there. And then the book goes into rewrite and then you never work on it again. Sadly. And the two books that’s happened to is really unfortunate. They’re really cool series

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:20):

Isaac George (31:21):
Hopefully they do come out eventually. Even if I don’t draw them, I don’t care. They should just be told.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:27):
Fingers crossed.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (31:30):
So the, I am trying to find the question. I wrote it down and everything and now it just looks like words. Sorry

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:40):
About that. I just threw that in there and I realised you’d already half-assed the question and I realised as I was asking it.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (31:46):
All good, all good. I found it. I found it. So as a seamless transition on the back of that answer, if you could collaborate with anyone in the industry, be they artist, writer, I don’t know, there’s no wig makers in comics, whoever they would be, who would you love to collaborate with? Either on Bronwyn or something else?

Isaac George (32:10):
Nicholas Scott, I really want to work with at some point.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:14):
I should have known that.

Isaac George (32:17):
Or Adam Hughes. I really want to work with Adam Hughes. Even Mike Mcla. He’s a massive influence, so I think that would be cool to at some point work with him.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (32:30):
Yeah, get a Bronwyn cover or two from him. That’d be nice. Just as an extra,

Isaac George (32:36):
Yeah, probably three people I’d really want to work with in the industry. Good choices. There’s a lot more, but I would probably, if I had to really pick, I’d go for those three.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (32:52):
Yeah, if you’re on a desert island and you can only pick three. Okay, so a little bit of a wacky question. You’re in the car, you’re going through McDonald’s, drive through, you have the protagonist, Bronwyn sitting next to you, what does she order?

Isaac George (33:13):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:13):
Forgot about this question. This is a good one. I like this one.

Isaac George (33:16):
I’m going to go nuggets. I created this and I like nuggets. Go nuggets.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:22):
I like it. Excellent answer.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:24):
In this mythical world, Bronwyn, the hero would go nuggets. Absolutely nuggets. I’m

Isaac George (33:30):
Sure the Celtic people had chicken nuggets. I’m

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:34):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:35):
They just called them something else. Alright, so same question, the villain, what would she, and she’s not allowed to just kill everyone and eat them. She has to eat something from the menu of meat. Oh see, this is an interesting one, thinking.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:57):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:57):

Isaac George (33:58):
Well she’s based off my friend’s likeness and my friends are vegetarian, so I’ll go with salad because that’s evil. Who gets a salad?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:09):
You don’t make friends with salad,

Isaac George (34:11):
Not making vegetarian. Sorry. Yeah, so we’ll go with salad because that’s evil

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (34:17):
Salad. So I’m fine with salads, love salads. But a salad from McDonald’s is like the worst. That’s

Isaac George (34:24):
Evil. I worked at Macca’s, I used to have to make them. They were evil. Did

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (34:31):
You? Yeah, if you’re going to McDonald’s, you’re not going for salad.

Isaac George (34:37):
There’s no,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (34:38):
You’re in the wrong place.

Isaac George (34:40):
I would say a Sunday or a McFlurry, but the machine’s always broken, so that would just piss her off.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:48):
Heads would roll and then,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (34:51):
Yeah. All right, so keeping in line with a little bit off kilter questions or weird questions. It’s coming. It’s been coming for a while. Favourite food while watching your favourite movie? What would that combination look like?

Isaac George (35:15):
Favourite movie is Lord Do Rings and then Oh, nice.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (35:19):
Wow. You get a three quarter meal with that.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:20):
You need something with high carbs so you can get through that entire movie.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (35:24):
That’s right.

Isaac George (35:28):
Snack wise, probably more teasers or m and ms.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:32):
Nice choice, right?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (35:34):
Very good.

Isaac George (35:35):
The Coke would have to be the Coke is always there.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:38):
I was going to say, Coke’s going to be in there somewhere.

Isaac George (35:41):
Oh yeah, bro. On a sugar high. That should help her in a battle.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (35:47):
And man, if you just ate that, you are going to drop before they’ve even left with the ring, you know what I mean? They won’t be anywhere near more door and you’ll be main meal. What would the main meal be? Two and a half hours in the first movie.

