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Dushan Silva

Time to talk Liza Ray with Dushan Silva, the possible lost child of Jim Lee. Who is Liza Ray apart from a sexy mutant killing machine. Running around in a fishnet top and a pair of bell bottomed jeans, and a crazy as that sounds, it’s not as crazy good as her killing skills. Don’t…


(there will be errors in the following text)

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (00:10):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:11):
Hey. Welcome to the Wednesday night s comic show. Oh, there were some adjustments going on here just for some fun. My camera didn’t work before the show started, so I had to go to my laptop, so that was fun. But yeah. Anyway, tonight we are talking to Chen Silver. He has the book out. Liza Ray, he’s already got issue one out, and he’s about to bring out issue two. So let’s go talk to Duchenne.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:07):
Great to have you. Welcome to, hi.

Dushan Silva (01:08):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (01:09):
Oz Comic Show. All right, so let’s get right into it then. So the current project that you’re working on, issue two, Liza Ray, why don’t we just dig straight in and get stuck into that story and then we can sort of, Hey Gary, and then we can sort of go back to your own creative journey and all that sort of stuff from there. So why don’t you tell us a little bit, so why don’t you tell us a little bit about the story. What’s the story about, what’s the hero figure about and why? So many swords go.

Dushan Silva (01:52):
She’s basically mutant, she can’t be killed. Her story is, so she was adopted by her stepmother and then her stepmother gets killed and the murder is framed on lies. So we dunno who killed, if you read the story, you get this conspiracy of this. It’s like a mutant terrorist organisation who is after. And so to get her, they frame, they know she has some kind of mutant ability, but they don’t know what’s the potential of that ability. So they want to test her out. So that’s why they frame her from the murder and then she gets executed for that murder and that the execution kind of triggers her.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (03:00):

Dushan Silva (03:01):
So it’s like electric chair execution, so that electricity triggers a mutation. So her mutation is, she can’t be killed. So she’s pretty much immortal, but the people who are trying to figure out her powers don’t know what’s the extent of that power. It could be she can die maybe 10 times, or she can die infinity amount of times. So they don’t know. So they want to find out. But the story goes that those people are responsible for her powers because, or her mother, her biological mother was subjected to some experiments with the Newton terrorists. So they did some experience on her. And so she gave birth to Liza, but she escaped them with Liza, so they want her back. So that’s the main structure for the story. So that’s how it, it’s

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (04:15):
So it’s a kid story then it’s for young kids, very young kids,

Dushan Silva (04:21):
About 17.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (04:26):
There’s a lot of violence and it’s very action packed and lots of gore and guts going on. So you wrote the story, you did all of the artwork for this. Where did your journey in comics and learning to draw and all that sort of stuff, where did that start for you?

Dushan Silva (04:48):
So I was probably five years old. And then my dad, we used to get PHS, I don’t know, people know about BHS cassette video.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (05:04):
What is that? I’ve got no idea. I’m in my twenties, you see. So I don’t have any

Dushan Silva (05:09):
Clue. The first movie was Towers. So I had this VHS movie towers. So we watched that and then all three of them. And then every day when my dad comes home, I get him to draw dared and ranker. So every day he used to draw those. And then

I got started to draw them as well. It’s like every day, dared and ranker, every day, drawing that obsessed with those two characters. And then I started to draw looking at my dad’s drawing, and I started to draw in. And then it’s like each time you get, let’s say I watch RoboCup and I’m obsessed with RoboCup, I’ll have a face of RoboCup. So I’ll start drawing RoboCup that I’ll be drawing RoboCup only then you see Predator. I watch Predator and I start drawing predator. It’s like going on. And the X-Men, I was animated series, started drawing X-Men. I used to get these trading cards like Marvel trading cards of all the superheroes, all the characters, it’s like, so I started copying those as well. And then the main thing happened in around 1995. I am a big Batman fan if you don’t know. And so I think in 1995, Batman Forever came out. Most people don’t like that movie, but at the time I was probably 10. I loved that movie. I’ve seen 1989 Batman, Batman Returns. I liked them, even the animated series. But that Batman Forever. I don’t know why I like that movie a lot. For some reason it’s the, especially IL Mass. Beckman, yeah,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (07:22):
That’s not a normal, that’s not the one that most people go to.

