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Lauren Marshall

It's lucky number 13, episode 13 that is. The AusComx Show returns with new co-host, Morgan Quaid here to help Sizzle aka Shane get used to being more than a button pusher. Lauren Marshall of theMarshallArts fame is our special this evening here to talk about all things herself and the Australian Indie Comic Industry…


(there will be errors in the following text)

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:12):
Hello. Some technical difficulties there. We started and now it looks like it started for real this time. So hello everyone. Welcome to the Oz Comic Show. We are here tonight to talk to Lauren Marshall. So hopefully we are actually live this time because it didn’t go live last time. I don’t think we’re, oh, it says that we’re live. Refresh the screen. Hopefully we are live. Someone in the comments. Tell us if we’re live.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (00:45):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:46):
Chips sped.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (00:48):
There we go. We’re live.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:49):
We’re live. Yes, we’re live. Okay, let’s try this again. Let’s start the show. We still need some music on that part.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:22):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:24):
Kidding. We’re having some technical deputies tonight. This is the second time we’ve started, so, hello Lauren. How are you?

Lauren Marshall (01:32):
I’m good. Thanks for having me guys.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:36):
Thanks for having, thanks for coming back.

Lauren Marshall (01:41):
It’s like deia fu. What’s going on?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:45):
It’s a good start. I’m

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:45):
Glad Kerry told me she wasn’t seeing anything then because I would’ve just kept going.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:51):
Is this the bit where we say the first version was the best version and no one will ever see that. It was amazing.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:56):
No one will ever see it. It’s gone. It was awesome. We’re going to share. Sorry about that guys. You just got second best.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (02:05):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:06):
So I’ll let you start the questions, Morgan, while I just go through the comments here.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (02:11):
Cool. All right. So welcome Lauren. Welcome to the first comments show for 2021. Thank you. I suppose we should start, would you like to give a little introduction about who you are in the comic sense or just generally philosophically whatever you want and yeah, maybe how did you get started in comics or illustration generally?

Lauren Marshall (02:34):
Go for it. Yeah, cool. My name’s Lauren. I’m 33 years old. I’m from Western Australia and yeah, Lauren 33 Perth, Western Australia and oh God, how did I get into the industry? That is a roundabout question for me in terms of telling it. So I always studied art. Mum was a big traditional artist. She did a lot of charcoal nudes and a lot of portraiture work and stuff like that. So followed her footsteps. In terms of creativity, I went to high school. Thanks, Darren. We did my, I did the Not a diploma, it’s a scholarship at School for Art, which led into my TE Art, which is now ATAR Art or atar, or not TE anymore. Sorry, I can show my age there. But yeah, I did all that and did my TE in art finished year 12, and then I actually decided to study animation after high school.

So I got my diploma in animation at a school in Fremantle, which specialised in film and television and that was awesome. And then I think that was only a very intense short nine month course where we learned how to do 2D, 3D, storyboarding, voice artist stuff, sound, video, which was really cool. But then realised there’s no actual job for animation particularly easily in Perth, especially back then. So that was what, 20? No, 2006, 2007. Wow. That was a away. Yeah, the old times. It was the old times. It was either I moved to eastern states or I moved to overseas, which I wasn’t completely comfortable at that age to do so because super family orientated. So decided to let that dream go for a little bit. It’s not like I won’t revisit it at any time, but being the nerd, I grew up with a big brother who loved Transformers, niche turtles, and therefore I followed suit. So next best, taking my learnings from that diploma into more static art. So basically Sequentials is kind of like fancy storyboarding, so fell in love with that, which is awesome. Yeah, so now I’m just big up making basically some footsteps in the indie comic scene and then obviously trying to get into the bigger stuff. If I could do a turtle cover, then my dreams would be made. That would be awesome. But that’s a goal for the future for sure.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (05:25):
Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome. So Lauren, what would you say is your favourite part? This is probably a very broad question. Favourite part of doing comics? Would it be just, are we just going to say drawing?

Lauren Marshall (05:42):
No, no, I don’t need drawing. I’ll get by without it. But character design I really like. Do love character design. Charact cool. But if it was something that’s actually comic specific, then it would probably be the storytelling of the sequential. While it is incredibly grinding and time, it just takes up so much time to be able to do it, but it’s being able to nail a sequence of images and get the emotions and the body language, right. That’s so tricky. But once you do it correctly, then it’s just a little bit of a high that you get. So storytelling in general is just awesome. So that’s probably my biggest thing.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:25):
Yeah, you’re amazing at anatomy. Yeah.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (06:29):
So that’s not something you would normally say outside of comics though. Let’s just keep that. Oh yeah, that’s true. You’re amazing. Let’s dig right in. So if I’m fascinated by artists and the way you guys work and all that sort of stuff, mainly I can’t, well you’ll see later on maybe we can, but anyway, we’ll see. Let’s say you’ve got a script or you’ve got an idea and you’re starting with a fresh page or even a panel, a fresh panel. What’s the first thing you start with? Do you start with character background, the squiggly head things and the

Lauren Marshall (07:04):
How you start? It depends what the panel’s asking for to be honest. What’s the prominent, the feature of the thing? Obviously you’re given either a scenery setup or you’re given a character setup. And what is the most prominent thing that panel is meant to portray? So say with Young Rufuss, the panel I was given was the first page was a full scenery shot. It was just one panel, that was it, that took up full spread on the page and it was about creating the atmosphere. It was about creating the scenery and stuff like that. While Rufuss, what is the main focus of not only the story, but he’s the main character, but the whole scenery was a big thing. So you’ve got to think about it, what is the composition, what is the structure, what are your eyes leading to? That’s what you’ve got to think about.