Isaac George (36:07):
It’s funny, I watched them the other day and I fell asleep during the third one. I made it through the first two too.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (36:15):
Yeah, that’s like six hours though. That’s an effort.

Isaac George (36:17):
They were the extended ones, so they’re like four and a half hours long each.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (36:21):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:22):
The defence of the vegetarians here,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (36:27):

Isaac George (36:30):
Lee. I mean it is evil. You’re going to McDonald’s, you don’t buy a salad from McDonald’s.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:36):
You don’t go to McDonald’s if you want a salad,

Isaac George (36:41):
Main meal, I don’t know.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (36:46):
It’s fine. It’s just going to be malteses and M and mss. That’s all right.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:49):
If it’s just mal,

Isaac George (36:50):
We’ll just go Coke. That’s fine.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (36:53):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:54):
Jumbo size pack, jumbo size. Just a nice big bowl

Isaac George (36:59):
Of coke. So you can drink it with a spoon B

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (37:04):
Going into your vein. So you don’t even need

Isaac George (37:06):
Don’t better

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (37:07):
System and just go straight in. You just main mainline coke.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:10):
I can borrow my V line. I’ve got one of them for V.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (37:16):
There you go.

Isaac George (37:18):
I really don’t think I should ingest, inject that into my bloodstream, give it a go, but I’m pretty sure it won’t work. Well in the end it’s probably,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:28):
I don’t think it’ll end well.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (37:29):
Science reason why not? Whatever

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:31):
You and your science. Cool.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (37:37):
Are we ready for the gift?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:39):
We’re ready for the gift. We’re at the end of the show, Zach.

Isaac George (37:42):
Oh, that was fun.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:44):
That was fun. Yeah. So just a reminder before I give the gift, everyone down the bottom of the page is the link down of the screen, sorry, not the page. Down the bottom of the screen is the short link to the Bronwyn Kickstarter to get issues one, two, and three of the original series. That is Zach’s little masterpiece of the original series there. He has a stretch goal of what’s the stretch goal, Zach one 1200 is that

Isaac George (38:11):
We are $39 from the second stretch goal.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (38:16):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:18):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (38:19):
No one threw it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:21):
So if we get that, what is it you’re doing mean?

Isaac George (38:25):
Second stretch goal. More pages get added to the sketchbook bits third stretch goal. The book gets printed in full colour and not black and white. It was originally drawn in colour, so with the first time that it’s printed in full colour,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:43):
That’d be pretty cool. So what is the third stretch goal? What is the amount?

Isaac George (38:48):
1,300 or 500.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (38:54):
Oh man, that’s like 10 backers away or something. Not even that. We can do it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:59):
We can do it. Come on. People back. Tell your friends, tell your friends. Friends, tell your friends. Tell their

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (39:04):
Friends and their friends. Now that I know it’s there, I want to see it in colour. So let’s just, for me, let’s just all get in and do it because I’ve got three copies coming and I want them. Are they all going to be colour or is it the first one that’s coloured? I don’t even care.

Isaac George (39:18):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (39:21):
500. Alright,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (39:22):
So 1500. Let’s do it people. 1500. Let’s get this colour.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (39:28):
All right, so speaking.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (39:31):
Yeah, agree. Peter, back, back, back, back, back.

Isaac George (39:35):
Thank you,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (39:38):
James. The link is at the bottom of the screen. The com x VIP slash bronwyn. 1, 2, 3. That’ll take you to the Kickstarter. He, sorry, James just asked how to get there. Cool. Okay, so we’re at the gift section of the show. These are not in colour. I’m sorry to say we’re going to start with Morgan’s.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:02):
Let me preface it by saying you might think that I traced it again. I make no apologies. I’m a busy man. I’m super important. Just ask anyone and it’s still anyway done, but

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:19):
Hopefully all the value of the picture is in.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:22):
It’s the signature.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:24):
The signature.