Dushan Silva (07:28):
But for me at the time, for my defence, I couldn’t see the nipples on the suit. You couldn’t see it. But anyway, I liked that movie and I liked the suit. While Ki and I started drawing every day, I used to draw 10 drawings of Batman for Obsessed with the drawing Every day Batman. But I get thousands of thousands of drawings finally two, three years after I had, I don’t know why I had big obsession with that, but comic wise, I think my first comic book was two comic books. My uncle gave them to me when he had ones, the John by Dark Phoenix, explain, I dunno, which issue because the car wasn’t there. And then the other one was another John by Avengers, where the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver was on the cover. I can’t remember which issue. But those two were the first comic books I had and a Thor comic book. Those three were my first comics. So after that I started collecting comics. I used to go to these, what do you call boot sales where they sell all the comics. So I used to buy those for maybe a dollar or something. It’s very cheap. So I used to collect a stack of comics and I start to copy them. And then after watching Batman Forever, I used to have Batman comics, but not collecting them. But after becoming a Batman, actual Batman fan, I started collecting the comics. I got probably 500 comics of Batman, each issue

Pretty much a lot. And then I actually started drawing the comics, my own comics, I think in around 97 or 90. So I started to draw.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (10:01):
Oh nice.

Dushan Silva (10:02):
That’s my first drawing of a comic.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (10:08):
Oh wow. That’s falling apart. There you go.

Dushan Silva (10:21):
It’s old.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (10:25):
Wow, that’s awesome, man.

Dushan Silva (10:28):
So yeah, original. So

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (10:35):
It really started with you as a bit of an obsession then and grew into your own creation.

Dushan Silva (10:43):
Yeah, yeah. And then the other one was Batman Hush. When that came out, that’s how I fall in love with Jim Lee’s art. So I started to copy his art and try to unit, because at the time I was like, oh yeah, it’s school. I’m going to draw Jim Lee. So I started drawing exactly like him and started practising . I started to, I will get his arm, how he draws his arm. So I’ll get a normal drawing of an arm and then study what sort of stuff he does for that arm.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (11:35):

Dushan Silva (11:36):
That’s really cool how he does the Scratch it cross searching how he does the shading. So I started to do that and then at one point I figured, I thought like, oh, I can’t buy GLIs art. It’s like $10,000. So mi as well train myself to draw like Jim Lee and make my own Jim Lee Art because he’s not going to make another batt band coming that I want to see. So might as well I do it myself and enjoy doing that. This is

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (12:11):
Where Lizza Ray began. Hey.

Dushan Silva (12:14):
Yes. So Eliza Ray, another fun fact is another comic. I did a Batman Lizza Ray crossover. That’s first time Ray appeared. So that’s actually a Xox photocopy. So what I did was I photocopied some magazine pictures. That’s like magazine. That’s a magazine. So I cut them, photocopied them, paste them together and painted over it. So this is the time where we didn’t have Photoshop or internet or this is in 2019 97.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (12:59):
Oh wow. Wow. I was born that year. Don’t say it. I was born that year. Not saying it. Not saying it. Yeah.

Dushan Silva (13:11):
That’s like

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (13:14):

Dushan Silva (13:16):
First appearance

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (13:17):
Of this has been a long journey for you. It this has been an obsession for a long time.

Dushan Silva (13:22):
And the current version of Liz Array is actually the third version of the comic. So there has been two more versions beforehand. So the first version, I did it in 2000, 2002. That’s the first copy,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (13:45):
Right? Cool.

Dushan Silva (13:49):
So yeah, show how that, so that’s the first page.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (13:59):
I see some similarities.

Dushan Silva (14:05):
And then that’s the second version. And so if you see that’s the first page of the second version, and that’s

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (14:24):
So same story, but you’ve redone same

Dushan Silva (14:27):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (14:27):

Dushan Silva (14:28):
Times, remastered. Yes.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (14:30):
So that’s, there you go. The

Dushan Silva (14:34):
First and then the final that I’m pretty happy with this.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (14:41):
Yeah, glad to hear you’re happy with it.

Dushan Silva (14:44):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (14:47):
Wow, there you go. So three different versions and you can see it becoming fuller and richer and as you’ve developed, that’s pretty cool. Yeah.

Dushan Silva (15:00):
Yeah. So right now I can see, oh yeah, that’s final normal. So I’m moving on to issue two now it’s issue two, it’s done. Then moving on to issue three.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (15:18):
So question then, because running a Kickstarter, which is starting, is it this month that it’s kicking off?