So I thought for that scene, you’ve got to go, okay, so Australian landscape, what’s the biggest scene? It’s going to be red dirt and gum trees or some native plants and stuff like that. And then you’ve got your characters and then they’re pointing out a particular feature in the story. So that is another pinpoint that you have to do. So I’ve got three points. So I’ve got either the environment that’s going to encapsulate everything, and then you’ve got down the bottom is your characters, and then right in the middle of smack bang, what they’re looking at and what you want the reader to look at is going to be that pinpoint. So it’s all about creating, it’s just a normal piece of artwork. What is the focal point? And then with comics, there’s going to be a focal point for the story as well. So you really got to read it into the panel and how it’s going to translate to the reader itself. And if it’s not compositionally correct or the colours don’t pop enough, you could make it compositionally correct. But the colours could be really dull at your focal point that’s going to completely ruin it. So it’s kind of half and half. But most of the time for most things, because obviously comics do kind of follow a character or main character, a protagonist antagonist, you really got to use your characters correctly for the focal point. In a roundabout way, what I’m saying is I try and find the focal point first and work around that. Right,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (09:15):
That makes sense. And to what extent do you lean a lot on cinema or anime or that sort of thing? Or are you just approaching it as its own comic books as its own form? Or I suppose what are the influences that you draw on when you are composing of? So

Lauren Marshall (09:36):
In terms of pop culture, I didn’t actually start drawing pop culture until I saw card captors, which is a nineties anime, very girly, very cute. Only got two seasons back then they finally popped out a third season and two movies so recently. But in terms of westernising, I didn’t get into that until many years later. And then I started touring for Super Over and stuff like that. So I’m kind of a bit of a mesh between them. But then also my traditional portrait painting and oils and acrylics and watercolour and stuff like that. Taking influences from that that I learned impressionism from high school and then putting that into work into the work that I do now as well, especially for my colouring, it’s all about creating an atmosphere. It doesn’t necessarily have to be technically perfect, but if it’s creating the atmosphere with the colours and the shadows in it and while they’re not sitting a hundred percent correctly, that’s kind of an influence from that era, if that makes sense. So I don’t feel like I fit into a box anyway, and I’m happy to just mould with however I feel and whichever direction I go in terms of my influences. So for now, I’m huge into black, sad, as many people probably know. And that’s all watercolour and yeah, I was going to those

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (11:05):
That dunno, what is the black sadd?

Lauren Marshall (11:08):
Black sadd, okay, let me quickly grab it.

Lauren Marshall (11:11):
Oh, if I can reach it or wherever it’s gone.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (11:17):
We need elevator music sizzle. We need it. Okay, I wish just let you do music. That would be nice.

Lauren Marshall (11:28):
Anamorphic, super anamorphic storyline. If you see, let me see, let me grab it. So it follows like a Black Panther pretty much, but everything is super detailed and crazy.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (11:45):
Oh wow.

Lauren Marshall (11:46):
Really beautiful. It’s won a heap of awards and it’s all very political following a lot of current state of the world stuff, but obviously tweaks to fit an amorphic kind of world. So I appreciate the art that’s involved in that. It’s definitely not easy to do, especially facial expressions for animals, which I learned with young Rufuss. So yeah,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (12:17):
That’s amazing. So Young Rufuss, killer Roof, Lana Luca.

Lauren Marshall (12:24):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (12:25):
Let’s talk about, maybe we talk about what you’re doing with Young Rufus first and then we’ll move to Lana Luca. I’m really, obviously I can see the connection now with the bunny as I presume and horns and such, but yeah. So what were you doing with Young Rufuss? Was it the whole issue?

Lauren Marshall (12:44):
No, so young Rufus that The Tales of Young Rufuss was, I think I got that correct, is a combination of different artists putting together short stories. So it was for young adults of children, so kind of touching base on some issues that kids would come across, whether it’s inclusivity or sharing or finding your place or understanding yourself. Very simple short stories, but they kind of hit close to home to a lot for the younger readers, which is nice. And plus it brings into Australian native and then the indigenous community and stuff like that. So actually it was really fun to work for and it was a bit of an eye opener for me as well because I didn’t actually draw enough Aussie stuff or people of colour. I didn’t draw either. So it was not only a good challenge, but it was a good for me to bring myself back down and really broaden my horizons a little bit. So I really appreciated working on it.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (13:46):
Great. Fantastic. Very cool. And Lana Luca, so you’ve got a Kickstarter coming up in the near future. You’ve run one Kickstarter already, so this is issue two of Lana Luca. Tell us a bit about the project. The artwork is amazing and I love it and it’s really, really cool. But yeah, why don’t you give us a bit of a picture. How did you happen upon it? Where did Lana come from? Yeah,

Lauren Marshall (14:14):
So Lana was a little bit of a manifestation about all the stuff that I liked. I think I created her 2010 maybe quite a while ago. And it was just always a character that I kind of drew and was just like, maybe I should make a story about this. I don’t even know. I’m not the particularly best writer at all. I can come up with all these fantastical ideas inside my head, but I’m actually writing a proper dialogue for it. It’s not my strength and I know my strengths, it’s not one of ’em. So it was kind of just sitting in the background for a little bit and then I moved to Sydney where I was studying a lot more illustration stuff over there. So that kind got put onto the back burner again. It wasn’t until I came back and were like, okay, let’s knuckle this down.

And then I hooked back up with my animation lecturer, Tanya, who used to teach me, and I kind of trusted her because not only did she understand the industry strongly, but it was also her in terms of direction that she would take and understand the fuck law and stuff like that as well. So I’m not super crazy knowledgeable about it all, but she was, and that’s why I trusted her with it way more than I would probably be able to do myself. So very lucky to be working with her. So in terms of the ears and the horns and stuff is based off a jackalope, which is a mythology creature and where does it sit, whether it sits in dark or if it sits in light, you’re not too sure. So it’s just a sort of an entity that sort of exists and never from what I know, never really fit anyway, just kind of like a cool creature.