Isaac George (40:26):
That’s awesome.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:29):
Also, I gave her a pick for some reason and she already had a torch. So Minecraft,

Isaac George (40:37):
That’s cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:40):
And mine. Well, I followed the 10 minute rule this time, so it’s a little bit rough. Come

Isaac George (40:46):
On, sizzle. You draw better than me. Let’s go. What do you got?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:48):
Yeah, right.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:51):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:51):
We go. 10 minutes.

Isaac George (40:56):
That’s awesome.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:57):
Do you like the sound effect? I

Isaac George (41:05):
Covers both of you.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (41:10):
They’re one off limited edition, never to be repeated. No one’s asking for them.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:16):
No one’s asking. Careful.

Isaac George (41:19):
I print them in the book.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:22):
Welcome to if you really want to. Oh, you can’t see

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (41:27):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:28):
Oh, that’s interesting. I didn’t know that. When you’re on the phone, you can’t see the scrolling text. Thank you, James. I never knew that. Well, hang on, let me just quickly go into the banners and see if I can do this quickly.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (41:51):
I’m taking a look under the hood now.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:53):
Can you see that, James? Just out of curiosity. You should be able to see that, surely. Oh, he is on his iPad now so he can see it. Good stuff. Okay. Duncan says he can see it on his phone, so it might just be James’ phone. Bugger. Cool. Well, you got the gifts. I’ve got the link up there nice and big now. So go there. Comex vip slash slash. That is Bronwyn. 1, 2, 3. That’s Bronwyn. B-R-O-N-Y-W-Y-N. God, I can’t even spell Bronwyn. 1, 2, 3.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:43):
Awesome. Well done, Zach. It’s going to be

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:46):
Well done. You’re over the main targets. That’s the main thing. And you’ve done what? Stretch goal one and two. You are saying nearly two. Nearly two. Okay, cool. And it’s three that we’re going for. So get two over the line people. Then let’s charge to 1500. I wanted these books in colour because I’ve pledged on all three, so Nice. I want colour books, goddammit. Colours pledge, people pledge. Cool. Well thanks Zach, much appreciated you coming in. Thank you for having me. Our pleasure. And I guess this is where we say goodbye and I go to the right screen and go to the next section. Okay. Draw later part that I’m totally not prepared for. Cool, let’s go. Okay, see you, Zach. Bye.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (43:39):
Bye. See you.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:51):
Okay, what we think, oh, I’ll leave the bronwin up there. We’ll leave the bronwin up there. Yeah,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (43:54):
Yeah, why not? All right.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:59):
Should I go first?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:00):
Yeah, you go first. Mine’s a special thing. So you go first.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:05):
You’re not going the same as I am, are you?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:09):
No, no, it’s all right. You’re good.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:13):
I’ve got the further adventures now. My understanding of this one is if I’m getting this right, and Zach is not here to correct me now so I can get it wrong. The further adventures is like a prequel. It is filling in the gaps that were left by the original series. Bit of a, it jumps backwards and forwards a bit. So I don’t know if you’d call that an anthology or not. Nod your head if you would, Zach, because I can still see you. Yes, you would call that an anthology of sorts. It’s all Z though, so it’s not multiple artists or anything like that. It’s all Zach, all his art, all his writing, just different stories from different periods in the history of the main story. Like he said in the interview, the main series drops you in the middle of the story and you’re sort of just thrown into, here’s this Bronwyn person. She’s trying to do this, she’s trying to do that. Oh, these people are doing that to her. This kind of explains what the hell was going on before that and lets you know what was going on with the villain because the villain just pops up in the main story. And this gives a bit of reasoning behind what the villain’s doing. And I should be flicking that out at you guys, not at myself.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (45:29):
Yeah, yeah. Show us the, oh, so that one’s, wow, that’s full colour.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:36):
Yeah, it’s full colour. This one.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (45:38):
Oh, that looks nice.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:40):
Yeah. And that’s what, if we get that 1500 people, that’s what the original ones will be as well.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (45:46):
Yeah, that’s what we want.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:49):
This is awesome. I only had one problem with it. Only one problem. I didn’t have the problem with it today when I reread it, but when I first read it, I was a bit lost.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (46:04):
I thought you were going to say that the breasts tickles weren’t big enough. And I was going to say, come on, man. No,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:09):
No, no. It wasn’t. Breasts were fine. The breasts were fine. No, my problem was it was jumping all over the shop. I didn’t realise that the further adventures were a continuation to another series,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (46:22):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:23):
So I’m going on here. It’s sort of jumping all over shop. Why is it doing this and that. I think my reviewer picked up on the same thing, made a comment about it, and Zach put in a, this is how you read the series, the order into the books now, because it did leave me a bit. I didn’t realise there was a Bronwyn, just plain Bronwyn series one, two, and three. When I read this the first time, I thought this was the first book. It was number one, further adventures, Bronwyn cool. That’s what the book’s called. And it was still cool. You could follow the individual stories, but you are a little lost on how they all connected together. Now that I’ve read one, two, and three, this makes total sense.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (47:05):
That’s cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:06):
There is no confusion when I read this. Now I know who all the players are now and how they relate to each other and why they’re in the story. Because some of these things, and I’m like, why is that even in there? How’s that relate to this other person? But in the main story, they’re all there together. So it tells you why they all relate to each other. So all in all, awesome book. It is an awesome story of the art. I’ve got to say. I love Zach’s art. The hand colouring is just, I thought it was watercolours the first time I looked at it. I was quite surprised that it wasn’t. But then again, I’m not an art person, so I really, you’re not an, I could see textures and probably I could probably see texts and think it was computer. So I don’t know. But yeah, the art’s. Beautiful. Hang on, we’ve got some comments coming in.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:02):
Yeah, a lot.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:03):
Yeah. Awesome art. Yeah, awesome Art goes that Nicholas Cleary feedback is fantastic. Yep.