Dushan Silva (15:25):
Yes, it’s probably, I’ll announce date. It’ll be within this probably next week or week after, but it’ll be inside the month

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (15:38):
So soon. Okay. All right. So it’s going to be dropping soon. So one question I would ask then, is there a tier or have you thought about doing a tier, a reward tier that people go back where they get all three versions of the same, like the earliest, the mid one and the final version

Dushan Silva (15:56):
Of one? I haven’t thought about that. Pretty cool. Yeah, it would be.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (16:05):
It’s a lot of work.

Dushan Silva (16:05):
You gave me

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (16:06):
Ideas, you, it’s a lot of stuff to do, but it’d be a nice sort of extra thing for people that want everything.

Dushan Silva (16:15):
Yeah. So because I haven’t actually done the, I have a basic idea what the tasks are going to be, but I could add that. That would be a good,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (16:28):
That’d be an interesting one, yeah. Yeah, because Facebook user agrees. Indeed. Facebook user. There you go. Okay. So that’s really cool. All right, so it’s coming out in a week or so on the Kickstarter, do you have any idea what kind of standard tiers there are going to be? Or is there something special you’re thinking you’re going to add in? Other than that, a genius idea that we just discussed, approved by Facebook user,

Dushan Silva (17:00):
It’ll be like normal test. It’ll be the first. I’ll be adding issue one as well. So there’ll be a data that has issue one and two together and the digital versions. Plus I’ll be having a variant cover for issue two. I’ve seen that. And then I was thinking of doing a pencil version of the cover, like a variant cover of that. So that’s the,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (17:35):

Dushan Silva (17:36):
That’s the pencil version.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (17:41):
Very nice. Is that the size that people are going to get? That would be pretty cool.

Dushan Silva (17:48):
So that’s a printer. So it’ll be similar to,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (18:02):

Dushan Silva (18:03):
Cool. So that one. And then so it’ll all together and then I’ll have some print posters. And the mega tab would be all, everything plus a sketch, a drawing of any superhero or character, like Air Force size, original Art of Inc.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:41):
We Duchenne. We’ve got a question here from the audience.

Dushan Silva (18:44):
Yeah. Oh yes. So that size, originally I was drawing it on a four, and then when I tried to print it, then I checked the comic book, like a normal standard American comic book size, and it was bit, so I would have to rearrange all the panels to fit that size. So this book, the original book, you can see this was down a four. And so you get a lot of space inside the gutters.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:30):

Dushan Silva (19:31):
So if I do that to the current book, either you’ll have to crop the panels up to make them fit. You can do it. I tried it, but you losing the artwork. So it can be done, but it’s too much work.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:54):
So what you’re saying, it was like a miscalculation.

Dushan Silva (19:56):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:59):
A certain size paper

Dushan Silva (20:00):
And didn’t

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (20:01):
Know that the comic was a different size.

Dushan Silva (20:03):
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But you can adjust it in Photoshop, like crop the panels up and fix them up. You can get to that size. I figured it’s too much work for this. But for the third issue, I might do in the standard comic book size.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (20:26):
Oh, nice.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (20:27):
Yeah. Or the next time someone asks you just say it was an artistic choice.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (20:33):
Artistic choice. Yes, yes. That’s a good,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (20:35):
Don’t give them a reason, just say, oh, it’s just artistic choice I felt like was the direction I was going in. Yeah, that’s right. I don’t want to be like everyone else. I wanted to do it differently. All of my mistakes are artistic choice.

What it’s, so tell us about the kind of, obviously Liza, this character, it’s from the superhero kind of universe, but it’s a little bit more on the grittier, darker sort of side. You’ve got the whole mutant idea in there. There tends to be a lot of violence and movement and that sort of thing in there. I’m guessing that you lean on a fair bit of the Batman for that sort of stuff, the darker sort of side of things. What sort of heroes or what sort of characters do you like to draw and write about and create your stories and what are the kind of characters that you really are drawn to? No pun intended, draw.

Dushan Silva (21:43):
So obvious one is Batman,

And plus I love Dad ever. It’s most of those kind of Wolverine. Plus I’m wrote with a design of the character. Like Batman has his mask, so he covers his nose. He has this design that you don’t show his nose. It’s similar design with Wolverine and RoboCup, even dad. But he has his news. But it’s just the design wise, I’m more drawn to that than the actual characters story behind it. Because everybody, if you see Batman or any character, we don’t first read the comic, we don’t read their stories. We see the visual, we see their design, we get attracted with that, and then we later on read the comic or story and then we figure out, oh, that’s a cool story. I’m more into it. But our initial thing, drawn attraction is the right, yeah. So for me, it has to be thers, but Storywise, there’s no anything that grabs me.