And it’s about finding a place in the world and whether you’re struggling internally, whether you’re good or bad. And I think it’s exploring that and all the ups and downs of life and all the different entities that can kind of come from different folklore and they kind of merge together into this crazy underworld, two-sided black and white versus colour type stuff. So it’s got a huge arc in terms of blood ties. So blood ties the first arc and then we’ll obviously expand onto the next series A. Yeah season. Season one is blood ties, season two will be something else. So pulling a lot of things from different, whether it’s Greek or if it’s, it could be anything, but in terms of that, so like witches and whatever, and I think she’s sort of just stuck in this limbo land pretty much.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (17:00):
Yeah, I love the way first impressions, I love the way it’s just not explained that she just appears. And as a reader you don’t even care. You’re in the story and you know that there’s something weird going on and you know that it’s real, but it’s not real. Or there’s another reality meshing or whatever might be the case. I really like that I like rather than the classic, oh, there’s is Lana and oh, she got horns and let’s explain the backstory. It just getting straight into it was really interesting I found. And the artwork again was great. It was just to kind of hits you right in the face. And I think that the black and white thing that you were talking about, there’s a lot of depth with that. If you’ve got a character that sort of sits in between and isn’t exactly one way or the other, there’s a lot of flexibility with what you can do with the character and all that. So am I right in saying so some of the characters are, I don’t want to give too much away, but some of the characters are not monochrome, but

Lauren Marshall (18:03):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (18:04):
Muted, yes. Muted colours, which contrasts really vividly with Lana and with other, that’s a really, really cool mechanism for pushing things to the background and foreground. That was really cool. I haven’t seen that a lot in comic books. Maybe I’m not reading the right ones, but I haven’t seen that a lot, so I

Lauren Marshall (18:23):
Really, really cool. Yeah, well I think a lot of people rely too much inking and character development and storytelling and the sequentials are quite prominent in terms of telling a story, but forgetting about colour theory and what colours can make you feel red, anger, blue, calm, yellow, happiness muted just means sort of just meh. It does create a bit more of a scene and also an environment and people should harness that ability a little bit more. Definitely.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (19:01):
Yeah, it was really good. And I suppose with, they have colorists and all of these obviously in comics, but in film I know that they have the person that just spends the whole time on colour and that’s all they do. And every scene, different colour palette and all the rest of it. Yeah, really, really interesting. Anyway, sorry I’ve monopolised the conversation. You guys sizzle? No,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:23):
Well my turn’s going to be, actually there’s a question from the audience. I thought I’d throw that in there. We try to encourage audience participation.

Lauren Marshall (19:32):
Oh, what’s the first comic scene over there, Lauren? Is there monthly meetups or anything like that? From what I know there is, there’s one called the Curtain Illustration Club. So Curtin University, they do meetups all the time and they have an online forum. I do kind of keep tabs on it. I’m not part of the group, but I do like to keep tabs on what they’re doing because the stuff that they’re creating is incredible. Nathan has been smashing out some incredible indie work, Justin Randall and just publishing is here as well. So they do tell Guard into the day stuff like that. So those guys have been smashing it out and they’re only about 15, 20 minutes away from my house. But in terms of meetups and stuff like that, not too much really. It is kind of isolated over here. You can’t just sort of go into, the city is not the easiest thing ever here because we’re all suburbia.

So in terms of meeting up and whatever, it’s not so much. But people are super eager. If there’s ever a chance to actually do a meetup or a convention or make our own convention, it goes hard. I remember when Supernova first came over here and I did one of the first ones in 2016 I think it was, or 2015. And it just fricking went bonkers because not only it is the same year that we had, it was either the same year or the year after. There was the big mining boom here and we had all the big fellas that loved Dragon Bulls Z and loved anime and the Spider-Man and Hulk and stuff like that. And they just were so keen to get into not the industry, into the community for it. And it was really nice to see and it just went nuts. And from there on no convention has ever been the same for me in terms of not only success but just engaging with the community a little bit more.

So I love, that’s what I miss the most about Sydney is just the accessibility to be able to meet up with people so easily. But other than that, I love Perth. It’s just really nice for family and for Locke and I to be living here and owning a home and stuff like that, it’s just a bit more stability here. But with the internet and stuff these days and doing stuff like this, I think Covid has really opened up our eyes in terms of what’s achievable and we don’t actually need to meet up in person. We can just create a little group room chat. So a bit more comfortable in terms of that.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:04):
Cool. Well the other question that Darren asked, so this would be a good plug for anyone who’s doing this, is anyone Lana Luca and Perth?

Lauren Marshall (22:13):
Just one which is around the corner from me. We only have, I think it’s 3, 2, 3 comic book stores, sorry, we’ve got two in the city and one around the corner from me. And there is also another one called Fan Base Collectibles, but they’re more like just collectibles, not so much comics, I think they just kind of do your heart backs and stuff like that. But in terms of big comic, we don’t really have any, which I miss Sydney, like Brisbane, it was a lot more, yeah, so it’s sad, but maybe I should just open up one for myself.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (22:52):
So Lauren, what’s your, if five years down the track, 10 years down the track, whatever you’re thinking, what would be the dream job? Would you be doing a lot more art? Would you be managing a team that does art? Would you be animation? What would you think? It doesn’t have to be one thing, but where would you love to be? What would be the dream gig?

Lauren Marshall (23:14):
Well, I’m super ambitious and I think that kind of kicks me in the butt sometimes because I just don’t have enough time in the day and forget to see my family every now and then. So I would love to get into animation a little bit more. I love traditional animation, frame by frame stuff is just, I absolutely adore it. So I’d like to kind of expand on that a little bit. But funny, I would actually really like to start up my publishing company after working for my job now. They do a lot of print and design and seeing the level of quality they do for a lot of clients and stuff like that. And I feel like that’s a missing piece in Perth especially. Just to have someone they can talk to, whether it’s graphic, novel, children’s book or similar, something that tells through pictures, A story through pictures is something that I’d like to assist people with because you probably know Shane doing publishing it’s hard yards, making sure that the print’s right, the colours right, the types, the promotion and paper stock people half the time don’t even know what GSM means.

So it’s just like being able to lend that assistance to other people because I know when I was younger I had no idea what it was two years ago I had nearly close to no idea what it was. So it’s a whole new world and I think it’s sort of ability that should be passed to other people because the talent that they have needs to be shown. And if they’re getting it printed in really bad quality, then that makes me sad. So I would love to do that, but then also just make sure that Lana becomes a graphic novel more so than just a 22 pager. Our plan was to do a 22 page year over year in between our daily lives and then once we got to the point where we had over a hundred pages, we would just reprint it as a graphic novel as a hardback. So that’s something that we kind of have on the horizon too. Yeah, yeah.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (25:12):
So you’re busy, you’ve got a fair bit on. And it’s interesting you’re saying on the publishing side as well, I think there are, you say a lot of creators and artists and just have no idea about the publishing side, but also don’t really have the time to invest or don’t see the importance or I want someone else to help me with that. I just want to make the thing, I want to make it as good as I can. But you’re right, if it then gets out there and the quality’s shoddy and it’s not aligned and colours are off, yeah, that’s a really big area.