So yeah, definitely worth getting. I would definitely say get one and two and three and not just because we had Zach on just now, get one, two, and three from this Kickstarter. Get us over the 1500 lines so that we can get it in colour and then go out and get this, which not to plug myself, it is available through Zach directly, but you can also get it at X Shop to get your own copy of this. So head on over there and pick up. And while you’re there, pick up Bronwyn and the Curse crossover just to get the whole series in there. I believe Zach is up to, he’s done one of the crossover, one of Bronwyn further adventures and three of the main ones. So you’ve got four coming out of the main ones, two coming out of the further adventures sometime down the track, and a curse one coming out. I think soonish, if I’m remembering what Zach said. Yeah, that’s my little spiel. Mostly the book itself, because we meant to talk about the book itself, not everything else. Excellent read, excellent read a lot of good fun, awesome art, awesome story. Love the Celtic stuff. I’ve got a lot of Irish in my ancestry as well, so I love, this is sort of like a little learning book as well. It’s awesome.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (49:30):
Yeah, I love the history side. Yeah, really, really cool. All right, so we’re going to have a first on com podcast today, and Unpackaging, omt, an unpackaging of something that I’ve had on my shelf for a little while, specifically because I wanted to unpackage it and because I was a little bit lazy. So this came,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:52):
You’re showing everyone your address there, you know that, don’t you?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (49:55):
Oh yeah, that’s good. Let’s go. Let’s show you. No, I won’t show you Rob’s address. So this came a couple of weeks ago from Mr. Rob Lyle. Sp I haven’t opened it. That’s on. Hang on. I can’t see the thing.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:16):
Oh, hang on, I’ll boost you up. Sorry, I should be doing this for me as well.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:21):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:22):
Nice. Signed

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:23):
Many, many Chucks signed. I can’t get it open.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:33):
That’s a good thing.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:37):
That sound that you can hear is me still trying to get it open because it’s precious. So you don’t want to,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:45):
Yeah, you want to be careful.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:47):
All right. It’s out. So that was unexpected. Fantastic. Thanks Bey. That is awesome, mate. That’s really, really cool. Oh, it’s a