If you’re watching a TV show, the first five minutes, you have to get hooked on it. Otherwise it’s just, I will be bored, I won’t be watching it. So the same principle applies to when I write the story, I’m becoming my own audience. I’ll just think to myself, am I interested in reading this book? Am I engaged in the story and I read it? Am I interested in it? So if I am, then if I’m happy with it, that is some of the audience will be happy with it. So that’s my main principle when I’m making a story.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (24:18):
Right? Yes. The first bite is with the eyes. They say the first thing is what you see and you’ve got to grab them. So tell us about your experience with

Dushan Silva (24:29):
Another thing is when I do a story,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (24:32):
Oh, you go? Yep.

Dushan Silva (24:34):
Oh yes. Oh yeah. The way I drew a how make a story is like first I’ll do a thumbnail sketches of story, and then I’ll fill in the dialogue what they’re going to see later on. But with the Kickstarter thing, so for the first issue I did the Caseta for was around I think thousand dollars. The goal was thousand dollars, and I reached around 1,007, 51,000, seven 50 and 54 backers, 54 backers. Half of around 30 was physical coffees. And yeah, wasn’t

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (25:27):
Bad. How did you find the experience? It can be quite a daunting thing the first time you run a kickstart.

Dushan Silva (25:34):
Yes. So it’s like annoying in a way. You’re waiting for them to like, oh, you have to buy people, and you’re checking your Kickstarter each minute, how many people are buying it, how many people? It’s like obsession. And even with the current pre-launch page. So every time you go and check, oh, is there a new follower? If there’s no new followers for two days, they’re like fucking depressed, nobody’s following me. And then one follower start following it. Oh wow, that’s nice. That made my

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (26:26):
Day’s share. Trading or being on the stock market, you’re just watching it go up and then it goes down. Why is it going down?

Dushan Silva (26:33):
Yeah, somebody unfollowed, it was like 56 or 56, and then somebody, it went down 55 and I was like, oh, who wants? And then 56 again, and then 55 again,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (26:53):
Very, very familiar roller

Dushan Silva (26:55):
Coaster went up and down. Now I think, yeah, now it’s like 62 when I check today. So I was like, okay, if it reach 60, I won’t check it type. I won’t even look at it. But then after five

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (27:12):
Minutes, good luck with that. I say the same thing every time and it never worked. I’ll just check. I’ll just have a quick look. It’s fine. I’ll be fine. Yeah, absolutely. It is a rollercoaster, and I dunno if you have this, but I always, day one when it launches, it’ll usually do pretty well and it’ll be like, this is great, this is fantastic day two. And I’m already like, oh, this is the worst. This is so dumb. Even though it’s like it’s only day two, it’s because it’s like 30 days or whatever. It’s not like a thing that you go to and it’s all done in a day. It’s this long thing

Dushan Silva (27:51):
Long. And then you started sharing it in groups. So you share maybe 30 groups, you get one. Follower

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (28:07):
Groups and social media are a really interesting one. How much is it actually getting through to people? How much are they seeing? And how many of those people are going to actually do anything?

Dushan Silva (28:19):
Yeah, that’s the thing. Most of the first issue, there was around 70 followers on the pre-launch page, but actual backers were 50, around 54.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (28:35):
Yeah, I think that’s normal.

Dushan Silva (28:36):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (28:37):
Yeah. I dunno what it is. It’s just those numbers are always dodgy

Dushan Silva (28:42):
When I do a, yeah, sometimes you get scans, maybe they would. But when I want to do a share, instead of sharing the same thing, I would like to do different artwork or I do animation as well. My half background is, so I do animation and to make an ad, like a visual ad that works sometimes because most people like to watch videos, then still pictures. So it gives more broader audience with that sort of marketing. But yeah, it’s mostly promoting your page.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (29:49):
There we go. That’s where you go people. So head to liza, x, do studio and pick yourself up an awesome book or books in the next, actually, yeah, do the What’s the thing? The notify thing? Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:06):
The notify.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (30:07):
Get notify. And then you’ll know when it launches. If you can get in there and support Han’s. Amazing project. Hell yeah. Fantastic. All right. So you know I’m going to do it sizzle. So I’m just preparing you that I’m going to throw to you for a question soon. So you’ve got a little bit of time. I thought we got out of that one. Think of something. I got to share the load a bit. Okay, so dha, one question, and I will make it specifically Batman related for you, your favourite, I suppose costume is the way to, or your favourite look of Batman. It can either be comics, it can be film, it can be animated, anything like the fame, even if it’s like a still or anything like that