Lauren Marshall (25:47):
Sure. I’ve said in a couple of the drink and draws and stuff is about working in retail. It’s been a huge benefit for me. It’s made sure that I know what quality is. I know how to sell something to someone and the psychology behind it. So if you have someone that’s got really bad print quality versus someone who’s got really, really good print quality, you pick it up, you can feel the difference. And whilst the interiors could be different, the good quality print could be rubbish and then the bad quality print could have something incredibly amazing in it. But people, they like tangible items, they like to feel stuff that feels good and then feels worthy for them to pick up. So I know it’s a bit snobby and stuff, but that’s people, right. You’ve got to be able to cater to ’em.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (26:37):
Cool. Well, we’ve got another person in the audience asking a question. So just about how many books have you worked on? I’m guessing this is a pretty, I’m trying to remember them all.

Lauren Marshall (26:50):
Not too many actually. I think I’ve just been sort of doing a lot more commission stuff other than that. But Young Rufuss and Old Man Rufuss, I’ve been doing bulk comics, just about to finish the second issue working for them. Obviously Lana I’ve been working on as well. But then just bits and pieces here and there in terms of interiors, not too much on interiors, but not too much on covers, but any pinups and stuff like that I’ve more worked on and people’s character commissions and stuff like that. So more contributing to their world in general. But I feel like my place in terms of doing interiors is sort of growing quite substantially and cover work and stuff like that. So I am excited to see taking all the experience that I’ve got over the past 12 months and applying it to other projects for other people would be awesome.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (27:46):
Awesome. Fantastic. Did you say Bolt then? I didn’t catch you say Bolt.

Lauren Marshall (27:50):
Bolt, yeah, electrify Bolt. So it’s a Edge Tribes book. It’s another young adult slash kids one. So it’s a very comical, slapstick kind of superhero. One with Bolt thinks he’s really cool, but he’s kind of trips over himself quite a lot and kind of gets in the way of other superheroes are trying to do their job. So it is a lot of fun. The one that I’ve been working on has been quite good. Sounds awesome. So yeah, there’s a lot in the pipeline for those guys. They’ve got a couple of other artists on boards. It’s definitely worth having a look at. And probably a good guest for one of the drink and draws if you ever want to get them on because another,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:30):
Oh yeah. Nice. I’ve got a fan here.

Lauren Marshall (28:36):
Thanks Peter.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:37):
Thanks Peter.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (28:40):
So Lauren,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:41):
It looks like I’m saying Hello. Hello.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (28:45):
Hi, that’s me. Hi Lauren. So what’s the thing that you hate most about what you’re doing about illustration and drawing and comics? What’s the thing that if you could skip it every time, you would absolutely do it.

Lauren Marshall (29:02):
Admin or social media? I’d love to skip. It’s just, it’s hard yards. It’s like they want you on there, but if you want to be on there and succeed, you just got to go really hard for it. But I think going from roughs to cleanups I find quite frustrating. I feel like I’m drawing the same thing again. If I’m doing roughs to inks, that’s fine. If I’m doing RAFs cleanups and inks, cleanups can be a little bit frustrating for me sometimes because it could come back to a panel, be like, no, I’m redrawing it, which means I have to do rust and cleanups again. And then as soon as inks roll around, then I’m all right. So I think that’s the most tedious part of it, I think.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (29:48):
So you don’t want to be covering the same ground again and

Lauren Marshall (29:51):
Again, no need to get it done. I need to get published, get it out door, but too much. I’m too much of a, I just need to make sure everything’s spot on. And then half the time, once I finish the project, I’m like, everything’s crap. But anyway, it’s done.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (30:10):
I think that’s pretty normal. That’s a normal thing. It’s

Lauren Marshall (30:12):
Pretty normal. Yeah.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (30:13):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:15):
Well, we’ve got another question for you as well. This has been more interactive than I expected this one would be. Who would you get to voice? Lana Luca, an animated version.

Lauren Marshall (30:25):
Someone like a little bit like rusty voice, kind of like scar Joe or I don’t know, someone who’s got a little bit of a raspiness to them. I’m terrible with actors or voices or whatever. But yeah, I think like a girl that’s not a girl or girl at all, it just need to be someone that’s just going to, they’re going to punch you in the face if you mess with them kind of thing. So I don’t know. I’d have to think about that. Recently, I actually got a voiceover for Dee Done Dee’s, one of the characters for the promotional video for issue two. Oh, wow. So playing around with that and seeing, I’m going to ask for a couple Yeah. Lucy Laws. Yeah, I’m going to play around with a couple of them because it’s a particular, for me, if it was DI would have Bruce Willis for sure, because he has that, that’s kind of the influence they got for his character design. And then Chase would be like, oh God no, I was going to say Jake Gill Hall. They look the same, but they don’t sound the same. Like Jake Gill Hall’s got a little bitch voice like, sorry, swear

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (31:38):
He’s nothing. He doesn’t watch.

Lauren Marshall (31:40):
Sorry Jake, you’re cute. But no, I don’t know. They’re all quite melancholy characters except for the secondary characters. They kind of bring the high back in, but it’s all quite a bit moody.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (31:56):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:56):
Well, we’ve got a very hard question here from Spie. Very unpredictable.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (32:03):

Lauren Marshall (32:05):
Do you know what? Okay, I’m going to give this to you, SPIE, I’m going to give it to you. So we came up before the show started, so it’s called Lana Luca. Lana Luca. So it would be a Lou version of Toilet. Yep. Because I want you to create it and do it for me. Yep.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (32:29):
Lana, there you go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:38):
Sorry, I’m reading the

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (32:41):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:41):
I didn’t understand that one, so I won’t bring it up. I don’t understand it. Maybe you’ll understand it. Is it an

Lauren Marshall (32:49):
Intro? Let’s decipher. Jake has left. Oh, Jake by Jake Gillen Hall. Sorry, I’m not, I’m not going to slide into

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:56):
Hands anymore. Sorry. That’s right. That’s

Lauren Marshall (32:58):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:59):
Sorry, I totally forgot that comment.