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:55):
Print. Cool.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:57):
So that was just a print. It is the Moose number two.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:02):
Oh, VER Moose. Yes, yes. I have quickly read that. Sorry, SP I haven’t read it all the way through.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (51:08):
Hang on, I’m going to, oh, this is the thing I do not like is having to hold it up like that

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:18):
And I’ll boost you up so it’s easier to see.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (51:20):
Cool. Look at that doink. Nice, nice. This is the quick rapid. So obviously this is the continuation of number one, really fun, really cool ideas, great stories. This number one sort of gives you a taste. And then this is obviously the continuation of that. Really cool. SP gave a heartfelt plea over the internet and I felt compelled to purchase and yeah, really good. So obviously I haven’t read it, but I thought unboxing, that’s a new thing that we can also do and it takes less time and effort for me, which is great. You don’t have

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:00):
To read anything and you don’t have to review it.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:03):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:04):
I want to.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:05):
And the kids

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:05):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:06):
Things being unwrapped and stuff, so it’s a Christmas miracle. So anyway, so that’s going to be my next read and yeah, looking forward to it. There we go. Dunsky.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:20):
Cool. I’m just going through the comments here. Lee from Wack Comics says too late. I’ve screenshotted your address. I’ll be there in 10.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:32):
That was not a smart move on my part, but you’re all welcome. Come on board.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:38):
I thought I better point it out to you before you put it right up to the screen.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (52:44):
Thank you very much. Yeah, yeah. Next time I get a package, I might just sort that little one out first. Yeah, before we do that.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:52):
Yeah, good thinking. Good thinking. Yeah. Keen to get it. Yeah, if you’re interested, lead to get the other ones. They are at Comex shop. I think I’ve got variant covers as well as the normal covers. So yeah, just choose what you want. So I’m just reading the comments here rather than bringing them up. I should bring them up when I answer them. James saying that it looks cool. Thanks. James.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:20):
Is there the comment about whether or not you wear a wig? We won’t bring that one up. That’s fine. No,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:26):
We won’t bring that one up. No, no, no leave, no wig. I wear a hat so you cannot see the wig.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:41):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:45):
Oh, okay. Thanks Lee. Well, I’ll try to get more books into the shop by then. It’s just, oh, sorry, I should bring that up. I’m answering questions without showing what I’m talking to. So yeah, I’ll get more books into the store so you can make it a massive order. Take advantage of that $9 flat rate for all Australia, not plugging myself or anything here. $9 flat rate, any size to order to within Australia.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:15):
Wow. So you could order a hundred comics and it would be nine bucks postage.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:21):
Nine bucks postage.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:22):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:23):
I don’t think I’ve got a hundred comics in the store yet, but you can order everything and I’ll send it to you in one big glass

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:30):
Box. Just clean it out, clean him out in one go. Nine bucks.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:37):
This is good because I pay commissions to everyone who puts their books in there, so this will make me happy.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:43):
Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Sweet. Is there anything else we want to show or?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:53):
Well, I, well, I read one, two, and three as well, but I haven’t got physical copies to hold up or anything. For the actual Kickstarter itself. I read one, two, and three today. I have privy to the PDFs, one of the perks of my job, and sorry, I’m just getting thrown by some of these comments.

Yeah. And awesome story, awesome story. I really got into it and I couldn’t wait to get to the next issue, each one. So I was glad I had all three to be honest. I would’ve been a little upset if I only had one or only one and two. And now that I’ve read up to three, now I’m looking forward to four. I want to see what happens next. So that’s always a good sign. It’s a good story where you’re hanging out to see, okay, I’m really invested now. I want to see what’s happening to Broman. I want to know who the hell this person, who I won’t say how she’s related is. And yeah, I want to find out what the hell’s going on. So I went four I, I’m on four Damnit. So yeah, that’s the other thing I read today. So that’s all I’ve got. That’s all I’ve got.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:06):
Cool. Cool, cool, cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:12):
Yes. Sweet. I do.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:15):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:15):
You want to do one of yours