Dushan Silva (31:00):
Favourite look. So if movie wise, the Ben Netflix, Batman versus Superman costume, that’s the best. That’s the perfect. And the warehouse scene in that movie where he goes to save Superman’s mother.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (31:24):
Yeah, that is cool.

Dushan Silva (31:25):
That scene, that’s the only scene you need for a Batman movie where he fights he can’t top that.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (31:35):
Yeah, that’s a good choice. That is. And it’s one that I get as well. It’s not some pure comic reference that I don’t understand. That’s perfect. That makes sense. Excellent choice. Alright, sizzle your turn for a question. You only have to ask one.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:53):
I ask one and I’m going to go for something really silly. Maybe I’m not hip, maybe I don’t know what’s fashionable these days, but why are the bell bottoms?

Dushan Silva (32:06):
Well, personal thing, I love bell bottoms. I don’t know why I love the look of it, but for Liza, I wanted it to be more the seventies grindhouse kind of feel to it. Nice. So that’s another reason she has that. But it’s personal thing. I like the look of it. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:37):
Good answer.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (32:38):
There you go. Bell bottoms. So yeah, I agree Peter. I agree.

Dushan Silva (32:44):

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (32:47):
Okay, so a couple of quick questions before we wrap things up. So the future world all in is erase from human bodies. It’s mandated that everyone has to get one tattoo. What is that tattoo that you get and where do you get it on your body?

Dushan Silva (33:07):
And it can be

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:07):

Dushan Silva (33:09):
I probably get a Jim Lee Batman drawing on probably on my arm.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:17):

Dushan Silva (33:23):
Probably that that actually my drawing, but

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:29):
I didn’t realise the group so big. That’s huge.

Dushan Silva (33:32):
It’s like a two size.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:34):
Oh wow. Wow, wow. How do you have any room in your house? That’s awesome. I

Dushan Silva (33:42):
Know. Wow.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (33:46):
All right, so next question. You have to pass on a toy to your children and to future generations. And it’s only one toy. What do you pass on?

Dushan Silva (34:01):
I’ll show you.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (34:03):

Dushan Silva (34:04):
Hold on man. Hushed dc Direct.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (34:22):
No, there you go. Nice choice. There you go. That’s what you get Kitties, you get the Batman, the Hush Batman. Very good. Alright, so next question.

Yeah, you do get that feel when you’re reading it as well, that kind of grindhouse. You can hear the music in the background when you’re reading it. Okay, so this one, there’s some stakes. All right? So you have to make a choice and we’ll see whether it goes well or it does not go well. So it’s not just a question answer thing. All right? So the far future humanity is served by a new servant class, a new race of creatures that serve us and look after our kids and do our laundry and cook and clean for us and all that sort of stuff. And you as the decider of all things, get to decide which of these two options we go for. One is we have robots or ai, self-aware, ai robot sort of things that take care of all of our needs and completely not suspicious at all. Or the other option is a race of demon creatures that are shackled and held in place with magic. So you get to choose and then we will flip to see how that goes. So which would you prefer? What’s your choice?

Dushan Silva (35:48):
Ai. Robots.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (35:50):
You’re going to go ai. You’re not going anywhere near the demons at all.

Dushan Silva (35:56):
They’re uncontrollable. At least for ai, you can have a way to control them.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (36:04):
Alright, so I’m going to flip a coin or my version of a coin, which is a bit of paper with, so we will see how this goes. All right, here we go. Hang on.

Okay. So the first 10 years go fairly smoothly. Things are good. The AI and the robots and everything look after us and they develop and they develop very quickly and they start to develop emotions and that’s where things go really, really, really bad. So I won’t tell you how bad, but let’s just say that in the end, the whole who serves, who gets sort of swapped around and we have a bit of a matrix situation where we are basically used as battery power for the new race that dominates the globe. And I mean the good news is they go to space, they have interstellar travel and all this sort of wonderful stuff. The bad news is that our part in that is that we’re just stuck in the back of their spaceships charging up the power used as a power supply. So unfortunately on that occasion it doesn’t go well. But thank you for playing. It’s been a good choice and yeah, we won’t go for that one. And then the final rapid question you have to invent. Indeed, indeed, indeed we do. So the final question for me, you have to invent a new type of vegetable. What is it and why? And it can be anything that you want.