Lauren Marshall (33:02):
We broke up. Sorry.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:07):
We got another one. Or do you want Can I go?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:10):
Oh, we’ve just got the line of Luke.

Lauren Marshall (33:11):
Yeah. See

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:12):
Yes. Devil’s

Lauren Marshall (33:13):
Toilet. And because she’s got horns, it just makes sense. Let’s do this crossover

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:25):
And we do have another one. Cool.

Lauren Marshall (33:29):
Okay, so your art style is wonderfully unique. What’s your take on developing one’s art style and how long did it take until you were satisfied with your own art style? I’m not satisfied for one, but in terms of creating your own, I think a lot of people, and I still fall victim to this quite a lot, especially when I’m looking for references and I see this reference I absolutely love, and I look at it and I’m like, okay, I just basically have to replicate it because as an animator, that was what we had to do. If we wanted a job, you had to be able to replicate someone’s work. They gave you a model sheet, you had to do it toe for toe. But I think it’s being able to take little golden nuggets from stuff, applying it to your work and then being like, okay, what feels natural to me?

For me, what’s natural for me is angular and different line weights and just a lot of detail and just making it a bit more full on. But in saying that my stuff’s not a hundred percent unique. A lot of my influences Rob from Sketch Craft Sova Den taught me a lot about anatomy. And then just a lot of those influences just merged together. I think there comes a point where you stop relying on not only you don’t stop relying on those people, I still ask them for a lot of advice, but the references and stuff like that being like, this is where I want to be. And then as soon as you get comfortable enough and then you’d be like, okay, I’m kind of liking where I am now. I’m going to leave that B for a little bit. I’m just going to keep developing what I’m working on now and then expanding my horizons in terms of I’m going to go look at Aaron Blaze from Disney or Tell Bancroft or anybody else that’s completely different.

And then you can kind of take little gold leagues, like I said, from all of them. It’s a never ending development. And I think if you look at any artist that you admire and go back even three years, five years, you’ll see that their art is probably a little bit different because it’s not going to change. There’s always going to be that little uniqueness about it. And then that’s mainly because of whether it’s the way you hold your pen or what kind of ink you use, or what brush pen you use on Clip Studio or Photoshop or whatever. But other than that,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (35:57):
Do you go through phases with that as well? Do you go through a phase where you discover something different and you think, I’m just going to do that for a while? It seems really cool.

Lauren Marshall (36:06):
I don’t think phases. I feel like I’ll discover something and then I’ll go ham on it for a little while. When I did that spider verse piece, I found this tombo pen that was incredible. I love a good stiff brush pen. I don’t like the flimsy stuff, especially paintbrushes I struggle with. But then I found that and I’m like, I’m not going back. My style hasn’t changed, but the level of detail I can get for it’s kind of elevated quite a lot. Now.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:37):
Another a question, just a comment on your art,

Lauren Marshall (36:39):
Just a comment. Yeah, but he’s correct. I’m way more comfortable and proud of what I put out now, and I know that that that’s me. I know it’s hard. A lot of people are just so fixated on creating this style for themselves and having this uniqueness and whatever. But like I said, you got to one day, I feel like there’s always going to be some kind of relation to another artist because that’s what we do. We uplift each other, we influence each other, and if you don’t have inspiration, it’s just not going to happen. Right. Yeah, I think, yeah, I don’t know. It’s ever developing thing.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:21):
Cool. Yeah. And we’ve got quite a few questions.

Lauren Marshall (37:27):
Indie titles that you like to work on cover interior. Oh God, so many. Obviously I obviously want to participate a lot in obviously the Aus Comic stuff. A hundred percent. I would love to. And then Kayleen’s piece, blue Star Rebellion I would really like to do. I’ve actually been really digging her stuff and that’s like a web tune, so that’s sort of something new for me. And the cover art and whatever is not really a thing for that, but I know that she obviously wants to put that to print. But that’s something that I would really love to participate in because my palette is very purple and you’ll find a lot of my stuff always has this purple tone through it, which I think I’ve kind of become quite comfortable with. And her palette is quite blue through that whole series, and I kind of feel gravitated towards that. So I love colour, I absolutely love colour, I love colour theories, so I gravitate a lot towards that sort of stuff. Quite a lot.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (38:24):
You can tell reading Lana Luca.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:27):
Oh yeah, Lana Luke big time.

Lauren Marshall (38:29):
Yeah, Kaylene did all the colours for Lana, but obviously with a pallet direction and stuff like that. But all the cover art and stuff is myself, so kind of juggling between the two. Cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:44):
And someone, mark, I think it is, has prompted you to do a bit of a plug for yourself.

Lauren Marshall (38:52):
Oh, bit of a self

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:53):
Panel. I’ll just bring up wrong button. I’ll just bring up this for everyone.

Lauren Marshall (39:02):
So the pre-launch page, Lana Luca, blood ties two, so this is the second episode or issue of this arc, hopefully be about six or seven of them. It’s now on a pre-launch page on Kickstarter. So sign up, get those numbers up for the followers for that one. But looking at the 4th of January to release it on a 20 day Kickstarter, a nice and short and sweet. I don’t want people waiting and I’m hoping to have majority of the project done before then. So luckily I have two and a half weeks off at Christmas, which will be fantastic for me to have a little break, but then really focus on my stuff. I think this whole year I’ve been sort of focusing on everyone else. So I think it was March last year that the first issue of Lana got released, so it’s nearly bearing on two years since the first one came out, so Oh really? Yeah. Yeah, it’s going to be really good to be able to, I know, it’s crazy. But yeah, I think that two weeks off, I’m just going to be sort of Seattle. Amazing. So having that time off to be able to focus on my own stuff, it’s got to smash it out and the girls are excited to be able to be on board again. Yeah.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:20):
And will that Kickstarter have the first issue and the second issue so people will get both and catch up? Sweet.