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:17):
In the spirit of self-promotion?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:19):
You pick one, you’ve got the power.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:21):
All right, I’ll pick one. Okay, everybody, I’m driving. Get ready. It’s coming. Okay, here we go. So this is an ad and I’m making it do the thing. Now

Voice Over (56:34):
Come here. The of Litmus, A man drawn into a world, not his own, A Song of Love, lost and hope be

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:34):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:35):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:36):
Oh, what that now, oh my goodness. It’s got things in it and such. Oh, artworks and writing and things and anyway, so yeah, this is my comic. It’s not really a graphic novel size, but it’s kind of a self-contained story from the Rust Chronicles kind of world. Yeah. So by all means, if you’re interested, just go to morgan That’s for my ego. And yeah, you can find it on anywhere that you buy these things from. Yeah. Anyway, cheers. Shameless advertising over,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:20):
Shameless Over, and I’ve done enough Shameless advertising. Oh, what the hell?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (58:25):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:40):
COMEX shop. Yeah.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (58:43):
Beautiful work. Beautiful work.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:47):
Oh yeah. Okay. I’ll write that in there. We’re asking for a domain in the comments. Let’s send it out there. I’ll send the easy one. First X shop that will go out to almost everyone. There’s certain parts of Facebook, if you’re watching, you wouldn’t have got a comment just then, because Facebook has weird rules. See if I can spell Morgan’s name or let’s just, yeah, put anyone’s name out there. Is

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:23):
Yeah. Dot com.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:25):
Com. Yeah, I spelled that right. So for those who can get it, there you go. There’s the link. Did it go out to everyone? No, it’s still trying. Come on. Computer. Oh, had issues with Facebook. Sorry man. Your name is not Facebook worthy. Well, what we’ll do is we’ll just put the comment up. There we go. There it is. I spell it right, right.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:53):
Yeah, yeah. That’s all good, all

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:54):
Good. Okay, good. Just checking. I’m horrible at spelling, so

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:58):
As am I, am I

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:00):
Always stuff up something? Well, it’s not just spelling, it’s typing in general. I’m horrible at

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:05):
Just words, numbers,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:07):
Letters, words. Yeah, words. Words,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:09):
Words. Yeah. But apart from them we’re sweet.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:13):
Spoken word, written word, thought words, singing. I don’t like any of them. English in general,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:21):
We’re pretty good.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:24):
Well, words. Yeah. That’s the only one I’m good at.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:26):
Yeah, you’re a champ at it. All right, good show.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:35):
Excellent. Well thank you very much, Morgan. That was a great show. Much appreciated.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:40):
Same. Thank

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:41):
You very much for your ness today. And

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:45):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:46):
I’m just going to throw out that Comex word there all the time now. And last week I said, you are from Comex. And I said, no, he is not. And then I said, and I got all confused just for the record, Morgan is part of comics, so I’m just putting that out there.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:01):
Indeed, indeed.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:04):
So I dunno why I flustered over that, but yeah, that’s just me under pressure. Anyway, we shall go. Thank you everyone for watching our show.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:14):
Two ticks. Zach’s just sent us a message. $80 away from colour. So super, super close. Holy

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:22):
Crap. Way to go. People colour is 1300. Sorry. Yeah. Okay, so we only have to get to 1300. So $80 off colour people, that’s like three pledges for all three issues. Boom. And we’re there. That’s all you got to do. We just need three more people to get all three issues, or someone can just get one of the big packs and just get us over the line straight away.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:45):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:46):
Awesome. Let’s do it. Let’s do it. I want to colour comic. Dammit. Three colour comics. Dam it. I will make another account. I’ll pledge for more. Damn it. Whatever I have to do. No, I’m not going to do that. Okay, now I’ve got to go to the right screen so I can press the right button. Okay, so here we go. $80 small people get out there. Support the Kickstarter, Bronwyn. 1, 2, 3. And yeah, see you next week. Same Comex time, same Comex channel.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:02:19):
See you guys. See you Morgan. Have a good one.


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