Dushan Silva (37:39):
That’s an odd question.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (37:43):
We asked the important questions here.

Dushan Silva (37:47):
Pizza, vegetable. Oh

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (37:51):
Yeah, pizza, vegetable. What sort of shape is it?

Dushan Silva (37:57):
Shape of a like pizza.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (37:59):
It’s just a pizza. So it’s just a pizza, but it happens to grow from the ground and then it just blossoms into a pizza shape. Some sort of, does it come from a tree that has bark that sort of somehow grows into a square sort of box shape?

Dushan Silva (38:18):
Like a,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (38:20):
Yeah. So not only do you get the pizza, you get the box with it as well and some sort of thing.

Dushan Silva (38:26):
You take the pizza.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (38:29):
So just pizza then. All right, so ladies and gentlemen, it’s the pizza plant coming to love a place near you, the old pizza plant. Mine

The back. Yeah. Yeah. I would be as large as a house if I had one of those, unless it had something where you didn’t get large by eating it, that would be good. Let’s add that in there for my sake. Yeah. Alright, so let’s bring up the campaign again. So people where you need to go to support this in my mind, lizza ray com, X studio, and that will take you straight to the Kickstarter, hit Notify and you’ll find out when it lands, get in and support this amazing project and get yourself some awesome comic stuff. dha, thank you for joining us on the comic show. It has been. Thank you for having me. Fantastic chatting with you and all the best with your campaign and future drawings and projects and Liza Ray and all of that, that wonderful stuff.

Dushan Silva (39:31):
Thank you for having me. Really appreciate it and I enjoyed it as well. Awesome. And I shout,

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (39:39):

Dushan Silva (39:40):
Hang on, for sk, he’s the one who introduced me

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (39:43):
To Shane of course.

Dushan Silva (39:44):
And thank you for Shane. You are been the best. You and K are the best thing happened to me because of

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (39:54):

Dushan Silva (39:55):
Awesome. Without you two, I won’t be even having anything right now. Thank you.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:00):
Yeah, so shout out to sil, shout out to SK who did the letters on the comic and as always is fantastic and awesome in all ways, as is sizzle. So yeah, that’s great.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:13):
Just throw that in there.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:15):
Yeah, why not? Why not? All right, well over to you Sizzle for the final thing. We

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:23):
Got a great show from Kerry.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:26):
Thanks Kerry,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:27):
Thank you. From Esk.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:29):
Hey, thanks Esk.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:32):
Now I’ll just get to the right screen. Okay, well thank you everyone for watching. Thank you Duchenne. Thank you Morgan for hosting and yeah, remember there is drink and draw this Friday. The topic is Daredevil, so send in your pictures. I should have had this ready. I bet I haven’t.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (40:54):
Do you want me to just do this? He looks like this, but red. Oh no, I thought you were trying to show what art looks like.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:01):
Oh no, no. Send in your art to art at Comex Studio. That would be awesome. You can send it in now. You can send it in up to nine o’clock Friday night because after that, well the show finishes so we can’t show it. So yeah, so send in your art. Then we’ve got the Sunday show on, well, Sunday, Sunday Spotlight and that’s got NSK is coming on hopefully this time because we missed the last week. So yeah, so that’s what’s going on there. Let’s bring up the Liza rating again so everyone can see that

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (41:38):
Like and subscribe. Also

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:42):
Like, and subscribe. Yeah, sorry, I can’t believe I forgot that. Someone’s an excellent guy. Probably Duchenne.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (41:48):
Yeah, agreed. Agreed. Woo.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:53):
Yep. So I’m making a mess of this outro

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (41:57):
And it’s coming for a while. I’ll say that. It’s still going. Still going like, hey, and subscribe. There it is.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:07):
And subscribe.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:08):
Yeah, that’s it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:11):
Thank you very much. Have a good night everyone. See you on the other shows. See you next week. See you in a fortnight with Morgan again. Good night.

Morgan ‘The’ Quaid (42:19):
Yeah, thanks. Bye-Bye.

Voice Over (42:21):
Check out for all things Comex, and find out what Comex is all about. We hope you enjoyed the show.


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