Lauren Marshall (40:26):
Yeah, a hundred percent. So there’s going to be, you can either get the digital versions because obviously we’re having a lot of trouble with Auspost getting stuff overseas, which stinks. But if any of overseas friends are able to help, I’m going to try and hook up with them to be able to ship out physical copies if they get it printed over there. So that’s one way to jump around it. If not, then there’s going to be also 3D printed models of Lana as a little bonus, which could be cool. How cool

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:55):

Lauren Marshall (40:55):
That? Yeah, so lucky and I invested in a resin 3D printer, which is incredible. The stuff pumps out some really cool quality and you can get different coloured resins, you can get the green, purple, Fluor yellow black, and the quality’s way better than doing the plastic. So a little bit more smelly, but it’s actually not too bad.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:19):
Interesting to know. Oh,

Lauren Marshall (41:21):
Resin. Yes, it’s like walking into a nail salon out the back, like God. But yeah, no, that’s very interesting. So I’m kind of playing with some new ideas in terms of bonuses. Yeah, it’s good bonuses and terms for Kickstarter because everyone gets that and you get stickers, you get pens, whatever. I’m kind of looking at stuff that you potentially wouldn’t get and I want to kind of want to make this a little bit more exciting for people.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (41:50):
That sounds so cool. Little minis, that’s awesome.

Lauren Marshall (41:54):
Yeah, it’s actually good. You can get a decent size maybe. I think it’s like 15 centimetres is the max height you can get. It’s fairly decent. Oh wow. Yeah, it gets quite a good chunky amount in. Yep.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:09):
That’s so cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:11):
I’ll be all over that. I want myself a Lana Ika.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:18):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:19):
Well that’s all the questions so far on there. I’ve just posted your link to everyone as well. So to the Lana too.

Lauren Marshall (42:28):
Yeah. Cool.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:31):
Sweet. Here we go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:32):
Mark site. Yep. Where do I sign?

Lauren Marshall (42:37):
Yeah, no, and it’s actually quite affordable too because obviously we’re doing it, so you’ll see when our launches in January.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:48):
Fantastic. Can’t. Alright, we got time for a couple more questions. Or are we where No, a

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:56):
Couple questions. A couple more questions. Yeah.

Lauren Marshall (42:58):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:59):
Sweet. Okay, so I don’t want to do favourite film, favourite food, all that sort of stuff. Everyone does that sort of stuff, but what’s your favourite film? All your favourite food or both?

Lauren Marshall (43:21):
Film and food or together. What food do I eat?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (43:26):
Watching your favourite film. Yeah, that’s what makes it different. What’s the favourite thing to eat while you are watching your favourite film?

Lauren Marshall (43:35):
Okay, chicken nuggets. Fifth element,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (43:40):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:41):
Excellent choice.

Lauren Marshall (43:43):
I got, have you seen when SBS overseas people, SB S is kind like government funded, whatever, and then they play, that’s one day of the year where they just continuously play fifth element over and over and over again all day. And I love it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:03):
I’ve done that day. It’s so good. I’ve done that day. Oh, it’s

Lauren Marshall (44:05):
So good. And you’re just like, you like, okay, I’m done. And then you come back at nighttime, you turn it on and Chris R is just like, ah,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:13):
Ready. Is this element the one though? Because you know how someone ask you, oh, what’s your favourite film? And in your head you’re going, oh god, what’s the smartest sounding film that I can say? But reality is it’s going to be the fifth element. If I see that thing, I’m going to watch it. Guaranteed. There’s something about it the way it’s all put together and

Lauren Marshall (44:34):
It’s a masterpiece.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:35):
Weird and wonderful and yeah,

Lauren Marshall (44:37):
The other thing is Hellboy either one or two. I don’t care which one, it’s the character design, it’s the idiocy, the jokes, the just the cheesiness just, it was so

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (44:50):
Well done. What is it? The goblin town in the second one where Ah, that thing is amazing.

Lauren Marshall (44:56):
Crazy woman. The east Canaries fantastic. And I think the guy, my favourite guy is the guy that’s got no neck and he’s just like this fat blob and he just got these weird long fingers and I’m like, well that looks like me in the morning. How you going?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (45:10):
Yeah, so good. I have things to watch now again, I’ve got to find them again.

Lauren Marshall (45:16):
Oh, so many questions coming through a question. Lana. This one’s a

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:20):
Question. The other are comments.

Lauren Marshall (45:22):
Oh, I’ve actually submitted Lana to a couple of publishers, but I don’t blame them for not getting back to me. She’s not quite at the level that probably needs to be for a publisher, but I feel like the second issue is going to refine a lot of it. So once we have a couple of issues under our belt and actually have something a little bit more substantial, then definitely be throwing it out to a lot more publishers and seeing if image or whatever kind of jumps on board. But no hope. I feel like maybe if does get signed up for a publisher, I kind of might lose a little bit of creative control and I’m quite funny about that. But I mean the support and stuff would be fantastic. So you’ll see how you go, I know Sweeney Boos, eat and Love Yourself. She kind of created that herself and it kind of exploded, but she did sign up with someone else obviously because she is so popular. But I kind of feel like I might want to keep a hold of it for a little bit longer.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (46:20):
Nice. And some of the publishers, there seems to be a lot of them around now that they’ll only really pick up a graphic novel because they want it done and they want a certain size, which is, that’s so much investment before you even get a shot at it.

Lauren Marshall (46:37):
And I feel like it’s so much more easier once it’s all done and then you can be like, you want this or you don’t want it. Here it is, it’s already done. And I’ll just sort of sort out the 22 page issues in my own time up until that point.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:51):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (46:53):
Awesome. A bird or a cricket.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:02):
I was going to say that was well timed. We all go quiet and there’s a cricket

Lauren Marshall (47:07):
Me my windows open.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (47:12):
Great. Awesome. Well thanks Lauren. That’s been really cool, really interesting. There’s so much there. I love the colour theory stuff and you’re so knowledgeable obviously in so many different areas. Really, really cool. Oh definitely to hear from you about that stuff.

Lauren Marshall (47:26):
Yeah, it’s good. I feel like a big tool in this industry is knowledge and just finding out more knowledge about it, but not only that, but getting hands on with everything. Don’t be afraid to get your hands scrubby. And I’m not saying art stuff, but also this kind of stuff. Not being afraid to get on screen, being a little bit more comfortable in public speaking. Obviously I was lucky enough to have that in school. I did drama, I did public speaking and stuff like that and a lot of family that support me to be able to do this kind of stuff. But if you kind of want to have that all rounder and get probe information from people like yourself or drink on Jo and stuff like that, I think it’s quite useful. And then only for promotion and networking and stuff like that. I think it’s all kind of merges together and it’s a big world and it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes and you succeed in more areas than other, but we’re kind of all grinding together I think.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:28):
Yeah, definitely.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:32):
Well I guess this is a part of the show where me and Morgan have a bit of a surprise for you.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:38):
Oh, I forgot, I forgot.

Lauren Marshall (48:40):
We’re doing this gifts. Oh yay.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:48):
Don’t get too excited.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:50):
Don’t get too excited. Okay. You want to go first Morgan?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:55):
Yeah, but I can

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:58):
Do it. I can bring it up. I’ll bring it up. I’ll

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (48:59):
Bring it up because I thought you were going to make me steer and I don’t want to steer. So steer I’ll steer. The idea is, and it’s exclusive to the comics podcast. I mean no one else gets this. Every person that comes on, particularly if they’re an artist, we draw a version of one of their main characters. Now the rules are we have 10 minutes, we have to do it freehand, no sketching. 10 minutes.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:24):
I thought it was an hour. Oh no, I went time.

Lauren Marshall (49:27):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (49:29):
You wait till you see sizzles. He spent a lot more time on that than I did on my wonderful

Lauren Marshall (49:34):
Thing. Sabotage.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (49:37):
We both had a crack at drawing. Lana. Mine looks like I was blindfolded, but they’re signed, so I mean these are going to be exclusive. Yeah, so this is limited edition, my version of Alana.

Lauren Marshall (49:53):
Oh yeah. She has

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (49:58):
The ears and it’s like a wolf, but she’s not a wolf, so that’s mine.

Lauren Marshall (50:04):
She’s got the cleavage to kill, so it’s great.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:08):
Yeah, that’s where I started. Took a little bit longer. 10 I moved out from there is really good. So you show you us now this hour long thing.

Lauren Marshall (50:21):
She’s been doing some

Lauren Marshall (50:22):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:25):
Got abs, man.

Lauren Marshall (50:27):
Oh my god, this is so good. I love

Lauren Marshall (50:29):
It. This is amazing.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:32):
We’ll send those to you. They are exclusive copies just for

Lauren Marshall (50:35):
You. They’re going to go like, I’ve got a little space here for you

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (50:40):
So everyone can see them. Yeah, that’s the

Lauren Marshall (50:44):

Lauren Marshall (50:45):
Especially. That’s so cute. I love it. Thank you guys. It’s so nice and thoughtful.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:51):
Welcome. It was a lot of fun.

Lauren Marshall (50:54):
That’s cool. Now everyone’s going to know It’s not a surprise anymore.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:58):
It’s not a surprise anymore. You

Lauren Marshall (51:03):
Amazing. I love it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:06):
Cool. Well thank you very much for coming on and chatting with us. It was a real pleasure and sharing your knowledge. You are very knowledgeable in what you do, so I always love that hearing what you’ve got to say about everything. And thank you for being our first guest on the relaunch of the Oz Comic Show. Yes. Awesome. First guest, A lot of interaction, a lot of people wanted to talk to you. And speaking of which, let’s just check there’s not anything else happening. No, looks good. Awesome guys. The pew, pew sells it.

Lauren Marshall (51:45):
If anybody has questions, hit me up on socials like Instagram or Facebook. I’m happy to answer anything. So that’s your, it’s all

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:52):

Lauren Marshall (51:53):
Yes. The martial ads. Yep. That’s either Facebook or Instagram, but it’s the infamously says community is unity. So let’s

Lauren Marshall (52:02):
Go. Yeah, too true. Too

Lauren Marshall (52:05):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:07):
Very good. Well we’ll go to the next section now. So see you later, Lauren. Very much appreciated you coming on. No problem.

Lauren Marshall (52:14):
Bye. Thanks guys.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:17):
And I will go to the right button. You’d think I know this by now from doing this drink and draw.

Lauren Marshall (52:23):
You got this well polished machine.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:26):
Well polished machine here. It’s all ums and ahs all the way. Cool. Well see you Lauren. Oh

Lauren Marshall (52:32):
God. I eventually

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:35):
Do it eventually.

Lauren Marshall (52:36):
See Lauren. Lauren

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:39):
At the beginning. I was going to do that. Okay, cool.

Lauren Marshall (52:43):
Good. Thanks guys. See you

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:56):
Now this is where me and Morgan talk about some comics that we’ve read. Hopefully Morgan read some comics. I read one,

Lauren Marshall (53:04):
I thought the deal was first

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:05):
Of all, we’re going to do one. I’d like to show off this one because we just talked to, I got to bring my screen up. We just talked to Lauren and this is her first one. I got the Kickstarter. It’s bloody awesome. What I would say most about it though is when I finish reading it, I craved more of it. More, more, more. So I’m absolutely hanging out for the 4th of January now.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:35):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:37):
I won’t go into more detail than that. It’s been a while since I read it, so it’s all very vague. I do remember coming out of it thinking this is too short. There needs to be more of it. So you want to go first Morgan?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:50):
Yeah, I’ll go first. So this is Angry Squad. Oh,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:56):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (53:58):
Yeah. By Lucas Shuffle. Shuffle. I’m sorry buddy. If I get it wrong,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:03):
I have, yeah, I’m not sure either.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:05):
Well, Lucas, look at that. So ah yes, the pages and such. Oh God, I should rehearsed this.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:16):
You’re doing so well.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (54:17):
A couple of things I love about this story. First of all, anything that takes a super old dude that’s badass, I think he’s fantastic. And I love the concept of obviously it was dedicated to his father and that there’s a film story behind it. Before this, I think Lucas put together a film, but I love the story and anything that’s unexpected like that with an old dude and just the red tracksuit and it’s great fun. Really good read. And he’s always, he’s got, I think another Kickstarter coming out soon. But yeah, that was a great read. So recommend it. Anger Squad. Sorry. Angry Squad. Angry Squad.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:59):
Angry Squad. There was a number two that came out just a while ago actually, so yeah.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (55:04):
Oh, did, yeah. I haven’t got the second one yet.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:08):
I don’t know if I’ve got it. Actually, I have a huge pile of two B Red, so if I’ve got it, it’s in that pile. Okay. In my slack ass. I wasn’t feeling well today, so that’s my main reason for this. But I read one and the one that I read, oh, we’ve got a Bronwyn Cough. Cough. We got a did mention the shop Zach. But yeah, so mine is, I gave this one a read because it just arrived the other day and it was on the top of the pile. I was going to read all three. It came in a pack of three. I’ve only got a chance to read. Yeah. So I’ll just flick through some of the pages here. This art is so cool, the bone dog, and it’s a zombie story. You got to love a good zombie story.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:01):
Oh wow.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:06):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:07):
Looks like it’s painted.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:10):
I’m not too sure. Yeah, I am not too sure how it was done, but it’s very shiny paper.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (56:21):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:22):
And it might be digitally painted. I’m not sure. I can’t tell this sort of stuff. That’s not my forte. And I just realised I am on the big screen still and yeah, so great fun. Great fun. I love the art. It’s very different than anything I would normally read. I love the little warning on the front. Let’s see if my camera will pick that up. No it won’t. Explicit content. Yay. So there’s a bit of swearing in there for, so not really a kid story, even though there’s a dog called, is it Bob? Yeah, Bob the dog. And Bob’s a she. So I find that made me laugh a little when I found out that Bob was a she.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:07):
And it’s salty language.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:10):
Salty language, and just the art on the cover sums it up. Really. That’s the art wall through it. And it’s just a classic, like that is a wreck. That’s not his hair, that is a record

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:23):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:24):
He takes out of his

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:24):
Oh, I got it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:25):
Yeah. I thought it was hair when I first read it. It’s actually a record that he takes out of his head and plays fetch with the dog.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:33):
Who’s the buyer?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:35):
Oh yeah, dk, dk, art. I should probably put a thing up on the bottom here. I meant to organise all this before I started and then forgot about it.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (57:46):
Banner. That’s alright.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:48):
Because she does have a website. dk, you probably should have done the same for your book as well.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (58:02):
I’ll just hold it up again while we’re waiting.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:05):
So there she is. That’s her site. I believe that’s her shop as well. There is three, what do you call it, episodes or issues? Three volumes. She calls ’em volumes. Three volumes. The one after this is twice the size. I read the cover. It’s twice the size of this one. So a little bit more value. I haven’t read it yet, but that was a lot of fun. Zombies, cool art, cool concept. And you’ve got to find out somehow these two skeleton creatures are hunted by zombies. So there’s something different about them that has made them not turn into zombies when they got bit. And that’s, I guess we find out in the other issues what’s going on. Because you see here, you can’t really see it on the screen there, but they’ve both inside the skeleton have got a heart and that’s apparently why the zombies are after them. They’ve still got a heart.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:00):
Have they got brains?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:03):
Well going by the record. I don’t know if the record got, they’ve got tongues the dog sort a tongue licks at

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:10):
They’ve got tongue. Yeah, maybe Tongues are heart a bit partial to tongues and hearts.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:15):
Yeah, they must be. But that’s the one I read. So check out that site that’s there. Dk d carter Fun little book. DK has actually been on drink and draw and she’s a lot of fun. She drew the Trevor with the leaf over his bits, doing a nice little muscular pose. So yeah, she’s a lot of fun as well. So her books are just as fun as her, I guess.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:45):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:46):
Over to you, Morgan, did you read anything else or your Slack as me?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (59:49):
I read them all, but I think we should pace it out for next week. We don’t want to get too much. Keep it exclusive.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:59):
I like it. Save yourself a bit of work next week. You only read one as well. Okay, cool.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:05):
Let’s spread it out. We don’t want to give, let’s

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:07):
Spread out too

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:08):
Much too early. We’ll just, what are we getting paid for this again? Is this

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:12):
Oh yeah, yeah. It’s like $2 an hour. $2 an hour.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:16):
Sweet, sweet. Sounds good.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:18):
So Aaron goes, that’s why I’ve got to cut it off. Exactly. Now I can only afford $2, man.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:26):
I’ll spend it. Well,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:29):
I have no idea what you can get for $2 these days.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:00:32):
Not, not much.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:35):
And here is a good question for us. I’m going to answer this one next week. We have no idea.

I have spoken to a few people and they’ve said they’re going to come back to me. Whoever comes back to me first gets to be on next week. So if you’re watching people, you know who you are, you’ll get to come on next week. Oh, is this available at our shop? No, Lana’s not at the Comex shop. Sorry to say, but that’s a damn good question. I will talk to Lauren about that. But yeah, that’s a good question. But I’ll talk to Lauren about that and see what we can do about getting her in the shop. So you can buy Lana Luca and other lovely things from all around Australia, all in one shop. And do I have an ad for that in here?

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:25):
You do man. You do.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:27):
I do. Oh, glad you know.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:29):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:30):
Nice little ten second one. Let’s go.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:32):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:47):
That was so quick. Still

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:49):
I have

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:49):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:50):
On that advertising. That’s a good

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:52):
Bang buck.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:01:53):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:56):
Well thank you Morgan for being my co-host tonight, and thank you for being part of the new show. I look forward to chatting with you again next week as we interview our mystery guests because Fantastic.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:02:08):
Thank you.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:10):
Thank you everyone who watched. Thank you for all the questions. That was really cool. I wasn’t expecting that much interest on our first show, so thank you very much to all of check out Lauren’s page. Fastest plug in the West. Yes. That was a very fast ad that one. So check out Lauren Marshall’s page. Just down there, the bottom. If you didn’t see the links come up in the Facebook or YouTube or the Twitch or wherever I’ve sent them all, you can just go to, dot vip slash lana two, and that will take you to her pre-launch page. Hit the notify button and you will be notified when the Kickstarter goes live, which will be around early January, maybe the fourth. So thank you again for joining us. Thank you, Morgan. Everyone have a great night. And I believe we have an outro. Oh, yes, I do. We do. I love this outro. We got everything. Got it all. We’ve got everything. We’ve got it all. I just forgetful. I’m just forgetful. So good night everyone. Have a great night and see you next week. Same time, same channel. I guess you could say. Bat channel, bat time, and night. See you all. Good night.


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